Раздел 3 - Урок 1

Английский язык 5 класс - Все домашние работы к учебнику и рабочей тетради М. З. Биболетовой

Раздел 3 - Урок 1

45. Прочитайте письмо Димы. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в прошедшее время.

Lived, was, swam, made, sang, took, helped.

46. Прочитайте письмо еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Где Дима провел летние каникулы?

Dima spent his summer holidays in Boldino.

2. Почему Диме понравились его каникулы?

Dima liked his holidays because he had a great time. He picked berries, gathered mushrooms, took photos, swam, played, rode bike.

3. Что Дима делал в Болдино?

Не picked berries, gathered mushrooms, took photos, swam, played, rode bike.

4. Когда его друзья разжигали костер?

His friends made fire in the evening.

5. Что ты знаешь о Болдино?

Many years ago Pushkin lived in Boldino.

48. Переведите словосочетания. Используйте их в своих предложениях.

Проводить каникулы

Проводить выходные

Проводить много времени, делая что-то

Идти в школу

Ехать заграницу

Ходить по магазинам

Скучать по друзьям/родителям

Пропускать уроки математики

Пропустить хороший фильм

Принимать участие


Происходить в


I go to school every day.

I missed my friends in summer.

I took part in competition.

49. Дополните предложения глаголами в правильной форме.

1. went missed, 2. go, 3. spend miss, 4. took, 5. take, 6. take.

50. Прочитайте предложенную информацию об этих знаменитых людях, посмотрите на картинки и опишите места, в которых они жили.

Joanne К. Rowling lived in a large village in the south of England. It was big and beautiful and green.

Repin lived not far from St. Petersburg. Now there is his museum.

Sergei Rahmaninoff lived in Ivanovka not far from Tambov. It is a wonderful Russian city. Now there is his museum.

53. Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, чем известны эти люди.

A. Pushkin is famous for his poems and fairy-tales.

I. Repin is famous for his pictures.

S. Rachmaninoff is famous for his music.

J. K. Rowling is famous for her book about Harry Potter.

A. Barto is famous for her poems.

I. Pavlov is famous for his science works.

54. Прочитайте диалог и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Где Катя провела летние каникулы?

Kate spent her summer holidays in a camp on the Black See, in Sochi.

2. Что ты знаешь об этом месте?

It is the city of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014.

56. Дополните предложения необходимыми словами.

1 — а, 2 — с, 3 — b, 4 — с, 5 — b, 6 — а.

57. Прочитайте дневник Кэрол. Заполните пропуски словами.

A few, a little, many, much, a lot of.

A lot of, many, a few, many, a little.

58. Составьте вопросы к предложениям из упр. N° 57.

How many museums did you visit?

How many nice old houses did you see?

59. Расскажите о своих каникулах. Скажите куда вы ездили, с кем вы хотели встретиться, что видели, что делали?

Today we went to Moscow. We spent much time there. We visited Tretiakov Gallery and other places of interest. I met my grandmother there. I didn’t see her for ages. We went to MacDonalds together. I will visit my grandmother next year.

61. Опишите свои выходные. Используйте дневник Кэрол в качестве примера.


This morning we went to the country. My grandparents live there. They have a big house and a lot of animals. We spent a lot of time there.


Today we came back home. I helped my mother about the house. Also I prepared homework for school. It is a pity that we spent not much time with my grandparents.

65. Прочитайте текст и дополните его глаголами в форме прошедшего времени.

Took, bought, arrived, saw, ate, drank, read, watched, could, smelt, wanted, took, had, swam, watched, was.

66. Придумайте вопросы к тексту.

1. What did Julia’s family do in Africa?

2. Where did Julia spend her summer holidays?

3. When did Julia’s family go on holidays?

4. How long did they stay at the Red Sea?

5. Who went to the Sahara Desert?

6. Why was Julia happy?

68. Назовите важные события, которые произошли во время ваших последних каникул.

I went to the Black Sea with my grandmother in June. My mother bought me a new computer in July.

I went to the country to my grandparents in August.

70. Расскажите о своих летних каникулах в деревне или на море.

Last summer I went to the country. I spent a lot of time outdoors, fed the animals. I also grew vegetables and fruit with my granny. We made a fire with my friends.

Last summer I went to the seaside. I did a lot of sunbathing with my sister and swam in the sea all day long. We also found seashells and brought them home.

71. Где вам нравится проводить летние каникулы и почему?

I like to spend my summer holidays in the country. I have a lot of friends there. We play different games, go to the river, and swim all day long.

74. Где бы вы хотели провести ваши следующие летние каникулы? Что бы вы там делали?

I would like to spend my next summer holidays at the seaside of the Black Sea. I would like to swim and sunbathe. I would like to go to the waterpark and to see dolphins. I would liketo meet new friends there.

75. Напишите, где вы хотели бы отдохнуть на летних каникулах. Почему?

I would like to go to the seaside this summer holidays. I like to swim very much. I also want to see my grandparents and spend much time with them. I like to make a fire with my grandfather and swim in the sea with my grandmother.