Тематическое планирование - Предисловие

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

Тематическое планирование - Предисловие



Active Vocabulary

Recognition Vocabulary.

Geographical Names


Word Combinations






Unit 1. Schools and Schooling


1. schooling

2. apart

3. vacation


1. backpack

2. brush

3. chalk

4. dictionary

5. daybook

6. exercise book

7. glue

8. felt-tip (pen)

9. paper

10. pencil case

11. pencil sharpener

12. paint

13. rubber

14. ruler

15. scissors

16. vacation

17. fall

18. soccer

1. to celebrate


4. homecoming

5. countable(s)

6. uncountable(s)


19. pair

20. piece

2. a piece of cake, chalk etc

3. a pair of scissors, shoes etc

4. a piece of music

5. a piece of land

7. spectacles (specs)


21. age

22. break

23. college

24. education

25. pay

26. subject

27. term

28. uniform

29. primary

30. secondary

6. to be over

7. at the age of

8. to take a break

9. to have a lunch break

10. to go to college

11. to be at college

12. higher education

13. to pay in dollars/roubles

14. to pay the bill

8. examination (exam)

9. wrong


31. history

32. geography

33. mathematics (maths)

34. science

35. physics

36. biology

37. chemistry

38. literature

39. computer studies

40. physical education (PE)

15. to do a subject


16. to tell a lie

17. to tell the truth

10. private school

11. practically

12. point

13. report

14. mark

15. seat


41. mark

42. classmate

43. foreign

44. happen

45. loud

46. mistake

47. rule

48. noise

49. noisy

50. foreigner

51. ruler

52. loudly

53. schooldays

54. school age

55. schoolmate

56. school year

57. school leaver

58. schoolhouse

18. to happen to sb

19. a mark for a test

20. a mark in a subject

21. to make a mistake

22. to get a mark

23. to give a mark

24. to make rules

16. preposition

17. to cheer up


59. examination

60. examine

61. celebration

62. decoration

63. illustration

64. demonstration

65. educate

66. illustrate

67. demonstrate

18. word building

19. only

20. list

21. derivative

22. reply


Соnsolidation Class

23. Fleet Street









Test Yourself

24. high school



Home reading.


Home reading.



Unit 2. The Language of the World



25. Latin

26. hardship



68. tragedy

25. to have been to some place

27. monolingual

28. bilingual

29. multilingual

30. international

31. alphabetic





69. just

70. ever

71. already

72. borrow

73. carry

74. develop

75. even

76. only

77. probably

78. tongue

79. vocabulary

80. yet

26. to borrow sth from sb

27. to develop an interest in sth

28. to develop into sb/sth

29. even so

30. mother tongue

31. native tongue

32. other

33. team



34. to fall in love

35. mentioned

36. to sound



81. fantastic

82. awful

83. dislike

84. air

85. follow

86. need

87. prefer

88. pronounce

89. sound

90. speech

91. such

92. maybe

32. to be crazy about sth

33. can’t stand

34. in the open air

35. to follow sb/sth

36. to prefer sth to sth

37. to prefer doing sth

38. to make a speech

39. a part of speech

37. noun



93. library

94. librarian

95. handy

40. to follow one’s nose

38. structure

39. meaning

40. adjective

41. baboon

42. plural

43. colloquial

44. to look (the word) up

45. a word entry



96. childless

97. endless

98. speechless

99. useless

100. cloudless

101. homeless

102. feeling

103. meeting

104. meaning

105. beginning

106. happening

107. borrowing

46. fluently



Соnsolidation Class

47. exactly













Test Yourself





Home Reading



Home Reading




Unit 3. Some Facts about the English-speaking World



48. nickname

49. immigrant

50. Chicago

51. Texas

52. moor

53. meadow

54. melting pot



108. border

109. chain

110. coast

111. flow

112. perfect

113. plain

114. stretch

115. valley

116. lily of the valley (lilies of the valley)

41. to border on sth

42. a mountain chain

43. to flow west etc

44. to flow into sth

45. as far as

55. the Appalachians

56. the Great Plains

57. Death Valley

58. Lake Badwater

59. the Grand Canyon

60. the Colorado River

61. the Niagara River

62. the Niagara Falls

63. to call

64. extreme

65. relief

66. rock

67. observation tower



68. holidaymaker

69. law

70. named after



117. branch

118. desert

119. destroy

120. disease

121. empty

122. journey

123. leaf (leaves)

124. sudden

125. suddenly

46. to develop a disease

47. to die from a disease

48. to be empty of sth

49. to make a journey

50. a two-hour journey

51. a journey home

71. the British

72. Aborigine



126. last

52. the other day

53. the day before yesterday

54. just now

73. to recommend

74. Sydney

75. Melbourne

76. Canberra

77. Perth

78. incredible



127. several

128. back

129. laugh

130. laughter

131. surprise

132. surprised

133. own

134. koala

135. emu

136. echidna

137. duckbill

138. kookaburra

139. eucaliptus

140. baby

141. full

55. in fact

56. at the back

57. in the back

58. with one’s back to sth

59. full of sth

60. to laugh at/ about sth

61. to laugh out loud

62. to sb’s surprise

63. to be surprised at/by sth

64. to see with one’s own eyes

79. bush

80. gum tree

81. merry

82. pouch

83. Carnegie Hall



142. Chinese

143. Japanese

144. Vietnamese

145. Englishman

146. Englishwoman

147. Frenchman

148. Frenchwoman

84. official

85. Briton



149. lovely

150. manly

151. womanly

152. lonely

153. ugly

154. kindly

155. shapely

86. Great Barrier Reef

87. Uluru Rock



Соnsolidation Class

88. convict













Test Yourself





Home reading



Home reading







Unit 4. Living Things Around Us



156. seagull

157. pigeon

158. swallow

159. nightingale

160. owl

161. woodpecker

162. magpie

163. starling

164. ostrich

165. crow

89. domestic



166. penguin

167. another

65. a carton of milk etc

66. a bag of apples etc

67. a plate of sandwiches etc

90. Peru

91. Brazil

92. carton

93. balloon

94. costume



168. breathe

169. common

170. hide

171. include

172. including

173. insect

174. soil

175. species

176. support

68. to breathe in/out

69. to have something in common

70. to include on the list

95. cactus

96. oxygen

97. carbon dioxide



177. since

71. to come down to earth

98. rainforest

99. jackdaw

100. Greek



178. look

179. close

180. curious

181. especially

182. human

183. scientific

184. similar

185. relative

186. twin

187. ape

188. monkey

72. human being

73. close to sth/sb

74. close relative

75. to be curious about sth

76. a twin sister/brother

101. primate

102. gorilla

103. chimpanzee

104. orangutan

105. railroad

106. tool



189. butterfly

190. caterpillar

191. dragonfly

192. beetle

193. ladybird

194. moth

195. spider

196. someone

197. anyone

198. everyone

199. congratulate

200. congratulation

201. luck

77. no one

107. camera

108. honey

109. ultraviolet

110. chrysalis



202. oak

203. elm

204. beech

205. pine

206. fir

207. thistle

208. daffodil

209. shamrock

210. robin

211. lizard

212. blackbird

111. cry



213. understandable

214. enjoyable

215. readable

216. movable

217. breakable

78. pros and cons

112. nature



Соnsolidation Class

218. sunflower

219. bluebell

220. lily

221. water lily

113. weaver bird















Test Yourself



Home Reading



Home Reading




Unit 5. The ABC of Ecology



114. national

115. area

116. elk

117. boar

118. otter



222. behaviour

223. environment

224. influence

225. nature

226. natural

227. number

228. person

229. study

230. survive

231. ecology

79. Mother Nature

80. a natural talent

81. a great number of sth



232. myself

233. yourself

234. himself

235. herself

236. itself

237. ourselves

238. yourselves

239. themselves

82. behave yourself

83. help yourself

84. to do something by oneself



240. danger

241. power

242. dumper

243. dump

244. factory

245. necessary

246. nowadays

247. pollute

248. pollution

249. pour

250. protect

251. protection

252. waste

253. unpolluted

85. power station

86. to cut down

87. to die out

88. rubbish dump

89. protected species

90. to waste money

91. waste of time

119. guest

120. industrial

121. plant

122. pass



123. dinosaur

124. alive

125. meat

126. tyrannosaurus

127. dos and don’ts

128. countryside

129. outside



254. among

255. damage

256. careful

257. endangered

258. extinct

259. habitat

260. law

261. member

262. recycle

263. responsible

264. save

92. to make a law

93. a recycling factory

94. to be responsible for

95. endangered species

96. extinct species

97. laws of nature

98. to be against the law

130. fund

131. solar system

132. to cover

133. a glass jar

134. to mark the level



265. Dutch

266. Dutchman

267. Dutchwoman

268. the Dutch

99. between you and me

100. in between

101. to put laws into practice

135. dodo

136. whale

137. dolphin

138. snowdrop

139. Holland (the Netherlands)

140. a peace organization



269. development

270. agreement

271. enjoyment

272. payment

273. movement

274. disagree

275. disappear

276. disbelieve

277. dishonest

278. disagreement

279. discomfort

141. oil

142. top

143. smoke

144. the Gulf War

145. conference



Consolidation Class

146. less















Test Yourself



Home Reading



Ноше Reading




Unit 6. Living Healthy



280. drug

281. enough

282. harm

283. harmful

284. meal

285. obese

286. quick

287. smoke

288. practically

289. almost

102. fast food

103. junk food

104. to do harm

105. to do good

106. a drug user

107. a quick learner

108. a drug for a disease

147. fizzy

148. to work out

149. no less

150. so on



151. ought to

152. cough

153. to jog



290. brain

291. throat

292. shoulder

293. lung

294. stomach

295. backbone

296. wrist

297. knee

298. ankle

109. to have a cold

154. per cent

155. left-handed

156. talented

157. sculptor

158. instrument

159. right-handed

160. theory

161. symmetrical

162. asymmetry

163. whole

164. nerves

165. marked



299. ache

300. cough

301. hurt

302. medicine

303. pain

304. prescribe

305. recover

306. sneeze

307. headache

308. backache

309. earache

310. stomachache

311. toothache

312. heartache

110. to have a bad cough

111.to take a medicine for sth

112. to prescribe sth for sth

113. to recover from some disease

114. a sore throat

115. a weak heart

116. a heart attack

117. a heart problem

118. to take one’s temperature

119. a runny nose

120. to be running (about nose)

121. a pain in one’s side

122. to be running a high temperature

166. inside

167. family doctor

168. to call the doctor

169. my head is swimming

170. to pass

171. to fall (about temperature)

172. to go to the chemist’s

173. a tablet for sth

174. spray for the nose

175. within a week

176. vitamin



123. to get a cold

124. to catch a cold

125. to come down with a cold



313. cure

314. examine

315. habit

316. hard

317. patient

318. lose

319. swallow

320. weigh

321. weight

126. to cure sb of sth

127. to do one’s best

177. to have a rest

178. exclamation

179. to cause

180. length

181. liquid

182. inch

183. foot

184. yard

185. ounce

186. pound

187. stone

188. pint

189. gallon



322. hardly

128. to work hard

129. to fight hard

130. to try hard

131. to think hard

132. to rain hard

133. to snow hard

134. to have a good time

190. reason

191. skull

192. symptom

193. mechanism

194. vein

195. artery

196. muscle

197. pyramid

198. to limit

199. oil

200. pasta



323. weakness

324. darkness

325. illness

326. ugliness

327. freshness

328. length

329. strength

330. width

331. warmth

332. growth

201. disabled

202. wheelchair



Consolidation Class

203. a traffic jam

204. passenger

205. cheap

206. to cycle

207. distance

208. loose

209. helmet















Test Yourself

135. to cope with sth



Home Reading



Home Reading










Grammar and Usage


Songs, Poems, Rhymes


Elements of Country Studies






Revision: present simple

The First Days

at School (R)

Poem School,

Family and Friends

Back to school

Revision: future simple

New material:

1) countable and uncountable nouns;

2) much/ mаnу, few/ little with nouns

1. TV Children (L).

2. Homecoming (R)

School supplies

1. British English versus American English: holidays/ vacation, autumn/ fall, football/ soccer, pupil/student.

2. American tradition of Homecoming


1) some, any, a/аn, zero article with nouns;

2) pronouns his/these, hat/those

New material:

1) the noun, rays to express partition;

2) nouns used only in the plural (trousers etc);

3) nouns in the plural vs.

She same nouns with the word pair and their agreement with the verb

1. Whose bag is it? (L).

2. At the Shop (L)

Buying things for school

Revision: past simple

1. Peter’s belongings (L).

2. Schools in England and Wales (R)

Primary and secondary schools in Britain

1. Compulsory education in Britain.

2. GCSE examinations.

3. Some items of school vocabulary:

a) year one/two student;

b) to be in the first/ second year

New material:

Hеrо article in she

Combinations like to go to school etc

Sharon is speaking about her school(L)

1. School subjects.

2. School timetable

1. Science as a subject in English schools.

2. Names of English schools

New material:

1) English homonyms;

2) confusable words to say, tо tell, to speak, to talk

Russian Schools (R)


Do Re Me

School life in Russia and abroad

1. Assessment in British schools compared with Russian system.

2. Classroom English


1) affixation suffixes -er, -ly);

2) composition (N+N — school + day)

New material:

verbs and adjectives used with prepositions

tо and of:

1) to talk to, to listen to, tо speak to, to write to;

2) afraid of, fond of, proud of, sure of, tired of

1. Texts about schools (L).

2. Dialogue (R)

Systems of education in Britain and Russia

Education in Britain

New material:

1) noun-forming suffix -tion;

2) phrasal verbs

to talk back, to talk over, to talk into, to talk out of

1. Children speak about their schools (L).

2. Only Children (R)


Modern schools and their features

New material:

names of subjects ending in -s and their agreement with the verbs in the singular

1. Ann’s e-mail (L).

2. Texts about different schools (R)

Types of schools

Proverbs connected with schooling

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. Dialogue about education at school and at home (L).

2. American school year (R)

New material:

1) articles with names of languages (the English language/ English);

2) present perfect, affirmative sentences;

3) third form of regular verbs

1. Dialogue (L).

2. How many people speak English (R)

The saying

Through hardship to the stars

New material:

1) present perfect, negative sentences;

2) shortened form of the verb to be in present perfect;

3) third form of the verbs to be and to see

1. Dialogue (L).

2. Four texts about languages (R)

Languages and dictionaries

International words in English

New material:

1) present perfect, general questions;

2) short answers to general questions in present perfect;

3) third forms of the verbs to do, to begin, to ring, to run, to swim, to come, to become

Dialogues (R)


Billy Boy

Speaking about completed actions

English folklore

New material:

1) adverbs of indefinite time (already, just etc) as markers of present perfect;

2) this morning, this week etc as markers of present perfect

1. Captain Drake and his voyages (L).

2. How English Developed (R)

Spread of English in the world

English as the first and the second language

New material:

1) special and disjunctive questions in present perfect;

2) yet and already in questions in present perfect;

3) third forms of the verbs to read, tоwrite, tо speak, tо take, tо eat, to fall, tоgive

1. Travelling in the USA (L).

2. Different Kinds of English (R)

Varieties of English

British English vs American English (elevator/lift, trunk/lorry etc)

New material:

1) articles with nouns after such;

2) adjectives after the verb tо sound

The Robinsons (R)

Poem The Wind

Varieties of English

Speaking about likes and dislikes

New material:

1) confusable words: dictionary vs. vocabulary;

2) present perfect and past simple an developing situations:

Have you been...? When did you see t?

1. Text about Daniel Radcliffe (L).

2. How to Use Dictionaries (R)

Rules of using dictionaries

1. The famous British actor.

2. Famous British dictionaries

New material:

1) affixes less, -ing to form new words;

2) phrasal verbs to hand in, to hand pack, to hand out, to hand over

Interview about learning English (L, R)

Learning English at school

The English proverb

Practice makes perfect

1. Speaking about English (L).

2. English — an all- important language (R)

The importance of English nowadays

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. Discussing the importance of English (L).

2. People’s interest in languages (R)

Class 3

Class 4

Class 2


present perfect resultative

New material:

Third forms of the verbs tо catch, to each, to wing, to buy, tо fight, to think, to puild, to send, tо spend, to meet, to leave, to find, tо get, to have

The New World (R)

Song One Man Went to Moor

America — the country of the new and the old

New material:

confusable words

maybe is may be

1. Visiting New York (L).

2. Text about five places in the USA (R)

Geography of the USA

Some facts of the US geography and cities


present perfect

New material:

third forms of the verbs tо break, tоchoose, tо drive, tо ride, to go

1. Washington, D.C. (L).

2. Kate's Letter (R)

Washington, D.C.

The US capital


present perfect

New material:

confusable English: gone о — been to

1. Children speaking about their travels (L).

2. Text about Australia (R)

Some facts about Australia

Peculiarities of Australian geography and history


present perfect

New material:

1) past simple vs. present perfect;

2) the markers this year, this month etc in sentences with present perfect;

3) confusable English: must vs. just cow

Australian Cities (L)

Cities of Australia

Expressing surprise

New material:

the markers

before, mаnу times, several times, it’s the first time etc in sentences with present perfect

1. Speaking about Australia (L).

2. Texts about the animals and birds of Australia (R)



Australia’s flora and fauna

Peculiarities of Australian wildlife

New material:

1) names of languages and representatives of nations;

2) substantivised adjectives to name nations (the English etc);

3) articles with the names of nations and their representatives

Two Christmas poems

Countries, languages, nations

Tourist attractions in the USA and Australia

New material:

1) phrasal verbs to give away, to give back, to give out, to give up;

2) affix -ly to form adjectives manly);

3) spelling rules while forming adverbs from adjectives ending in -y lazy — lazily; dry — dryly/drily)

1. Text about visits to the USA (L).

2. The United States of America (R).

3. Strange and Wonderful (R)

Places of interest in the US and Australia

Sightseeing in the US and Australia

1. At the international school (L).

2. Some facts of Australian history (R)

Visiting the US and Australia

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. Text about the Grand Canyon (L).

2. Life in Australia (R)

The English proverb

Seeing is believing

Class 5

Class 6

Class 3

Class 4

New material:

third forms of the verbs tо dream, to set, to burn, tо make, to near, to mean, to learn, to put, tо pay, to say, tо tell, to spell, to stand, to strike, to understand, tо win

Text about Alaska (L)

Common birds

New material:

1) confusable words:

other vs another;

2) partition words (piece, carton etc);

3) third forms of the verbs to blow, tоgrow, to ply, to draw, tо know, tо wear, tо forget

1. Does the Nightingale Sing Only at Night? (L).

2. They Are So Much Like Us (R)

Unusual birds

New material:

1) confusable words: fly vs slow;

2) articles with the words other and others

1. Text about African animals (L).

2. Animals and Plants (R)

Animals and plants

New material:

1) confusable words: earth as land vs oil vs around;

2) present perfect progressive;

3) markers if present perfect progressive: for, since etc

1. Speaking about rainforests (L).

2. Language of Birds (R)

Birds and animals of our planet

New material:

general and special questions in present perfect progressive

Our Close Relatives (R)

Song I’ve Been Working on the Railroad


English saying We are only human


confusable English: an tour and a half vs half an hour

New material:

1) present perfect progressive in sentences with clauses having a verb in past simple;

2) present perfect progressive marker for a long time;

3) pronouns someone, anyone, no one, everyonе

1. Text about Sally’s career (L).

2. Text about insects (R)


Greetings and congratulations in English

New material:

present perfect progressive tо describe factions that have just been finished

1. Text about horses (L).

2. Flora and Fauna of the British Isles (R)

Wildlife of Britain

Some facts about flora and fauna of Great Britain

New material:

1) phrasal verbs to make up, to make out, to make off;

2) affix -able so form adjectives

Charles Darwin (R)


The Animal Store

Animals in zoos

Darwin, the famous British naturalist

Text about animal life (R)

Curious animals

English proverbs

One swallow doesn’t make a summer, Great oaks from little acorns grow, Don’t teach a fish to swim, Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, A cat in gloves catches no mice, First catch your hare then cook him

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. Text about ostriches (L).

2. Helen Beatrix Potter (R)

Class 7

Class 8

Class 5

New material:

present perfect of the verbs to be, to know, to have etc used instead of present perfect progressive

1. Six people talking (L).

2. Keep the Beauty of Russia (R)

National parks of Russia


international words

What Is Ecology (R)


Green Fields

Ecology as a science

New material:

1) confusable English: little vs a little (not much, some), new vs a few not many, several, some);

2) reflexive pronouns;

3) Russian reflexive verbs vs English non- reflexive verbs (to bash, to press etc)

Why Are Animals Important to Us (L)

Animals and their habitats

Our Environment (R)


Three Guests

Keep the environment clean

New material:

present perfect and present perfect progressive consolidated

1. Dinosaurs — Very Big Lizards (L).

2. Five texts about environment (R)

Danger of pollution

1. Text about climate (L).

2. An Unusual Badge (R)

Ecological societies

English ways of giving instructions

New material:

confusable words:

among vs. between

1. As Dead as a Dodo (L).

2. Dialogues(R).

3. Text about ecological problems (R)

Solving ecological problems

The English saying As dead as a dodo

New material:

1) affix –meat tо form nouns;

2) affix –dis tо form nouns, verbs and adjectives;

3) phrasal verbs to take clown, to take off, to take an, to take up

1. Text about Baiji dolphins (L).

2. Water Pollution (R)

Water pollution

1. Four people talking about ecology (L).

2. Ways to survive (R)

Save the planet

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. The Changing World (L).

2. Every Little Helps (R)

English saying Every little helps

Class 9

Class 10

Class 6

New material:

1) position of the word enough before nouns, after adjectives and adverbs);

2) confusable words: practically vs almost

1. Text about ecology (L).

2. Golden rules to stay fit (R).

3. Shall We Go to McDonalds? (R)

Healthy and unhealthy food

English proverb

There is no smoke without fire

New material:

the adverb enough vs too not big tough - too small to do sth)

Two interviews (R)


Your Cold Is Getting Worse

Keeping fit


parts of the human body

New material:

1) exclamatory sentences with what and how,

2) articles with countables and uncountables in exclamatory sentences

1. Speaking about health problems (L).

2. Why Are Some People Left-handed? (R)

A human body.

Health problems

New material:

1) confusable words: pain vs. ache;

2) articles with compounds headache, toothache etc

1. What Is the Secret of a Long Life? (L).

2. Philip Is III (R)

Living long

New material:

1) confusable words: ill vs sick;

2) confusable English: to have a cold vs to get/catch a cold, to come down with a cold

1. What’s the matter with them? (L).

2. Two dialogues (R)

Having a cold

Idioms to have a heart of gold, to be a pain in the neck, to have eyes bigger than the stomach, to have a good head on one’s shoulders, to bring sb on their knees, to have a finger in every pie, to walk with one’s nose in the air

1. Text about swimming lessons (L).

2. Two dialogues (R)

Visiting a doctor

1. Exclamations to express estimation.

2. English measures of weight, length and liquids

New material:

1) confusable English:

hard vs hardly; such vs so;

2) articles in sentences with such and so;

3) time as a countable noun

1. Dialogues about health problems (L).

2. What Causes Headaches? (R)

Balanced and healthy meals and weight control

New material:

1) confusable words: still vs yet;

2) affixes ness, -th tо form nouns;

3) phrasal verbs to stay away, to stay off, to stay up, to stay together

1. Text about a disabled friend (R)


Robin the Bobbin

The problem of disability

1. Text about Paul’s visit to a doctor (L).

2. Back to the Bike (R)

Healthy ways

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Textbook Step 10

1. People speaking about their visits to the doctor (L).

2. Text about healthy ways (R)

Class 11

Class 12

Class 7

Class 8

Class 9

1 Согласно Федеральному базисному учебному плану, учебный год в 7 классе в среднем составляет 35 недель. Количество учебного времени, выделяемого на изучение английского языка в неделю, составляет 3 академических часа. Соответственно, данный УМК рассчитан примерно на 105 учебных часов. Тематическое планирование дается на 96 учебных часов.

Таким образом, у учителя остается 9 уроков, которые он может использовать по своему усмотрению в зависимости от уровня языковой подготовки учащихся. На эти уроки также могут быть запланированы презентации результатов проектной деятельности, административные контрольные работы, экзамены.