Английский язык: Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Грамматика и лексика»


Test 43. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form.

1. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy.

2. Four people (have killed/have been killed) in а train crash.

3. А famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

4. The house (bought/was bought) by а pop-star.

5. Local police (have been arrested/have arrested) the bank robber.

6. I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday.

7. The room (will сlеаn/will be cleaned) later.

8. ‘Did you go to the party?’ ‘No, I (didn’t invite/wasn’t invited).’

9. It’s а big company. It (is employed/employs) two hundred people.

10. Tom (has lost/has been lost) his key.

11. Many accidents (caused/are caused) by dangerous driving.

12. А cinema is а place where films (show/are shown).

13. People (aren’t used/don’t use) this road very often.

14. This house (built/was built) in 1930.

15. This situation is serious. Something must (do/be done) before it’s too late.

16. My car (has disappeared/has been disappeared).

17. Have you heard the news? The President (has shot/has been shot).

18. А new supermarket (will be built/will built) here next year.

19. (in а shop) ‘Can I help you, madam?’ ‘No, thank you. I (am serving/am being served).’

20. When I came to the party, John (had already been gone/ had already gone) home.

Test 44. Active or passive? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. The computer (use) at the moment.

2. Your house looks different. You (paint) it?

3. Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

4. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water.

5. When we got to the stadium, we found out that the game (cancel). So we couldn’t see the match.

6. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

7. The letter (post) a week ago but it (arrive) yesterday.

8. Ann couldn’t use her office yesterday. It (redecorate) the whole day.

9. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, Ann will be in her office. She (work) then.

10. Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring up) by their grandparents.

11. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room.

12. Look! A new hospital (build) near the airport.

13. Where these photographs (take)? In London? You (take) them?

14. Two people (arrest) last night.

15. The computer broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. It (work) again. It (repair).

16. The man next door (disappear) six months ago. Nobody (see) him since then.

17. The room looked nice. It (clean).

18. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think we (follow).

19. A mystery is something that can’t (explain). 20. I’m sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already (sell).

Test 45. Active or passive? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. How she usually (get) to school?

2. When we came, the dinner still (cook).

3. I was very tired because I (run) for an hour.

4. Jane ever (hear) this story?

5. When summer (come), we’ll go to the seaside.

6. Please wait! Your question (discuss) now.

7. She (paint) the door by the time we come back?

8. The book (publish) next month.

9. How long you (have) this book?

10. The cooking usually (do) by my mother.

11. ‘When he (get) this letter?’ ‘A week ago.’

12. If she (not come), we won’t be able to finish the work.

13. They (work) the whole evening tomorrow.

14. This novel (write) last year?

15. Tom (write) this report for two days.

16. What novel she (write) now?

17. What you (do) when I called you?

18. The clock (repair) by next Monday.

19. When the manager came, we (not write) all the letters yet.

20. Your bag (find) yet?

Test 46. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (active or passive).

The Public Welfare System in America The majority of Americans – about 85 percent – are neither wealthy nor poor. They (1)(belong) to the broad economic category considered to be ‘middle class’. But they (2)(trouble) by the fact that poverty (3)(exist) in their land. The US (4)(know) for its wealth, its abundance of food and its opportunity for everybody to build a good life. The goal is to operate a free enterprise economy in which everyone who (5)(want) to work can find it. Despite that goal, there is always a percentage of people who want to work but who cannot find employment for which they (6)(suit). In recent years, the official figure for unemployment (7)(average) between five and seven percent.

The public welfare system in the USA is so large that in the early and mid-1980s nearly one half of all money spent by the federal government (8)(be) for ‘social payments’ – money used to help people. The percentage (9)(double) since the 1960s, when only about 25 percent of the money spent by the federal government (10)(support) these welfare needs.

In addition to federal programs, there are programs in each of the 50 states which (11)(design) to help people in need.

Some people believe that increased direct expenditure by the federal government is the best means to eliminate poverty. Others say the welfare system (12)(not reward) individual initiative – it (13)(encourage) people to stay unemployed and spend, rather than save money. All of the studies and the arguments about poverty and public welfare programs show that Americans (14)(concern) about a problem that (15)(not solve) yet.

Test 47. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.Jason Peters is a wildlife cameraman. He (1)(film) wild animals for documentary programmes on TV. For fifteen years he (2)(explore) the world’s jungles. Several times he (3)(bite) by snakes. Alligators (4)(attack) him more times than he can remember. But Jason (5)(enjoy) his lifestyle. ‘If (6)(not have) this job,’ he says, ‘my life (7)(be) boring.’ Last year he (8)(work) in Venezuela. While he (9)(film) the Matis Indians there, he learned some interesting facts which he (10)(not know) before. ‘The Matis (11)(eat) monkeys’, says Jason, ‘but they (12)(not eat) other animals which are part of their religion.’ At the moment he (13)(prepare) to go back to the Amazon, that’s why he (14)(study) the Amazon people. He (15)(already read) a lot of books about them.