Раздел 4 - Урок 4 - WORKBOOK

Английский язык 5 класс - Все домашние работы к учебнику и рабочей тетради М. З. Биболетовой

Раздел 4 - Урок 4 - WORKBOOK

19. Соедините антонимы.

A. To break — to repair, To like — to dislike, To close — to open, To agree — to disagree, To love — to hate, To find — to lose.

B. Interesting — boring, Beautiful — ugly, Free — busy, Unreal — real, Same — different, Correct — wrong, False — true, Serious — funny, Polite — impolite, Ancient — modern.

20. Соедините слова и определения.

Travelling — to go from place to place or to different places.

Taking pictures — to make photos.

Collecting things — to bring things together.

Keeping feet — to be healthy and slim.

21. Составьте предложения.

My mother is fond of cooking. I am fond of reading. His cousin is fond of computer games. We are fond of travelling. Their parents are fond of taking pictures.

22. Напишите о своем хобби.

Му hobby is taking photos. I have a good camera and I like to take photos of my friends and relatives. I take part in school exhibitions. Everybody says that my photos are true to life.

23. Прочитайте две истории. Вставьте предлоги. Какой герой вам ближе?

1) —, about, of, —, to, of, to. 2) after, of, of, of, in, from, with.

24. Напишите свою собственную историю о хобби.

Му hobby is listening to music. There are different kinds of music: rock, pop, rap, folk. As for me, I fond of pop music. My friends like this type of music too. We like to go to the concerts of our favorite singers and groups. We have a dream: one day we want to make our own group!

25. Опишите своего лучшего друга.

Her name is Katya. She is eleven years old. She is kind, polite and friendly person. We can talk about almost everything. I know that she will come for help if I need it. We spend a lot of time together. We don’t have secrets from each other. I value our friendship.