Ключи к контрольным заданиям - Приложения

Английский язык - Книга для учителя 8 класс О. В. Афанасьева - 2015 год

Ключи к контрольным заданиям - Приложения

Unit 1

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. F; 2. B; 3. A; 4. C; 5. E; extra — D

Test Two 1. F; 2. NS; 3. T; 4. NS; 5. F; 6. T

Test Three 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a

II. Reading Tests

Test One 1. B; 2. —; 3. A; 4. C; 5. E; 6. D

Test Two 1. d; 2. b; 3. h; 4. e; 5. a; 6. f; 7. c; 8. g

Test Three 1. d; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1. jealous; 2. advance/smart; 3. harm; 4. crept; 5. dumb/silly; 6. smart/terrific; 7. cheating; 8. top; 9. care; care; 10. rotten; 11. terrific; 12. show; 13. fixed; 14. mind; 15. silly; 16. flavoured

Test Two 1. out; 2. over; 3. in; 4. down; 5. over; 6. in; 7. out; 8. down

Test Three 1. tailor; 2. hairdresser’s; 3. silly; 4. career; 5. job; 6. profession; 7. occupation; 8. stupid

Test Four 1. k; 2. i; 3. l; 4. f; 5. j; 6. d; 7. h; 8. a; 9. c; 10. e; 11. g; 12. b

Test Five 1. at; 2. of; in; 3. at; 4. of; 5. in; 6. of; 7. to; 8. on/to; 9. from; 10. off; 11. for; 12. at; into; 13. for; 14. from; 15. up; 16. by

Test Six 1. Victorian; 2. sweeping; 3. ability; 4. quickly; 5. cruelty; 6. unflavourable; 7. exhausting; 8. inside

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One Present Subjunctive: 1; 5; 6; 8; 10; 11; Past Subjunctive: 2; 3; 4; 7; 9; 12

Test Two 1. had cancelled; 2. could; 3. had caught; wouldn’t have lost; 4. had; would call; 5. had been; 6. were; wouldn’t jump; 7. hadn’t had; would have fallen; 8. liked; would invite; 9. wouldn’t have recognized; hadn’t seen; 10. were

Test Three 1. were; would start; 2. hadn’t missed; 3. didn’t play; would have; 4. knew; 5. had seen; would have enjoyed; 6. told; would change; 7. hadn’t made; would have got; 8. hadn’t left

Test Five 1. had just ended; 2. had done; 3. first; 4. was given; 5. was planning/had planned; 6. to spend; 7. best; 8. was tutored; 9. felt; 10. won

Unit 2

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. T; 2. F; 3. NS; 4. NS; 5. T; 6. F

Test Two 1. —; 2. D; 3. A; 4. B; 5. E; 6. C

Test Three 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. c

II. Reading Tests

Test One 1. c; 2. g; 3. d; 4. a; 5. e; 6. b; 7. f; extra — h

Test Two 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. —; 5. E; 6. D

Test Three 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. d; 5. b; 6. d

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1. vanished; 2. rare; 3. solid; 4. warning; 5. squeak; 6. mess up; 7. complicated; 8. concentrate (on); 9. forced; 10. droning on

Test Two 1. down; 2. away; 3. out; 4. down; 5. into; 6. down; 7. into; 8. away

Test Three 1. d/f; 2. d/f; 3. b/h; 4. e; 5. a; 6. j; 7. i; 8. b/h; 9. g; 10. c

Test Four 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a

Test Five 1. j; 2. i; 3. c; 4. a; 5. g; 6. f; 7. b; 8. d; 9. h; 10. e

Test Six 1. in; 2. for; 3. up; 4. on; 5. with; 6. about; 7. on; 8. into; 9. on; 10. on; on

Test Seven 1. education; 2. British; 3. government; 4. famous; 5. National; 6. intelligent; 7. attention; 8. different

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One 1. had been; would have been; 2. had bought; would have won; 3. left; wouldn’t miss; 4. had been; would have solved; 5. were; wouldn’t agree; 6. hadn’t invited; wouldn’t have come; 7. hadn’t passed; wouldn’t have gone; 8. hadn’t worked; wouldn’t have passed; 9. had; would buy; 10. entered; would graduate

Test Two 1. be; 2. have been; 3. have done; 4. go; 5. go; 6. have joined; 7. go; 8. think; 9. have realized; 10. have believed

Test Three 1. were; had; 2. had been; 3. hadn’t come; 4. were not; 5. had bought; 6. hadn’t stayed; 7. had watched; 8. were not; 9. didn’t leave; 10. hadn’t left

Test Four 1. would change; 2. would go; 3. would write; 4. would have done; 5. would write; 6. have promised; 7. have moved; 8. have signed; 9. would have waited; 10. would accept

Test Five 1. had ordered; 2. orders; 3. ordered; 4. gets; 5. had not graduated; 6. had travelled; 7. came; 8. had come; 9. had known; 10. had bought

Test Six 1. more; 2. most; 3. fastest; 4. more calmly; 5. naturally; 6. more often; 7. clearly; 8. quietly; 9. more quickly; 10. Heavier

Test Seven Julia does her hair; makes dresses; sharpens knives; takes things to the cleaner’s; presses her trousers; irons her linen; repairs her watch; mends her clothes (herself). Brenda has her hair done; dresses made; knives sharpened; things taken to the cleaner’s; her trousers pressed; her linen ironed; her watch repaired; her clothes mended (for her).

Test Eight 1. most important; 2. had heard; 3. became; 4. children; 5. their; 6. was arranged; 7. controlled; 8. them; 9. were preparing; 10. were smartly dressed

Unit 3

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. C; 2. F; 3. E; 4. D; 5. A; extra — B

Test Two 1. NS; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F; 6. F; 7. T

Test Three 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. c; 7. c

II. Reading Tests

Test One1. f; 2. h; 3. b; 4. g; 5. a; 6. e; 7. d; extra — c

Test Two 1. A; 2. E; 3. F; 4. D; 5. B; 6. —; 7. C

Test Three 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. c; 6. a

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1. immense size; 2. reluctant guests; 3. detachable cuffs; 4. stiff back; 5. ridiculous dress; 6. dignified manner; 7. starched collar; 8. detached house; 9. funny joke

Test Two 1. f; 2. d; 3. a; 4. h; 5. g; 6. b; 7. i; 8. j; 9. e; 10. c

Test Three 1. b; 2. e; 3. f; 4. d; 5. g; 6. c; 7. a

Test Four 1. ridiculous; 2. hilarious; 3. funny; 4. ridiculous; 5. funny; 6. hilarious

Test Five 1. off; 2. across; 3. down with; 4. over; 5. across; 6. round; 7. off; 8. over

Test Six 1. e; 2. h; 3. j; 4. i; 5. g; 6. b; 7. a; 8. k; 9. l; 10. f; 11. d; 12. c

Test Seven 1. entertainment; 2. neighbourhood; 3. transformation; 4. shopping; 5. activity; 6. freedom; 7. cultural; 8. consumer

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One 1. widely; 2. most; 3. highly; 4. wrongly; 5. rightly; 6. hard; 7. hardly; 8. wide; 9. wrong; 10. high; 11. hardly; 12. right; 13. hardly; 14. mostly

Test Two 1. it, they; 2. they, it; 3. they; 4. it; 5. them, It; 6. it; 7. it

Test Three 1. which; 2. What; 3. What; 4. Which; 5. what; 6. What; 7. Which; 8. what

Test Four 1. may/can; 2. can; 3. might; 4. could; 5. could/can; 6. might/could; 7. could; 8. may/could

Test Five 1. may be; 2. may be; 3. maybe; 4. Maybe, maybe; 5. may be; 6. maybe; 7. may be; 8. maybe; 9. maybe; 10. may be; 11. Maybe

Test Six 1. most; 2. First; 3. don’t know; 4. to pay; 5. happens; 6. has; 7. is reading; 8. to improve; 9. is connected; 10. newest; 11. shop

Unit 4

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. D; 2. E; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C

Test Two 1. T;2. NS; 3. F; 4. F; 5. NS; 6. T

Test Three 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. b

II. Reading Tests

Test One 1. c; 2. g; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b; extra — f

Test Two 1. b; 2. f; 3. c; 4. d; 5. e; 6.a; 7. —

Test Three 1. c; 2. d; 3. c; 4. d; 5. a; 6. b

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1.advantage; 2. case; 3. nervous; 4. predicts; 5. indifferent; 6. desire; 7. insist; 8. bother; 9. require; 10. supplies; 11. various; 12. equipment; 13. express; 14. worn out; 15. expressed; 16. variety

Test Two 1. g; 2. h; 3. f; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. e; 8. d

Test Three 1. survive; 2. launch; 3. research; 4. astronomy; 5. break throughs, invention; 6. explore; 7. recycle; 8. equipped; 9. observations; 10.tested, launched

Test Four 1. through; 2. off; 3. around; 4. to; 5. through; 6. to; 7. off; 8. to

Test Five 1. discovery; 2. invention; 3. invented; 4. discovered; 5. discovery; 6. invention; 7. inventive; 8. discovery

Test Six1. of; 2. off; 3. about; 4. of; 5. In; 6. on; 7. over; 8. on; 9. about; 10. with; 11. for; 12. of

Test Seven 1. variety; 2. technological; 3. medical; 4. remarkably; 5. information; 6. equipment; 7. discovery; 8. operation; 9. illness; 10. invention; 11. nervous; 12. difference

Test Eight 1. besides; 2. beside; 3. beside; 4. besides; 5. besides; 6. beside; 7. besides; 8. beside

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One 1. must; 2. have; 3. can, may; 4. can, may; 5. can’t; 6. must, should; 7. can, must; 8. can; 9. must; 10. ought; 11. must, should Test Two 1. none; 2. either; 3. Neither; 4. either; 5. none; 6. neither; 7. none; 8. any

Test Three 1. I work better at the library in the evening. 2. We generally go to France for our holidays. 3. He is always asking silly questions. 4. The man warmly thanked the scientist and immediately went out of the room. 5. He cleverly planned to get into their laboratory unnoticed. 6. We finally arrived home at midnight.

Test Four 1. the wealthy; 2. blind; 3. the sick; 4. the unemployed; 5. old, the young, young, young, old; 6. the disabled

Test Five 1. must; 2. have to; 3. have to; 4. must; 5. must; 6. have to; 7. must; 8. have to; 9. must; 10. must

Test Six 1. are hospitalized; 2. longer; 3. called; 4. has increased; 5. are tested; 6. million; 7. mice; 8. fish; 9. putting; 10. faster

Test Seven 1. shouldn’t; 2. don’t have to; 3. mustn’t; 4. don’t have to; 5. shouldn’t; 6. don’t have to; 7. mustn’t; 8. mustn’t; 9. shouldn’t; 10. doesn’t have to; 11. mustn’t; 12. shouldn’t

Unit 5

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. f; 2. d; 3. b; 4. e; 5. a; extra — c

Test Two 1. T; 2. NS; 3. F; 4. NS; 5. T; 6. T

Test Three 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c

II. Reading Tests

Test One 1. b; 2. e; 3. d; 4. —; 5. a; 6. c

Test Two 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. f; 5. g; 6. a; 7. e; 8. h

Test Three 1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. c

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1. tears; 2. flows; 3. bare; 4. annual; 5. clatter; 6. Was trembling/trembled; 7. rough; 8. confused; 9. nightmare; 10. groaned; 11. thrilled; 12. wrinkled; 13. sank; 14. reunion; 15. couple; 16. embrace Test Two 1. to/into; 2. to; 3. with; 4. by; 5. with; 6. of; 7. at; 8. by; to; 9. on; 10. with

Test Three 1. couple; 2. voyage; 3. quiet; 4. altogether; 5. travels; 6. rather; 7. except; 8. sick; 9. waiting; 10. quite; 11. journey; 12. together; 13. awaiting; 14. better; 15. pair; 16. besides

Test Four 1. e; 2. a; 3. j; 4.h; 5. g; 6. k; 7. b; 8. d; 9. f; 10. c; 11. i

Test Five 1. in; 2. out; 3. off; 4. on; 5. off, at; 6. out; 7. on; 8. in, at

Test Six 1. hitchhikers; 2. dangerous; 3. simply; 4. comfortable; 5. politely; 6. European; 7. Spanish; 8. impression; 9. architecture; 10. amazing

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One 1. e; 2. i; 3. h; 4. b; 5. a; 6. f; 7. c; 8. g; 9. D

Test Two 1. The hungry; 2. The rich; 3. Poor; 4. young; 5. old; 6. old; 7. deaf; 8. deaf, dumb; 9. the deaf, the dumb; 10. the rich, the poor

Test Three 1. needn’t; 2. are to; 3. is to; 4. is to; 5. needs; 6. doesn’t need; 7. are to; 8. needs

Test Four 1. have given; 2. have worn; 3. help; 4. explain; 5. have bought; 6. have said; 7. shout; 8. have come

Test Five 1. cold; 2. loud; 3. nice; 4. coldly; 5. sadly; 6. sad; 7. loudly; 8. pleasant; 9. awfully; 10. wonderful

Test Six 1. Danes, Danish; 2. Dutch, Dutch; 3. Portuguese, Portuguese; 4. Swiss, German; 5. Japanese, Japanese; 6. Canadians, English, French; 7. Irish, English, Irish; 8. Norway, Norwegian

Test Seven 1. most extreme; 2. fruit; 3. coldest; 4. our; 5. last; 6. was used; 7. are; 8. is frozen; 9. second; 10. driest; 11. didn’t see; 12. longest

Unit 6

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One 1. C; 2. E; 3. A; 4. D; 5. —; 6. B

Test Two 1. NS; 2. T; 3. F; 4. NS; 5. T; 6. T

Test Three 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a

II. Reading Tests

Test One 1. C; 2. —; 3. A; 4. D; 5. B

Test Two 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. f; 5. e; 6. b

Test Three 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One 1. incapable; 2. illiterate; 3. passionate; 4. wasteful; 5. gifted; 6. obvious; 7. marvellous; 8. idle; 9. fierce; 10. distant

Test Two 1. of; 2. in; 3. with; 4. at; 5. for; 6. of; 7. for; 8. for; 9. about; 10. to; 11. out

Test Three 1. incapable; 2. impolite; 3. illegal; 4. irresponsible; 5. unrewarding; 6. inexpensive; 7. uninteresting; 8. immoral; 9. unfriendly; 10. independent

Test Four 1. weekly newspaper/magazine; 2. review; 3. strip cartoon; 4. tabloid; 5. soap (opera); 6. editor; 7. newscaster/newsreader; 8. freelance journalist; 9. current affairs; 10. commercial; 11. headline; 12. newsagent(’s)

Test Five 1. off; 2. out; 3. on; 4. off; 5. on; 6. in; 7. on; 8. in; 9. on; 10. out

Test Six A. 1. offered; 2. offer; 3. offers; 4. suggest; 5. suggested; 6. suggest; 7. offered; 8. offers

B. 1. Arab; 2. Arabic; 3. Arabic; 4. Arabian; 5. Arab; 6. Arabian; 7. Arab; 8. Arabic

Test Seven 1. business; 2. artist; 3. singer; 4. famous; 5. intention; 6. donations; 7. really; 8. inexpensive

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One 1. from; 2. in; 3. to; 4. for; 5. to; 6. to; 7. for; of; 8. of; 9. in; 10. in

Test Two 1. playing; 2. to go; 3. meeting; 4. to say; 5. to inform; 6. bringing; 7. calling; 8. not joining; 9. to complete; 10. to speak; 11. helping; 12. to read

Test Three 2. The boy wasn’t allowed to play ...; 4. I was lying on the beach ...; 6. Children shouldn’t be allowed to play ...; 10. Tortoises lay eggs ...

Test Four 1. to; 2. —; 3. to; 4. to; 5. —; 6. —; 7. to; 8. —; 9. to; 10. —

Test Five 1. not used to; 2. used to; 3. used to; 4. get used to; 5. am not used to; 6. used to; 7. got/was used to; 8. used to; 9. used to; 10. be used to

Test Six 1. has just become; 2. more convenient; 3. children; 4. stories; 5. choose; 6. to watch; 7. be divided; 8. youngest; 9. are written; 10. has grown/has been growing; 11. connected; 12. million