UNIT 5 - Тексты для аудирования к учебнику

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 5 - Тексты для аудирования к учебнику

Step 1

Аудиозапись № 80 к заданию 1

Speaker 1

— Hello, Mrs Brown. Greetings on the Teacher’s Day! Take our best wishes.

— Thank you very much, children!

Speaker 2

— Hi, Brenda, Happy Valentine’s Day!

— Thanks, the same to you, Nick. We are having a party tonight. Would you like to come?

— Oh, thanks. I’d love to but I’m busy tonight. I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves.

— We sure will.

Speaker 3

— Merry Christmas, John!

— Merry Christmas, Sally! May all your dreams come true!

— The same to you, brother. Look what I’ve got for you. I hope you’ll like it.

Speaker 4

— I hear you’re at university now. Congratulations to you!

— Thank you, Mr Smith. I’m going to do biology at London University.

— That’s great. I wish you luck!

Speaker 5

— Happy Easter, Mother!

— Happy Easter, dear! It’s a lovely day, very warm for the end of April. Are you going out?

— Mike and I are going to Brighton for the day. I’ll call you when we come back.

— OK. Have a good time!

Speaker 6

— And now, everyone, may I wish you a very Happy New Year and the best of luck! I hope the new year will make all your dreams and wishes come true.

— The same to you, father. Happy New Year!

Step 3

Аудиозапись № 84 к заданию 1

Why Are Animals Important to Us?

We know about one million animals that live on the Earth and we can give names to them. But scientists say there are more than thirty million species of animals in the world and all of them are important. Why do people think that? One answer is this: animals make the world a richer place, a more interesting and a more beautiful place for us to live in. Then, animals help us in many ways. They give us meat to eat and milk to drink. We can make clothes and other things from their coats. Scientists learn a lot from animals and this helps them to understand people better.

The third answer to the question “Why are animals important?” is the following. It is natural for us to think about animals because we are animals too. People and animals live in one world. Our land is their land; our trees are their trees, our rivers are their rivers. But the world has changed a lot lately. The water in many rivers and seas has become dirty and it is dangerous for water birds and fish to live there. People put new buildings on empty land and do not think about animals. They make new roads, they pollute rivers, they take away trees. The number of people in the world is getting bigger all the time. So we are taking away the homes of animals very fast. Where can they go? Sometimes they have no place to go and they die.

Step 5

Аудиозапись № 89 к заданию 1

Dinosaurs — Very Big Lizards

The word dinosaur means “a very big lizard”. These animals lived between 65 and 225 million years ago, long before there were any people on the earth. They developed from primitive organisms. There were two big groups of dinosaurs — plant-eaters and meat-eaters.

Most of plant-eating dinosaurs moved on four legs. Some of these were large and slow. The plant-eaters included the largest of all dinosaurs. Scientists have found some of their bones, which show that the animal was about 8 metres tall and was very heavy.

Maybe the most famous of all the dinosaurs is tyrannosaurus, a meat-eating animal. It was about 14 metres long from nose to tail and stood on two legs. Its teeth were as long as your hand. It was probably the most dangerous animal that has ever lived on this planet.

During the age of the dinosaurs, 200 million years ago, there was one great land mass and no continents. This is why scientists have found dinosaurs on every continent, but not in Antarctica. Scientists know about 300 different species of dinosaurs.

All the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago and we don’t understand why.

Step 6

Аудиозапись № 91 к заданию 1

Nowadays people often talk about climate. Some scientists say that lately climate has changed a lot in many places of the world. But what is climate and why are its changes so important for man? The weather this or that place has over a long period of time is climate. Climate influences the life of people, plants and animals and it is different in different parts of the world and it changes a little from year to year. For example, people who live in Europe can feel that their climate is becoming much warmer now. Summers in many European countries can be really hot with a temperature of more than thirty degrees above zero. In the south of Europe winters have become very snowy. People in Spain, Italy, Greece have never seen so much snow in their streets and roads. Winters in Central Europe have also become very cold lately. There are often storms with strong winds blowing in the places that have never seen them before. In other words, climate is very important for people and its changes bring a lot of problems to them.

Step 7

Аудиозапись № 95 к заданию 1

As Dead as a Dodo

You have never seen a dodo. Your friends and teachers have never seen a dodo either. Your great-grandparents never saw a dodo. The last of these large quiet birds died many years ago.

The dodo lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. About four hundred years ago Dutch ships came to that island and found there were a lot of different birds, among which there were big fat dodos. Dodos had no true wings. So, they did not fly, but they were not in danger from other animals of the island and there were no people there, so dodos were not afraid. They were so easy to catch that the Dutch began to call them “dodos” from the word “dodo” — “a stupid person”.

People visiting Mauritius from other countries killed all the dodos on the island. Rats and dogs from the ships ate dodo eggs and chicks. By the year 1690 there were no dodos on the island. Nowadays you can see only bones of these birds and their pictures. In the English language there is a saying “as dead as a dodo”, which means that somebody is dead and people don’t remember them.

The story of the dodo is very sad and it shows you how dangerous man can be and how easy it is to destroy wildlife.

Step 8

Аудиозапись № 96 к заданию 1

Some dolphins live in rivers and some live in the sea. The Yangtze River runs across China from west to east. Baiji dolphins have been living in the waters of the Yangtze River for centuries. They have eyes on top of their heads, but nowadays they cannot see very well because there is nothing to see in the dirty water. The river itself has changed a lot. Now it is full of ships, noise and pollution. The dolphins didn’t change their behaviour after the river became dirty, but their life now is much more dangerous.

Dolphins can usually hear very well, they make their own dolphin noises and in this way they talk to other dolphins. Nowadays there is a lot of other noise in the river, especially the loud noise from big ships. Baiji dolphins often can’t understand these noises and kill themselves swimming to the ships. The Chinese understand that Baiji dolphins are in danger. They began building a home for them in the river.

In India and Bangladesh dolphins are also in danger. The meat of sea dolphins is an important food for people in many countries and humans kill hundreds of thousands of them every year.

Step 9

Аудиозапись № 98 к заданию 1

1. My name is Susan. I live in a big city where there are a lot of cars. I think they pollute the air and burn oxygen. I believe we need clean air laws in my city. For example, I don’t want to see dirty and smelly cars in the city centre. My city is very old and beautiful, especially the centre. I’m sure it will look better without cars.

2. I’m Donald. Do you know that polluted water kills more than 25 million people every year? A lot of people in Africa do not have clean, safe water for drinking or washing. People have to walk a long way every day to bring home some dirty water. In other places people use rivers for washing, for drinking and to carry away their waste. I think the problem of clean water for everybody is a very serious and important problem.

3. Hi, I’m Peter. I think we should stop destroying rainforests. You know that trees give us oxygen to breathe. So they help us to live and grow. Without plants we won’t survive. At the same time everywhere on the planet people cut down trees to get wood or because they want to use this land for something else. They don’t only cut down trees but also destroy the natural habitat of millions of animals.

Step 10

Аудиозапись № 100 к заданию 1

The Changing World

The world around us is changing and not all the changes are for the better. Very often man himself makes these changes and is responsible for them. The climate is changing and as a result the Earth is growing warmer. Pollution is growing bigger and has really become dangerous. In summer it is very difficult to breathe especially in big cities because of factories and power stations, cars, buses, trucks and lorries. They all pollute the air and make the air of the city dirty. People cut down trees and destroy forests, which give us air to breathe. Several hundred years ago a lot of forests grew in Europe. Today most places in Europe have no forests. People are also destroying the rainforests in Africa, Asia and South America. The problem of clean fresh water is very serious in many African countries. People often drink dirty or even toxic water, get ill and some of them die. Animals and birds die too. What will the Earth be like at the beginning of the 22nd century? What will our children and grandchildren have in the future?

Аудиозапись № 101 к заданию 6

Dictation 5

A. An important agreement, extinct and endangered animals, a dishonest behavior, the habitat itself, a responsible person.

B. 1) We ourselves must influence the governtment. 2) There are few unpolluted places here. 3) Nowadays people themselves pollute the environment. 4) We shouldn’t dump waste into rivers. 5) We should build recycling factories.