UNIT 3 - Урок 5 - Ключи к заданиям лексико-грамматического практикума

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 3 - Урок 5 - Ключи к заданиям лексико-грамматического практикума

Grammar Section

Ex. 1. 2) had — had; 3) drove — driven; 4) went — gone; 5) brought — brought; 6) taught — taught; 7) sent — sent; 8) found — found; 9) took — taken; 10) ate — eaten; 11) bought — bought; 12) thought — thought; 13) spent — spent; 14) built — built; 15) saw — seen; 16) fought — fought; 17) rode — ridden; 18) got — got; 19) chose — chosen; 20) met — met; 21) spoke — spoken; 22) was/were — been; 23) wrote — written; 24) came — come; 25) rang — rung; 26) fell — fallen.

Ex. 2. 2) haven’t caught; 3) hasn’t broken; 4) haven’t spoken; 5) hasn’t sent; 6) haven’t had; 7) hasn’t chosen; 8) hasn’t given.

Ex. 3. 2) Young Humbert has started on a journey. 3) Mr Fallon has seen the Great Plains. 4) Jim and Becky have brought empty glasses to the kitchen. 5) Francis has driven to Washington, D.C. 6) My sisters have taught me to play tennis. 7) Edwin and his younger brother have visited Australia. 8) Mrs Dundee has bought a new dishwasher. 9) Donald has found his old watch. 10) John and Tom have begun a new life.

Ex. 4. 2) has he; 3) have they; 4) haven’t they; 5) has he; 6) has she; 7) hasn’t it; 8) haven’t they; 9) have we; 10) hasn’t he/she.

Ex. 5. 2) isn’t there; 3) does it; 4) isn’t she; 5) haven’t they; 6) doesn’t it; 7) weren’t they; 8) do they; 9) won’t you; 10) haven’t we.

Ex. 6. 2) What have you/we visited lately? 3) Who has broken the window with a ball? 4) How well does Jill swim? 5) Why have you bought the vase? 6) Where has she gone? 7) What was your journey home like? 8) When did the fire destroy most of the building? 9) Where has she been? 10) How long are they going to stay on the coast? 11) Have they driven away yet?/Have they already driven away?

Ex. 7. 2) bought; 3) has fallen; 4) came; 5) have heard; 6) has been; 7) did; 8) have driven; 9) has given; 10) caught.

Ex. 8. 2) phoned; 3) ate, asked; 4) have already become; 5) has not been; 6) wrote, have not received; 7) have you chosen; 8) has not got, has changed; 9) drove, was not, took; 10) have ridden.

Ex. 9. 2) Joseph has already run the race. 3) They have not spoken to the minister yet. 4) Have you already finished rewriting the text? 5) Have they built the bridge across the river yet? 6) The Simpsons have just left. 7) I have bought such apples several times. 8) We have sent the e-mails this evening./This evening we have sent the e-mails. 9) Has he ever swum in the ocean?

Ex. 10. 2) gone; 3) gone; 4) been; 5) gone; 6) been; 7) gone; 8) been; 9) gone.

Ex. 11. 2) destroyed; 3) was talking, entered, was still talking, went; 4) were you doing; 5) did you visit; 6) came; 7) saw; 8) was cooking, was doing; 9) was raining, was leaving; 10) was snowing, went/was going.

Ex. 12. 2) don’t understand, is saying; 3) lives; 4) come, is; 5) are you doing; 6) are enjoying; 7) are, is; 8) is sleeping; 9) are destroying; 10) is developing, go.

Ex. 13. 2) wanted; 3) didn’t know; 4) didn’t speak; 5) took; 6) drew; 7) looked; 8) ran; 9) have done; 10) said; 11) have drawn; 12) will bring; 13) came; 14) brought.

Ex. 14. 2) our, us; 3) its, it; 4) Their, your; 5) her; 6) him, his; 7) their, them; 8) our, their.

Ex. 15. 2) wolves; 3) men; 4) valleys; 5) lilies of the valley; 6) ladies; 7) wives; 8) branches; 9) pianos; 10) potatoes; 11) leaves; 12) women; 13) mice; 14) geese; 15) sheep; 16) deer; 17) children; 18) oxen; 19) feet; 20) reindeer.

Ex. 16. 2) more expensive; 3) oldest, most beautiful; 4) tall; 5) curious; 6) smaller; 7) elder/older; 8) cleverest, tidiest; 9) most original; 10) older.

Ex. 17. 1) the, the; 2) —; 3) —; 4) —; 5) The, an; 6) —; 7) a; 8) —, —; 9) —; 10) The; 11) an, the; 12) the; 13) the; 14) —.

Ex. 18. 2) Tom’s exercise book, teacher’s table; 3) brother’s friend; 4) brothers’ friend; 5) women’s dresses; 6) sisters’ puppy; 7) mother’s pets; 8) hotel’s head.

Ex. 19. 2) second; 3) sheep; 4) lilies of the valley, best; 5) their; 6) stretches; 7) borders; 8) flow, flows; 9) am writing, to tell; 10) haven’t spoken; 11) was playing; 12) arrives, will begin.

Ex. 20. 2) were; 3) didn’t give; 4) grew; 5) wanted; 6) told; 7) could; 8) don’t understand; 9) said; 10) were not; 11) find; 12) has been; 13) your; 14) will be; 15) best; 16) sent.

Vocabulary Section

Ex. 21. 2) The Great Lakes; 3) The Mississippi; 4) Washington, D.C.; 5) The Great Plains; 6) The Appalachian Mountains; 7) The Rocky Mountains; 8) Alaska; 9) The Potomac River; 10) California; 11) Death Valley; 12) Badwater; 13) The Atlantic Ocean; 14) The Pacific Ocean.

Ex. 22. 2) kangaroo; 3) duckbill; 4) emu; 5) parrot; 6) budgie; 7) echidna; 8) koala.

Ex. 23 (sample): 1) an empty room, an empty glass; 2) a sudden effect, a sudden answer, a sudden cry; 3) a perfect student, a perfect result, a perfect holiday; 4) a full cup, a full glass, a full jug; 5) his own horse, his own mobile, his own car; 6) a surprised girl, a surprised child, a surprised teacher; 7) an incredible trip, incredible advice, an incredible teacher.

Ex. 24. A. 2) laughter; 3) chain; 4) coast; 5) valley; 6) disease; 7) branch; 8) journey; 9) destroy; 10) stretch; 11) sudden; 12) surprise.

Ex. 25. 2) back; 3) sudden; 4) desert; 5) borders; 6) journey; 7) disease; 8) stretched; 9) leaves; 10) full; 11) perfect; 12) surprised; 13) destroyed; 14) plain; 15) laughter.

Ex. 26. 2) of; 3) from; 4) to; 5) of; 6) on; 7) of, in; 8) Into; 9) —; 10) of; 11) —; 12) to; 13) on; 14) at; 15) at.

Ex. 27 (sample): 1) colourful, hopeful; 2) teacher, writer, skier; 3) sailor, actor, doctor; 4) rewrite, remake, reread; 5) shapely, ugly, womanly; 6) musical, mathematical, physical; 7) African, Canadian, European; 8) windy, sandy, cloudy; 9) loudly, quietly, slowly; 10) unclear, unnecessary, unusual; 11) decoration, information, illustration; 12) colourless, treeless, childless; 13) feeling, meaning, borrowing.

Ex. 28. 2) laughter; 3) did; 4) up; 5) manly; 6) loud; 7) weight; 8) just; 9) may be; 10) gone; 11) been; 12) Maybe.

Ex. 29 (sample): 2) lovely/ kindly/friendly; 3) lonely; 4) kindly; 5) ugly; 6) manly/friendly/kindly; 7) shapely.

Ex. 30. 2) unnecessary; 3) womanly; 4) Romans; 5) colourful; 6) sandy; 7) writer, interesting; 8) impossible; 9) sunny; 10) musical; 11) lovely; 12) friendly.

Ex. 31. 2) astronomic(al); 3) logical; 4) interesting; 5) historical; 6) Africans; 7) Romans; 8) different; 9) Chinese; 10) Egyptians; 11) astrologers; 12) important.

Ex. 32. 2) classroom; 3) pencil case; 4) goldfish; 5) football; 6) airport; 7) weekend; 8) daybook; 9) coast line; 10) school year.

Ex. 33. 2) to room — жить с кем-то в одной комнате; 3) to mark — а) отмечать, помечать; б) проверять работу, выставлять оценку (за письменную работу); 4) to comfort — утешать, успокаивать; 5) to rule — править, управлять.

Ех. 34. 2) the English language/English; 3) the Italian language/Italian; 4) the English language and the French language/English and French; 5) the Norwegian language/Norwegian; 6) the Chinese language/ Chinese; 7) The English language/English; 8) the Japanese language/Japanese; 9) The Russian language/Russian; 10) the Vietnamese language/Vietnamese; 11) the German language/German.

Ex. 35. 2) gave away; 3) to give out; 4) to give back; 5) give up; 6) gave away; 7) gave up; 8) give out; 9) gave up; 10) gave out.

Ex. 36. 2) hand/give; 3) talk; 4) handed; 5) give; 6) talk; 7) handed; 8) give; 9) talk; 10) talk.

Ex. 37. 2) handed back; 3) give up; 4) talk into; 5) talk over; 6) give out; 7) talk out; 8) hand in.

Ex. 39. 2h, 3e, 4f, 5g, 6a, 7c, 8d.

Ex. 40. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b.