UNIT 5 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 5 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради


Ex. 1. 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c.

Ex. 2. True — 1, 2; false — 5, 6; not stated — 3, 4.


Ex. 3. Necessary, environment, waste, among, discomfort, responsible, behaviour, survive, influence, extinct, protection, damage, habitat, person, pour.

Ex. 5. No. 5.

Ex. 6. 1c, 2b, 3b, 4a.

Ex. 7. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4NS, 5T, 6T, 7F.


Ex. 11. (sample): B: Yes, I do. / I hope so. B: There are different ways. For example, they may ask tourist not to use their cars when they come to the place.

A: Tourists must also keep the place clean. They mustn’t leave any rubbish in the place, like paper or plastic bags and bottles.

Ex. 12. (sample): 1) I go to school by bike because I think it’s better for the ecology of this place. 2) It’s not at all comfortable, especially in bad weather. 3) Really? What countries? 4) Can riding a bike help to solve this problem? 5) I’ll ride my bike to school too.

Ex. 13. Open.

Ex. 14. (sample): a) This sounds like a good idea. People must learn lessons from history but live today. It means working on today’s problems. We should try to make life better now. At the same time people must always think about the future, those who will live after us and leave them the planet comfortable to live on. b) Maybe the great scientist meant that people shouldn’t live dreaming about tomorrow but work hard today. Also time flies very fast and the future comes sooner than we think, c) By saying that Einstein probably wanted to say that people are often not careful enough and not wise enough. They sometimes don’t want to see things that are clear and don’t want to solve very important problems, for example, the problems of ecology. We forget that the whole future of the planet depends on solving or not solving them.

Use of English

Ex. 15. Person, necessary, movement, number, study, environment, damage, recycle, factory, survive, habitat, pollution, enjoyment, nature, responsible, member, protection.

Ex. 16. 2) discomfort; 3) protection; 4) developments; 5) movement; 6) unpolluted; 7) dangerous; 8) dishonest; 9) powerful; 10) disagree; 11) natural; 12) disbelieved; 13) enjoyment.

Ex. 17. 2) enjoyment; 3) lucky; 4) British; 5) wonderful; 6) unfortunate; 7) luckily; 8) fairly.

Ex. 18. 2) largest; 3) first; 4) ask; 5) Men, men; 6) has been collecting; 7) longer, better; 8) was doing; 9) have had; 10) highest.

Ex. 19. 2) million; 3) longer; 4) most interesting; 5) thousands; 6) them; 7) doesn’t run; 8) will kill/kill; 9) meet; 10) these; 11) means.

Ex. 20. 2d, 3i, 4b, 5a, 6h, 7c, 8e, 9j, 10g.

Ex. 21. 3) unusual (необычный); 4) dislike (не любить); 5) disagree (не соглашаться); 6) unpolluted (незагрязнённый); 7) diappear (исчезнуть); 8) dishonest (бесчестный); 9) unhealthy(нездоровый); 10) discomfort (дискомфорт); 11) unnatural (неестественный); 12) unhappy (несчастливый); 13) displease (вызвать недовольство); 14) unreal (ненастоящий).

Ex. 22. 2) recycle; 3) saved; 4) members; 5) law; 6) damaged; 7) necessary; 8) influences; 9) responsible; 10) poured; 11) study; 12) payment.

Ex. 23. 2) on; 3) for; 4) —; 5) into; 6) of; 7) —; 8) of; 9) among; 10) from; 11) for; 12) between; 13) in; 14) to.

Ex. 24. A. 2) among; 3) between; 4) between; 5) among.

В. 1) down; 2) in; 3) off; 4) up; 5) off; 6) in; 7) up.

Ex. 25. I—me—myself; you—you—yourself; he— him—himself; she—her—herself; it—it—itself; we— us—ourselves; you—you—yourselves; they—them— themselves.

Ex. 26. 2) The dog is looking at itself in the mirror. 3) The boys are looking at themselves in the mirror. 4) The dancers are looking at themselves in the mirror. 5) The hamster is looking at itself in the mirror. 6) The queen is looking at herself in the mirror. 7) The clown is looking at himself in the mirror.

Ex. 27. 2) yourself; 3) himself; 4) myself; 5) herself; 6) itself; 7) yourselves; 8) ourselves; 9) yourselves; 10) yourself; 11) themselves; 12) ourselves.

Ex. 28. 2) —; 3) yourselves; 4) —; 5) myself; 6) themselves; 7) —; 8) yourself /yourselves; 9) —; 10) —; 11) himself; 12) themselves; 13) myself.

Ex. 29. 2) little 3) a few; 4) a little; 5) few; 6) a few; 7) a little; 8) little; 9) a little; 10) a few; 11) a little; 12) Few.

Ex. 30. 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10b.

Ex. 31. 2) have not played; 3) have I said; 4) has been working; 5) has been writing; 6) has influenced; 7) have been studying; 8) has lived/has been living; 9) have known; 10) has been blowing; 11) have not met; 12) has had.


Ex. 32. (sample): 2) Where does the flower grow? 3) What does the word “Rafflesia” mean? 4) What colour is the flower? 5) Is it a common / an endangered plant? 6) Does the flower look beautiful? 7) What is the shape of the flower? 8) What kind of leaves has the plant got?

Ex. 33. 2) Do your parents think it’s a good idea? 3) What ecological problems do you want to study? 4) How long have you been interested in these problems? 5) Will you go to university to become an ecologist? 6) Is it necessary for an ecologist to know one or more than one foreign languages? 7) Where are you going to work? 8) Why is this profession important nowadays?

Ex. 34. (sample): Hi! I’d love to go on a trip like yours! There are a lot of places in Russia where you can study wildlife and a number of national parks. I’d like to watch birds and learn more about plants. By the way, how many days were you on the trip? Did your teachers or parents go with you? What did you do in your free time? How often do you go on such trips? Please write when you have time. Keep well.

Just for Fun

Ex. 35. 2c, 3a, 4b, 5e, 6f, 7g.

Ex. 36. Joke 1: Id, 2a; Joke 2: 1f, 2c; Joke 3: 1e, 2b.