Ключи к заданиям учебника

Английский язык 2 класс - книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой

Ключи к заданиям учебника

Step 1

Ex. 3. 1) футбол; 2) лорд; 3) бекон; 4) компьютер; 5) экскаватор; 6) джинсы.

Ex. 4. 1) football; 2) lord; 3) bacon; 4) computer;

5)excavator; 6)jeans.

Step 2

Ex. 1. Hello, I’m Ed. Hi, I’m Deb. Hello, I’m Ken. Hi, I’m Ben. Hi, I’m Nell. Hi, I’m Mel.

Ex. 5. [b], [n], [e], [d]

Ex. 6. [m], [1]

Step 3

Ex. 1. Ребята здороваются друг с другом.

Ed и Deb — не знакомы.

Nell и Len — знакомы.

Ken и Ben — не знакомы.

Ex. 2. Ted, Meg.

Ex. 6. Ben, Ken, Ed.

Ex. 7. Ошибки — 2,3

На рисунках изображены: 1) Bess; 2) Nell; 3) Tess; 4) Ken; 5) Meg; 6) Mel.

Step 4

Ex. 1. Betty, Tess, Meggy.

Ex. 5. My name is Deb. My name is Eddy. My name is Mel. My name is Meggy. My name is Ben. My name is Betty.

Ex. 8. Bb [b], Dd [d], Pp [p], Tt [t], Vv [v], Ff [f], Kk [k], Ww [w], Ее [e]

Ex. 9. [b] — [p], [d] — [t]. [v] — [f], [g] — [k], [w] — [v]

Step 5

Ex. 2. I’m Ken. I’m Ben. I’m Ed. I’m Ted. I’m Tess. I’m Bess. Nice to meet you.

Ex. 7. — Hello!

— Hi!

— What’s your name?

— I’m... What’s your name?

— My name is... Nice to meet you!

— Nice to meet you.

Ex. 9. Will, Jim, Tim, Bill, Liz, Kim, Kitty, Jill

Step 6

Ex. 4. Tent, ten, net, egg, belt, pen, nest.

Ex. 5. Liz — Lizzy, Bess — Bessy, Jim — Jimmy. Will — Willy, Gwen — Gwenny.

Ex. 6. Egg, nest, elf, tent, pen, net, bell.

Ex. 8. Bb [b], Dd [d], Pp [p], Tt [t], Ff [f], Kk [k], Zz [z], Gg [g], Mm [m], Nn [n], Ее [e], Ii [ı], Ww [w], Vv [v], Hh [h], Jj [], Yy [i], [j]

Ex. 9.

• Hi. / Hello.

• I’m... /My name is...

• What’s your name?

• Nice to meet you!

Step 7

Ex. 1. [v], [s], [w], [m], [g], [b], [t], [i]

Ex. 2. Elf, bed, desk, pen, nest.

Ex. 3. Gwen — предстaвляется.

Lizzy — спрашивает, как зовут собеседника. Will и Wendy — здороваются.

Ex. 5. Bell, Tim, bed, Betsy, Deb, net, ten, Ted, belt, Betty.

Ex. 6. Nell, Jill, Nelly, Melly, Will, Bill.

Ex. 7. In the room: desk, pen, bell, bed, belt. Outside: egg, nest, tent, elf, net.

Ex. 9.

• Hello!

• Hi!

• What’s your name?

• I’m Ted. What’s your name?

• My name is Ben.

• Nice to meet you!

• Nice to meet you!

Step 8

Ex. 3. 1) pig, kid; 2) kid, bell; 3) kid, hill; 4) tent, wind; 5) milk, egg; 6) pig, bed; 7) bell, hill; 8) pen, elf.

Ex. 6. Greg Webb, Kitty Webb.

Ex. 8. Все, кроме Aa, Qq, Oo, Uu.

Step 9

Ex. 4. Picture 1: pond, egg, nest, hill, fox, frog.

Picture 2: bell, kid, pig, dog, box, fox, doll, lorry.

Ex. 6. [e] — pen, bell, belt, nest, bed, egg, ten.

[ı] — pig, wind, milk, six, hill, kid.

[] — lorry, troll, doll, fox, frog, box.

Step 10

Ex. 1. Jimmy and Jill, Robin and Polly, Kitty and Don.

Ex. 2. [ks] — fox, box, six.

[g] — pig, dog, frog.

[d] — wind, pond, kid, bed.

Ex. 6. Hа улице: tent, hill, sun, bus, lorry.

B лесу: pond, fox, nest.

Hа обеденном столе: mug, cup, jug.

B классе: doll, bell, box.

Hа ферме: pig, kid, nest.

B книге сказок: troll, elf, frog.

Hа полке с посудой: cup, mug, jug.

Step 11

Ex. 1. Nelly, Melly, Jim, Benny, Betty, Kim, Lizzy, Willy, Tim.

Ex. 2. 5 семей

Ех. 3. 1) doll; 4) frog; 5) lorry; 6) sun; 8) bus.

Ex. 4. 1) pig; 4) bus; 5) kid; 6) cup; 8) mug.

Ex. 9. 1) tree; 2) sweet; 3) street; 4) pond; 5) bee; 6) box.

Step 12

Ex. 3. 1) fox; 2) bus; 3) cup; 4) pond; 5) frog, elf, kid, fox; 6) egg.

Ex. 4. 2) I can see Betty Ross. 3) I can see Liz Ross. 4) I can see Justin Ross. 5) I can see Meg Ross. 6) I can see Kim Ross. 7) I can see Rex.

Ex. 7. Picture 1: I can see a bed. I can see a doll. I can see a box. I can see a belt.

Picture 2: I can see a mug. I can see a cup. I can see a bell. I can see a jug. I can see a bee.

Step 13

Ex. 1. I can see a bee. I can see a tree. I can see a dog. I can see a frog. I can see a doll. I can see a troll.

Ex. 4. I can see a kid. I can see a pig. I can see a fox. I can see a dog. I can see a frog. I can see a bee.

Ex. 5. 1 — г, 2 — к, 3 — ж, 4 — д, 5 — з, 6 — в, 7 — и, 8 — e, 9 — a, 10 — б.

Ex. 6. Pet, mill, pot, hut.

Ex. 7. Emmy — fox, Justin — lorry, Don — bus, Polly — dog, Kitty — doll, Ed — frog.

Ex. 8. Aa, Qq, Uu

Ex. 9. Hello!

I’m.../ My name is...

What’s your name?

Nice to meet you.


I can see a...

Goodbye. / Bye. / Bye-bye. / See you.

Step 14

Ex. 1. [ı], [i:], [], [w], [p], [z], [g], [d]

Ex. 2. 1) nest; 2) troll; 3) fox; 4) jug; 5) tent; 6) tree; 7) belt; 8) sweet.

Ex. 3. Doll, bell, jug, cup, mug.

Ex. 4. Dog, kid, frog, fox, pig.

Ex. 5. [e] — belt, Meg, [ı] — milk, Vic, [] — troll, Ron, [Λ] — Dustin, sun, [i:] — meet, see

Ex. 6. 4 мальчика, 4 девочки.

Ex. 7. Nest, egg, hill, kid, frog, bee, tree, pond.

Ex. 9. Hi! / Hello!

I’m.../My name is...

What’s your name?

Nice to meet you.


Good-bye. / Bye-bye. / See you.

I can see a dog.

I can see Ted.

Step 15

Ex. 1. Ron Kelly.

Ex. 7. 1) bus, lorry; 2) bed, desk; 3) pig, kid; 4) mug, cup, jug.

Ex. 8. Picture 1: I can see a kid. I can see a dog. I can see a sheep. I can see a doll. I can see a bus. I can see a lorry. I can see a ship. I can see a shelf.

Picture 2: I can see a jug. I can see a cup. I can see a mug. I can see a dish. I can see a shelf.

Step 16

Ex. 1. 1) fox; 2) dish; 3) jug; 4) ship; 5) sweet; 6) sheep; 7) net; 8) belt; 9) Dustin; lo) Betsy.

Ex. 3. Cat — hat, cap — map.

Ex. 4. I can see a cap. I can see a map. I can see a cat. I can see a hat.

Ex. 6. Jim Finch, Max Webb, Harry Reed отсутствуют.

Step 17

Ex. 1. Emily, Harry.

Ex. 2. • Bus, ship, lorry, van. • Bee, ant. • Pig, dog, kid, sheep. • Fox, frog. • Shelf, lamp, bed. • Cup, jug, mug, dish. • Hat, cap.

Ex. 4. 2) I can see a frog and a bee. 3) I can see a fox and a kid. 4) I can see a hill and a tree. 5) I can see a bus and a van. 6) I can see a shop and a fish. 7) I can see a hat and a cap. 8) I can see a mug and a dish.

Step 18

Ex. 1. — Hi, Harry!

— Hello Emily! How are you?

— I’m fine. Thank you. And how are you, Harry?

— I’m fine too. Thank you.

— See you, Harry.

— Bye-bye, Emily. See you.

Ex. 2. 4, 5, 7, 8.

Ex. 4. Betsy Norris and Ned Sheen. Sally Green and Bob Perry. Max Griffin and Sandy Wilks. Jack Finch and Andy Reed. Nick Kelly and Dolly Webb.

Ex. 6. 1) van; 2) cook; 3) book; 4) cock; 5) clock; 6) hook; 7) lamp; 8) duck; 9) wood; 10) sock.

Step 19

Ex. 1. Harry — Green Hill, Emily — Green Wood.

Ex. 7. A big ship and a little pen, a big tree and a little dog, a big fish and a little cat, a big bus and a little tree, a big doll and a little book, a big cup and a little clock.

Ex. 8. • bus, van, lorry, shop...

• lamp, desk, clock, bed, shelf...

• pond, tree, tent, fox, bee...

• frog, fish, ship...

• mug, cup, clock...

• pig, sheep, dog, cat, duck...

Step 20

Ex. 1. Moscow — Nick, Max, Larissa. London — Kitty, Sam Wilks, Linda.

Ex. 2. • fox, frog, fish

• kid, pig, dog, cat, duck, fish

• ant, bee

• van, bus, lorry

• fox, dog, van, book, sweet, lamp, bus

• sweet, sock

• frog, mug, sock, dish, lorry

• desk, bed, lamp

Ex. 3. 1) hill; 2) wood; 3) sock; 4) sheep; 5) ant; 6) cook; 7) hook; 8) bus, van; 9) book, pen.

Ex. 5. 1) map, hat; 2) clock, shop; 3) ten, shelf; 4) little, fish; 5) hook, wood; 6) see, sheep; 7) cup, bus. Ex. 6. Red, frog, black, fox, dish, little.

Ex. 9. 2) I can see a red dog and a black dog. 3) I can see a big mug and a little cup. 4) I can see a big ship and a little fish. 5) I can see a red belt and a green belt. 6) I can see a hat and a cap.

Step 21

Ex. 1. 1) a big shop; 2) a black cat; 3) a red clock; 4) a little sock; 5) a black sheep; 6) a little cook; 7) a big dish; 8) a black cook; 9) meet Sandy; 10) meet Larry.

Ex. 2. 1 — Larry, 2 — Jack, 3 — Olga.

Ex. 3. Harry — a green tree, a black ant, a green frog. Emily — a little bee, a big ship, a green hill.

Ex. 4. 1) a big sweet, a big mug; 2) a little desk, a little kid; 3) a red bag, a red cap; 4) a green wood, a green lamp; 5) a black cock, a black ship.

Ex. 6. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8.

Ex. 7. 1) fish; 2) dog; 3) ant; 4) bee; 5) sheep; 6) fox; 7) frog.

Ex. 9. 1) — Hi Ben, how are you?

— I’m fine, thank you.

2) — My name is Tom.

— Nice to meet you, Tom.

3) — Bye-bye, Ann.

— See you, Olga.

4) — Where are you from?

— I’m from America.

— Where are you from?

— I’m from Africa.

— Where are you from?

— I’m from...

5) — What’s your name? Where are you from?

Step 22

Ex. 1. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 — No. 3 — Yes.

Ex. 3. 1) a little chimp; 2) a green bench; 3) a big match; 4) a red cherry; 5) a little chick; 6) a match and a bee; 7) a cat and a bench; 8) a cherry and a dish; 9) a chimp and a chick.

Ex. 5. Van, cherry, bed, hill, pen, bell, chick, cat.

Ex. 7. Jack is big. Ned is big. Ben is big. Ed is big. Dick is big. Robin is little. Justin is little. Tim is little. Dan is little. Andy is little.

Ex. 8. Froggy is green. Sid is black. Sally is red. Dolly is black. Bob is black. Nick is black.

Ex. 9. 1) I can see Teddy. Teddy is big. Teddy is black.

2) I can see Eddy. Eddy is little. Eddy is green.

3) I can see Freddy. Freddy is big. Freddy is red.

Step 23

Ex. 1. Dobbin — на улице. Peggy — в лесу. Max — на ферме. Sally — на кухне.

Ex. 2. Emily can see a duck. Emily can see a chick. Emily can see a cat. Emily can see a pig. Emily can see a sheep. Emily can see a cock.

Harry can see a dog. Harry can see a frog. Harry can see a fish. Harry can see a fox. Harry can see a bee. Harry can see an ant.

Ex. 5. Larry Wood is happy. Ann Dobbin is sad. Liz Ross is happy. Polly Hog is happy. Harris Scott is sad. Kitty Butt is sad. Sandy Green is sad. Ann Reed is happy. Betty Griffin is happy.

Ex. 6. 1) Bob is sad. 2) Denis is funny. 3) Ann is good. 4) Kitty is sad. 5) Dick is happy. 6) Olga is happy. 7) Lizzy is funny. 8) Max is bad. 9) Robin is good.

Ex. 7. It is happy. It is black. It is bad. It is red. It is sad.

Ex. 8. 1) It, It; 2) It, It; 3) It, It; 4) It, It; 5) It, It.

Step 24

Ex. 1. 1) Max is bad. 2) Molly is funny. 3) Froggy is sad. 4) Sally is good. 5) Teddy is happy. 6) Tom is little. 7) Foxy is red. 8) Sam is big.

Ex. 2. 1) red; 2) green; 3) black; 4) happy; 5) sad; 6) big; 7) little; 8) bad; 9) good; 10) funny.

Ex. 3. 1) I can see a clock. It is good. 2) I can see a desk. It is big. 3) I can see a dog. It is black. 4) I can see a tree. It is green. 5) I can see a pig. It is little. 6) I can see a book. It is good. 7) I can see a chimp. It is funny. 8) I can see a cherry. It is red.

Ex. 8. 1) It is a lorry. 2) It is a horse. 3) It is a farm. 4) It is a star. 5) It is a door. 6) It is a street. 7) It is a horse. 8) It is a sheep.

Step 25

Ex. 1. 2, 6, 8

Ex. 2. 1 — г, 2 — a, 3 — e, 4 — б, 5 — ж, 6 — д, 7 — з, 8 — в.

Ex. 3. 1) It’s a big green tree. 2) It’s a little black cat. 3) It’s a big red fox. 4) It’s a little black sheep. 5) It’s a funny black chimp. 6) It’s a big red horse. 7) It’s a little green frog. 8) It’s a big black dog.

Ex. 4. 7 женщин, 5 мужчин.

Ex. 6. It is not a dog. It is not a horse. It is not a bed. It is not a lorry. It isn’t a doll. It isn’t a ship. It isn’t a fish. It isn’t a sheep.

It is a fox.

Ex. 9. 1 — г, 2 — д, 3 — a, 4 — в, 5 — e, 6 — б.

Step 26

Ex. 1. Victoria can see a hat. Ann can see a duck. Jack can see a bus. Gwen can see a big dog. Barney can see a red book.

Ex. 3. 1) It is not a wood. 2) It is not a mug. 3) It is not a lorry. 4) It is not a troll. 5) It is not a dog. 6) It is not a lamp. 7) It is not a duck. 8) It is not a bed. 9) It is not a black dish. 10) It is not a map.

Ex. 5. 1) Yes, it is. 2) No, it isn’t. 3) Yes, it is. 4) Yes, it is. 5) No, it isn’t. 6) Yes, it is. 7) No, it isn’t. 8) Yes, it is.

Step 27

Ex. 1. 1 — г, 2 — в, 3 — д, 4 — а, 5 — б, 6 — e.

Ex. 2. 1) happy; 2) park; 3) chick; 4) ant; 5) red sock; 6) Dolly; 7) little tree; 8) bad car.

Ex. 3. 1) lorry; 2) bench; 3) book; 4) sad; 5) street; 6) dog.

Ex. 5. I can see a lorry. I can see a duck. I can see a kid.

Ex. 6. Hook, car, door.

Ex. 7. 2) It is a black quilt. 3) It is a green quilt. 5) It is a black and green quilt. 6) It is a red and green quilt.

Ex. 8. 1) Yes, it is. 3) Yes, it is. 5) No, it isn’t. It is a lorry. 6) No, it isn’t. It is a sheep. 7) Yes, it is.

Ex. 9. 1) What; 2) What; 3) Who; 4) Who; 5) What; 6) What; 7) Who; 8) Who.

Step 28

Ex. 1. Anna — a book. Mark — a little black horse. Dick — a funny chimp.

Ex. 2. A little dog.

Ex. 3. 1 — б, 2 — б, 3 — б, 4 — a, 5 — a.

Ex. 4. Clark, Black, Redd.

Ex. 6. 1 — г, 2 — б, 3 — a, 4 — в.

Ex. 8. 2) It is not a chimp. It is a doll. 3) It is not a van. It is a ship. 4) It is not a book. It is a clock. 5) It is not a lamp. It is a quilt. 6) It is not a frog. It is a duck. Ex. 9. 1) Who is it? 2) Who is it? 3) What is it? 4) What is it? 5) What is it? 6) What is it? 7) Who is it? 8) What is it?

Step 29

Ex. 4.

Photo 1: 1) mother; 2) father; 3) Tom; 4) granny; 5) grandad.

Photo 2: 1) Liz; 2) father; 3) mother; 4) Polly; 5) grandad; 6) Spot.

Ex. 6. 1) he; 2) she; 3) it; 4) she; 5) he; 6) she.

Ex. 7. 2) She is sad. 3) He is funny. 4) He is happy. 5) It is big. 6) It is little. 7) She is red. 8) It is green.

Ex. 9. 2) I’m sad; 3) I’m funny; 4) I’m happy; 5) I’m big; 6) I’m little; 7) I’m red; 8) I’m green.

Step 30

Ex. 1. 1) Mum — Kitty; 2) Dad — Alex; 3) Granny — Kim; 4) Grandad — Dick.

Ex. 2. It is Tom. He is my father. It is Victoria. She is my grandmother. It is Meg. She is my mother. It is Kitty. She is my mother. It is Mark. He is my grandad. It is Betty. She is my grandmother.

Ex. 3. 1) I, It; 2) I, It, it; 3) I, he; 4) I, She; 5) i, She; 6) I, He.

Ex. 4.

A. 2) My name is Liz. I’m little. I’m green. I’m not happy. I’m sad. 3) My name is Sally. I’m big. I’m black. I’m not sad. I’m happy. 4) My name is Kitty. I’m small. I’m black. I’m not sad. I’m happy. 5) My name is Rex. I’m big. I’m red. I’m not happy. I’m sad. 6) My name is Hob. I’m big. I’m black. I’m not sad. I’m happy.

Б. 2) I can see Liz. It is little. It is green. It is not happy. It is sad. 3) I can see Sally. It is big. It is black. It is not sad. It is happy. 4) I can see Kitty. It is small. It is black. It is not sad. It is happy. 5) I can see Rex. It is big. It is red. It is not happy. It is sad. 6) I can see Hob. It is big. It is black. It is not sad. It is happy.

Ex. 7. 1) Is he a cook? 2) Is she Tess? 3) Is it a chimp? 4) Is Charley good? 5) Is he good? 6) Is she happy? 7) Is Tom sad? 8) Is he sad? 9) Is it a frog? 10) Is he Tom? 11) Is she a cook? 12) Is she a granny?

Ex. 8. 1) No, he isn’t. 2) Yes, she is. 3) Yes, she is. 4) No, she isn’t. 5) No, he isn’t. 6) Yes, he is.

Ex. 9.

Harry 1) Yes, he is. 2) Yes, he is. 3) No, he isn’t. 4) Yes, he is. 5) No, he isn’t.

Emily 1) Yes, she is. 2) No, she isn’t. 3) Yes, she is. 4) Yes, she is. 5) No, she isn’t.

Step 31

Ex. 1. Two

Ex. 4. What is it? — It is a tree. / It is a car. / It is a hill. / It is a lake. /It is a cake. ...

Who is it? — It is Pete. / It is Lena. / It is Steve. / It is Eve.

Ex. 7. 1) It is a van. 2) It is a plane. 3) It is a fox. 4) It is a box. 5) It is a doll. 6) It is a lake.

Step 32

Ex. 1. 1) How are you Bob? 2) Bye-bye, Granny. 3) Hello, Mr Black. 4) Nice to meet you, Ann. 5) What is your name? 6) What is it?

Ex. 2. 2) поваренная книга; 3) кондитерская; 4) фонарь; 5) вишневый пирог; 6) часы в машине; 7) овцеферма; 8) торшер.

Ex. 4. 1) Is Pete happy or sad? 2) Is Eve big or little? 3) Is Lena big or little? 4) Is Steve big or little? 5) Is Fred good or bad? 6) Is Polly good or bad?

Ex. 5. 2) Nick and Pete; 3) Dan and Steve; 4) Eve and Lizzy; 5) Bess and Lena; 6) Tim and Wendy.

Ex. 7. 2 — Be good. 3 — Feed Rex. 5 — Hug mum. 7 — Feed the cat.

Ex. 8. 1 — г, 2 — ж, 3 — e, 4 — д, 5 — а, 6 — в, 7 — б. Ex. 9. Be good! Stand up. Sit.

Step 33

Ex. 1. 1) Feed Rex, Alex. 2) Hug grandad, Eve. 3) Be good, Mark. 4) Kiss granny, Sally. 5) Sleep well, Meg. 6) Stand up, Pete. 7) Sit, Spot, sit.

Ех. 3. 1) It is an ant. 2) It is a big ant. 3) I can see an egg. 4) I can see a black lamp. 5) It is a floor lamp. 6) We can see a cherry cake. 7) It is a good cake. 8) We can see a troll and an elf.

Ex. 7. Cake, boat, bone, bee.

Ex. 8. 1) It is Emily. 2) Yes, she is. 3) No, she isn’t. 4) She is little. 5) She is sad.

Ex. 9. 1) Who is it? 2) Is he an elf? 3) Is he cold? 4) Is Harry big or little? 5) Is Harry happy or sad?

Step 34

Ex. 1. 3, 5, 7.

Ex. 2. Mum — dad, I — we, yes — no, and — or, dish — plate, granny — grandad, he — she, stand — sit, lake — pond, plane — ship, coat — hat, cake — sweet.

Ех. 3. 1) happy; 2) plane; 3) lake; 4) ship; 5) tree; 6) park; 7) stone; 8) little.

Ex. 4. 1) cook; 2) rose; 3) lake; 4) game; 5) phone; 6) bone; 7) name; 8) chick.

Ex. 5. 1 — б, 2 — a, 3 — в.

Ex. 6. Red rose, little chick, black ant, green tree, cold stone, old grandad, funny chimp.

Ex. 7. Alex and Bob, Kitty and Dan, Lena and Ted, Will and Dolly, Mark and Ben.

Step 35

Ex. 1. Jane — комната, Eve — ферма, Pete — парк.

Ex. 2. 1) boat; 2) grandad; 3) stone; 4) we; 5) be; 6) mum.

Ex. 3. 1 —a, 2 —a, 3 —б, 4 —б, 5 —a, 6 —б.

Ex. 5. 1) an; 2) a; 3) an; 4) an, a; 5) an, a.

Ex. 6. He has a bone.

Step 36

Ex. 1. Lena is from Novgorod. Boris is from Tomsk. Kate is from Vladivostok. Nina is from Tambov. Alex is from Pskov.

Ex. 2. 2) Dan Ross is from London. He is from London. 3) Boris is from Moscow. He is from Moscow. 4) Ann Biggs is from Boston. She is from Boston. 5) Mario is from Rome. He is from Rome.

Ex. 5. 1 — б/в, 2 — a, 3 — e, 4 — б/в, 5 — д, 6 — г, 7 — ж.

Ex. 6. I, we, you, it, she, it, he, it, it.

Step 37

Ex. 1. 1) Sue; 2) tulip; 3) student; 4) cute; 5) pupil; 6) blue.

Ex. 2. 1 — a cute cat, 2 — a pupil, 3 — a rose, 4 — a blue phone, 5 — a happy student.

Ex. 4. 1 — в, 2 — д, 3 — б, 4 — a, 5 — г, 6 — e.

Step 38

Ex. 1. 1) London; 2) Moscow; 3) Bonn; 4) Paris; 5) Paris; 6) Boston.

Ex. 2. Примерный образец диалога.

— Hello. What’s your name?

— Hi, my name is Sue. What’s your name?

— My name is ... . Where are you from?

— I’m from ... .

— Nice to meet you, Sue.

— Nice to meet you. Bye-bye.

— Bye.

Ex. 4. Вопросы отличаются вспомогательным глаголом. Для местоимений единственного числа используется is. Для местоимений множественного числа используется are.

Step 39

Ex. 1. Ben — London, Sue — Rome, Kate — Moscow.

Ex. 4. 1) They are blue. 2) They are funny. 3) They are cute. 4) They are red. 5) They are green. 6) They are black.

Ex. 5. 1 — г, 2 — ж, 3 — e, 4 — б, 5 — в, 6 — а, 7 — д.

Ex. 6. It is London. Harry and Emily can see a red bus, a black car and a blue van. Emily is cute. They are happy. They are funny. They are little.

Step 40

Ex. 1. 1 — Rose, 2 — Lena, 3 — Pete, 4 — Pedro, 5 — little Sue.

Ex. 5.

A. 3) We are not students, we are pupils.

Б. 1) I am not cold. 2) Kate and Ann are not sad. 3) Betty is not from Paris. 4) Pete is not a good pupil. 5) I am not from Madrid. 6) Bill and Sam are not from Moscow. 7) We are not cold. 8) Jane is not a cook. 9) Lizzy and Sue are not from Rome. 10) I am not little.

Ex. 6. Rose Perry старше, так как она студентка, a Sue Green — ученица школы.

Step 41

Ex. 1. 1 — a, 2 — б, 3 — б, 4 — а, 5 — б, 6 — a.

Ех. 3. 1) Yes, he is. 2) No, he is not. He is from Rome. 3) No, they are not. 4) No, they are not. 5) Yes, he is. 6) Yes, he is.

Ex. 4. 1) They; 2) We; 3) He; 4) She; 5) We; 6) They; 7) He; 8) She; 9) it.

Ex. 5. Where is Jane from? — She is from Leeds.

Where are Mario and Ann from? — They are from Rome.

Where is Pedro from? — He is from Madrid.

Where are Bill and Sam from? — They are from Boston.

Where is Clara from? — She is from Bonn.

Where are Mark and Jack from? — They are from London.

Where is Polly from? — She is from Moscow.

Where are Pete and Rose from? — They are from Saratov.

Ex. 6. 1) are, are; 2) is, Is; 3) am, am; 4) are, is; 5) Are, am.

Step 42

Ex. 1. 1 — Steve, 2 — Dan.

Ex. 3. 1) boat; 2) quilt; 3) you; 4) the; 5) dog.

Ex. 4. Harry is from Green Hill. Emily is little. She is cute. Emily is not old.

Ex. 5. Emily is an elf. Emily is from Green Wood. Emily is little. Emily is cute. Emily is funny. Emily is a happy elf. We can see Emily and a red rose.

Step 43

Ex. 1. 1 — a, 2 — б, 3 — б, 4 — а, 5 — a.

Ex. 3. 1) It is a blue rose. 2) It is a kite. 3) I can see a pilot. 4) It is a cake. 5) I can see a good bike. 6) They are from Moscow.

Ex. 6. 1) ant, fly, bee; 2) sweet, cake, pie; 3) tree, rose, tulip; 4) blue, green, red, black.

Step 44

Ex. 1. 3) Ben is not from Madrid. 4) Andy is from Moscow. 5) Ken is not from Rome. 6) Wendy is from Boston. 7) Tim is from Rome.

Ex. 2. 2) pilot; 3) kite; 4) five; 5) nine; 6) pie; 8) fly.

Ex. 3. A. 1) They are cute. 2) They are cold. 3) They are funny. 4) They are happy. 5) They are sad. 6) They are little. 7) They are good.

Б. 1) We are cute. 2) We are cold. 3) We are funny. 4) We are happy. 5) We are sad. 6) We are little. 7) We are good.

Ex. 6. 3) Mark and Lena are in Paris. 4) Pete is in Kiev. 5) Eve and Polly are in Rome. 6) Boris and Ann are in Moscow. 7) Max and Mario are in Spain. 8) Clara is in Bonn.

Step 45

Ex. 1. Bonn, London, Rome.

Ex. 3. 1) Hello, mum!

I’m in...

I’m fine.

Bye-bye, Justin.

2) Hello, dad.

I am in London.

I’m O.K. Bye, Justin.

3) Hello, Tess!

I’m in Madrid.

I’m fine.

See you, Justin.

4) Hi, granny!

I ’m in Paris.

I am happy!

See you, Justin.

5) Hi, grandad!

I am in Rome.

Rome is fine and I am fine.

Bye, Justin.

Ex. 6. 1) Is it a blue bike? — Yes, it is. 2) Is Sam a pilot? — Yes, he is. 3) Are they from London? — No, they are not. 4) Are they cute? — Yes, they are. 5) Are they cold? — No, they are not.

Step 46

Ex. 1. Boris and Olga are in Paris. Sue is in Moscow. Pedro and Clara are in Madrid. Mark is in London. Rose and Nicola are in Bonn. Mario is in Rome. Bobby and Alex are in Boston. Nick and Kitty are in Moscow.

Ex. 3. 5, 6, 10, 9

Ex. 5. Three, ten, one, six, twelve.

Step 47

Ex. 1. A — 1, 2; Б — 1, 2; В — 1, 2.

Ex. 3. 1) They are in Rome. 2) He is a pilot. 3) It is a cat. 4) They are happy. 5) It is a rose.

Ex. 4. 1) Are you a student or a pupil? 2) Are they big or little? 3) Are they thick or thin? 4) Are we happy or sad? 5) Are you eight or nine? 6) Are they in Boston or in Rome?

Ex. 5. How old are Sam and Rose? — They are eleven. How old is Mark? — He is nine. How old is Sue? — She is three. How old are Eve and Sally? — They are twelve. How old are Bobby and Dick? — They are seven. How old are you? — I am...

Step 48

Ex. 1. Tulip — rose, pilot — cook, brother — sister, bye-bye — hello, you — they, blue — green, fly — ant, mother — father, nine — five, pie — cake, throne — queen.

Ex. 2. Rome — Paris — London — Bonn.

Ex. 3. 1) No, they are not. 2) Yes, they are. 3) No, they are not. 4) Yes, they are. 5) Yes, they are. 6) Yes, they are. 7) Yes, they are. 8) No, they are not.

Ex. 4. 1) I; 2) they; 3) she; 4) he; 5) we; 6) you; 7) it.

Ex. 5. 1) are; 2) is, is; 3) am; 4) are; 5) is; 6) are, are; 7) are; 8) am; 9) Are; 10) Is.

Ex. 6. I can see Dolly. Dolly is a sheep. It is black and small. Dolly is from ... . It is ... . Dolly is an old sheep. It is good and happy / sad.

Step 49

Ex. 1. Tim is eight. Rose and Eve are three. Steve is seven. Lena is four. Kitty is two.

Ex. 4. Верные утверждения: 3, 4, 6, 7.

Ex. 5. 1 — б, 2 — г, 3 — а, 4 — д, 5 — в.

Step 50

Ex. 1. Twelve.

Ex. 4. Doll — dolls, throne — thrones, boat — boats, van — vans, bee — bees, desk — desks, pie — pies, egg — eggs, coat — coats, ship — ships, dish — dishes, phone — phones.

Ex. 5. 1) ten lamps; 2) three tents; 3) eight matches; 4) four socks; 5) two ducks; 6) eleven chicks; 7) twelve ants; 8) seven plates.

Step 51

Ex. 1. 1 — a, 2 — б, 3 — б, 4 — б, 5 — б, 6 — a.

Ex. 2. 1) They are bees. 2) They are cats. 3) They are kids. 4) They are horses. 5) They are ants. 6) They are monkeys. 7) They are pigs.

Ex. 3. 1) I can see three matches. 2) I can see two beds. 3) I can see five eggs. 4) I can see eight pens. 5) I can see four hills. 6) I can see eight hooks. 7) I can see twelve hats. 8) I can see seven ships.

Ex. 4. Pilots, thrones, ants, trees, roses, benches, hills, trolls, cooks, queens.

Step 52

Ex. 1. Хэрри ошибся в ответах на вопросы: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.

Ex. 2. 1) They aren’t brothers. 2) They aren’t pies. 3) They aren’t dolls. 4) They aren’t nests. 5) They aren’t tulips. 6) They aren’t farms. 7) They aren’t sisters. 8) They aren’t bees.

Ex. 5. 1) frog, fish, turtle; 2) red, black, purple; 3) elf, troll, mermaid; 4) rose, tulip, fern, birch; 5) cook, pilot, nurse, servant; 6) nest, egg, chick, bird.

Ex. 6. 2) They are not cooks, they are nurses. 3) They are not cherry trees, they are birches. 4) They are not black quilts, they are purple quilts. 5) They are not little frogs, they are little turtles. 6) They are not big birds, they are little chicks.

Step 53

Ex. 1. Alex — в большом городе. Fred — на берегу озера. Мах — в парке.

Ex. 6. Thrones, streets, flies, cakes.

Step 54

Ex. 1. Dogs, horses, books, bikes, kites, birches.

Ex. 4. 1 — в, 2 — на, 3 — в, 4 — на, 5 — под, 6 — около, 7 — под, 8 — около.

Ex. 6. 1) Jane is in the box. 2) Jane is on the box. 3) Jane is under the box. 4) Jane is by the box.

Step 55

Ex. 1. 1) pens; 2) grapes; 3) bananas; 4) plums.

Ex. 2. 1 — а, в 2 — б, г 3 — а, б.

Ex. 5. 1) Dan is not a cook, he is a pilot. 2) Rob is a pupil, he is not a student. 3) Eve is a nurse, she is not a queen. 4) Rose is a girl, she is not a mermaid.

Ex. 6. 1) Dan and Robin are cooks. 2) They aren’t pupils, they are students. 3) Wendy, Betty and Lizzy aren’t nurses, they are queens. 4) Tess, Polly and Betty are nurses. 5) Liz and Ann are girls.

Step 56

Ex. 1. 1 — д, 2 — в, 3 — a, 4 — e, 5 — г, 6 — б.

Ex. 2. Three dogs, one cat, two cows, one horse, two kids, two pigs.

Ex. 4. 1 — в, 2 — a, 3 — б

Ex. 5. A. 2) I see three turtles. They are old. They are happy.

3) I can see four frogs. They are cute. They are green.

4) I can see four dolls. They are sad. They are little.

Б. 2) I see three old happy turtles.

3) I can see four cute green frogs.

4) I can see four sad little dolls.

Ex. 6. 1) The plane is in the sky. 2) The chicks are under the bench. 3) The cat is on the roof. 4) The bike is by the tree. 5) The tulips are by the bench. 6) The dog is on the bench.

1) The plane isn’t in the sky. 2) The chicks are on the bench. 3) The cat is under the bench. 4) The bike is by the bench. 5) The tulips are on the bench. 6) The dog is in the lorry.

Step 57

Ex. 5. The sweets are in the cup. The lamp is in the box. The bag is under the desk. The doll is in the bag. The roses are on the desk / in the mug. The cap is in the desk. The mug is on the desk. The clock is under the desk. The phone is on the desk.

Step 58

Ex. 3. 1) It is in the street. 2) They are in the car. 3) It is in the street. It is by the house. 4) They are in the street. They are by the van. 5) It is under the bench. 6) It is under the tree. 7) It is on the bench. 8) They are in the tree. 9) They are on the plate. 10) It is under the bench.

Ex. 4. A. 1) Yes, she is. 2) She is a good cook. 3) They are on the big blue dish. 4) They are on the shelf by the dish.

Б. Eight apples.

Ex. 5. Sky — star, orange — lemon, purple — blue, birch — tree, plate — dish, horse — cow, on — under, cat — mouse.

Step 59

Ex. 1. Three horses, five cows, two pigs.

Ex. 2. 1) I can see twelve hats. Two hats are purple, four hats are blue, three hats are red, one hat is green, one hat is black and one hat is brown.

2) Where are the cats? Five cats are in the house and eight cats are in the street.

3) I and my six dogs are in the wood. Eleven birds are in the tree and seven kids are under the tree.

Ex. 4. It’s three o’clock. It’s one o’clock. It’s four o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s six o’clock. It’s two o’clock.

Ex. 5. 1) What’s the time? — It’s seven o’clock.

2) What’s the time? — It’s nine o’clock.

3) What’s the time? — It’s twelve o’clock.

4) What’s the time? — It’s eight o’clock.

5) What’s the time? — It’s five o’clock.

6) What’s the time? — It’s ten o’clock.

Ex. 6. In, on, by, under, in.

1) They are in the park. 2) Yes, he is. 3) No, she isn’t. She is on the bench. 4) Rex is under the bench. Tim is by the bench. 5) No, it isn’t. It is black. 6) Yes, it is. 7) It is under the tree. 8) They are in the sky.

Step 60

Ex. 1. 5 o’clock.

Ex. 2. What’s your name? What’s the time?

Ex. 5. 1) seven spoons; 2) brown boots; 3) one room; 4) the sun in the sky; 5) a red roof; 6) the school in the park.

Ex. 6. A. 1) is; 2) is; 3) am; 4) are; 5) are.

Б. We are at school in the morning.

Step 61

Ex. 1. Mark — by the lake. Steve — in the port. Polly — in the park. Rose — at school. Sue — in the shop.

Ex. 2. 1) feed; 2) sleep / cook; 3) feed; 4) sleep / cook; 5) sleep / cook.

Ex. 6. 1) The brothers like to run and jump. 2) Jane and Sally like to ride a bike. 3) My mum and dad like to swim. 4) Nick and Fred like to ride in a car. 5) My granny and my dad like to sleep. 6) I like tohelp my mum.

Step 62

Ex. 1. 2

Ex. 2. Спальня, игровая площадка, сливовое дерево, яблоня, апельсиновое дерево, школьник, школьница, подставка для яйца, яблочный пирог.

Ex. 4. It is big and good.

Ex. 5. 2) I like to jump. 3) I like to cook. 4) I like to swim. 5) I like to run. 6) I like to ride a bike.

Step 63

Ex. 1. Two dogs (Rex and Timmy).

Ex. 2. They like to swim in the lake and to ride a bike. Ex. 3. 1) little sister; 2) blue sky; 3) thick book; 4) blue and red throne; 5) good pupil; 6) red rose.

Ex. 4. Правильные — 2, 5.

Неправильные — 1, 3, 4.

Ex. 5. 1) Hello! 2) Nice to meet you. 3) What’s the time? 4) How old are you? 5) Where are you from? 6) Where are you now? 7) How are you? 8) Bye, Emily.