Английский язык 2 класс - Книга для учителя - 2016 год



1. (Упр. 1.) A. Послушай, как английские и американские мальчики и девочки называют себя. Открой учебник, урок 1, упр. 1.

Женский голос:

I am Pam.

I am Ann.

Мужской голос:

I am Dick.

I am Bob.

Женский голос:

I am Polly.

I am Emma.

Мужской голос:

I am Ben.

I am Nick.

B. Теперь слушай и повторяй за диктором в паузы. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

Ж. г.: [aι] (3 раза), [æ] (3), [m] (3), [æm] (3), I am Pam (3), I am Ann (3).

М. г.: [d] (3), [ι] (3), Dick (3), I am Dick (3), [b] (3), Bob (3), I am Bob (3).

Ж. г.: Polly (3), I am Polly (3), [e] (3), Emma (3), I am Emma (3).

М. г.: Ben (3), I am Ben (3), [ι] (3), Nick (3), I am Nick (3).

2. (Упр. 2.) A. Научись говорить, как тебя зовут, по-английски. Слушай и повторяй за диктором в паузы. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

Ж. г.: I am Наташа; I am Рита.

М. г.: I am Ваня; I am Паша.

B. А теперь повтори и закончи предложение, назвав своё имя.

I am ... .

3. (Упр. 3.) Учимся здороваться и прощаться. Слушай и повторяй за диктором в паузы. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [aι] (3), Hi! (3), Hi, Pam! Hi, Dick! Hi, Polly! Hi, Ann!

Bye! (3), Bye, Dick! Bye, Ann! Bye, Bob! Bye, Polly! Bye, Ben!

М. г.: Hi, Pam!

Ж. г.: Hi, Dick!

М. г.: Bye, Pam!

Ж. г.: Bye, Dick!

4. (Упр. 3.) A. Учимся знакомиться. Сначала прослушай диалог целиком.

М. г.: Hi! I am Bob.

Ж. г.: Hi, Bob! I am Ann.

М. г.: Hi, Ann!

Ж. г.: Bye, Bob!

М. г.: Bye, Ann!

B. А теперь слушай и повторяй. (Диалог читается с паузами после каждого предложения.)


5. (Упр. 6.) A. Послушай песенку “Кто ты?” и научись её петь.

Who Are You?

М. г.:

I am Nick, I am Nick,

I am Nick, I am Nick,

I am Nick, I am Nick,

And who are you?

Ж. г.:

I am Ann, I am Ann,

I am Ann, I am Ann,

I am Ann, I am Ann,

And who are you?

М. г.:

I am Mike, I am Mike,

I am Mike, I am Mike,

I am Mike, I am Mike,

And who are you?

Ж. г.:

I am Sue, I am Sue,

I am Sue, I am Sue,

I am Sue, I am Sue,

And who are you?

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

6. (Упр. 7.) A. Учимся отвечать “да” и “нет”. Прослушай диалог.

М. г.: Are you Kate?

Ж. г.: No.

М. г.: Are you Nina?

Ж. г.: No.

М. г.: Are you Polly?

Ж. г.: Yes.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), [əυ] (3), no (3), [j] (3), [e] (3), [s] (3), yes (3).

7. (Упр. 7.) A. Учимся задавать вопрос. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[а:] (3), [j] (3), [u:] (3), you (3), Are you ...? (3). Are you Nick? Are you Polly? Are you Sam? Are you Tom? Are you Nina?

B. Послушай, как разговаривают Полли и Том.

М. г.: Hi!

Ж. г.: Hi!

М. г.: Are you Ann?

Ж. г.: No.

М. г.: Are you Polly?

Ж. г.: Yes. Are you Ben?

М. г.: No.

Ж. г.: Are you Tom?

М. г.: Yes.

Ж. г.: Bye, Tom!

М. г.: Bye, Polly!

C. Слушай и повторяй. (Диалог читается с паузами после каждого предложения.)

8. (Упр. 7.) A. Учимся задавать вопрос “Кто ты?”. Прослушай диалог целиком.

Мальчик: Who are you?

Ж. г.: I am Flop.

Мальчик: Who are you?

М. г.: I am Puss.

Мальчик: Who are you?

Ж. г.: I am Fluffy.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [u:] (3), who (3), are (3), you (3). Who are you? (3). (Диалог читается с паузами для повторения.)


9. (Упр. 6.) Научись говорить, сколько тебе лет. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ι] (3), six (3), I am six (3), [e] (3), [v] (3), [n] (3), seven (3); I am seven (3); I am Pam. I am ten. I am Dick. I am six. Are you seven, Pam? — No. Are you ten? — Yes. Dick, are you seven? — No. Are you six? — Yes.

10. (Упр. 6.) Учимся задавать вопрос “Сколько тебе лет?”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [aυ] (3), how (3), [əυ] (3), [l] (3), old (3), how old (3).

How old are you? (3), How old are you, Nick? How old are you, Pam? How old are you, Bob? How old are you, Sue?

11. (Упр. 7.) A. Прослушай диалог и выучи его наизусть.

Kitty: Hi! Are you Peter?

Dick: No.

Kitty: Who are you?

Dick: I am Dick. And who are you?

Kitty: I am Kitty.

Dick: How old are you, Kitty?

Kitty: I am six. And how old are you, Dick?

Dick: I am seven.

Kitty: Bye, Dick!

Dick: Bye, Kitty!

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Диалог читается по ролям с паузами для повторения.)

12. (Упр. 8.) Послушай, что говорят о себе Таня и Пэм, и расскажи о себе.

I am Tanya. I am seven. I am from Russia.

I am Pam. I am six. I am from America.

13. (Упр. 9.) A. Послушай песенку “Сколько тебе лет?” и научись её петь.

How Old Are You?

How old are you?

How old are you?

How old are you?

How old are you?

I am seven,

I am seven,

I am seven,

Seven I am.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)


14. (Упр. 4.) Научись произносить названия некоторых стран. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), [r] (3), [∫] (3), Russia (3), [n] (3), [f] (3), from (3), from Russia (3). I am from Russia (3). Vasya, are you from Russia? — Yes. John, are you from Russia? — No.

[е] (3), [r] (3), America (3), from America (3). I am from America (3). John, are you from Russia? — No. Are you from America? — Yes.

America. Russia. I am Vasya, I am from Russia. I am John, I am from America.

15. (Упр. 4.) Послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении этих новых слов.

Africa, Britain, Great Britain. I am Tom. I am from Africa. I am Kitty. I am from Great Britain.

[æ] (3), [r] (3), Africa (3), from Africa (3), I am from Africa (3). I am Tom. I am from Africa.

[r] (3), [eι] (3), [t] (3), [g] (3), great (3), [ι] (3), [tn] (3), Britain (3), Great Britain (3), from Great Britain (3), I am from Great Britain. I am Kitty, I am from Great Britain.

16. (Упр. 7.) А. Научись задавать вопрос “Откуда ты?”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[w] (3), [еə] (3), where (3), where are (3). Where are you from? (3) Where are you from, Kitty? — I am from Great Britain. Where are you from, Sue? — I am from Great Britain. Where are you from, Ben? — I am from Africa. Where are you from, Vasya? — I am from Russia.

B. Послушай песенку “Откуда ты?” и научись её петь.

Where Are You From?

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

I am from Russia,

I am from Russia,

I am from Russia,

That’s where I am from.

C. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[δ] (3), [æ] (3), that’s (3). That’s where I am from (3).

(Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами.)

D. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

E. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)


17. (Упр. 1.) Ответь на вопросы Незнайки. (Вопросы читаются с паузами для ответов.)

Are you Ben?

Are you Sue?

Who are you?

Are you six?

Are you seven?

How old are you?

Are you from America?

Are you from Great Britain?

Are you from Africa?

Are you from Russia?

Where are you from?


18. (Упр. 5.) A. Посмотри на картинку из упражнения 5. Послушай, как тренер представляет новых игроков футбольной команды:

He is Kevin. He is Peter. He is Paul. He is Andy.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [i:] (3), he (3), [z] (3), he is (3). He is Kevin. He is Peter. He is Paul. He is Andy.

19. (Упр. 6.) A. Послушай, как учительница танцев представляет новых девочек.

She is Nan. She is Bab. She is Jane.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[∫] (3), [i:] (3), she (3), [ι] (3), [z] (3), is (3), she is (3). She is Nan. She is Bab. She is Jane.

20. (Упр. 7.) A. Послушай песенку “Как тебя зовут?” и назови своё имя.

What Is Your Name?

What is your name?

What is your name?

Now tell me, please,

What is your name?

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

That’s my name.

B. Выучи второй куплет песенки. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), my (3), [eι] (3), name (3), my name (3), my name is (3). My name is Helen (3).

[δ] (3), [æ] (3), that’s (3), That’s my name. (3) — Вот моё имя.

(Слова второго куплета песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами (второй куплет). (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку (второй куплет). (Звучит только музыка.)

21. (Упр. 8.) Научись задавать вопрос “Как тебя зовут?” или “Как вас зовут?”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[w] (3), [n] (3), [t] (3), what (3), what is (3), [j] (3), (3), your (3), your name (3), is your name (3). What is your name? (3). What is your name? — My name is Helen.

22. (Упр. 9.) A. Прослушай диалог между Ником и Энн и выучи его наизусть.

Nick: Is Polly from America?

Ann: No.

Nick: Where is she from?

Ann: She is from Great Britain.

Nick: Is she six?

Ann: No.

Nick: How old is she?

Ann: She is seven.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Диалог читается по ролям с паузами для повторения.)

23. (Упр. 9.) Научись спрашивать, как его/её имя, и отвечать на вопрос. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [z] (3), his (3), his name (3), is his name (3). What is his name? (3) His name is Andy. His name is John. What is his name? — His name is Bill.

[з:] (3), her (3), her name (3), is her name (3). What is her name? (3) What is her name? — Her name is Nina. What is her name? — Her name is Mary.

24. (Упр. 8.) Учимся говорить о семье. Послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении этих новых слов.

Mother (3), father (3), mother and father.

25. (Упр. 9.) Научись говорить, что у тебя есть мама и папа. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), [δ] (3), mother (3), a mother (3), a mother (3), my mother (3), his mother, her mother, your mother.

[v] (3), I’ve (3), [n] (3), [t] (3), I’ve got (3). I’ve got a mother (3). I’ve got a mother. Her name is Nina Petrovna.

[a:] (3), [δ] (3), father (3), a father (3), my father, his father, her father, your father. I’ve got a father. I’ve got a father, his name is Ivan Ivanovich. A mother and a father. I’ve got a mother and a father.

26. (Упр. 9.) Научись говорить, что у тебя есть бабушка и дедушка. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[r] (3), [æ] (3), [græn] (3), grandmother (3), a grandmother (3), my grandmother, his grandmother, her grandmother, your grandmother. I’ve got a grandmother. I’ve got a grandmother, her name is Katerina Ivanovna.

[grænd] (3), grandfather (3), a grandfather (3), my grandfather, his grandfather, her grandfather. I’ve got a grandfather, his name is Ivan Petrovich.

A: I’ve got a grandmother.

B: What’s her name?

A: Her name is Valentina Vasilyevna.

B: I’ve got a grandfather.

A: What’s his name?

B: His name is Ivan Nikolayevich.


27. (Упр. 4.) Послушай, что говорит Китти о себе и своей семье.

Hi! My name is Kitty. I am seven. I am from Great Britain. I’ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. I’ve got a father. His name is John. I’ve got a grandmother. Her name is Ann. Bye!

28. (Упр. 6.) А. Научись задавать вопрос “Как у тебя дела?” (“Как вы поживаете?”) и отвечать на него. Прослушай.

М. г.: How are you, Kitty?

Ж. г.: I am fine, thanks. And how are you, John?

М. г.: I am fine, thanks.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

How (3), How are you? (3), [f] (3), [aι] (3), [n] (3), fine (3), I am fine (3).

[θ] (3), [æ] (3), [n] (3), [nks] (3), thanks (3). I am fine, thanks.

A: How are you?

B: I am fine, thanks. And how are you?

A: I am fine, thanks.

29. (Упр. 7.) А. Разучиваем песенку “Как дела у твоей мамы?”. Прослушай первый куплет песенки.

How Is Your Mother?

How is your mother?

She is fine, thanks.

How is your father?

He is fine, thanks.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песенки повторяются по строчке с паузами.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)


30. (Упр. 2.) А. Послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении этих новых слов.

Sister, brother.

B. Научись говорить, есть ли у тебя брат или сестра. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ι] (3), sister (3), a sister (3). I’ve got a sister (3).

[r] (3), [Λ] (3), [δ] (3), brother (3), a brother (3). I’ve got a brother (3).

[h] (3), [æ] (3), have (3). Have you got ... ? (3) Have you got a sister? (3) Have you got a brother? (3) Have you got a sister? — Yes. Have you got a brother? — No. Have you got a grandmother? — Yes. Have you got a grandfather? — No.

31. (Упр. 2.) Интересно, сможешь ли ты догадаться о значении новых слов, послушав, что мама говорит своему сыну Вове?

Vova! I’ve got a sister. She is your aunt. I’ve got a brother. He is your uncle.

32. (Упр. 3.) Научись говорить, есть ли у тебя (у неё, у него) тётя и дядя. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[а:] (3), [t] (3), aunt (3), an aunt (3). I’ve got an aunt (3).

[Λ] (3), [n] (3), uncle (3), an uncle (3). I’ve got an uncle (3).

[æ] (3), [z] (3), has (3), has got (3), he has got (3), she has got (3).

Mike has got an aunt (3). Ann has got an uncle (3).

33. (Упр. 4.) A. Разучиваем куплет песенки “Как дела у твоей сестры?”. Прослушай его.

How Is Your Sister?

How is your sister?

She is fine, thanks.

How is your brother?

He is fine, thanks.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песенки читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит вся песня, 1-й куплет про маму “How is your mother?” и 2-й куплет про сестру “How is your sister?”.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучат два куплета без слов.)

34. (Упр. 5.) Ты, конечно, любишь всех в своей семье. Научись это говорить. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), [v] (3), love (3), I love (3). I love my mother. I love my father. I love my sister. I love my brother. I love my grandmother. I love my grandfather.

[æ] (3), family (3), a family (3), my family (3). I love my family. His family, her family. He has got a family. She has got a family. I’ve got a family. I love my family.

35. (Упр. 6.) A. Разучиваем стишок “Моя семья”. Прослушай его.

My Family

I’ve got a mother.

I’ve got a father.

I’ve got a brother Paul.

I’ve got a sister.

I’ve got a Granny.

How I love them all!

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[æ] (3), [r] (3), Granny (3), I’ve got a Granny (3), [6] (3), [e] (3), them (3).

(3), all (3), them all (3), love them all (3). How I love them all! (3)

(Стишок читается с паузами для повторения.)


36. (Упр. 2.) Внимательно прослушай звуковое письмо Филиппа и отправь ему своё звуковое письмо.

Hi! I am from Great Britain, from London. My name is Philip. I am seven. I am fine! I’ve got a mother, a father and a sister. My sister Peggy is six. She is fine.

I’ve got a grandmother and a grandfather. My grandmother is from Great Britain, from London. Her name is Jane. She is fine. My grandfather is from America, from New York. His name is Sam. He is fine.

Have you got a sister? What is her name? How old is she? How is your sister?



37. (Упр. 3.) Ответь на вопросы диктора. (Вопросы читаются с паузами для ответов.)

1. Who are you?

2. How are you?

3. How old are you?

4. Are you from America?

5. Are you from Great Britain?

6. Where are you from?

7. Have you got a mother?

8. What is her name?

9. How is your mother?

10. Have you got a father?

11. What is his name?

12. How is your father?

13. Have you got a sister?

14. What is her name?

15. Have you got a brother?

16. What is his name?

17. How old is he?

18. How is your brother?


38. (Упр. 2.) Внимательно послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении новых слов.

My mother has got a son. He is my brother.

My mother has got a daughter. She is my sister.

39. (Упр. 2.) Научись задавать вопрос, есть ли у неё (у него) сын или дочь. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), son (3), a son (3). Has she got a son? (3) Has he got a son? — Yes, he has. Has she got a son? — No, she hasn’t.

[d] (3), (3), [t] (3), daughter (3), a daughter (3). Has she got a daughter? (3) Has she got a daughter? — Yes, she has. Has he got a daughter? — No, he hasn’t.

40. (Упр. 4.) A. Послушай, что говорит Буратино о своей семье, и постарайся понять.

My name is Buratino. I’ve got a father. His name is Papa Carlo. I haven’t got a mother. I haven’t got a grandmother. I haven’t got a grandfather. I haven’t got a sister. I haven’t got a brother.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[æ] (3), have (3), haven’t (3), I haven’t got (3). I haven’t got an aunt. I haven’t got an uncle. I haven’t got a sister. I haven’t got a brother.

41. (Упр. 5.) A. Теперь ты расскажи о семье Буратино. Сначала послушай, как это сделать.

His name is Buratino. Buratino has got a father. His name is Papa Carlo. Buratino hasn’t got a mother. He hasn’t got a grandfather. He hasn’t got a granny. He hasn’t got a sister. He hasn’t got a brother.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[æ] (3), has (3), hasn’t (3), hasn’t got (3). He hasn’t got a mother. He hasn’t got a grandmother. He hasn’t got a grandfather. He hasn’t got a sister. He hasn’t got a brother.

42. (Упр. 6.) A. Давай вспомним цифры, которые ты уже знаешь. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

One, two, three, six, seven.

B. Считаем до трёх. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[w] (3), [Λ] (3), [n] (3), one (3), [t] (3), [u:] (3), two (3), [θ] (3), [r] (3), [i:] (3), three (3), one, two, three (3).

C. Теперь выучим цифры “четыре” и “пять”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

(3), [f] (3), four (3), [aι] (3), [v] (3), five (3).

D. Считаем от одного до семи. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

43. (Упр. 7.) A. Разучиваем английскую считалочку. Тебе встретятся новые слова: computer — компьютер, more — ещё. Послушай считалочку целиком.

One computer, two computers,

Three computers, four.

Five computers, six computers,

Seven computers, more.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ju:] (3), computer (3), computers (3), (3), more (3).

(Считалочка читается с паузами для повторения.)

44. (Упр. 8.) Учимся считать игрушки. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

One doll, two dolls, three dolls, four dolls, five dolls, six dolls, seven dolls, four Barbie dolls, five Matryoshka dolls, two Jack dolls.

Four ships, three ships, one train, five trains. I’ve got two ships and Bob has got five ships. Nick hasn’t got five trains — he has got one train. I’ve got seven Matryoshka dolls. Polly has got five Barbie dolls. Jane has got three teddy bears. Nick has got one teddy bear. Kitty has got four Jack dolls.


45. (Упр. 3.) A. Учимся решать примеры. Послушай.

One and one is two.

Two and one is three.

Three and two is five.

B. Слушай и повторяй.

and (3)

(Примеры читаются с паузами для повторения.)

46. (Упр. 4.) A. Прослушай стихотворение “Игрушки”, в котором тебе встретятся три новых слова: a toy — игрушка, a ball — мяч, like — нравиться, любить.


I’ve got a doll.

I’ve got a ball.

I’ve got toys.

I like them all.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

(3), toy (3), a toy — toys. I’ve got seven toys. My friend has got six toys. Has your friend got toys? — Yes, she has.

(3), ball (3), a ball — balls. I haven’t got five balls. I’ve got two balls. I haven’t got five balls. I’ve got two balls. Has Kitty got balls? — No, she hasn’t.

[aι] (3), like (3), I like my toys. I like my Barbie dolls. I like my teddy bear, too.

(Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

47. (Упр. 5.) Глядя на картинку из упражнения 6, ответь на вопросы диктора. Прослушай правильный ответ и повтори его. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

How many dolls has Betty got? — She has got three dolls.

How many Barbie dolls has Betty got? — She has got two Barbie dolls.

How many teddy bears has Betty got? — She has got five teddy bears.

How many Matryoshka dolls has Betty got? — She has got seven Matryoshka dolls.

How many balls has Betty got? — She has got five balls.


48. (Упр. 1.) A. Разучиваем команды игры-зарядки. Послушай.

One, two, three.

Hop, hop, hop.

One, two, three.


B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[h] (3), [п] (3), [p] (3), hop (3), [t] (3), stop (3).

(Команды зарядки читаются с паузами для повторения.)

49. (Упр. 2.) Учимся говорить, что у тебя (у неё, у него) есть друг. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[f] (3), [r] (3), friend (3), my friend (3), his friend, her friend. I’ve got a friend. She has got a friend. He has got a friend. Have you got a friend? — Yes, I have. Has Sam got a friend? — Yes, he has. HasKitty got a friend? — Yes, she has.

50. (Упр. 3.) A. Прослушай, что рассказывает Китти о своей подруге, после этого ответь на вопросы диктора.

Hi! I am Kitty. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am six. I am fine. I’ve got a friend. Her name is Mary. She is from America, from New York. She is seven. She is fine. She has got a mother, a father, a grandmother and a sister. She hasn’t got a brother. She hasn’t got an aunt or an uncle.

Mary has got a friend. Her name is Polly. Polly is from New York, too. She is seven. She is fine.

B. Ответь на вопросы диктора. Прослушай правильный ответ и повтори его. (Читается с паузами для повторения.)

1. Has Kitty got a friend? (пауза) — Yes, she has. (пауза и т. д.)

2. What is her name? — Her name is Mary.

3. How old is Kitty? — She is six.

4. Where is Kitty from? — She is from Great Britain.

5. Where is Mary from? — She is from America.

6. How old is Mary? — She is seven.

7. Has Mary got a brother? — No, she hasn’t.

8. Has Mary got a friend? — Yes, she has.

9. What is her name? — Her name is Polly.

10. Is Polly from New York? — Yes, she is.

51. (Упр. 5.) Учимся считать до десяти. (Новые цифры: eight — восемь, nine — девять, ten — десять.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), eight (3), eight toys, eight balls, eight Barbies, eight teddies.

[aι] (3), [n] (3), nine (3), nine toys, nine dolls, nine balls, nine Jack dolls and nine Matryoshka dolls.

[e] (3), [t] (3), ten (3), ten toys, ten balls, five red balls and five blue balls.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

52. (Упр. 7.) A. Учимся задавать вопрос How many ...? — Сколько ... ?. Сначала послушай, как разговаривают об игрушках Китти и Мими.

Kitty: How many dolls have you got, Mimi?

Mimi: I’ve got ten dolls.

Kitty: How many Barbie dolls have you got?

Mimi: I’ve got three Barbie dolls.

Kitty: How many Jack dolls have you got?

Mimi: I’ve got one Jack doll.

Kitty: How many ships have you got?

Mimi: I haven’t got ships.

Kitty: How many trains have you got?

Mimi: I’ve got two trains.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[e] (3), many (3), how many (3), how many toys (3), how many dolls (3). How many dolls have you got? How many teddy bears have you got? How many balls has Kitty got? How many sisters have you got? How many sisters has Sam got? How many brothers has Ann got?

53. (Упр. 8.) A. Разучиваем стихотворение о медвежонке “Teddy Bear”. Прослушай стихотворение.

Teddy Bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear!

Oh, where are you? Oh, where?

I love you, teddy bear!

Oh, where are you? Oh, where?!

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[e] (3), teddy (3), [еə] (3), a bear (3), teddy bear (3). (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)


54. (Упр. 3.) A. Прослушай стихотворение “Два и четыре” и выучи его наизусть.

Two and Four

Two and four and six and eight.

What’s your name?

My name is Kate.

One, three, five, seven, nine and ten.

What’s your name?

My name is Ben.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается с паузами для повторения.)

55. (Упр. 4.) Послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении новых слов: telephone (3), telephone number (3). Теперь научимся использовать эти слова. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[əυ] (3), phone (3), telephone (3). Have you got a telephone? — Yes, I’ve got a telephone.

[Λ] (3), number (3), telephone number, my telephone number, his telephone number, your telephone number. What is your telephone number? — My telephone number is two seven nine, three four, five eight.

56. (Упр. 8.) Учим новые слова: a car — машина, a plane — самолёт. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[а:] (3), car (3), a car (3), a car — cars. Dick has got cars. How many cars has he got? — He has got five cars. He likes his cars.

[eι] (3), plane (3), a plane (3), a plane — planes. Jack has got planes. How many planes has Jack got? — He has got four planes: one red plane and three blue planes.

57. (Упр. 9.) Все дети любят играть и рисовать, не так ли? Давайте научимся говорить об этом.

[eι] (3), play (3), to play (3), like to play. I like to play. My sister and I like to play. My sister and I like to play mothers and daughters.

[w] (3), [ι] (3), [δ] (3), with (3), with toys, with dolls, with cars, with planes. I like to play with toys. I like to play with cars. I like to play with my friends.

(3), [r] (3), draw (3), like to draw (3). I like to draw planes. I like to draw cars, too.

58. (Упр. 10.) A. Послушай, что говорит Пэм, после этого ответь на вопросы диктора.

Hi! My name is Pam. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am five. I’ve got a brother. His name is Jim. He is four. I’ve got a sister, too. Her name is Betsy. She is eight. My brother Jim has got many toys: cars and planes, balls and teddies. He has got ten cars, eight planes, three balls and two teddy bears.

My sister Betsy hasn’t got cars or planes. She has got dolls: two Barbies, one Matryoshka and one Jack doll. I’ve got many toys, too. I like them all.

B. Ответь на вопросы диктора. Послушай правильный ответ и повтори его. (Вопросы и ответы читаются с паузами.)

1. Where is Pam from? (пауза)

She is from Great Britain. (пауза и т. д.)

2. How old is she?

She is five.

3. How many brothers has she got?

She has got one brother.

4. What’s his name?

His name is Jim.

5. How old is Jim?

He is four.

6. What toys has Jim got?

He has got cars, planes, balls and teddies.

7. How many cars has he got?

He has got ten cars.

8. Has Betsy got toys?


9. Has Betsy got cars or planes?


10. What toys has Betsy got?

She has got dolls.


59. (Упр. 5.) Сейчас многие дети любят играть с Лего. Научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[e] (3), Lego (3), a Lego car, a Lego plane, a Lego dolphin, a Lego penguin, Lego toys. I like to play with Lego toys. Let’s play with Lego cars and planes.

[t] (3), it is (3). It is a Lego car. It is a Lego dog. It’s (3). It’s a Lego car. It’s a Lego dog. It’s a Lego plane. It’s a Lego penguin.

60. (Упр. 6.) A. Научимся отгадывать, какая это игрушка. Прослушай стихотворение “Отгадай!”, I часть.



Is it a frog?

Is it a cat?

Is it a dog?

Is it a rat?

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

61. (Упр. 8.) A. Разучиваем стихотворение “Давай играть”, которое поможет тебе запомнить новые слова. Прослушай стихотворение.

Let’s Play

Let’s play.

Let’s run.

Let’s jump.

It’s fun.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[e] (3), let’s (3), let’s play (3). Let’s play with toys. Let’s play mothers and daughters. Let’s draw. Let’s draw cars.

[Λ] (3), [r] (3). Let’s run (3).

(3), jump (3). Let’s jump (3). Let’s jump and run.

[Λ] (3), fun (3). It’s fun (3). Let’s draw frogs. It’s fun.

(Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)


62. (Упр. 2.) Выучи названия ещё двух игрушек. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[аυ] (3), house (3), a house — houses, one house — two houses, three houses. Is it a house? — Yes, it’s a house. Is it your house? — No, it’s her house.

Mouse (3), a mouse — mice, one mouse — two mice — three mice. — Is it a mouse? — Yes, it’s a mouse. Kitty has got a toy house and a toy mouse.

63. (Упр. 4.) A. Прослушай звуковое письмо мальчика из Великобритании и ответь на вопросы диктора.

Hi! My name is Bill. I am from Great Britain, from London. My telephone number is 465-17-23. I am eight. I am fine. I’ve got a mother, a father, a grandmother and a grandfather. I haven’t got an aunt. I haven’t got an uncle.

I’ve got a sister. Her name is Kitty. She is three. She is fine. Kitty has got many toys: Barbie dolls and Matryoshka dolls, cats and kittens, dogs and puppies. She has got a teddy bear, a dolphin, and two penguins.

I’ve got many toys, too. I like to play with my computer. I like to draw, too. I like to draw cars, planes and robots.

Bye. Love.


B. Ответь на вопросы диктора. Прослушай правильные ответы и повтори их в паузы.

1. What’s his name? (пауза)

His name is Bill. (пауза и т. д.)

2. Where is Bill from?

He is from Great Britain.

3. How old is he?

He is eight.

4. Has he got a grandmother?


5. Has he got an aunt?


6. Has he got a sister?


7. What is her name?

Her name is Kitty.

8. Has Kitty got Barbie dolls?


9. How many teddy bears has she got?

She has got one teddy bear.

10. Has Bill got a computer?



64. (Упр. 2.) Научимся произносить названия ещё некоторых игрушек.

[æ] (3), cat (3), a cat — cats, my cat, his cat, her cat. Has Mike got a cat? — No. Has Liz got a cat? — Yes. I’ve got a cat, too. Her name is Pussy.

[ι] (3), kitten (3), a kitten — kittens, one kitten — five kittens. My cat has got five kittens.

[Λ] (3), puppy (3), a puppy — puppies, one puppy — three puppies. His dog has got three puppies. Has her dog got puppies? — Yes. How many puppies has her dog got? — She has got two puppies.

65. (Упр. 3.) A. Послушай, что рассказывает о себе Нора.

Hi! I am Nora. I am from America. I’ve got a mother, a father, two sisters and a brother. I’ve got an aunt and an uncle, too. How I love them all!

I’ve got many toys. My sisters and I like to play with toys. I like to play with teddies and dolls. My sisters like to play with balls. I like to play mothers and daughters with my sisters.

My brother and I like to draw. My brother and I like to draw cars, planes and Matryoshkas.

B. Расскажи, что ты запомнил.

66. (Упр. 4.) A. Разучиваем песенку про игрушки “Что у тебя есть?”. Послушай песенку.

What Have You Got?

What have you got?

What have you got?

Now tell me, please,

What have you got?

I’ve got a puppy.

I’ve got a kitten.

I’ve got a penguin.

That’s what I’ve got.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

67. (Упр. 6.) A. Учим стихотворение “Это не лягушка”. Послушай его.

It’s Not a Frog

It’s not a frog.

It’s not a cat.

It’s not a dog.

It’s not a rat.

It’s not a horse.

It’s not a cow.


B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

68. (Упр. 8.) Послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении новых слов: robot, computer. Нетрудно догадаться, не так ли? Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), robot, a robot — robots. I’ve got a robot. I like to play with my robot. Has your friend got robots? — Yes. How many robots has he got? — He has got two robots.

[u:] (3), computer (3), a computer — computers. I’ve got a computer. My friend has got a computer, too. My friend and I like to play with the computer. Have you got a computer?


69. (Упр. 3.) Игрушки бывают большие и маленькие. Давай научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ι] (3), big (3), a big doll, a big cat, a big dog, a big teddy bear. It’s a big teddy bear. It’s a big doll.

[ι] (3), little (3), a little toy, a little mouse, a little frog, a little house. It’s a little cow. It’s a little horse.

70. (Упр. 5.) Выучи названия ещё двух цветов: grey — серый и black — чёрный. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), grey (3), a grey horse — grey horses, a grey kitten — grey kittens. My cat has got two grey little kittens.

[æ] (3), black (3), a black dog, a black cow, a big black cow. A black dog and a black puppy. My dog isn’t grey — it’s black. Is your dog black? — No, it’s grey.

71. (Упр. 6.) A. Послушай песенку “Где моя маленькая чёрная собачка?” и научись её петь.

Where Is My Little Black Dog?

Oh, where, oh, where

Is my little black dog?

Oh, where, oh where

Is he?

(2 раза)

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)


72. (Упр. 5.) Послушай, как можно заменить имена и названия игрушек другими словами. Теперь сделай это сам. Прослушай правильный вариант и повтори его.

1. Sally is from America. (пауза)

She is from America. (пауза и т.д.)

2. I like my computer.

I like it.

3. Bob is six.

He is six.

4. Helen is seven.

She is seven.

5. Where is my doll?

Where is it?

6. John has got a sister and a brother.

He has got a sister and a brother.

7. Ann hasn’t got a sister.

She hasn’t got a sister.

8. Let’s play with my car.

Let’s play with it.

9. I like to play with my robot.

I like to play with it.

10. Nick hasn’t got an aunt.

He hasn’t got an aunt.

11. Where is his teddy bear?

Where is it?

73. (Упр. 6.) Продолжаем изучать цвета. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[i:] (3), green (3). It’s green. Is it green? — No, it’s not green. A green frog. Let’s draw a green frog. A green car. He has got two green cars. I’ve got three green cars.

[aυ] (3), brown (3), a brown bear, a big brown bear, a brown cow — brown cows, a brown horse — brown horses. How many horses have you got? — I’ve got two grey horses and a brown horse.

74. (Упр. 6.) Продолжаем разучивать цвета. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[j] (3), [je] (3), yellow (3), a yellow ball, a yellow horse, a yellow toy — yellow toys. Where is my little yellow ball?

[w] (3), [aι] (3), white (3), a white doll, a white horse — white horses. Has he got white horses? — No, he has got grey horses.

75. (Упр. 6.) A. Послушай песенку “Цвета” и научись её петь.


Red and yellow,

Blue and green,

Pink and green,

Blue and green.

Red and yellow,

Blue and grey,

Black and white, and brown.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песенки читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

76. (Упр. 8.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), I, Hi, bike, ride, fine, five, like, nine.

[ι] (3), in, it, is, his, pig, big, six, pink, skip, sister, kitten, little, swing, sing.


77. (Упр. 4.) A. Учимся спрашивать, какого цвета игрушки. Прослушай диалог.

М. г.: What colour is your car?

Ж. г.: It’s red.

М. г.: What colour is his car?

Ж. г.: It’s black.

М. г.: What colour are your balls?

Ж. г.: My balls are red, green, yellow and blue.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), colour (3), what colour (3). What colour is your horse? What colour is her ball? What colour is his plane? — It’s grey. What colour are your ships? What colour are his cars? — His cars are black and red. (Диалог читается с паузами для повторения.)

78. (Упр. 7.) A. Разучиваем стихотворение “Где ты?”. Прослушай его.

Oh, Where Are You?

I’ve got a big black dog,

And a little green frog,

And a big brown bear.

But where are you?

Oh, where?

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

79. (Упр. 8.) Послушай, что Бетти рассказывает о своей любимой игрушке, и расскажи о своих игрушках.

I’ve got many toys: dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, dolls and balls, bears and frogs, horses and cows, dolphins and penguins. But I like to play with my teddy bear. It’s big. It’s brown. Let’s play with my teddy bear.

80. (Упр. 8.) А. Учим стихотворение “У меня много игрушек”. Прослушай стихотворение.

I’ve Got Many Toys

I’ve got a hare.

I’ve got a bear.

My toys are here.

My toys are there.

My horses are white.

My kittens are grey.

I’ve got many toys.

Let’s play.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ιə] (3), here (3). My toys are here.

[δ] (3), [eə] (3), there (3). My toys are there.

(Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

81. (Упр. 6.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[i:] (3), he, be, me, we, green, please, hide-and-seek, leapfrog.

[e] (3), let, let’s, Lego, red, seven, Teddy, ten, tell, yes.


82. (Упр. 2.) A. Прослушай звуковое письмо, чтобы ответить на вопросы диктора. Тебе встретится одно незнакомое слово. Догадайся о его значении: farm (2). Догадался? Правильно, это “ферма”.

Hi! My name is Peggy. I am from Africa. I am eight. My telephone number is 465-13-89. I’ve got a mother, a father, a brother and an uncle. I haven’t got a grandfather and a grandmother. My brother is ten. His name is Bill. He has got a computer and many Lego toys: cars, planes, robots.

I’ve got many toys, too. I like to play with little dolls and my brown teddy bear. My brother and I like to run, to jump and to draw. I like to draw toys.

My uncle Sam has got a farm. On his farm he has got white, black and grey horses, brown cows and pink pigs. He has got yellow ducks and chicks, too. How I love my uncle!

Bye. Love,


B. Теперь ответь на вопросы диктора. Прослушай правильный ответ и повтори его. (Вопросы записаны с паузами для ответов и для повторения правильного варианта.)

1. What is her name? (пауза) — Her name is Peggy. (пауза и т. д.)

2. Where is she from? — She is from Africa.

3. How old is she? — She is eight.

4. What is her telephone number? — Her telephone number is 465-13-89.

5. Has Peggy got a brother? — Yes.

6. What is his name? — His name is Bill.

7. How old is Bill? — He is ten.

8. Has Bill got a computer? — Yes.

9. Has Peggy got a teddy bear? — Yes.

10. Is her teddy bear big or little? — It’s big.

11. What colour is her teddy bear? — It’s brown.

12. Has uncle Sam got a farm? — Yes.

13. Has uncle Sam got ducks, chicks and pigs on his farm? — Yes.

C. Новой ученице хочется расспросить тебя. Ответь на её вопросы. (Записано с паузами для ответов.)

1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. How old are you?

4. Have you got a mother?

5. What’s her name?

6. Have you got a grandmother and a grandfather?

7. Have you got a sister or a brother?

8. How many friends have you got?

9. How old are they?

83. (Упр. 7.) A. Послушай песенку “Чем чаще мы встречаемся и научись её петь.

The More We Are Together

The more we are together,

Together, together,

The more we are together

The merrier we’ll be.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

(3), more (3), [δ] (3), together (3). The more we are together (3).

[e] (3), merrier (3). The merrier we’ll be.

(Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

E. (Звучит вторая часть песни)

For your friends

Are my friends

And my friends

Are your friends

The more we are together

The merrier we’ll be.

F. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова второго куплета читаются с паузами для повторения.)

G. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит вторая часть песни.)


84. (Упр. 3.) Учим новые слова. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ι] (3), pig (3), a pig — pigs, a pink pig, a little pink pig. I’ve got a little pink pig. I like my pig. His pig is not pink. What colour is his pig? — His pig is black.

[еə] (3), hare (3), a hare — hares, a grey hare — grey hares, a white hare — white hares. What colour are your hares? — My hares are grey. But my friend has got a big white hare.

85. (Упр. 5.) Готовимся к игре в зоопарк. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[Λ] (3), [η] (3), [ηk] (3), monkey (3), a monkey — monkeys, a little monkey, a little brown monkey. I’ve got a little brown monkey. I like it.

[w] (3), [η] (3), want (3), want to be (3), want to be a monkey. I want to be a monkey. I want to jump. I want to be a penguin. I want to run. It’s fun to be a monkey. It’s fun to be a penguin.

[u:] (3), Zoo (3), to play Zoo. It’s fun to play Zoo. I want to play Zoo. Let’s play Zoo. I like to play Zoo.

[Λ] (3), funny (3), a funny monkey, a funny pig, a funny Lego pig. I like to play with my funny Lego toys. What funny toys has your little sister got? — She has got a funny monkey, a funny teddy and a big funny puppy.

86. (Упр. 6.) Послушай, как играют в зоопарк Фред и Дэн.

Fred: Hi, Dan!

Dan: Hi!

Fred: Let’s play Zoo.

Dan: OK.

Fred: I want to be a monkey. I like to jump.

Dan: And I want to be a bear.

Fred: A white bear?

Dan: No. I want to be a big brown bear. I want to run.

Fred: Now I am a monkey and you are a bear. Then run like a bear! Oh, you are a big funny bear!

Dan: And you, monkey, jump. Oh, you are a funny little monkey!

Fred: It’s fun to be a monkey!

Dan: It’s fun to be a bear!

Fred: and Dan: It’s fun to play Zoo.

87. (Упр. 7.) На каких животных можно покататься в зоопарке? Давай научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), ride (3), ride a horse. I want to ride a horse. Let’s ride a horse.

[əυ] (3), pony (3), a pony — ponies, to ride a pony. I like to ride a pony. Let’s ride a pony.

[æ] (3), camel (3), a camel — camels, to ride a camel. It’s fun to ride a camel. I want to ride a camel.

88. (Упр. 10.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), plane, name, Kate, Jake, game.

[æ] (3), an, and, cat, tag, has, hasn’t, have, haven’t, camel, scrabble, Sam, Ann, Africa.


89. (Упр. 1.) Учимся использовать новые слова. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), bike (3), a bike — bikes. I’ve got a bike. To ride a bike.

[u:] (3), scooter (3), a scooter — scooters. I’ve got a scooter. To ride a scooter. I like to ride a scooter. I want to ride a scooter.

[əυ] (3), go (3), to go (3), to go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo to ride a camel.

[a:] (3), park (3), a park — parks, a green park, Moscow parks, London parks, to the park, to go to the park. My grandma and grandpa like to go to the park. I like to go to the park. I like to go to the park, too. In the park. I like to ride a bike in the park.

[e] (3), merry (3), [əυ] (3), go (3), [aυ] (3), round (3), merry-go- round (3), on the merry-go-round, to ride on the merry-go-round. My sister and I like to ride on the merry-go-round.

[ι] (3), swing (3), to ride on a swing. My friends like to ride on a swing.

90. (Упр. 2.) A. Разучим новую песенку “Я хочу покататься на велосипеде”. Она совсем не трудная. Все слова тебе знакомы. Послушай песенку и научись её петь.

I Want to Ride My Bike

I want to ride my bicycle,

I want to ride my bike.

I want to ride my bicycle,

I want to ride my bike.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

91. (Упр. 4.) На чём ещё можно покататься в парке? Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[i:] (3), see (3), (3), saw (3), seesaw (3), to ride on a seesaw. My little brother and sister like to ride on the seesaw. I go to the park to ride on the seesaw.

[ι] (3), big (3), [w] (3), [i:] (3), wheel (3), on a big wheel, to ride on a big wheel. My friend and I like to ride on a big wheel in the park.

92. (Упр. 5.) Выучи названия игр, в которые любят играть дети. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), game (3), a game — games, funny games. My little sister and I like to play funny games.

[aι] (3), hide (3), seek (3), hide-and-seek (3). Let’s play hide-and- seek. It’s fun.

[i] (3), leap (3), [d] (3), frog (3), leapfrog (3), to play leapfrog. My brothers like to play leapfrog. It’s fun to play leapfrog. It’s fun to play hide-and-seek.

93. (Упр. 6.) A. Разучиваем стихотворение “Мы любим играть”. Слушай и повторяй. Тебе встретится новое слово we — мы. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[i] (3), we (3). We like to play. [eι] (3), game — a game — games, to play games.

B. Прослушай стихотворение “Мы любим играть”, I часть.

We Like to Play


Hide-and-seek we like to play.

Oh, it’s fun. Oh, it’s fun.

Leapfrog is a funny game.

Oh, it’s fun. Oh, it’s fun.

C. Слушай и повторяй. (Читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

94. (Упр. 8.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[əυ] (3) go, no, home, at home, roller, roller-skate, don’t, don’t go.

[n] (3) on, not, stop, dog, doll, frog, hop, got, robot.


95. (Упр. 2.) Выучим названия ещё нескольких весёлых детских игр. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), hop (3), [t∫] (3), scotch (3), hopscotch (3), to play hopscotch. I like to play hopscotch. What game do you like to play, Ann? — I like to play hopscotch. Let’s play hopscotch.

[æ] (3), tag, to play tag. It’s fun to play tag.

[a:] (3), marbles, to play marbles. It’s fun to play marbles.

[eι] (3), game (3), a game — games, funny games. My little sister and I like to play funny games.

[aι] (3), hide (3), seek (3), hide-and-seek (3). Let’s play hide-and- seek. It’s fun.

[i:] (3), leap (3), [n] (3), frog (3), leapfrog (3), to play leapfrog. My brothers like to play leapfrog. It’s fun to play leapfrog. It’s fun to play hide-and-seek.

96. (Упр. 3.) A. Разучиваем II часть стихотворения “Мы любим играть”. Прослушай стихотворение.

We Like to Play


Do you like to play hopscotch?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

And my friends like to play tag.

And I too, and I too.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

97. (Упр. 5.) Научимся задавать вопросы и отвечать на них “да” или “нет”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

М. г.: Nina, do you like to ride on a swing?

Девочка: Yes, I do.

М. г.: Tom, do you like to ride on a swing?

Мальчик: No, I don’t.

Ж. г.: Children, do you like to roller-skate?

Дети: Yes, we do.

Ж. г.: Children, do you like to ride a camel?

Дети: No, we don’t.

М. г.: Do they like to ride a camel?

Ж. г.: No, they don’t.

98. (Упр. 6.) A. Прослушай стихотворение “Я люблю играть” и выучи его наизусть. (Стихотворение читается целиком.)

I Like to Play

I like to play.

I like to jump.

I like to run.

It’s fun!

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается с паузами для повторения.)

99. (Упр. 7.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ju:] (3) computer, student.

[Λ] (3) but, funny, jump, number, puppy, run, Russia, uncle.


100. (Упр. 3.) Давайте выучим слова boy — мальчик и girl — девочка. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

(3), boy (3), a boy (3), a boy — boys, little boys, big boys. Boys like to play with planes, ships, cars and trains. Do little boys like to play? — Yes, they do. Do big boys like to play with toys? — No, they don’t.

[з:] (3), girl (3), a girl (3), a girl — girls, little girls, big girls. Do little girls like to play with toys? — Yes, they do. What toys do they like to play with? — They like to play with Barbie dolls. Do big girls like to play with toys? — No, they don’t. Boys and girls like to ride on a merry-go-round and on a big wheel.

101. (Упр. 4.) Выучи три новых слова: мы, они, дети. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[w] (3), we (3). My sister and I like to play. We like to play. We like to play hide-and-seek.

[δ] (3), [eι] (3), they (3). They like to play, too. My friends like to roller-skate. They like to roller-skate on a playground.

[ι] (3), [t∫] (3), children (3). Children like to play funny games. Little children like to ride a pony.

102. (Упр. 5.) A. Выучим стихотворение “Она любит играть”. Прослушай стихотворение.

She Likes to Play

She likes to play.

She likes to jump.

She likes to run.

It’s fun!

B. Запомни.

I like, we like, you like, they like.

Но: she likes, he likes.

C. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

103. (Упр. 6.) A. Слушай, что говорит Лиза о своих друзьях, и повторяй. (Предложения читаются с паузами для повторения.)

Bob likes to roller-skate.

Kate likes to skip.

Mike likes to ride a bike.

Nina likes to swing.

B. Учимся задавать вопросы Does she/he like...? — Любит ли он/она...? и отвечать на них “да” или “нет”. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

Мальчик: Does your sister like to skip?

Девочка: Yes, she does.

Мальчик: Does your friend like to draw?

Девочка: No, he doesn’t.

Мальчик: Does your Granny like to go to the park?

Девочка: Yes, she does.

Мальчик: Does your little brother like to play Lego?

Девочка: Yes, he does.

Мальчик: Does your brother like to go roller-skate?

Девочка: No, he doesn’t.

Мальчик: Does your aunt like to go to the Zoo?

Девочка: No, she doesn’t.

104. (Упр. 7.) Прослушай диалог и составь свой похожий.

Мальчик: Does your friend like to go to the playground?

Девочка: No, she doesn’t.

Мальчик: Where does she like to go?

Девочка: She likes to go to the park.

Мальчик: What does she like to do in the park?

Девочка: In the park she likes to ride on a big wheel.

Мальчик: What games does your friend like to play?

Девочка: She likes to play hide-and-seek.

105. (Упр. 8.) A. Очевидно, не все твои друзья любят играть во все игры. Как это сказать? Послушай.

Tom doesn’t like to play tag. Kate doesn’t like to play hide-and-seek.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

Peter doesn’t like to play with dolls. Nina doesn’t like to play Lego. Tim doesn’t like to ride on a seesaw. Pam doesn’t like to play computer games.

106. (Упр. 9.) A. А чем можно заняться дома? Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[əυ] (3), home (3), at home (3). Boys and girls play board games at home. What board games do children play at home? — At home they play Snakes and Ladders and Scrabble. My friend likes to play computer games at home. And I like to play Lego games at home.

B. Догадайся о значении нового слова television. Конечно же, ты догадался. Очень многие любят смотреть телевизор. Научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), [t∫] (3), watch (3), to watch (3), I watch, he watches, she watches.

[e] (3), (3), television (3), to watch television. I like to watch television. My Granny likes to watch television, too. Does your grandfather like to watch television? — No, he doesn’t. Who in your family likes to watch television? — My Granny, my sister and I do.


107. (Упр. 1.) A. Прослушай звуковое письмо Майка и ответь на вопросы.

My name is Mike. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am six. I’ve got a sister and a brother. My sister is a little girl — she is four. Her name is Liz. My brother Ted is a big boy. We all like to play at home. My brother Ted doesn’t like to watch television — he likes to play computer games at home. My little sister likes to play with toys — dolls and teddy bears.

I like to play board games with my friends. We like to play Snakes and Ladders and Scrabble. My friends and I like to watch television, too.

B. Теперь ответь на вопросы. Прослушай правильный ответ и повтори его. (Записано с паузами.)

1. Where is Mike from? (пауза)

He is from Great Britain. (пауза и т.д.)

2. How old is he?

He is six.

3. Has he got a sister?

Yes, he has.

4. How old is his sister?

She is four.

5. What is her name?

Her name is Liz.

6. Does she like to play?

Yes, she does.

7. What toys does she like to play with?

She likes to play with dolls and teddy bears.

8. Has Mike got a brother?

Yes, he has.

9. What is his name?

His name is Ted.

10. Is Ted a big boy?

Yes, he is.

11. What games does Ted like to play at home?

He likes to play computer games at home.

12. Does Ted like to watch television?

No, he doesn’t.

13. With whom does Mike like to play board games at home?

He likes to play board games with his friends.

14. What board games do they like to play?

They like to play Snakes and Ladders and Scrabble.

108. (Упр. 1.) Послушай, что говорит Китти о себе и своей семье.

Hi! My name is Kitty. I am seven. I am from Great Britain. I’ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. I’ve got a father. His name is John. I’ve got a grandmother. Her name is Ann. Bye!

109. (Упр. 2.) Джон хочет побольше узнать о тебе. Ответь, пожалуйста, на его вопросы. (Записано с паузами для ответов.)

1. Hi! What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Do you like to play?

4. What games do you like to play?

5. Who do you like to play games with?

6. Where do you like to go?

7. What do you like to do in the park and on the playground?

8. What do you like to do at home?

9. Do you like to play the guitar and sing?

10. Do you like to dance?

11. What board games do you like to play?

12. Have you got a friend?

13. Does your friend like to play with you?

14. What games does your friend like to play?

15. What does your friend like to do at home?

110. (Упр. 8.) A. Послушай песенку “The ABC” и научись её петь.






Now I know the alphabet. (2 раза)

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

111. (Упр. 11.) A. Послушай стихотворение “Будь вежливым” и выучи его наизусть.

Be Polite

Let us try to be polite In everything we do;

Remember always to say “Please”

And don’t forget “Thank you”.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Стихотворение читается по строчке с паузами для повторения.)


112. (Упр. 1.) A. Давайте вспомним, как люди обычно знакомятся. Послушайте.

М. г.: Hi! My name is Jack. I am from Great Britain. I am eight.

Ж. г.: Hi! I am Kate. I am from Russia. I am seven.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

113. (Упр. 2.) Послушай, что рассказывает Майк о себе и своей семье.

I am Mike. I am from America. I am eight. I’ve got a mother. Her name is Helen. I’ve got a father. His name is Peter. I’ve got a sister. She is a little girl. She is three. I haven’t got a brother. I’ve got a grandfather and a grandmother, too. I haven’t got aunts but I’ve got two uncles. I love my family.

114. (Упр. 9.) Читай за диктором. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

I have got a friend. His name is Henry. He is from Boston, too. He is six. His telephone number is 915-14-17. I often phone him. We like to play at home. We like to draw. We play board games and watch TV.

We like to go to the Zoo and watch little bears and funny monkeys. How we love them all!


115. (Упр. 4.) Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), day, play, today, grey.

(3), toy, boy.

116. (Упр. 8.) A. Послушай песенку “Я не маленький” и научись её петь. (Звучит первая часть песни.)

I Am Not Small

I am not small,

I am so tall,

I can carry a guitar

On my back.

When it plays,

I play, too.

That’s not very Hard to do.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

(3), small (3), tall (3). I am not small (3).

[əυ] (3), so (3). I am so tall (3).

[æ] (3), can (3), carry (3), can carry. I can carry a guitar.

[æ] (3), back (3), on my back (3). I can carry a guitar on my back (3).

(Слова песни читаются по строчке с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)

E. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит вторая часть песни.)

F. Слушай и повторяй.

[w] (3), when (3), when it plays (3). When it plays, I play, too.

[e] (3), very (3).

[a:] (3), hard (3), not very hard (3). That’s not very hard. That’s not very hard to do.

(Слова второй части песни читаются с паузами для повторения.)

G. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит вторая часть песни.)


117. (Упр. 3.) Прослушай рассказ и скажи, что ты узнал об этой девочке. Она дружит со своим братом?

Hi! I am Jane. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am ten. My telephone number is 215-67-49.

I’ve got a brother. His name is Jack. He is eight.

My brother and I like to play. We like to play board games and read books. Jack likes to play computer games. He likes to play the guitar. And I like to play the piano.

My grandmother and grandfather like to watch television. They like to read books, too.

My brother and I like to go to the park. In the park we ride on a merry-go-round or on a big wheel. We roller-skate in the park, too.

We like to go to the Zoo with Granny. We watch monkeys and bears there. They are so funny! At the Zoo we like to ride a pony. It’s fun to be at the Zoo!

118. (Упр. 6.) A. Послушай I часть песни “Я ученик”.

I Am a Pupil I

I am a pupil.

He is a pupil.

She is a pupil, too.

I am not a doctor.

I am a pupil

And I like you.

B. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

C. Пой вместе с нами. (Звучит песня.)

D. Пой под музыку. (Звучит только музыка.)


119. (Упр. 2.) A. Listen and try to guess the meaning of the words. (Послушай и догадайся о значении слов.)

A doctor. She is a doctor. His father is a doctor.

An engineer. My uncle is an engineer. His son is an engineer, too.

An officer. My brother is an officer. He wants to be an officer, too.

Догадались? A doctor (пауза), an engineer (пауза), an officer (пауза)? Правильно: доктор, инженер, офицер.

A dentist. She is a dentist.

Итак? A dentist. (пауза). Верно — зубной врач (дантист).

B. Listen and repeat. (Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), dog, not, doctor (3), a doctor — doctors. He is a doctor. His daughter is a doctor, too. — Do you want to be a doctor? — Yes, I do.

Officer (3), an officer — officers. He is an officer. — Is your father an officer? — Yes, he is. — Does your father want to be an officer? — No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to be an officer.

[e] (3), ten, seven; (3), Jane, jump, engineer (3), an engineer — engineers. She is an engineer. My aunt is an engineer, too.

Dentist (3), a dentist — dentists. My Granny is a dentist. He is a dentist, too.

[ju:] (3), pupil (3) — ученик, ученица, a pupil — pupils. We are pupils. — Is his brother a pupil? — Yes, he is. He is seven. I am a pupil, too.


120. (Упр. 4.) A. Read after the announcer. (Читай за диктором.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

My Daddy is from America, from California. His name is Mike. He has got a red bike. He likes to ride his bike. My Daddy is tall. He is an officer. I love him very much.

121. (Упр. 7.) A. Listen to the song “I Am a Pupil”, part II. (Послушай песню “Я ученик”, II часть.)

I Am a Pupil


Is she a dentist?

Is he a doctor?

Is she a doctor, too?

She is not a doctor.

She is a teacher

And she likes you.

B. Listen and repeat. (Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

C. Sing with us. (Пой с нами.) (Звучит песня.)

D. Sing to the music. (Пой под музыку.) (Звучит только музыка.)

122. (Упр. 8.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться.)

A pilot. My uncle is a pilot. His son is a pilot, too.

Догадались? A pilot? (пауза) Верно: пилот, лётчик.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), ride, five, nine, pilot (3), a pilot — pilots. His father is a pilot. Do you want to be a pilot?

[i:] (3), he, green, please, teacher (3) — учитель, a teacher — teachers. Is she your Russian teacher? — What do you want to be? — I want to be an English teacher.

[aυ] (3), mouse, house, housewife (3) — домашняя хозяйка, a housewife — housewives. She is a housewife. — Is your mother a housewife? — No, she isn’t. — Do you want to be a housewife? — No, I don’t.


123. (Упр. 3.) Do you know these musical instruments? Listen and learn to use these words. Listen and repeat. (Ты знаком с этими музыкальными инструментами? Послушай и научись пользоваться словами. Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[j] (3), [əυ] (3), piano (3), the piano (3), to play the piano (3). Does your sister like to play the piano? — Yes, she does. I want to play the piano, too.

[a:] (3), guitar (3), the guitar (3), to play the guitar (3). My brother doesn’t like to play the piano — he likes to play the guitar. His friend wants to play the guitar, too.

124. (Упр. 5.) When people have fun they like to sing and dance. Learn to talk about it. Listen and repeat. (Когда людям весело, они обычно поют и танцуют. Научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[ι] (3), [η] (3), sing (3), to sing (3). I like to sing. My brother likes to sing, too. It’s fun to play the guitar and sing. Does your sister like to sing? — Yes, she does. Does your friend like to sing? — No, he doesn’t.

[a:] (3), dance (3), to dance (3), dance and sing, to dance and to sing. Does your sister like to dance? — Oh, yes! She likes to dance and sing.

125. (Упр. 6.) All people like to read. Learn to talk about it. Listen and repeat. (Все люди любят читать. Научимся говорить об этом. Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[υ] (3), book (3), a book — books. I’ve got ten English books. How many English books have you got? — I’ve got two English books.

[i:] (3), [r] (3), read — reads, to read books. I like to read books. He likes to read books. Do you like to read books? — Oh, yes. Does she like to read books? — Yes, she does.

126. (Упр. 10.) A. Listen to the poem “She Likes to Sing and Dance” and learn it by heart. (Послушай стихотворение “Она любит петь и танцевать” и выучи его наизусть.)

She Likes to Sing and Dance

She likes to sing,

She likes to dance,

She likes to run about.

She likes to skip,

She likes to jump,

She likes to play and shout.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aυu] (3), about (3), to run about. She likes to run about, shout (3), to play and shout. She likes to play and shout.

(Слова стихотворения читаются с паузами для повторения.)


127. (Упр. 2.) A. Listen and repeat. Learn the dialogue.

Fred: Hello, Ted!

Ted: Hi!

Fred: Do you want to play officers?

Ted: Of course I do. And I want to be an officer.

Fred: Let’s play then.

Ted: OK.


128. (Упр. 6.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться.)

A businessman. His father is a businessman. — Is your uncle a businessman? — Yes, he is a businessman, too.

Догадались? A businessman? (пауза) Правильно: бизнесмен.

An office, an office — offices, in an office, in a big office. They are in a big office. Is he in that office too?

Догадались? An office? (пауза) Правильно: офис, учреждение.

A hospital, a hospital — hospitals, in a hospital. They are in a hospital. — Is your Granny in a hospital now? — No, she isn’t in a hospital. She is fine. She is at home.

Догадались? A hospital? (пауза) Правильно: госпиталь, больница.

In a hospital? (пауза) — В больнице.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[з:] (3), work, work — works, we work, he works. My mother works. My Grandpa doesn’t work. — Does your father work?—Yes, he does.

[n] (3), hot, doll, got, hospital (3), a hospital — hospitals, in a hospital. Bob is a doctor. He works in a hospital. — Do the girls work in a hospital? — Yes, they do. They are doctors.

Office (3), an office — offices, in an office. Steve works in an office. — Does your aunt work in an office or in a hospital? — Yes, she does. She works in an office.

[ι] (3), in, it, is, business, businessman (3), a businessman — businessmen. Mark is a businessman. He works in a business office. Where does this businessman work? Does he work in an office or in a hospital?

[aυ] (3), mouse, house, housewife (3), a housewife — housewives. His mother is not a dentist. She is a housewife. — Is your Granny a housewife? — Yes, she is.

[ι — i:] chick, children, teacher, a teacher — teachers, a teacher of Russian, my teacher of English. — Who is your teacher of English? — Tamara Ivanovna.

129. (Упр. 8.) A. Listen and try to guess the professions. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о каких профессиях идёт речь.)

An economist. Her uncle is an economist. He works in an office. — Is your brother an economist? — No, he isn’t.

Догадались? An economist? (пауза) Правильно: экономист.

A worker. Ben works. He is a worker. Linda doesn’t work. She is not a worker.

A worker? (пауза) — Рабочий.

At school. He is a teacher. He works at school. Her Granny works at school too.

Догадались? At school? (пауза) Верно: в школе.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[n] (3), economist (3), an economist — economists. My mother is an economist. She works in an office. — Is your sister an economist? — No, she isn’t. My Granny is an economist.

[з:] (3), work — worker (3), a worker — workers. His brother is a worker. His sister is not a worker. — Who is a worker? — My uncle is. — What is Steve? — He is a worker.

[a:] (3), plant (3), a plant — plants, in a plant — на заводе. Fred works in a plant. James works in a plant, too. — Who works in a plant? — James does.

[u:] (3), school (3), school — schools, at school (3). Amanda is a teacher. She works at school. — Where does your sister work? — She works at school.


130. (Упр. 1.) A. Listen to the boy’s story and answer the questions. (Прослушай рассказ мальчика и ответь на вопросы.)

I am Nick. My father, mother and sister are from Russia, from Kursk. My father is an engineer. He works in a car plant. I like to go to his car plant and watch computers, robots, cars. Many workers work in the plant.

My sister is nine. She likes to go to the hospital. Our mother is a doctor. She works in the hospital. But I want to be an engineer. And my sister wants to be a doctor.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Where is the family from?

2. Does Nick like to go to the plant or to the hospital?

3. Why does he like to go to the car plant?

4. Who works in the plant?

5. Why does his sister like to go to the hospital?


131. (Упр. 7.) A. Listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart. (Послушай диалог и выучи его наизусть.)

Bob: Hi, Bill!

Bill: Hi!

Bob: Can you play hopscotch?

Bill: Yes, I can.

Bob: Do you want to play with us?

Bill: With great pleasure.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)


132. (Упр. 3.) A. Listen and try to guess the sport games. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о каких спортивных играх идёт речь.)

Volleyball, to play volleyball. They can play volleyball.

Догадались? Volleyball? (пауза) Верно: волейбол.

Football, to play football. Boys can play football.

Догадались? Football? (пауза) Верно: футбол.

Basketball, to play basketball. They can play basketball.

Догадались? Basketball? (пауза) — Баскетбол.

Tennis, table tennis, to play table tennis.

Догадались? Table tennis? (пауза) — Настольный теннис.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[v] (3), [n] (3), volley (3), volleyball (3), like to play volleyball, can play volleyball. My brother can play volleyball. — Can you play volleyball? — No, I can’t.

[e] (3), [w] (3), well (3), very well (3), can sing well, can draw very well. My mother can sing well. Can your brother play volleyball very well?

[υ] (3), foot (3), football (3), want to play football, can play football very well. They can play football. — Can your sister play football? — No, she can’t.

[a:] (3), basket (3), basketball (3), to play basketball, can play basketball. — Can Nina play basketball? — No, she can’t. — But what can she do well? — She can play the piano well.

[е] (3), ten, tennis (3), table tennis (3). We like to play tennis but we don’t like to play table tennis. — Can your friend play tennis? — Yes, he can play tennis very well. — Do you play table tennis at home? — No, I don’t. — Who can play table tennis well? — My father can.


133. (Упр. 3.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о чём идёт речь.)

Baseball, play baseball. Badminton, can play badminton.

Догадались? Baseball? (пауза) — Бейсбол. Badminton? (пауза) — Бадминтон.

B. Listen and repeat. (Слушай и повторяй.) (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), baseball (3), play baseball, like to play baseball. Children in America like to play baseball very much. — Can you play baseball? — No, I can’t.

[æ] (3), badminton (3), play badminton, can play badminton. Children in Russia like to play badminton. — Can your sister and brother play badminton? — Oh, yes, they play badminton very well.

[ι] (3), swim (3), like to swim. My father likes to swim. He can swim very well. — Can you swim? — Yes, I can.

134. (Упр. 9.) A. Listen to the poem “We Can Play” and learn it by heart. (Послушай стихотворение “Мы можем играть” и выучи его наизусть.)

We Can Play

School is over — we can play.

We can play the whole day:

Basketball and volleyball

And the boys can play football.

B. Listen and repeat. (Стихотворение записано с паузами для повторения.)

135. (Упр. 9.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о чём идёт речь.)

Stadium. Luzhniky is a stadium.

Догадались? Stadium? (пауза) — Стадион.

A sports ground. A playground — a sports ground. They play football on the sports ground.

Догадались? A sports ground? (пауза) — Спортивная площадка.

A swimming pool. To swim, a swimming pool. Boys and girls like to swim in swimming pools.

Догадались? A swimming pool? (пауза) — Бассейн.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[eι] (3), stadium (3), a stadium, to go to the stadium, to play tennis at the stadium. Luzhniky is a Moscow stadium.

[aυ] (3), ground (3), a playground, a sports ground. — Have you got a sports ground at your school? — Yes, we have. What games can you play on the sports ground?

[w] (3), swim (3), swimmer, swimming pool, swimming pools. We can swim in the swimming pool. Do you go to the swimming pool with your friends or with your father?

(3), gym (3) — гимнастический зал, a gym. We’ve got a gym in our school. — What games do you play in your gym? — We play volleyball and basketball in our gym.


136. (Упр. 5.) A. Listen to the poem “Sports” and learn it by heart. (Послушай стихотворение “Спорт” и выучи его наизусть.)


Dear little girls and boys!

What is better than the toys?

I think sports are good for all:

You can swim, play basketball,

Table tennis and football.

We can jump and we can run

And we have a lot of fun.

B. Listen and repeat. (Стихотворение записано с паузами для повторения.)


137. (Упр. 4.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о чём идёт речь.)

Skating-rink. Jack goes to the skating-rink to skate. Children like to go to the skating-rink too.

Догадались? Skating-rink? (пауза) Верно: каток.

Hockey, to play hockey. Jack can play hockey very well.

Догадались? Hockey? (пауза) — Хоккей.

A sportsman. Jack is a good sportsman. He can play hockey very well. Mike is a good sportsman, too.

Догадались? Sportsman? (пауза) — Спортсмен.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[aι] (3), ice (3), on the ice. The ice is nice. She can dance on the ice.

[eι] (3), skate (3), skater (3), like to skate, can skate, can skate on the ice. Jack can skate well. Jill can’t skate well.

Skate — skating-rink (3), on the skating-rink. I go to the skating-rink with my brother.

[n] (3), hockey (3), to play hockey, like to play hockey, can play hockey. — Who can play hockey in your class? — Johnny and Ben can.

[i:] (3), ski (3), skis, skier. My sister skis very well. She is a good skier. — Do you like to ski in the park? — Yes, I do.

(3), a sportsman — sportsmen. We’ve got many sportsmen in our class. My brother is a good sportsman, too. He can skate very well.

138. (Упр. 7.) A. Listen to the song “On a Cold and Frosty Morning” and learn to sing it. (Послушай песенку “Холодным морозным утром” и научись её петь.)

On a Cold and Frosty Morning

This is the way we ski and skate,

Ski and skate, ski and skate

This is the way we ski and skate

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we dance on the ice,

Dance on the ice, dance on the ice

This is the way we dance on the ice

On a cold and frosty morning.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[əυ] cold (3), [n] frosty (3), morning (3), on a cold and frosty morning.

C. Sing with us. (Звучит песня.)

D. Sing to the music. (Звучит только музыка.)


139. (Упр. 5.) A. Listen to the poem “In Winter and in Summer” and learn it by heart. (Послушай стихотворение “Зимой и летом” и выучи его наизусть.)

In Winter and in Summer

“In winter I ski and skate,” says little Kate.

“In summer I like to swim,” says little Jim.

And what do you like to do in spring?

In spring we dance and sing.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[w] winter, in winter; [Λ] summer, in summer; [ι] spring, in spring.


140. (Упр. 3.) A. Listen and try to guess. (Послушай и попытайся догадаться, о чём идёт речь.)

Snow — снег, a snowball — snowballs, to play snowballs. In winter children like to play snowballs.

Догадались? A snowball? (пауза) Верно: снежок.

A snowman — snowmen, to make a snowman. In winter children can make snowmen.

Догадались? A snowman? (пауза) — Снеговик.

B. Listen and repeat. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)

[əυ] snow (3), snowball (3), a snowball — snowballs, to play snowballs. Boys and girls like to play snowballs in winter. — Do you like to play snowballs? — Of course, I do. I play snowballs with great pleasure. — Can your little sister play snowballs? — No, she can’t.

Snowman, a snowman — snowmen, to make a snowman. Children like to make snowmen in winter. — Can you make a snowman? — Yes, I can.

sledge (3), a sledge, a sledge. Have you got a sledge? — What colour is your sledge? — My sledge is yellow.

To sledge. I like to sledge. — Does your little brother like to sledge? — No, he doesn’t like to sledge. He likes to play snowballs. Do you fall when you sledge?

[æ] fan (3), a fan — fans. Boris is a hockey fan. Are you a football fan? We can see many fans in the stadium.

141. (Упр. 7.) Listen to the story and get ready to answer your teacher’s questions. (Послушай историю и приготовься отвечать на вопросы учителя.)

Hello! My name is Jack. I am from Canada. We are a family of four. I love my family very much. We are a sports family. We all like summer and winter sports.

My father is a good tennis player. But I can’t play tennis very well. My father teaches my mother and me to play tennis.

My mother can swim very well. She teaches my brother, who is five, to swim. We have a lot of fun in the swimming pool.

I like to play badminton in summer and to skate in winter. I teach my brother to play badminton but he can’t play it very well. He is too small.

But we all run in the morning and we like it very much.




142. (Упр. 8.) A. Listen to the girl’s story and answer the questions. (Послушай, что девочка рассказывает о себе и ответь на вопросы.)

Hello, my friends!

My name is Vera. I am from Tula, from Russia. I am eight. We are a family of five. I’ve got a father, a mother, a sister and a brother.

My father is a good sportsman. He likes to play football in summer and hockey in winter. He is a good hockey player.

My mother can play badminton and tennis. I like to play badminton with my mother.

My sister, my brother and I like to swim. So in summer we go to the swimming pool together and have a good time there.

But in winter we go to the skating-rink. My sister dances on the ice and my brother can play hockey with our father.

And what about you? Do you like summer or winter sports?



B. Answer the questions. (Записано с паузами для ответов.)

1. Where is Vera from?

2. Is her family large?

3. What games does her father like to play in summer and in winter?

4. Can her mother play baseball?

5. What games can she play?

6. Where do the children like to go in summer?

7. What do they like to do in winter?