UNIT 2 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 2 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради


Ex. 1. 1) NS; 2) T; 3) F; 4) NS; 5) F; 6) T; 7) T.

Ex. 2. No. 4.


Ex. 3. Follow, endless, meaning, dictionary, prefer, pronounce, vocabulary, fantastic, awful, sound, probably, useless, develop, already, tongue.

Ex. 5. 1) (She was there) in August. 2) She studied German. 3) They lived in single or double rooms in the castle. 4) They were interesting, never boring. 5) There were people from many countries at the camp, they didn’t know Russian, so she had to speak German. 6) (They had them) twice a week. 7) (They visited) the Alps and two big cities — Saltzburg and Munich. 8) She means that at the camp there were more students from Russia than from other countries. 9) She met a lot of interesting and unforgettable people. 10) She has become stronger, more daring, and more understanding.

Ex. 6. 2e, 3а, 4f, 5d, 6b.

Ex. 7. 1c, 2f, 3b, 4a, 5e, 6d.


Ex. 11. (sample): 2) aren’t you? 3) are languages interesting? 4) Are you going to study English? 5) What do you mean? 6) What is it?/What’s the answer?

Ex. 12. 1) In other words you live different lives when you speak different languages. So you are not quite the same person when you speak a foreign language because you use elements of a different culture. 2) When you learn a foreign language, the information you get helps you to master your own language. 3) Many words and phrases have two or more meanings which a foreigner doesn’t often know and so makes mistakes.

Use of English

Ex. 13. 2) carry; 3) prefer; 4) pronounce; 5) speech; 6) probably; 7) follow; 8) great; 9) air; 10) sound; 11) already; 12) even; 13) never; 14) develop; 15) only; 16) airless.

Ex. 14. 2) pronounce; 3) develop; 4) borrow; 5) vocabulary; 6) prefer; 7) probably; 8) speech; 9) even; 10) maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.

Ex. 15. 2) gas (oline); 3) truck; 4) (french) fries; 5) movie house; 6) movie; 7) candy; 8) elevator; 9) cookie; 10) sweater; 11) sidewalk; 12) drug store.

Ex. 16. 2) in; 3) out; 4) back; 5) over; 6) follows; 7) of; 8) to; 9) vocabulary; 10) over.

Ex. 17. 2) speechless, simply; 3) reread; 4) careless, dictations; 5) painter; 6) brightly, cloudless; 7) feeling, meeting; 8) lucky; 9) unsmiling; 10) friendly.

Ex. 18. 2) Americans; 3) certainly; 4) seriously; 5) different; 6) British; 7) pleasant; 8) collection; 9) meanings.

Ex. 19. 2) banana; 3) grapefruit; 4) television; 5) hockey; 6) drama; 7) primadonna; 8) tennis; 9) import; 10) coffee; 11) medicine; 12) physics; 13) sports; 14) avocado; 15) golf; 16) progress; 17) revolution; 18) tragedy; 19) philosophy; 20) computer; 21) Internet; 22) president.

Ex. 20. 2) Have you ever played the piano? 3) Have you ever run a marathon? 4) Have you rung your grandparents this week? 5) Have you taken any pictures this week? 6) Have you visited a picture gallery this week? 7) Have you been to the theatre this month? 8) Have you given a talk in English this month? 9. Have you begun doing morning exercises?

Ex. 21. (sample): 1) I (My parents, my grandparents) have visited Moscow.

Ex. 22. (sample): 2) I think the match was awful/ terrible. 3) I can’t stand porridge. 4) I hate milk. 5) I can’t say I like TV programmes. 6) I am crazy about rock concerts. 7) I really enjoy swimming. 8) I am quite fond of driving. 9) I really love animals. 10) I dislike living in town, I enjoy living in the country.

Ex. 23. 2) write—wrote—written; 3) run—ran—run; 4) speak—spoke—spoken; 5) take—took—taken; 6) become—became—become; 7) begin—began—begun; 8) fall—fell—fallen; 9) eat—ate—eaten; 10) read—read—read; 11) ring—rang—rung; 12) see— saw—seen; 13) be—was/were—been; 14) give—gave— given.

Ex. 24. 2) He hasn’t learned the poem by heart yet. 3) I haven’t given an apple to my sister yet. 4) She hasn’t taken the books from Room Six yet. 5) You haven’t spoken to your English teacher yet. 6) Grace hasn’t decided where to go yet. 7) We haven’t borrowed any money from my granny yet. 8) She hasn’t read “Gulliver’s Travels” yet. 9) They haven’t been to the bank yet. 10) I haven’t eaten my breakfast yet.

Ex. 25. David a) has visited France, the UK; b) he has not been to Russia, the USA, China; c) hasn’t swum in the Black Sea, in the Caspian Sea, in the Baltic Sea; d) hasn’t swum in the Volga, in Lake Baikal, in the Ob; e) hasn’t eaten borsch, blyni, sushki; f) has spoken English, Italian, French.

Ex. 26. 2) Have you eaten your lunch? 3) Have you ever fallen from your bike? 4) Have you done your homework? 5) Have you swum in the ocean? 6) Have you begun doing the project? 7) Have you read “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy? 8) Have you rung your parents? 9) Have you handed out the test papers? 10) Have you run the 100-metres race? 11) Have you been to the Bolshoi Theatre? 12) Have you seen Red Square?

Ex. 27. 2) What has Helen seen? 3) How many bags has George carried downstairs? 4) How well has Chris done his room? 5) How much money have they borrowed? 6) Why have the Browns moved to a three- room flat? 7) Who has eaten the whole cake? 8) What kind of letter have they written to us?

Ex. 28. 2) We have already washed our jeans. 3) He has just decided to take chicken and rice. 4) He has not planted any flowers yet. 5) Have they already been to the museum? 6) Have they spoken to their parents yet? 7) Has Linda ever seen mountains? 8) I have never eaten Greek food. 9) You have just come back. 10) She has already cleaned the windows.

Ex. 29. 2) As a child David wanted to be a pilot but he has become a photographer. 3) Greg wanted to become a sailor but he has become a bus driver. 4) Helen wanted to be a singer but she has become a nurse. 5) Tracy wanted to be a ballet dancer but she has become a teacher. 6) Robert wanted to be a skier but he has become a skater. 7) Alice wanted to be a journalist but she has become a stewardess. 8) Steven wanted to be a clown but he has become a tamer.

Ex. 30. 2) Have you already finished packing your bag? 3) Have you washed up yet? 4) Have you already washed up? 5) Have you already done your homework? 6) Have you already cleaned all the windows? 7) Have you decided what to take for dinner yet? 8) Have you seen the new film yet? 9) Have you already learned the poem by heart? 10) Have you given the book to the teacher yet?

Ex. 31. 3) Brenda has done the dining room. 4) Brenda has done the kitchen. 5) Brenda has done the hall. 6) Brenda has done the sitting room. 7) Brenda has done the bathroom. 8) Brenda has done the father’s study.

Ex. 32. 2) —; 3) —; 4) a; 5) an; 6) a; 7) an; 8) —; 9) an; 10) a; 11) —; 12) —; 13) —; 14) —; 15) a.

Ex. 33. 1) have; When were you there? was; With whom were you there?; was; 2) Have you ever played tennis?, have, when did you do it?, played, where did you play it?, played; 3) Have you visited the local art gallery?; have; Why did you go there?; is; were; was.

Just for Fun

Ex. 36. 1a, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5c.

Ex. 37. Joke 1: 1b, 2d; Joke 2: 1e, 2a; Joke 3: 1f, 2c.