UNIT 1 - Урок 3 - Ключи к упражнениям рабочей тетради № 1, включая Test yourself - Приложения

Английский язык - Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием и ключами 6 класс

UNIT 1 - Урок 3 - Ключи к упражнениям рабочей тетради № 1, включая Test yourself - Приложения

Section 1

Ex. 1, p. 3

1. Canada, 2. (The) UK, 3. Russia, 4. Italy, 5. Ireland, 6. Spain, 7. Finland, 8. China, 9. France The word: Australia

Ex. 2, p. 3

New Zealand is a wonderful country. It is situated in the Pacific Ocean not far from Australia. It consists of two big islands and some small islands. New Zealand is larger than the UK but smaller than Japan.

The country is famous for its beautiful countryside, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine. Tourists from Europe, Asia, and North America come to New Zealand to enjoy the nature and do outdoor sports. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. But the largest city is Auckland which is famous for Queen Street.

Ex. 3, p. 4

1e, 2c, 3d, 4f, 5a, 6b

Ex. 4, p. 4

1. The family often has a barbecue in the garden in summer.

2. Where is Tom? — He is upstairs. He is checking his e-mail.

3. What are you doing under the sofa, Sam? — Sh-sh.

4. She doesn’t like Maths. Her favorite subjects are History and Literature.

5. Mum is in the kitchen. She is making a birthday cake for Ann.

6. What does he need for his unusual experiment?

Ex. 5, p. 4-5


International Explorers’ Club

First name David

Surname Parker

Country Australia

Age 12

Languages you speak English, Spanish

Hobbies Swimming, basketball, browsing the Internet, playing strategies

Countries you’d like to visit China

Section 2

Ex. 6, p. 6


1. Who did you go to Spain with?

2. How did you go?

3. How long did you stay there for?

4. What did you do in Spain?

5. Did you play tennis?

6. What did you buy in Spain?

7. Did you enjoy your trip? / You enjoyed your trip, didn’t you?


Last summer Peter went to Spain. He went there with his parents and his younger sister. They went there by car. They stayed in Spain for two weeks. Peter went sightseeing and swam in the sea but he didn’t play tennis there. He bought some nice handmade souvenirs for his cousins. Peter enjoyed his trip to Spain!

Ex. 7, p. 6


A: Have you ever been to Ireland?

B: No, I haven’t. But my elder brother went there last summer.

A: What did he do there?

B: He studied English in Dublin.

A: Did he like the country?

B: Yes, he liked Ireland. The country is wonderful.


A: Hello! Nice to see you again! Where did you go in the summer?

B: Hi! Nice to see you again! I took part in a cycling trip to Lake Seliger in August.

A: Wow. I have never been there. Did you enjoy the trip?

B: Yes, I did. It was really exciting but difficult. We cycled 15 kilometres a day with a heavy rucksack.

A: Where did you sleep?

B: In tents.

A: I see. And what’s the lake like?

B: Oh, it was beautiful. I have never seen such a lake before.

Ex. 8, p. 6-7

In 1873, a well-known French writer Jules Verne published a novel about two travellers: Mr Foggs and Passepartout, his servant. It is one of his most famous books.

The story started in London on October 2, 1872. Mr Foggs, a rich English gentleman, decided to travel around the world in 80 days with his servant. Their travel was full of adventures. Mr Foggs and Passepartout visited 6 countries, crossed 4 seas and 2 oceans. They travelled by trains and ships, rode elephants, and even travelled on a sledge. They went to places which tourists had never visited before. They saw high mountains and hills, green forests and beautiful valleys with rivers. On the one hand, their journey was exciting and interesting but, on the other hand, it was difficult and dangerous.

Mr Foggs’s plan came true. He and Passepartout returned to London in 80 days.

Ex. 9, p. 7

I made this photo last summer. I spent my summer holidays in the country.

Look at the photo. You can see my friends there.

Roman and Grisha are flying the kite.

Tanya is picking the flowers.

We had lots of fun last summer.

We often played football, rode our bikes, swam in the lake and sunbathed.

Sometimes we went fishing.

In the evening, we played board games and listened to music.

I enjoyed my summer holidays. We had a great summer!

Ex. 10, p. 7

1. Wales is famous for its green hills and beautiful valleys, isn’t it?

2. The boys didn’t take part in the cycling trip last summer, did they?

3. You are going to send SMS to Olivia, aren’t you?

4. Emily wants to become a journalist, doesn’t she?

5. The participants won’t plant the trees during the trip, will they?

6. Jim has already got his participant badge, hasn’t he?

7. We can join the students, can’t we?

Ex. 11, p. 8

Three friends decided to run 184 miles along the Thames. They started their journey from the source of the most famous English river.

The weather was fine when they took the first photo of the river. Their marathon began. The Thames was quite and narrow. The friends passed nice villages and small towns, which tourists very rarely visit. During the trip, the runners did not sleep in tents, they stopped at hotels.

Then, closer to London, the river changed its character — it became wider. There were lots of boats and ships on the Thames. On the seventh day, the runners got to London and jogged through the centre of the city. Finally, the runners got to the Thames Barrier, which lets the river into the sea. Their marathon was over.

“We have done it! We are tired but happy. Next year we will run along the Severn, which is longer than the Thames,” one of the runners wrote in his Facebook page.

Section 3

Ex. 12, p. 8

bright, height, flight, sight, when, why, where, white, who, answer, life, listen

Ex. 13, p. 8-9






















сила, мощь
















1. Hundreds of tourists visit Edinburgh Castle every day. There is a wonderful view of Edinburgh from the Castle.

2. There is a lot of useful information in the magazine. You should read it.

3. She is a beautiful woman and a talented actress.

4. Be careful when you ride your bike in the street.

5. Norway is famous for its powerful waterfalls. Some of them are up to 500 metres high.

Ex. 14, p. 9

1c, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6b

Ex. 15, p. 9

Countable nouns: pen, cliff, book, valley, desert, subject, adventure, cup, waterfall, flower, biscuit, magazine, language, piece

Uncountable nouns; information, money, news, snow, weather, work, water, sugar, nature, tea, cheese, love, sand, peace, meat, noise

Ex. 16, p. 10

1. a; 2. some; 3. some; 4. an, an, some; 5. some; 6. a

Ex. 17, p. 10

a) Lena’s Stone Forest is one of the most beautiful Russian wonders of nature. The forest is situated in the centre of Siberia, not far from Yakutsk. The amazing stone towers are over 150 metres in height. The unusual stones stand along the River Lena for about 80 km.

Although it is difficult to reach, many tourists visit the fantastic forest every summer. Scientists explore the unique forest which can tell us a lot of interesting facts about our planet’s past.


1. Where is Lena’s Stone Forest situated?

2. What does Lena’s Stone Forest look like?

3. Do they (the stones / the stone towers) stay in the forest?

4. Is it difficult to get there? / It is difficult to get there, isn’t it?

5. Why do scientists explore Lena’s Stone Forest?

Section 4

Ex. 18, p. 11

Height: tall, short

Size: slim, fat, long, plump

Hair (colour, style): fair, red, dark; straight, wavy

Eyes (colour): green, brown, grey, blue

Appearance: pretty, beautiful, nice, good-looking, handsome

Ex. 19, p. 11

short — tall, happy — sad, slim — plump, young — old, handsome — ugly, athletic — non-athletic, wavy — straight, smart — stupid, dark — fair, big — small, naughty — obedient, polite — rude

Ex. 20, p. 11


What is she like? — Какая она? Какой у нее характер?

What does he look like? — Как он выглядит? На кого он похож?

What do you like? — Что ты любишь? / Что вы любите?

Would you like ...? — Хотел бы ты... / Хотели бы Вы...?

like to do / doing — любить делать что-то


1 What is Mike like?

2. What do you like to do?

3. What does Jane look like?

4. Would you like some juice?

5. Do they look like their father? / They look like their father, don’t they?

6. Do you like to play / playing tennis?

Ex. 21, p. 12

family, wife, husband, parents, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, son, daughter, children

Ex. 22 p. 12

а) a good-looking (nice, beautiful) girl; a handsome young man; a hospitable family; a naughty boy; loving parents


1. I have got a nephew, Alex. Alex is my older sister’s son. He is five. He has fair hair and grey eyes. He looks like his mother. Alex likes playing football and drawing.

2. What is she like? — She has wavy dark hair. She wears glasses.

3. What does your niece look like? — She looks like her father.

4. Granny, tell me about my grandfather, please. What was he like? — He was a kind and sociable man. He had a lot of friends. You look like your grandfather.

Ex. 24, p. 13

I woke up at 7 a.m., made my bed and got ready for school. For breakfast I had cornflakes and sandwiches. Then I walked to school with my friends. I didn’t walk Jeff, our dog. My mother took him to the park in the morning.

My classes began at 9 a.m. I studied French and Maths.

At 10.30 a.m., there was time for a break. We played basketball in the gym.

At 12.00,1 went back to my house for lunch. After that, I returned to school. We worked on our project about the wonders of nature.

I came home at 3 p.m. First, I did my homework. It wasn’t difficult. Next, I checked my e-mail and wrote the letters to my penfriends in Russia and Italy. I didn’t browse the Internet. I didn’t have time for that.

At 6 p.m., I had my guitar lesson. After the lesson, I looked after my little brother, Sam. We drew and watched funny cartoons. After dinner, I helped my mother to do the washing up.

At 9 p.m., I went to bed.

Section 5

Ex. 26, p. 14

a) Stadium, museum, shopping centre, post office, supermarket, theatre, саfe, restaurant, monument, bank, library, pharmacy, newsagent.

b) 1. at a stadium, 2. in a shopping centre / in a supermarket, 3. in a library, 4. in a pharmacy, 5. in a museum, 6. in a bank, 7. in a theatre

Ex. 27, p. 14

1. a house, 2. a town centre, 3. a library, 4. dangerous, 5. celebrate

Ex. 28, p. 14

a) a pleasant colour; an old pine tree; a peaceful park; a new shopping centre; an interesting museum; a school library


1. I like living in the countryside. There are tall pine trees near our house. There is a small lake not far from the house. In the summer, we swim in the river and sunbathe. In the morning, my grandfather and I go fishing. Have you ever gone fishing?

2. I live in the centre of the city. But there is a big peaceful park near our house. There are a lot of different trees, beautiful flowers and fountains in the park. All the members of my family like the park. In the morning, my brother goes jogging in the park. In the afternoon, my friends and I roller skate there. At weekends, we walk in the park.

Ex. 29, p. 15

I live in a peaceful town which is situated at river valley. On the one hand, my town is famous for its history, old cathedral and historical buildings. But on the other hand, it’s a modem town and there are lots of nice places you can go to. There is a new concert hall in our town and popular musicians, pop and rock groups often come and perform in the concert hall.

Young people like the big shopping centre, which has a cinema and different clubs. There is also a stadium and three sport centres in the town. Teenagers and adults can swim, run, do aerobics and play football and basketball there.

I’m happy in my town and I don’t want to leave it.

Ex. 30, p. 15

1. a detached house, 2. a terraced house, 3. a castle, 4. a block of flats, 5. a palace, 6. a semi-detached house

Ex. 31, p. 16

1. who, 2. which, 3. who, 4. which, 5. who, 6. which

Ex. 32, p. 16

Mrs Blake lives in Chester. Chester is a green English city. It is situated not far from Wales. She has a nice house of her own. It is a semi-detached house with two bedrooms. There is a garden at the back and a green lawn in front of the house. Mrs Blakes lives very close to the town centre. The town centre is always full of tourists.

Section 6

Ex. 33, p. 16

St Valentine’s D3y

Mother’s Day

- chocolates and a special card

- keep it a secret

- guess who sent the card

- have a good time

- flowers and small presents

- help about the house

- a spring holiday

- have a good time


New Year

- decorate a tree

- a stocking full of presents

- send SMS to friends and relatives

- coloured lights and decoration

- cook roast turkey and a special pudding

- go to church

- have a good time

- decorate a tree

- sing at midnight

- send SMS to friends and relatives

- coloured lights and decoration

- join hands

- set off fireworks

- sing at midnight

- have a good time

Ex. 35, p. 17

In November the British people have a special holiday — Remembrance Day. It is held on the second Sunday in November every year. On this day the British wear a red poppy in memory of people who fought for their country during the two World Wars and died.

So Remembrance Day is often called Poppy Day. There are usually special services at war memorials and churches in cities, towns and villages all over the country.

At 11 o’clock on each Remembrance Day there is a two minute silence in Britain. People remember those who died during the wars and conflicts and think how terrible war is. The Royal British Legion sells red paper poppies which people wear on their coats. Later, the money from the poppies is given to war veterans.

Ex. 36, p. 18

Meet Jessica. She is from Canada. Her family lives in Ottawa, the capital of the country.

Jessica has two brothers, Mike and David.

Jessica and Mike are younger than David. David is a student. He studies at the university. He is going to become a doctor.

As for her second brother, Mike is 16 years old. He can play the piano, the guitar and even the drums. However, he doesn’t want to be a musician. The children get on well with each other.

The last Sunday of August is the family day which they try to spend together. Last year, the family went to the countryside for a picnic. The adults and children had a lot of fun. They have already made their plan for next August. Next year, they will spend their family day at Niagara Falls.

Ex. 37, p. 18-19

1. Robert Burns night is on the 25th of January.

It is a popular event in Scotland. People celebrate the birthday of the famous poet, and author of the well-known New Year song “Auld Lang Syne”. British people sing the song at midnight on New Year’s Eve. On Robert Bums’ night people have special supper and read the poems of a “Scotland’s favourite son”.

2. Trooping the Colour (or Carrying the Flag) Trooping the Colour is on the second Saturday of June. It is one of the biggest royal ceremonies of the year. This day is the Queen’s official birthday. There is a big military parade. That day the British soldiers are in colourful uniform.

3. The London marathon

The London marathon takes place in the end of April or early May every year. The participants run 42 km, from Greenwich Park to Buckingham Palace. Different people take part in the London marathon: sportsmen and people in wheelchairs, celebrities and housewives, teachers and students. The aim of the marathon is to raise money for charity.

4. April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day is popular in England and Scotland. It takes place on the 1st of April.

People play jokes on other people before midday. Adults and children have lots of fun on the 1st of April!

Section 7

Ex. 2, p. 20

Tourists went to the hotels.

Pigeons flew to the windows for the night.

The four bronze lions protected Lord Admiral Nelson.

Tourists took numerous photos.

The four lions (Albert, Susan, Beatrice and Edward) ran down the Mall.

Susan tried to avoid walking on flowers.

The guard at Buckingham Palace stood as stiff as a board.

Albert roared in front of the guard.

The four lions hid behind the Victoria Monument.

The guards looked under the bushes and behind the trees.

Ex. 3, p. 21

1. False. There were no tourists in Trafalgar Square.

2. False. The four lions decided to go to Buckingham Palace and scare one of the guards.

3. True.

4. False. The guard didn’t move.

5. True.

6. True.

Ex. 4, p. 21

The guard is wearing a black fur hat, a scarlet tunic with a black collar and black trousers with a red stripe. He also has a white belt and black boots on.

Ex. 5, p. 21

Nelson’s guards came to life when the tourists left the square.

The four lions decided to scare a royal guard.

Susan suggested changing the dock ahead an hour.

The groundskeeper went upstairs and set the clock back.

Albert knew the age of the Tower of London. Beatrice knew about Beefeafeaters.

The ravens ran in all directions.

Susan paid no attention to the ravens.

The four lions had a good time in the Tower of London.

Ex. 9, p. 22-23

1. The four lions went to Big Ben at midnight.

2. The groundskeeper heard that Big Ben stroke midnight and then Big Ben stroke one.

3. Beatrice hated birds because she was tired of the pigeons. They often landed on her in Trafalgar Square.

4. Edward talked about food because he was hungry.

5. The ravens didn’t fly away because their wings had been clipped.

6. The lions enjoyed running after the ravens but soon they got tired. The lions didn’t catch any raven.

Ex. 10, p. 23

1. The lions changed the clock ahead an hour.

2. Big Ben struck one.

3. The groundskeeper was surprised.

4. The lions ran to the Tower of London.

5. The ravens woke up and ran away.

6. The lions got tired of running after the ravens.

Ex. 14, p. 24

1. The friends decided to see the Crown Jewels.

2. Beatrice wasn’t afraid of the guards because the Beefeaters were sleeping at night.

3. Soon the Hons were tired and they put down all the jewels on the floor and went towards the door.

4. When Edward touched the alarm, the lights went on. The lions saw the guards who ran towards them.

5. On the Underground station Edward found half a bag of chips on the ground.

6. The friends went into the train and rode around London for few hours.

7. In the early morning the lions bathed in the fountain.

8. After the fountain the lions took their places to meet tourists.

Ex. 15, p. 24

1. The lions ran to the tall tower where Crown Jewels were kept.

2. Beatrice were happy when she tried on the Coronation Crown.

3. The lights went on when Edwards touched the alarm.

4. The lions ran into the Underground because they wanted to get rid of Beefeaters.

5. The lions got off at Charing Cross Station because it was time to return.

6. The friends were ready to meet the tourist after the night full of adventures.

Test yourself 1

Ex. 1, p. 26

a) (to) separate the garden from, (to) repair my bike, (to) go hiking, (to) play volleybal, (to) explore the valley


1. Will you join us on our cycling trip tomorrow? — I’m afraid, I won’t. I must repair my bike first.

2. Every summer, we go hiking in the mountains. We sleep in tents and make fires to cook breakfast and dinner.

3. Can you play volleyball? — Yes, I can. But I like basketball more.

4. The young tourists decided to explore the valley and draw a map of it.

Ex. 2, p. 26

1c, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b

Ex. 3, p. 26

The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain. It is 354 km long. The Severn separates Wales from England. There are several waterfalls at the source of the river. They are not very high or powerful. However, lots of people go there to take photos of the wonderful waterfalls. Then the Severn runs through green hills and beautiful valleys. There are many old towns and modem cities on the banks of the Severn. In summer, many tourists cycle along the river and explore the countryside. On the one hand, travelling by bike is very exciting but, on the other hand, it can be rather dangerous and difficult.

Ex. 4, p. 27

1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6c, 7b

Ex. 5, p. 27

1. is, 2. were, 3. was, 4. are

Ex. 6, p. 27

What do you know about India? It is situated in the south of Asia. The capital of the country is Delhi. The country is famous for its wonderful palaces, unique churches and exciting nature. Thousands of tourists from Europe, the USA and the Russian Federation come to this Asian country every year. Most tourists visit Agra, the well- known Indian city.

Test yourself 2

Ex. 1, p. 28

1. In the morning, I make my bed.

2. What does she look like? — She has wavy fair hair and blue eyes.

3. Have you got any hobbies? — Yes, I like to take photos.

4. William is a handsome young man.

5. Look at the photo! It’s my nephew’s birthday.

Ex. 2, p. 28

Mike got up early in morning and started to pack his bag. He put in his favourite book, Scrabble and his camera. Now he was ready to go to Grandpa’s. His grandpa lived in the countryside among high pine trees and green fields. His house was situated not far from the lake.

Mike always spent a part of his summer holidays with his grandparents. Together with his grandpa, Mike went fishing, flew a kite and played Scrabble in the evenings. His grandpa had taught him how to repair bikes and make a bonfire.

Mike found his grandpa in the kitchen. He was a handsome tall man with short grey hair.

He wore glasses like Mike did. “Hi, Mike! Will you have breakfast before we leave?” asked his grandpa. “No, I’ll have breakfast at your place. Grandma has got something nice for me, hasn’t she?” said Mike.

Ex. 3, p. 28

1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b

Ex. 4, p. 29

1. — Have you read the book about admiral Nelson? — Not yet. However, I saw a film about him last month.

2. The young explorers have already been to Dover. They visited the White Cliffs of Dover a week ago.

3. Alice has already bought a nice present for her niece. She found the present in the shopping centre yesterday.

Ex. 5, p. 29

1. Ann often met the famous actor who lived next to her house.

2. He knows the shop which sells real English tea. Let’s ask him how to get there.

3. Alexander Milne was the man who wrote amazing story about Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

4. A limerick is a poem which is short and funny.

Ex. 6, p. 29

1. When do they celebrate this holiday?

2. Who lives in the countryside?

3. Where is she sweeping the floor?

4. What is Susan like?

5. How many cousins has Jim got?

. British national sports are football, cricket, tennis and racing.

2. The Cup Final at Wembley Stadium.

3. They are Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea.

4. It is a summer game.

5. It consists of eleven men.

6. The biggest tennis competition.

7. All kinds of racing are popular: horseracing, motor racing and boat racing.

8. It started in 1829.

Ex. 63, p. 145

Many sports are popular in Russia. There are many stadiums, swimming pools and different sports gyms here. A lot of national and international matches and competitions are regularly held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games are shown on TV.

Our country has been successful in a number of different sports, especially in ice hockey.

The national team of Russia has won the World Hockey championships many times.

There are plenty, of sporting activities which are part of daily Russian life. School children spend their free time playing football, basketball, badminton, going swimming and doing other sports. In winter, many Russians go skiing and skating. There are hundreds of skating rinks in the cities of Russia.

Section 4

Ex. 73, p. 147

1. He was a sea explorer, scientist and photographer.

2. He wondered how he could explore underwater more freely and for longer.

3. Together with the French engineer Emile Gagnan he created the aqualung scuba.

4. It is the ship where Cousteau was a captain.

5. For forty years.

6. By making films. He drew the public attention to the problems of protection of nature and ocean life.

Ex. 78, p. 149

1. In 1997, the Cousteau team travelled around the Lake Baikal.

2. The expedition was an unusual adventure.

3. The divers were warmer in the water than on the surface.

4. The temperature in the air dropped below -40C.

5. The Cousteau team visited a small Siberian village.

6. Local people put tables on the street to sell local toys and / danced and sang the songs of spring.

Ex. 79, p. 149

1. It is the deepest and the oldest lake in the world.

2. It is located in the southern part of the Russian Siberia between Irkutsk and the Buryat Republic.

3. In 1997.

4. They filmed the rich and different life in it: they recorded 1,800 species of which 80% are native only for this lake.

5. Because the team dived under 80 centimetres of ice and brought back amazing images and sounds of the lake’s ice cover in constant motion.

6. People put tables on the street to sell local toys and foods and burnt a doll made of paper and cloth, known as the Lady of the Snows. People danced and sang the songs of spring.

Ex. 84, p. 151

Text 1. A jellyfish

1. It has lived on our planet since dinosaurs and sharks.

2. Scientists think that there are 2,000 kinds of jellyfish in the seas.

3. They are made up of 95 % water.

4. They can be in different colours: white, blue, green, orange, pink, yellow and others.

5. Jellyfish have umbrella-like bodies, a mouth and tentacles.

6. The box jellyfish is the most dangerous jelly in the world.

7. People in China or in Japan sometimes cook jellyfish.

Text 2. An octopus

1. It has got eight arms.

2. It has a round head and long arms with which it moves itself as it swims.

3. The octopus uses its arms and suckers to catch the food.

4. Its favorite food is crabs and fish.

5. Octopuses are boneless creatures.

6. The life of an octopus may vary from 6 months to a couple of years.

7. Octopuses can eject a cloud of black ink when attacked by an enemy.


Ex. 3, p. 159

1. What is Tom fond of? — He is fond of climbing and fishing.

2. What should I do? — You should cleen your teeth before going to bed.

3. Are the children are collecting the things now? — No, they are putting up tents.

4. Did you go swimming yesterday? — No, we went hiking for two miles.

5. Are they going to the country by bike or by bus? — They will go on foot.

6. What will you do in an hour? — We will go for a walk.

Ex. 4, p. 159

1. Have you been to New Zealand? — No, I haven’t been there yet.

2. He has never worked on a ship.

3. The ship has just reached the island.

4. They explored the unknown land, brought back the detailed map of the land and discovered many new types of animals and plants.

5. The team is very tired. The expedition has returned home.

6. The sailors explored the west coast of the island last week.

Ex. 5, p. 159

1. When was Dmitry Shparo bom?

2. Where did he go in 1979 during the first expedition?

3. What did this trip win?

4. What did the ski expedition under the leadership of Dmitry Shparo cross?

5. Where do scientific expeditions take place?

6. For whom has Dmitry and his son Matvey mn a lot of projects?

Ex. 6, p. 159

1. to arrange a horse trip

2. to travel on foot

3. to spend time outdoors

4. to watch the nature

5. to bring culture of one’s country to other people

6. What did the explorers do after the expedition?

— They wrote a thrilling book.

7. The tourists studied the history of this place for two days.

8. Alex dreams to find and discover an unknown island.

9. Dear guests! Enjoy the nature and the fresh air.

10. The unusual trip will help people to save peace all over the world.

Ex. 8, p. 160

Many sports are popular in Russia. There are many public stadiums, swimming pools and different sports gyms here. Many national and international matches and competitions are regularly held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games are shown on TV.

Our country has been successful in a number of different sports, especially in ice hockey. The national team of Russia has won the World Hockey championships many times.

There are plenty of sporting activities which are part of daily Russian life. School children spend their free time playing football, basketball, badminton, going swimming and doing other sports. In winter, many Russians go skiing and skating. There are hundreds of skating rinks in the cities of Russia.

Ex. 9, p. 160

1. He was a sea explorer, scientist and photographer.

2. He wondered how he could explore underwater more freely and for longer.

3. Together with the French engineer Emile Gagnan he created the aqualung scuba.

4. It is the ship where Cousteau was a captain.

5. For forty years.

6. By making films. He drew the public attention to the problems of protection of nature and ocean life.

Ex. 10, p. 160

Ключи смотри в Ex. 79 на с. 127.

Ex. 12, p. 160

1. Is it a pancake?

2. What do usually people do in a pancake race?

3. When do people organise a special day out for their mothers?

4. Did they celebrate Maslenitsa yesterday?

5. How do people celebrate the Harvest Festival?


Part I


Задание 1

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4





Задание 2. 1) — A, 2) — В, 3) — С, 4) — С


Задание 3. В

Задание 4. 1) — А, 2) — С, 3) — D

Задание 5. А — False, В — False, С — True, D — True