UNIT 2 - Тексты для аудирования к разделам учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Английский язык - Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием и ключами 6 класс

UNIT 2 - Тексты для аудирования к разделам учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Section 1

Ex. 1. Listen, look at the pictures and say where the Wilsons and their guests are going on Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs Wilson: Today is Friday. What are we going to do on Saturday and Sunday? Alice, Jim? Any ideas? Olivia, Nikita, have you got any suggestions?

Alice: I don’t want to stay at home. Why don’t we go to the zoo?

Jim: Not a bad idea. What about the funfair? Or we could go to the cinema. There is a new comedy on.

Mrs Wilson: OK. Cinema, zoo or funfair? Olivia and Nikita, where would you prefer to go?

Olivia: I’d rather go to the zoo. I’ve heard that the London Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world.

Alice: You’re right. We can not only watch the animals, but also take part in different activities and take lots of photos. And where do you want to go, Nikita?

Nikita: I think the zoo is a wonderful idea, but I would like to see a new comedy, too.

Mrs Wilson: So, on Sunday we’ll visit the London Zoo and this afternoon we’ll go and see a new comedy.

Jim: That sounds great. And what about Saturday?

Mrs Wilson: Let’s go to Stonehenge. Olivia, Nikita have you heard anything about Stonehenge?

Nikita: I think it’s an ancient monument, isn’t it?

Alice: That’s right. Stonehenge isone of Europe’s biggest stone circles. It’s worth visiting, but I’ll tell you about it tomorrow, for now, let’s go to the cinema.

Ex. 8. Listen and say what Alice had to do instead of Jim yesterday.

Mrs Wilson: Jim, dear, don’t forget to take out the rubbish.

Jim: Mum, I can’t. I’m very busy. Make Alice take out the rubbish today.

Mrs Wilson: Sorry, Jim, but Alice has to feed her pets before leaving for Stonehenge.

Jim: And I have to help Dad with the car.

Alice: Jim, taking out the rubbish is your duty, isn’t it?

Jim: Yes, I have to take out the rubbish in the morning, put the dirty plates in the dishwasher and help Mum in the garden. And what do you have to do about the house?

Alice: I have to do lots of .housework. Firstly, I set the table before breakfast and dinner. Secondly, I go shopping with Mum and help her to clean the house. I also water the flowers in the garden. And yesterday, I had to make your bed, put your clothes in the wardrobe and take the rubbish out because you had to leave early in the morning. Have you got any other questions?

Jim: OK. I’ll take the rubbish out.

Ex. 14. Listen and find out if you were right. Say where you can see these signs.

1. You have to pay six pounds to go in.

2. You have to stop and wait.

3. You have to stop and wait.

4. You have to cross the street here.

5. You have to keep left.

6. You have to keep right.

7. You have to push the door.

8. You have to pull the door.

Section 2

Ex. 21. Listen and say where Alice and Jim took their guests to.

Chris: Hello! This is Chris. Can I speak to Alice, please?

Mrs Wilson: Hello, Chris! I'm sorry, but Alice isn’t in. Alice, Jim and our guests from the Explorers’ Club went to the zoo. They left this morning and are going to spend the whole day there. Can you phone back at six o’clock?

Chris: Of course, I can. Thank you. Bye.

Mrs Wilson: Bye.

Section 3

Ex. 42. Listen to the dialogue and find out if you were right.

Mrs Wilson: I’m going to make some Yorkshire puddings. Will you help me?

Alice: Yes, of course. I like this pudding. What do we need for it?

Mrs Wilson: Just some oil, flour, eggs and milk.

Alice: How much flour do we need?

Mrs Wilson: A cup of flour. Get some eggs and milk from the fridge.

Alice: Oh! How many eggs shall I get out? There’s a little milk and a few eggs in the fridge.

Mrs Wilson: We need three eggs and a cup of milk for the pudding.

Alice: Here you are. Anything else? Sugar? Salt?

Mrs Wilson: Some salt, please. There isn’t any sugar in Yorkshire pudding.

Alice: How much salt shall I get?

Mrs Wilson: Just a little. Hmm. The batter is ready. Now let’s cook them.

Ex. 46. Listen to the members of the Explorers’ Club. Match the speakers with their favourite food. There is an extra photo. Complete the table.

Marco: I’m from Italy. My country is famous for its pizza and pasta. Pasta is especially good with tomato sauce. People all over the world enjoy Italian food. I like pasta and pizza, too. But I have a sweet tooth and my favourite food is ice cream. Chocolate ice cream with nuts — I like it best. Have you ever tried it? It’s delicious, isn’t it?

Jessica: Well, I don’t eat food which contains meat. I prefer vegetables, fruit and nuts. My mother cooks very well and I’m always glad to help her. She makes fantastic cakes and pies. Her apple pie is my favourite food. She often makes it at the weekend. I can give you the recipe. Would you like to try to make it? It isn’t difficult.

Nikita: What is your favorite dish? It’s a difficult question for me. I like fried chicken and potatoes, pasta and rice, fruit and vegetables, sweets and cakes. Fish is the only food which I don’t like. Hmm-hmm. I think that meat dumplings are my favourite dish. My granny cooks them for me. They are delicious! I would eat dumplings for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could.

Emilie: I like fast food. I know it, isn’t very good for my health. But when my family goes out to dinner I usually choose pizza. My favourite is cheese pizza with olives and mushrooms. Mum says that I have to stop eating so many hamburgers and chips, and eat more vegetables and fruit. Of course, she is right. But I can’t give up pizza.

Section 4

Ex. 53. Listen to Alice and Nikita. Fill in the table.

Nikita: Alice, could you tell me a few things about your school? Do you and Jim study in the same school?

Alice: Yes, we study at a secondary school in London.

Nikita: When does the school year start?

Alice: We go to school every day except weekends, national holidays, and school holidays. We study from September until July. And then we have the summer holidays.

Nikita: How many holidays do you have?

Alice: We study for three terms. The summer

holidays last for about six weeks. We have a two-week holiday at both Christmas and at Easter. In the middle of each term we also have a half term break which lasts for a week.

Nikita: Not bad. And do you wear a school uniform?

Alice: Yes, as the students of most British schools do. Jim wears black trousers, a white shirt, a blue jumper with the school logo on it and black shoes. The girls have the same uniform, but we may also wear skirts.

Nikita: What subjects do you study at school?

Alice: Lots of subjects: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, IT, History, Geography, French, Art, Drama, Music and P.E.

Nikita: Oh, that’s a lot.

Ex. 58. Listen to Nikita’s and Olivia’s questions and check if you were right. Answer their questions.

Nikita: When does your school day begin?

Olivia: Do you study in the same classroom the whole day?

Nikita: How many lessons do you have at school?

Olivia: How do you address teachers at school?

Nikita: Do you have lunch at school?

Olivia: Do you have any clubs at school?

Nikita: What play did you put on last year?

Olivia: What sport facilities do you have at school?

Nikita: What school events have you got during the school year? What events do you like most of all?

Ex. 60. Listen and complete the dialogues. Match them to the pictures.

Dialogue 1

A: Sorry, may I come in?

B: Come in and sit down. Open your text book on page 20.

Dialogue 2

A: I have left my ruler at home. Can I borrow your ruler?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

Dialogue 3

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I need a present for my grandpa. Can you recommend anything?

Dialogue 4

A: Mum, may I go to the cinema with Jim?

B: Yes, of course. But you have to be back at 8 p.m.

Dialogue 5

A: Could I have a little more cake, please?

B: You’re welcome. Help yourself.


Part I. Listening

Задание 1. Послушай четыре коротких диалога. Определи, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. В задании указано одно лишнее место действия. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу.

Dialogue 1

A: Hello, can I help you?

В: Yes. Can I have an ice cream, please?

A: Chocolate or strawberry?

B: Chocolate, please.

A: Here you are. Anything else?

B: No, thanks.

A: Two pounds, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.

Dialogue 2

В: Sorry, I’m late. May I come in?

A: Come in, please. Sit down. Open your workbook.

B: What page?

A: Page 25, Exercise 3. Read the text about the London Zoo and answer the questions.

B: OK.

Dialogue 3

A: Wow! Look! They’re playing hide-and-seek.

B: They are funny, aren’t they?

A: Oh, yes. Just a moment! Let me take some photos of the monkeys.

B: OK. But, hurry up, please. I don’t want to miss the beginning of the sea lions’ performance.

Dialogue 4

A: Excuse me. I’m looking for the sports club. Could you tell me where it is, please?

B: Go straight ahead, and it’s on the right, next to the school.

A: Thank you very much,

B: Have a nice day!

Задание 2. Послушай разговор мамы и Джима. Выполни задания. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь разговор дважды.

Mrs Wilson: Jim, let’s decide what to do this weekend.

Jim: Oh, Mum! I want to stay at home. I had a very hard week: five tests and two football matches. I just want to relax.

Mrs Wilson: I had a hard week, too. But I’m afraid that you’ll watch TV or play computer games for the whole of Saturday and Sunday.

Jim: That would be the best weekend I could ever dream of. And I don’t want to spend the whole day in a museum or at an exhibition.

Mrs Wilson: What about going to the park? We could have a little picnic.

Jim: I don’t think it’s a good idea. It isn’t summer, is it? ...And what if it rains?

Mrs Wilson: You’re right. Let’s visit your grandma and grandpa, then.

Jim: Not a bad idea. I’ve got a new exciting computer game. We can play it together with Grandpa. And then, we can go for a walk along the coast, play football or fly the kite. Will Alice and Dad join us?

Mrs Wilson: Alice said she would like to go with us.

But Dad has to do some work. So he is going to work all weekend.

Jim: It’s a pity. But you need to phone Grandma and ask about their plans for the weekend.

Mrs Wilson: I have already asked them. They’ll be happy to see us.

Jim: That sounds great.