UNIT 3 - Урок 3 - Ключи к заданиям учебника

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 3 - Урок 3 - Ключи к заданиям учебника

Step 1

Ex. 2. 1) false; 2) true; 3) true; 4) false; 5) true; 6) true; 7) false; 8) true; 9) false; 10) false; 11) false; 12) false.

Ex. 3. A. 1d, 2b, 3c, a — extra.

Ex. 5. 1) He’s bought a plant in a pot. 2) She has just brought home a box (a gift). 3) The children have found a puppy. 4) He’s built a sandcastle. 5) They’ve met a queen. 6) No, he hasn’t. He has just has a banana. 7) They’ve left for Liverpool. 8) It/Не has caught a mouse. 9) Lena’s sent two letters and a postcard to her granny. 10) They’ve spent ten pounds.

Ex. 6. 1) Have you had tea yet? 2) Have you bought any potatoes yet? 3) Have you sent the telegramme to Aunt Polly yet? 4) Have you met cousin Jason yet? 5) Have you left some food for the cat yet? 6) Have you found the dictionary yet? 7) Have you had a music class yet?

Ex. 9. 1) ... has already bought ... 2) ... any fish yet. 3) ...ever built a sandcastle? 4) ... a shower yet? 5) ... have never fought... 6) ... have already thought.

Ex. 10. 1) haven’t you? 2) haven’t they? 3) have you? 4) have you? 5) haven’t they?

Step 2

Ex. 1. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c.

Ex. 2. 1f, 2d, 3c, 4j, 5a, 6h, 7b, 8e, 9i, 10g, 11k.

Ex. 4. A. 1) The USA borders on Canada and Mexico. 2) Canada borders on the USA.

B. 1) Yes, it does. 2) Yes, it does. 3) No, it doesn’t. 4) No, it doesn’t. 5) No, it doesn’t.

C. 1) In the northwest Russia borders on Finland. 2) In the west Great Britain borders on Ireland. 3) In the north Spain borders on France. 4) In the southwest Germany borders on France. 5) In the south the USA borders on Mexico.

Ex. 5. 1) lily of the valley; 2) coast; 3) flow; 4) chain; 5) border; 6) stretch; 7) perfect; 8) Plains; 9) valley; 10) flowed.

Ex. 6. B. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5c.

Ex. 7. 1l, 2f, 3b, 4h, 5g, 6a, 7k, 8m, 9c, 10i, 11j, 12d, 13n, 14e.

Ex. 8. 1b, 2c, 3f, 4d, 5a, 6e, 7h, 8g.

Ex. 9. This afternoon Frank 1) has had lunch; 2) has spoken to his parents; 3) has taught his younger brother to swim; 4) has spent some time in the swimming pool; 5) has bought some cheese and butter; 6) has thought his project over and has written it down; 7) has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station; 8) has sent an e-mail to his friend.

Ex. 10. 1) may be; 2) maybe; 3) maybe; 4) may be; 5) maybe; 6) may be; 7) maybe; 8) may be.

Step 3

Ex. 1. 1c, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b.

Ex. 3. 1b, 2d, 3c, 4f, 5e, 6a.

Ex. 5. 1) perfect; 2) valley; 3) border; 4) chain; 5) stretch; 6) flows; 7) flow, flowed; 8) lilies of the valley; 9) coasts; 10) plains.

Ex. 6. 1) ... have broken. 2) ... have you chosen? 3) ... has never ridden ... 4) ... he has just driven ... 5) Where has Nick gone? — He has gone ... 6) ... she has never broken ... 7) have you chosen ...? 8) Have you ever ridden...? 9) have already driven ... 10) Where has she gone? — She has gone to ...

Ex. 8. 1) border; 2) valley; 3) coast; 4) plain; 5) stretch; 6) flow; 7) perfect; 8) chain.

Ex. 10. 1) the Great Lakes; 2) New York; 3) the Mississippi; 4) the Appalachians; 5) the Rocky Mountains; 6) Washington, D.C.; 7) the Great Plains.

Step 4

Ex. 1. 1d, 2b, 3e, 4c, a — extra.

Ex. 2. 1) gone; 2) gone; 3) been; 4) gone; 5) been; 6) gone; 7) been.

Ex. 3. A. 1) Continents: Africa, Australia; 2) Oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific; 3) Countries: Canada, the USA, Australia; 4) States: Alaska, Texas, California; 5) Cities: Washington, D.C.; 6) Rivers: the Potomac, the Niagara; 7) Mountain chains: the Rockies, the Appalachians; 8) Others: the Great Plains, Death Valley.

Ex. 5. 1) desert air; 2) sudden discovery; 3) dangerous disease; 4) thick branch; 5) empty house; 6) long journey; 7) green leaves.

Ex. 6. B. True: 3,4, 7; false: 6; not stated: 1, 2, 5.

Ex. 9. 1) gone; 2) been; 3) gone; 4) been; 5) been; 6) gone.

Ex. 10. 1) journey; 2) branch; 3) destroy; 4) empty; 5) leaves; 6) disease; 7) sudden; 8) suddenly.

Step 5

Ex. 1. a) Sydney; b) Melbourne; c) Canberra; d) Perth. Ex. 4. 1) have been; 2) decided; 3) did you see; 4) have never paid; 5) has just finished; 6) have done; 7) had; 8) ate; 9) met; 10) have you ever spoken.

Ex. 5. 1) I played ... 2) I have watched ... 3) I called...4) I saw ... 5) I have spoken ... 6) I have been ... 7) I have caught ... 8) I have bought ... 9) I have taken ... 10) I took ...

Ex. 8. 1) ... taught ... 2) I have just broken ... 3) ... we have bought... 4) ... bought... 5) ... rode...6) has already finished ... 7) I have chosen ... 8) Where has he gone? 9) Have you ever eaten...? 10) I have already had.

Ex. 9. 1) have just met; 2) ... just now; 3) ... just now; 4) have just caught; 5) have just broken; 6)... just now.

Step 6

Ex. 1. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c.

Ex. 5. A. 1) The cat is on the back of the chair. 2) The cat is on the dog’s back. 3) The cat is in the back of a car. 4) The cat is behind the bench back. 5) The bowl is full of apples. 6) The bowl is full of grapes. 7) The bowl is full of bananas. 8) The bowl is full of oranges. 9) The boy is surprised at the lorry. 10) The boy is surprised at the toy. 11) The boy is surprised at the animal. 12) The boy is surprised at the flower.

Ex. 6. Заголовок 2.

Ex. 8. 1) at; 2) of; 3) in; 4) in; 5) on; 6) at/by; 7) with; 8) out; 9) on; 10) at.

Ex. 9. 1) It’s the second time I’ve ridden a mountain bike. 2) It’s the third time I’ve played tennis. 3) It’s the first time I’ve been to Britain. 4) It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big dog. 5) It’s the first time I’ve spoken English on the phone.

Ex. 10. 1) laugh; 2) surprise; 3) own; 4) full; 5) laughter; 6) surprised; 7) koala; 8) emu; 9) echidna; 10) duckbill; 11) kookaburra; 12) eucalyptus.

Step 7

Ex. 4. 1) went; 2) have never had; 3) has seen; 4) have been; 5) has discovered, did; 6) have driven; 7) haven’t seen, Have you seen? 8) have destroyed, was; 9) came; 10) did you do.

Ex. 6. 1) Japanese; 2) Italian; 3) France; 4) Russian; 5) British; 6) English; 7) English or French; 8) Australians; 9) French people; 10) Germans/ German, German; 11) Chinese; 12) Vietnamese; 13) Japanese; 14) Japanese; 15) Chinese.

Ex. 7. 2) the USA. English is an official language in the USA. Americans live in the USA. 3) Great Britain/ the United Kingdom, English, the British/British people; 4) Norway, Norwegians, Norwegians; 5) Germany, German, Germans; 6) France, French, the French/French people; 7) Italy, Italian, Italians. 8) Russia, Russian, Russians; 9) China, Chinese, the Chinese/Chinese people; 10) Vietnam, Vietnamese, the Vietnamese/Vietnamese people; 11) Japan, Japanese, the Japanese/the Japanese people.

Ex. 8. 2) He is Chinese. He speaks Chinese. 3) He is Italian. He speaks Italian. 4) He is English. He speaks English. 5) She is Norwegian. She speaks Norwegian. 6) Rene is French. He speaks French. 7) Keiko is Japanese. She speaks Japanese. 8) Nguen Sinh is Vietnamese. She speaks Vietnamese. 9) Tom is Canadian. He speaks French/English. 10) Hans is German. He speaks German.

Ex. 9. 1) at; 2) at; 3) in; 4) to; 5) in; 6) on; 7) to; 8) of; 9) at/by; 10) at.

Ex. 10. 1) have never been; 2) has ridden; 3) did you buy; 4) have you seen; 5) has fallen down; 6) taught; 7) have you spoken; 8) have not met; 9) finished; 10) have just destroyed.

Step 8

Ex. 1. 1c, 2a, 3b.

Ex. 2. A. 1) Atlantic; 2) Pacific; 3) North; 4) Canada; 5) Mexico; 6) Rockies/Rocky Mountains; 7) Appalachian; 8) Mississippi; 9) Great; 10) Niagara Falls; 11) Grand; 12) Colorado; 13) Washington, D.C.; 14) Potomac.

Ex. 3. 1) away; 2) up; 3) out; 4) up; 5) away; 6) back; 7) up; 8) out; 9) up; 10) away.

Ex. 5. 1) He looked manly. 2) She has shapely legs. 3) Her hair is lovely. 4) John is always friendly. 5) Sarah always feels lonely.

Ex. 6. 1) an ugly face; 2) a lovely/shapely figure; 3) manly figure; 4) womanly laughter; 5) a lonely person; 6) a friendly girl; 7) a lovely boy; 8) a kindly man.

Ex. 7. 1c, 2f, 3e, 4a, 5b, 6g, 7h, 8d.

Ex. 8. 1) at; 2) to; 3) back; 4) of; 5) away; 6) with; 7) up; 8) on; 9) out.

Ex. 9. 1) Patrick speaks German and he can also speak Chinese. 2) Barbara speaks Norwegian and she can also speak Japanese. 3) Oleg speaks Russian and he can also speak French and/or English. 4) Victor speaks French and he can also speak Italian. 5) Zara speaks English and she can also speak Vietnamese. 6) Sue speaks English and she can also speak Russian.

Ex. 10. 1) ugly; 2) lonely; 3) shapely; 4) womanly; 5) lovely; 6) kindly (friendly).

Step 9

Ex. 1. A. Anna is German, Julia is French, Chris is French, Max is Russian, Nina is Russian, Martha is Norwegian, Swen is Norwegian, Dan is Chinese, Lee is Chinese.

B. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4b.

Ex. 2. B. True: 2, 4; false: 1, 3; not stated: 5.

Ex. 4. 1) has been, was; 2) have eaten; 3) bought; 4) has come; 5) have you spent; 6) did they leave; 7) has had; 8) have you found; 9) have you been ... No, I haven’t, I have come; 10. Have you bought, have you made, did you buy.

Ex. 5. 1) up; 2) out; 3) from, to; 4) on; 5) on; 6) at; 7) to; 8) of; 9) to; 10) by, in; 11) —.

Ex. 8. 1) the, the, the, a; 2) the, — ; 3) the; 4) — ; 5) the, —; 6) —, an; 7) —; 8) —.

Ex. 9. 1) just, already, lately; 2) 4) 6) 8) 9) just now, the other day, not long ago, last month; 3) yet; 5) lately; 7) lately; 8) yet.

Step 10

Ex. 1. 1c, 2a, 3c, 4b.

Ex. 2. 1c, 2—, 3a, 4d, 5b.

Ex. 3. 1) suddenly; 2) education; 3) treeless; 4) colourful; 5) unpleasant; 6) lovely; 7) buildings; 8) sandy.

Ex. 4. 1) broke; 2) has just driven; 3) gave; 4) have written; 5) visited; 6) have already finished; 7) has not read; 8) did you travel; 9) have you done, did you do.

Ex. 5. 1) Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. 2) The Rockie Mountains in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east. 3) In the north of the US/ in the south of Canada. 4) The Mississippi River. 5) It flows south. 6) It is the hottest, the driest and the lowest place in the country. 7) Because it is unusually deep and very beautiful. 8) The Niagara Falls. 9) To the east of the Rockies in the centre of the country. 10) The White House, the Capitol. 11) The Aborigines. 12) In the 18th century. 13) Canberra. 14) In the southeast and the south of the continent. 15) The hot months are December, January, February and the cold months are June, July and August. 16) —. 17) —. 18) Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Canberra. 19) —.