UNIT 5 - Урок 3 - Ключи к заданиям учебника

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 5 - Урок 3 - Ключи к заданиям учебника

Step 1

Ex. 1. 1f, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6a.

Ex. 3. 2) Victor has been a worker for 10 years. 3) Jim has been a doctor since he finished school. 4) William and Bob have been clowns for three years and a half. 5) Patrick has been an astronaut since 2011. 6) Diana has been a photographer for 7 years. 7) Margo has been a painter since 2010. 8) Kevin has been a pilot for 5 years and a half.

Ex. 4. 1) The Coppers have had the house for 3 years. 2) Miss Simpson has had this hat for years. 3) Megan has had the camera since last summer. 4) Harry has had the bike since his last birthday. 5) Alan has had the computer since 2011. 6) Alice has had the mobile since her parents bought it. 7) Doris has had the ring for 4 years and a half. 8) Aunt Grace has had her flower garden for 15 years.

Ex. 5. 1e, 2c, 3g, 4b, 5f, 6d, 7a.

Ex. 10. 1) has been, has been working; 2) has been, has been speaking; 3) has been, has been waiting; 4) has been, has been painting.

Step 2

Ex. 2. 1) Jane is playing, has she been playing? she has been doing it, she came; 2) have you had; we have had it, we have been living, Bob finished; 3) has always wanted, has been here, he has been doing.

Ex. 4. Id, 2f, 3c, 4e, 5a, 6b.

Ex. 5. 1) John spends a lot of time studying geography. 2) Max is not happy living at home. 3) At the university students get important information about nature. 4) Mr Wilson has a lot of cars in his garage. 5) Mr Green has a lot of influence on his students. 6) There were a large/great number of people on the list whose names I didn’t know.

Ex. 6. A. ecology, group, isolation, organism, energy, natural, person, ecologist, information, modern.

Ex. 8. 1) have you owned, have bought; 2) has been playing; 3) have been skiing; 4) have known; 5) have been phoning, has been doing; 6) have been, have visited; 7) has been studying.

Ex. 9. 1) on; 2) —, of; 3) in; 4) in, without; 5) —; 6) of; 7) to, of.

Ex. 10. 1) study; 2) number; 3) environment; 4) behaviour; 5) influence; 6) survive; 7) nature; 8) person; 9) natural.

Step 3

Ex. 1. 1c, 2c, 3c, 4a.

Ex. 3. 1) little; 2) few; 3) not many; 4) little, some; 5) a few; 6) a few; 7) a few; 8) little; 9) a little; 10) little.

Ex. 4. 1) Посмотри на себя! У тебя лицо грязное. 2) Пэм оделась и спустилась на кухню. 3) Они никогда не говорили о себе. 4) Мэри всегда сама делает покупки. 5) Боб очень мал. Он не может сам открыть дверь. 6) Я сам(а) об этом ничего не знаю. 7) Вы сами об этом слышали, не так ли? 8) Мы отправимся туда сами, чтобы увидеть все собственными глазами. 9) Мне понравилась музыка, а сам фильм не понравился. 10) Думай сам(а), я тебе не скажу (не подскажу). 11) Ты хорошо себя вёл? Ты был хорошим мальчиком?

Ех. 5. 1) yourself /yourselves; 2) (by) himself; 3) —; 4) —, —; 5) themselves; 6) herself; 7) myself; 8) —; 9) ourselves; 10) themselves; 11) herself.

Ex. 8. 1) myself; 2) ourselves; 3) himself; 4) themselves; 5) herself; 6) yourself; 7) itself.

Ex. 9. 1) —; 2) a; 3) —; 4) —; 5) a; 6) a.

Ex. 10. (sample): 1)... to be fond of animals; 2) ...quite large; 3) ... my parents; 4) ... deserts and mountains; 5) ... biology; 6)... at school.

Step 4

Ex. 2.1) in; 2) —; 3) in; 4) to; 5) on; 6) in, of; 7) about; 8) in; 9) of; 10) about.

Ex. 3. 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7b.

Ex. 4. 1) опасность; 2) энергия; 3) электростанция; 4) рубить (деревья); 5) вымирать.

Ex. 6. to dump — выбрасывать, to waste — тратить зря, to diet — быть на диете, environmental — относящийся к окружающей среде, к природе, pollution — загрязнение окружающей среды,unpolluted — незагрязненный, protection — защита, охрана.

Ех. 8. А. 1) to be able to live; 2) (the) air to breathe; 3) are in danger; 4) as much as we can; 5) we cut down forests; 6) we pollute the environment; 7) we make a lot of waste; 8) we dump domestic and industrial waste; 9) we pour toxic waste; 10) dangerous to breathe.

Ex. 9. 1) —; 2) yourself/yourselves; 3) —; 4) myself; 5) themselves; 6) —; 7) —.

Ex. 10. 1) nowadays; 2) pour; 3) waste; 4) factory; 5)pollute; 6) protect; 7) necessary; 8) dump.

Step 5

Ex. 1. 1) true; 2) false; 3) true; 4) true; 5) not stated; 6) true; 7) false; 8) true; 9) not stated.

Ex. 3. 1) dangerous; 2) factories; 3) pollute; 4) polluted; 5) pour; 6) waste; 7) earth; 8) polluted; 9) dump; 10) waste; 11) healthy; 12) ecological.

Ex. 4. A. 1e, 2c, 3d, 4f, 5b, a — extra.

Ex. 6. 1) has been snowing; 2) haven’t seen you, what have you been doing; 3) have written, haven’t got any answer; 4) has been here; 5) I have met; 6) you have already missed; 7) I have been phoning; 8) I have been working, haven’t finished; 9) I have always wanted; 10) has been ringing; 11) haven’t had; 12) have been building.

Ex. 9. 1d, 2c, 3f, 4a, 5h, 6g, 7b, 8e.

Ex. 10. 1) have been writing, have finished; 2) haven’t met; 3) have been learning; 4) haven’t seen; 5) has lived/has been living; 6) have never spoken; 7) has been waiting; 8) have read; 9) have been growing; 10) has worked/has been working.

Step 6

Ex. 1. 1) not stated; 2) false; 3) not stated; 4) true; 5) not stated; 6) true.

Ex. 2. 1b, 2g, 3e, 4f, 5a, 6g, 7c, 8h.

Ex. 3. 1) has just struck; 2) have been building; 3) have you been wearing; 4) have known; 5) has been buying; 6) has spent; 7) has not told; 8) have owned.

Ex. 7. B. (sample): 1) The first thing you should do ... 2) The next thing you do ... 3) Remember ... 4) Don’t forget ... 5) Be careful not to ... 6) Another thing to remember.

Ex. 8. 1) endangered; 2) habitat; 3) responsible; 4) damage/destroy; 5) extinct; 6) save; 7) among; 8) member; 9) recycle; 10) laws.

Ex. 9. 1) build; 2) environment; 3) habitat; 4) waste; 5) law.

Ex. 10. 1) habitat; 2) responsible; 3) law; 4) among; 5) extinct; 6) endangered; 7) damage; 8) member; 9) recycle; 10)save.

Step 7

Ex. 3. 1g, 2h, 3f, 4c, 5a, 6d, 7e, 8b.

Ex. 6. 1) must; 2) must; 3) mustn’t; 4) mustn’t; 5) must; 6) mustn’t; 7) must; 8) must; 9) must.

Ex. 7. 1) The children are among the flowers. 2) Sam is between Kate and Peter. 3) The red car is between the bus and the lorry. 4) The low table is between the two armchairs. 5) The road is among the trees. 6) The monkey is between the hare and the parrot.

Ex. 8. 1) took, takes; 2) will take; 3) has taken; 4) took; 5) will it take; 6) takes; 7) has it taken.

Ex. 9. 1) between; 2) among; 3) among; 4) in between; 5) between you and me; 6) between; 7) among; 8) between.

Step 8

Ex. 1. 1a, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c.

Ex. 2. 2) Mary is responsible for interviewing a famous scientist. 3) Tom is responsible for inviting a well-known ecologist to school. 4) John is responsible for preparing a talk on endangered species of plants and animals. 5) William is responsible for preparing a talk on the main ecological problems. 6) Kate is responsible for writing questions to the members of the local government on the ecology of the place. 7) Rob is responsible for studying the ecological situation in the neighbourhood. 8) Helen is responsible for making a presentation about the extict animals of the planet.

Ex. 3. А. 1) dislike, dishonest; 2) disappear; 3) development; 4) disagreement; 5) movements; 6) payment; 7) disbelieve; 8) discomfort; 9) disorder; 10) enjoyment.

В. 1) unusual; 2) easily; 3) pollution; 4) Canadian; 5) beautiful; 6) homeless, European; 7) seller; 8) lovely.

Ex. 4. True: 1, 4, 5; false: 6; not stated: 2, 3, 7.

Ex. 5. 1) up; 2) in; 3) down; 4) off; 5) down; 6) up; 7) off; 8) in.

Ex. 9. 1) taking; 2) make; 3) made; 4) taken; 5) make; 6) take.

Ex. 10. 1) for; 2) on, —; 3) with; 4) to; 5) from; 6) on.

Step 9

Ex. 1. Susan — a, Donald — b, Peter — c, d — extra.

Ex. 2. А. b.

Ex. 4. 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b.

Ex. 5. A. 1) has forgotten, have been doing, have not finished; 2) has been dreaming, has already bought; 3) has been learning, has become, has always been; 4) have you known, have known him, have not seen; 5) have not met, have just spoken.

В. 1) have you been, have just arrived, arrived; 2) have you ever been ..., visited, had; 3) fell; 4) has happened, hasn’t sent; 5) have you had, have had it, bought.

Ex. 6. 1) yourself; 2) myself; 3) themselves; 4) herself; 5) itself; 6) ourselves; 7) himself; 8) yourselves.

Ex. 7. A. 1) between; 2) between; 3) among; 4) among; 5) between.

В. 1) a few; 2) a little; 3) a little; 4) few; 5) little.

Ex. 8. 1) blow; 2) break; 3) burnt; 4) bought; 5) forget — forgot; 6) hid — hidden; 7) leave; 8) stood; 9) taught; 10) worn.

Ex. 9. 1) will not take; 2) took; 3) has taken; 4) does not take; 5) is it taking/has it taken; 6) took; 7) has it taken; 8) did not take; 9) has taken.

Step 10

Ex. 1. 1) true; 2) false; 3) true; 4) false; 5) not stated.

Ex. 2. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a.

Ex. 3. 1) myself; 2) —; 3) yourself; 4) himself; 5) themselves; 6) herself; 7) —; 8) —.

Ex. 4. 1) discomfort; 2) disappear; 3) agreement; 4) dumpers; 5) hopeless; 6) sandy; 7) unpleasant; 8) peaceful.