Английский язык: Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Грамматика и лексика»



Test 1.1. churches; 2. difficulties; 3. mice; 4. months; 5. children; 6. roofs; 7. boys; 8. women; 9. deer; 10. leaves; 11. geese; 12. potatoes; 13. feet; 14. dresses; 15. radios; 16. oxen; 17. fish/fishes; 18. wolves; 19. countries; 20. teeth; 21. curricula

Test 2.1. nannies; 2. fathers-in-law; 3. headaches; 4. dictionaries; 5. pincushions; 6. hold-ups; 7. hoofs/hooves; 8. radios; 9. train robberies; 10. painkillers; 11. bushes; 12. pen-friends; 13. videos; 14. pillowcases; 15. violins; 16. wives; 17. media; 18. mice; 19. godfathers; 20. wishes; 21. phenomena

Test 3.1. deer; 2. ladies; 3. roofs; 4. chiefs; 5. studios; 6. zoos; 7. buses; 8. sheep; 9. species; 10. days; 11. families; 12. dishes; 13. paws; 14. forks; 15. data; 16. Eskimos; 17. leaves; 18. lives; 19. zeroes/zeros; 20. buffaloes/buffalos; 21. criteria

Test 4.1. trout; 2. composers; 3. insects; 4. oases; 5. analyses; 6. bacteria; 7. waiters; 8. babies; 9. handkerchiefs; 10. churches; 11. memos; 12. ball games; 13. passers-by; 14. letdowns; 15. vowels; 16. buzzes; 17. glasses; 18. men; 19. geese; 20. feet; 21. volcanoes

Test 5.1. benches; 2. celebrities; 3. lice; 4. baths; 5. women; 6. cliffs; 7. plays; 8. scarves; 9. beliefs; 10. sheep; 11. halves; 12. tomatoes; 13. means; 14. photos; 15. fruit/fruits; 16. swine; 17. activities; 18. thieves; 19. kilos; 20. parties; 21. appendices/appendixes

Test 6.1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. is

Test 7.1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. is; 9. are; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. are

Test 8.1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. wasn’t; 7. does/ do; 8. isn’t; 9. they are; 10. are; 11. do; 12. is; 13. are; 14. was; 15. is; 16. is; 17. is; 18. are; 19. is; 20. needs

Test 9.1. were; 2. is; 3. does; 4. makes; 5. enjoy; 6. is; 7. are looking; 8. get; 9. is passing; 10. is; 11. is, is; 12. were (each member of the audience individually); 13. is; 14. was; 15. are; 16. gives; 17. were; 18. was; 19. is; 20. is


Test 1.1. her; 2. them; 3. she, me; 4. he, us; 5. she, him; 6. you; 7. she; 8. them; 9. him; 10. it, it, me; 11. him; 12. it; 13. it; 14. it, it; 15. it; 16. you; 17. it; 18. it, it; 19. it; 20. it

Test 2.1. her; 2. him; 3. me; 4. them; 5. it; 6. them; 7. us; 8. them; 9. him; 10. them; 11. them, me; 12. it, them; 13. it, him; 14. it; 15. I, them; 16. they; 17. him; 18. us; 19. he, me; 20. them

Test 3.1. my; 2. his, his; 3. its; 4. her; 5. his; 6. theirs; 7. my; 8. their; 9. its; 10. their; 11. my; 12. its 13. his; 14. your, mine; 15. theirs; 16. mine; 17. yours; 18. your; 19. their; 20. her

Test 4.1. their; 2. his; 3. his; 4. your; 5. their; 6. your; 7. our; 8. her; 9. hers; 10. our; 11. mine; 12. his; 13. their; 14. her; 15. our; 16. its; 17. my; 18. its; 19. her; 20. their

Test 5.1. your; 2. your; 3. my; 4. my; 5. her; 6. his; 7. our; 8. our; 9. our; 10. our; 11. her; 12. your

Test 6.1. yourself; 2. themselves; 3. ourselves; 4. myself; 5. himself; 6. myself; 7. herself; 8.itself; 9. himself; 10.himself; 11. herself; 12. itself; 13. himself; 14. themselves; 15. herself; 16. herself; 17. herself; 18. yourself; 19. yourself; 20. himself

Test 7.1. herself; 2. himself/herself; 3. herself; 4. itself; 5. themselves; 6. herself; 7. herself; 8. himself; 9. himself; 10. themselves; 11. ourselves; 12. itself; 13. herself; 14. yourselves; 15. myself; 16. herself; 17. ourselves; 18. herself; 19. ourselves; 20. myself

Test 8.1. these, those; 2. this; 3. this, that; 4. these, those; 5. that; 6. this; 7. that; 8. that; 9. these; 10. these; 11. this, that; 12. that; 13. that; 14. that; 15. that; 16. that; 17. that; 18. that; 19. this; 20. this

Test 9. 1. that; 2. this; 3. those; 4. this; 5. that; 6. this; 7. this/that; 8. that; 9. those; 10. those; 11. this; 12. these; 13. these; 14. those; 15. those; 16. this, that; 17. that; 18. this; 19. this; 20. that

Test 10.1. some, any; 2. any, some; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some, any; 6. any, some; 7. no; 8. some; 9. every; 10. no; 11. every; 12. any; 13. no/ some; 14. some; 15. some; 16. any; 17. some; 18. every; 19. any; 20. any/ every

Test 11.1. any; 2. any; 3. some; 4. any; 5. something; 6. anything; 7. nothing; 8. anybody/anyone; 9. some, any; 10. anybody/anyone; 11. somebody/someone, anywhere; 12. any; 13. something/somebody; 14. somebody/someone; 15. nobody/no one; 16. somebody/someone; 17. anybody/anyone/anything; 18. every; 19. anything, nothing; 20. every

Test 12.1. no; 2. some, any; 3. any; 4. anyone/anybody; 5. some, any; 6. some; 7. somewhere; 8. any; 9. no; 10. anyone/anybody; 11. everywhere, anywhere; 12. anything; 13. any; 14. some, any; 15. someone; 16. everyone/everybody; 17. no; 18. anything; 19. nobody; 20. something

Test 13.1. any; 2. some, any; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some; 6. every; 7. some, any; 8. anyone/anybody; 9. anything; 10. anyone/anybody, nobody/no one; 11. anyone/anybody; 12. somewhere; 13. anything; 14. anywhere; 15. nothing; 16. anywhere; 17. anything; 18. nobody/no one, nothing; 19. everyone/everybody; 20. somewhere/anywhere


Test 1.1. eight; 2. ten; 3. eleven; 4. seventeen; 5. twelve; 6. sixteen; 7. twenty; 8. thirteen; 9. nineteen; 10. fourteen; 11. forty; 12. eighty; 13. one hundred and twenty; 14. ninety; 15. four hundred; 16. sixty; 17. zero; 18. three; 19. one/a hundred; 20. seventy; 21. thirty; 22. thirty-seven; 23. fifty; 24. fifty-six; 25. sixty-one; 26. seventy-four; 27. ninety-one; 28. ninety-seven; 29. one/a hundred; 30. sixty

Test 2.1. three – third; 2. four – fourth; 3. nine – ninth; 4. eleven – eleventh; 5. nineteen – nineteenth; 6. thirty – thirtieth; 7. forty-one – forty-first; 8. forty-two – forty-second; 9. seventy-four – seventy-fourth; 10. eighty-five – eighty-fifth; 11. ninety-nine – ninety-ninth; 12. one hundred – one hundredth; 13. five hundred and ten – five hundred and tenth; 14. nine hundred – nine hundredth; 15. nine hundred and ninety-nine – nine hundred and ninety-ninth; 16. one thousand – one thousandth; 17. two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven – two thousand five hundred and thirty-seventh; 18. five thousand two hundred – five thousand two hundredth; 19. ten thousand – ten thousandth; 20. one million – one millionth

Test 3.1. first; 2. fifth; 3. tenth; 4. twentieth; 5. second; 6. ninth; 7. twenty-first; 8. eleventh; 9. eighth; 10. one hundred and first.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Test 1.1. colder, the coldest; 2. bigger, the biggest; 3. more wonderful, the most wonderful; 4. happier, the happiest; 5. better, the best; 6. more comfortable, the most comfortable; 7. easier, the easiest; 8. fatter, the fattest; 9. worse, the worst; 10. nicer, the nicest; 11. newer, the newest; 12. more expensive, the most expensive; 13. hungrier, the hungriest; 14. hotter, the hottest; 15. less, the least

Test 2.1. cheaper, the cheapest; 2. farther/further, the farthest/the furthest; 3. hotter, the hottest; 4. more cheerful, the most cheerful; 5. prettier, the prettiest; 6. redder, the reddest; 7. noisier, the noisiest; 8. more terrible, the most terrible; 9. later/the latter, the latest/the last; 10. worse, the worst; 11. more difficult, the most difficult; 12. fewer,the fewest; 13. older/elder, the oldest/the eldest; 14. sleepier, the sleepiest; 15. thinner, the thinnest

Test 3.1. better; 2. worst; 3. more correct; 4. younger; 5. fattest; 6. tastiest; 7. prettier; 8. most beautiful; 9. younger; 10. highest; 11. worst; 12. best; 13. taller; 14. fastest; 15. smaller

Test 4.1. better, better; 2. most famous; 3. less; 4. eldest/oldest; 5. fewer; 6. white; 7. funnier; 8. best; 9. worst; 10. older; 11. nervous; 12. busiest; 13. bigger; 14. farthest/furthest; 15. more difficult; 16. greatest; 17. healthier; 18. slimmest; 19. shortest; 20. latest

Test 5.1. best; 2. happier; 3. more exciting; 4. further; 5. oldest; 6. worse; 7. fattest; 8. most attractive; 9. bigger; 10. fast; 11. more; 12. worst; 13. more comfortable; 14. light; 15. most reserved; 16. harder, harder; 17. driest; 18. sooner, better; 19. cheaper; 20. older

Test 6.1. more difficult/difficult; 2. warmer; 3. cleverest/most clever; 4. hottest; 5. cheaper; 6. interesting; 7. healthier; 8. happiest; 9. more comfortable; 10. most exciting; 11. better; 12. youngest; 13. farther/further; 14. quicker, sooner; 15. worst; 16. louder; 17. best; 18. most boring; 19. worse; 20. bad

Test 7.1. most boring; 2. higher, further/farther; 3. richer; 4. cheap; 5. bigger; 6. largest; 7. happier; 8. hotter; 9. best, worse; 10. youngest; 11. elder/older; 12. funniest; 13. more interested; 14. most expensive; 15. Better; 16. nearest; 17. worst; 18. long; 19. noisier; 20. biggest

Test 8.1. interested; 2. depressed; 3. exciting; 4. tired; 5. exhausting; 6. surprising; 7. annoyed; 8. fascinating; 9. bored; 10. amusing

Test 9.1. interesting; 2. exciting; 3. worried; 4. bored; 5. surprising; 6. disappointed; 7. boring; 8. amusing; 9. interested; 10. surprised

Test 10.1. quickly; 2. badly; 3. late; 4. angrily; 5. well; 6. carefully; 7. nicely; 8. correctly; 9. fast; 10. easily; 11. hard; 12. slowly; 13. happily; 14. early; 15. beautifully

Test 11.1. carefully; 2. angry; 3. clearly; 4. dangerously; 5. slow; 6. hard; 7. suddenly; 8. useful; 9. easily; 10. perfectly; 11. expensive; 12. late; 13. well; 14. regularly; 15. nicely

Test 12.1. quietly; 2. heavily; 3. careful; 4. perfect; 5. recently; 6. slow; 7. well; 8. nice; 9. near; 10. late; 11. lately; 12. hard; 13. hardly; 14. widely; 15. pretty

Test 13.1. comfortably; 2. easy; 3. strange; 4. politely, beautifully; 5. sweet; 6. happy; 7. seriously; 8. well; 9. perfect, correctly; 10. upset; 11. fast; 12. great; 13. heavily; 14. Quietly; 15. nice

Test 14.1. beautifully, good; 2. short, quickly; 3. beautiful, nice; 4. completely; 5. happily; 6. quietly; 7. smart, great; 8. brightly; 9. difficult, nervous; 10 well

Test 15.1. largest; 2. biggest; 3. most important; 4. oldest; 5. highest; 6. smallest; 7. most expensive; 8. more residential; 9. biggest; 10. more; 11. greatest; 12. largest; 13. heaviest; 14. most famous; 15. best

Test 16.1. most fashionable; 2. latest; 3. wider; 4. longer; 5. widest; 6. prettier; 7. more relaxed; 8. freer; 9. shorter; 10. long; 11. wide; 12. brighter; 13. least; 14. aggressive; 15. less


Test 1.1. was, is, will be; 2. Were; 3. Will you be; 4. was; 5. will be; 6. is; 7. won’t be; 8. am; 9. Were; 10. will be; 11. am; 12. won’t be; 13. was; 14. are; 15. Will the soup be, will be

Test 2.1. are; 2. is; 3. was; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were; 7. are; 8. is; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. were; 14. is; 15. are

Test 3.1. is; 2. aren’t; 3. has (got); 4. isn’t; 5. has (got); 6. Is; 7. are; 8. have; 9. has (got); 10. are/aren’t

Test 4.1. has; 2. was; 3. Have; 4. are; 5. were; 6. have; 7. is; 8. was; 9. has; 10. Is

Test 5.1. plays; 2. is listening; 3. fly; 4. don’t smoke; 5. Is Mr Black using; 6. goes; 7. is helping; 8. Is it raining; 9. see; 10. Are you wearing; 11. has; 12. gets up; 13. am washing up; 14. Are you going; 15. have; 16. paints; 17. doesn’t play; 18. is cooking; 19. Do you always wear; 20. is watching

Test 6.1. want; 2. is having; 3. tastes; 4. look; 5. is washing; 6. don’t like; 7. go; 8. am thinking; 9. Are you studying; 10. Do you see; 11. am listening; 12. thinks; 13. meet; 14. belongs; 15. am making; 16. don’t enjoy; 17. rains; 18. prefer; 19. Do you know; 20. have.

Test 7.1. is ringing; 2. am watching; 3. does he usually have; 4. are looking, don’t want; 5. take; 6. are you smiling, have; 7. do you go; 8. wear, am wearing; 9. are you doing, am cleaning; 10. lives, phones, isn’t; 11. are you going, go; 12. isn’t working; 13. want; 14. does she speak, speaks; 15. don’t think, likes; 16. is standing; 17. works, is writing; 18. is having; 19. doesn’t get; 20. tastes

Test 8.1. is waiting; 2. Are you watching; 3. do you usually do; 4. flows; 5. am going; 6. leaves; 7. am using; 8. does he want; 9. are you thinking; 10. don’t remember; 11. doesn’t drink; 12. is doing; 13. am looking, Do you know; 14. tells, don’t believe; 15. Does Tom usually help, doesn’t; 16. isn’t sleeping; 17. do your children usually get; 18. is that man looking, Do you recognize; 19. am learning, is teaching; 20. are they speaking

Test 9.1. is; 2. doesn’t pay; 3. will/shall phone; 4. Will you help; 5. go; 6. don’t pay; 7. arrives; 8. will you say; 9. will/shall call; 10. won’t/ shan’t wait; 11. misses; 12. is; 13. won’t/shan’t be; 14. am; 15. goes; 16. rings; 17. will be; 18. feels; 19. doesn’t come; 20. goes

Test 10.1. speaks, will say; 2. will talk, leaves; 3. won’t/shan’t go, isn’t; 4. will/shall have, finish; 5. arrive, will give; 6. will feel, gets; 7. will be, starts; 8. won’t/shan’t go, improves; 9. sees, will give; 10. will you do, don’t get; 11. won’t know, arrives; 12. wants, grows; 13. start; 14. am; 15. will come; 16. will phone, arrives; 17. doesn’t pass; 18. will come; 19. comes, has; 20. finishes, will enter

Test 11.1. will phone, gets; 2. am, are you doing; 3. isn’t, works; 4. do you go; 5. will/shall go; 6. will/shall come, finish; 7. are working; 8. does he usually do, plays; 9. am reading; 10. has; 11. Are you hungry, Do you want; 12. come; will be; 13. is having; 14. Do you see; 15. is dancing, dances; 16. does it usually take; 17. won’t go, comes; 18. Do you understand; 19. don’t smoke; 20. isn’t raining

Test 12.1. does he get, gets; 2. aren’t drinking, think, are watching; 3. returns, will call; 4. go; 5. is playing; 6. does your brother usually drink; 7. are having; 8. is speaking, am listening, hear; 9. doesn’t rain, won’t/ shan’t stay; 10. is raining/will rain, will get, don’t take; 11. want; 12. have, am having; 13. is your sister, is doing; 14. will she come; 15. are you doing, see, aren’t sleeping; 16. starts, will visit; 17. knows; 18. do your lessons begin; 19. will go, finishes; 20. will you be, will/shall be

Test 13.1. hasn’t met; 2. lived; 3. have lost; 4. has broken; 5. did Shakespeare write; 6. has given up; 7. Have you seen; 8. Have you washed; 9. worked; 10. have never met; 11. did you write; 12. was; 13. has gone; 14. Have you seen; 15. have cut; 16. were you; 17. got; 18. wrote; 19. haven’t eaten; 20. forgot

Test 14.1. hasn’t snowed; 2. Did you see; 3. left; 4. Have you seen; 5. have lost; 6. visited; 7. has gone; 8. did the last train leave; 9. have just had; 10. Was the weather, were; 11. haven’t seen; 12. have ever read; 13. has drunk; 14. did you do; 15. hasn’t eaten; 16. didn’t go; 17. have you known; 18. has always wanted; 19. Have you heard; 20. lived

Test 15.1. Has he ever been, has; 2. have won; 3. did you speak, met; 4. hasn’t called; 5. have you been; 6. saw; 7. have known; 8. Were you happy when you were; 9. have always travelled; 10. Have you seen; 11. have ever seen; 12. started; 13. hasn’t called, arrived; 14. didn’t go; 15. have had; 16. did you do; 17. wrote; 18. have lost; 19. Did you go; 20. Have you met

Test 16.1. went; 2. met; 3. was; 4. Have you been; 5. haven’t; 6. Have you seen; 7. saw; 8. have just climbed; 9. was; 10. have you visited; 11. haven’t found; 12. took; 13. spent; 14. left; 15. enjoyed

Test 17.1. was listening, rang; 2. broke, was skiing; 3. were listening, became; 4. was playing, was painting; 5. saw, were waiting; 6. was working, opened, ran; 7. was preparing, cut; 8. met, were living; 9. did they visit, were travelling; 10. Were you working, came; 11. walked, was wearing; 12. Didn’t you meet, were working; 13. saw, were sitting; 14. were living, met; 15. was listening, was doing; 16. were you writing, crashed; 17. was passing/passed, knocked; 18. didn’t they visit, were staying; 19. was driving, saw; 20. arrived, were having

Test 18.1. were you doing, rang, was watching; 2. was studying; 3. did Tom come, came, was having; 4. didn’t go; 5. were you driving, stopped, wasn’t driving; 6. Did your team win, didn’t play; 7. did you break the window, were playing, hit; 8. Did you see, was wearing; 9. were you doing, was still sleeping; 10. lost, did you get

Test 19.1. got; 2. walked; 3. didn’t want; 4. was shining; 5. were singing; 6. was walking; 7. saw; 8. passed; 9. was singing; 10. continued; 11. met; 12. stopped; 13. turned; 14. saw; 15. was standing; 16. (was) waiting; 17. told; 18. were; 19. came; 20. got

Test 20.1. enjoyed, had seen; 2. arrived, had already left; 3. phoned, had gone; 4. had met, saw; 5. had lived, decided; 6. bought, had already read; 7. knew, had met; 8. opened, had already begun; 9. had painted, came; 10. hadn’t finished, rang; 11. met, had just returned; 12. heard, ran; 13. tried, had already left; 14. hadn’t cleaned, came; 15. finished; 16. had written; 17. understood, hadn’t done; 18. returned, went; 19. told, had never played; 20. had been, became

Test 21.1. saw; 2. noticed; 3. was wearing; 4. wondered; 5. was; 6. didn’t see; 7. began; 8. stopped; 9. got; 10. was; 11. noticed; 12. had watched; 13. decided; 14. arrived; 15. had gone.

Test 22.1. b; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. b; 13. a; 14. b; 15. c; 16. b; 17. a; 18. b; 19. c; 20. b

Test 23.1. take; 2. will have; 3. arrive; 4. will feel; 5. are; 6. stay/are staying; 7. will/shall do; 8. runs; 9. don’t get; 10. has; 11. want; 12. will be; 13. want; 14. will/shall be; 15. will have already planned/will already be planning

Test 24.1. spent; 2. is your brother doing; 3. won’t have written; 4. washes; 5. Will you go; 6. rang, was still learning; 7. don’t help, won’t/ shan’t have done; 8. went, had done; 9. won’t/shan’t go, will/shall be watching; 10. had already left; 11. won’t/shan’t grow; 12. Have you ever been; 13. did you buy; 14. doesn’t rain, we won’t/shan’t stay; 15. comes, will be still doing; 16. are playing; 17. hasn’t read; 18. Will you have written, comes; 19. Does Lena usually do, doesn’t; 20. were you doing

Test 25.1. won’t/shan’t play; 2. Has he ever been; 3. are you going; 4. travelled; 5. doesn’t see, will leave; 6. reads; 7. will you be doing; 8. found, had lost; 9. does your brother do; 10. arrives, will be still sleeping; 11. is playing; 12. did you go; 13. hasn’t met; 14. will you have read; 15. had already stopped; 16. was Nick doing, rang; 17. doesn’t help, won’t/ shan’t have written; 18. I didn’t go, was watching; 19. hasn’t done; 20. will you buy

Test 26.1. was; 2. had; 3. was walking; 4. noticed; 5. realized; 6. had met; 7. had just missed; 8. knew; 9. recognize/have recognized; 10. told; 11. studied; 12. am; 13. are you doing; 14. work; 15. have lived; 16. don’t believe; 17. have been; 18. have never seen; 19. agreed; 20. were looking

Test 27.1. been reading, read; 2. been painting; 3. been doing; 4. played; 5. broken; 6. been waiting; 7. stopped; 8. lost, seen; 9. been repairing; 10. written; 11. seen, been looking; 12. been writing; 13. been playing; 14. known; 15. lived; 16. seen; 17. been playing; 18. been driving; 19. seen; 20. been drinking

Test 28.1. broken; 2. been reading; 3. been working, finished; 4. been smoking; 5. smoked; 6. been running; 7. lost, seen; 8. been eating/eaten; 9. been waiting; 10. done; 11. read; 12. known; 13. been learning; 14. been arguing; 15. been doing; 16. been painting; 17. painted; 18. been swimming; 19. been shopping, bought; 20. been raining

Test 29.1. decided; 2. have been worrying; 3. took; 4. have already sold; 5. have arranged; 6. have heard/have been hearing; 7. have begun; 8. grew up; 9. have spent; 10. have always wanted; 11. offered; 12. grabbed; 13. have just heard; 14. have stopped; 15. have chosen/have been choosing; 16. told; 17. accepted; 18. told; 19. seemed; 20. have been hoping

Test 30.1. read; 2. been reading; 3. been playing; 4. played; 5. been working; 6. been raining; 7. spent; 8. been trying, managed; 9. been waiting; 10. left; 11. known; 12. been climbing; 13. been feeling; 14. been smoking; 15. got; 16. been travelling; 17. had; 18. been running; 19. been cleaning; 20. cleaned

Test 31.1. started; 2. been flying; 3. been acting; 4. been; 5. been working; 6. made; 7. gone; 8. repaired; 9. been repairing; 10. planted; 11. had; 12. arrived; 13. been learning; 14. been climbing; 15. climbed; 16. finished; 17. cooked; 18. been playing; 19. slept; 20. been teaching

Test 32.1. was; 2. had lost; 3. will come; 4. has; 5. would leave; 6. was going; 7. had stayed; 8. has just returned; 9. had lived; 10. will be; 11. was born; 12. would come; 13. couldn’t; 14. was; 15. had been; 16. had bought; 17. was staying; 18. must; 19. would read; 20. will come

Test 33.1. What are you doing, am reading, have been reading, have read; 2. left, had already stopped, was blowing; 3. How long have you been waiting; 4. had been working; 5. rings, will tell; 6. Have you ever been, was; 7. told, would come; 8. Does he help; 9. will be discussing; 10. What were you doing; 11. had been teaching; 12. What have you been doing; 13. will have read; 14. When did you see; 15. will be sleeping; 16. Have you found, am still looking, have already been looking, have not found it yet; 17. will have been sailing; 18. had been waiting; 19. had been writing, would finish; 20. found, had got, were waiting

Test 34.1. Had finished, came, was reading; 2. When does he usually get up, gets; 3. what are you doing, have been waiting; 4. won’t be writing, will have already written; 5. What are you doing, am preparing, How long have you been preparing; 6. had been waiting, saw; 7. would read; 8. came, had already returned, was sitting; 9. comes, will be still packing; 10. writes, has been writing, has already written; 11. had been waiting, would ring; 12. will have translated; 13. Have you ever spent, have, was; 14. What will he do next year, finishes, will enter; 15. When did you see Mary, saw; 16. have done; 17. will have been working; 18. What were you reading; 19. Have you learnt, am learning, have already been learning; have not learnt it yet; 20. had been raining

Test 35.1. were, had been crying; 2. has finished; 3. comes, will be still cooking; 4. helps, has been helping, has already washed, are cooking; 5. What were you doing; 6. What does Nick usually do, reads, watches, plays; 7. will have already been studying; 8. had been reading, would return; 9. Have you done, am still doing, have already been doing, have not done it yet; 10. What will you do, will/shall go, brings; 11. have been playing; 12. rang, was still learning, had begun; 13. would spend; 14. Have you seen, have, saw; 15. will be watching, will have already done, come; 16. Where did you spend, spent; 17. What are you reading, am reading, How long have you been reading; 18. had done, was playing; 19. How many pages will you have read; 20. came, told, had been waiting

Test 36.1. had been saving up; 2. had put by; 3. were living; 4. insisted; 5. had been searching; 6. were looking for/had been looking for; 7. was asking; 8. were; 9. looked; 10. saw; 11. had been living/had lived; 12. had made; 13. liked; 14. managed; 15. was

Test 37.1. know; 2. have been having; 3. are turning/have turned/ have been turning; 4. involves; 5. did hear/heard; 6. holds; 7. have turned up; 8. was passing; 9. thought; 10. didn’t believe; 11. has already studied; 12. has heard; 13. find; 14. stayed; 15. found; 16. race; 17. is waiting; 18. run; 19. haven’t eaten; 20. were obviously enjoying

Test 38.1. will be doing; 2. will be; 3. ask; 4. belong; 5. died; 6. have met; 7. love; 8. has visited; 9. suffered; 10. borrowed; 11. was not working; 12. got; 13. have been working/have worked; 14. went; 15. are thinking; 16. have always wanted; 17. performed; 18. has been; 19. was; 20. owns

Test 39.1. will be taken; 2. are grown; 3. has been reduced; 4. was shocked; 5. be translated; 6. were held; 7. has not been cleaned; 8. are made; 9. be dusted; 10. are being decorated; 11. had been done; 12. were impressed; 13. will be imported; 14. be improved; 15. be returned; 16. have been sent/will be sent; 17. are manufactured; 18. will be held; 19. has been mined; 20. Is it being repaired?

Test 40.1. was the telephone invented; 2. are being translated; 3. won’t be written; 4. is spoken; 5. had been painted; 6. has been washed; 7. be answered; 8. were built; 9. will have been prepared; 10. has been played; 11. was being painted; 12. are usually sold; 13. will be discussed; 14.. Has your composition been written yet? 15. had not been cleaned; 16. be seen; 17. is usually made; 18. will have been received; 19. is being discussed; 20. is washed

Test 41.1. will the first restaurant be opened; 2. are not grown; 3. Has the room been cleaned; 4. will have already been published; 5. are they being repaired; 6. will be announced; 7. had been done; 8. be watered; 9. are usually made; 10. has been produced; 11. When was the first car constructed; 12. had already been translated; 13. is being built; 14. be cleaned; 15. was being moved; 16. were bought; 17. have been found; 18. is ruled; 19. was still being discussed; 20. won’t have been written

Test 42.1. was taken; 2. was pronounced; 3. be seen; 4. was cordoned; 5. had been shot; 6. had been held; 7. has been notified; 8. have been sent; 9. is known; 10. is surrounded

Test 43.1. was written; 2. have been killed; 3. built; 4. was bought; 5. have arrested; 6. arrived; 7. will be cleaned; 8. wasn’t invited; 9. employs; 10. has lost; 11. are caused; 12. are shown; 13. don’t use; 14. was built; 15. be done; 16. has disappeared; 17. has been shot; 18. will be built; 19. am being served; 20. had already gone

Test 44.1. is being used; 2. Have you painted; 3. covers; 4. is covered; 5. had been cancelled; 6. are locked; 7. was posted, arrived; 8. was being redecorated; 9. will be working; 10. died, were brought up; 11. was stolen; 12. has been built/is being built; 13. were these photographs taken, Did you take; 14. were arrested; 15. is working, has been repaired; 16. disappeared, has seen; 17. had been cleaned; 18. are being followed; 19. be explained; 20. will have already been sold

Test 45.1. How does she usually get; 2. was still being cooked; 3. had been running; 4. Has Jane ever heard; 5. comes; 6. is being discussed; 7. Will she have painted; 8. will be published; 9. How long have you had; 10. is usually done; 11. When did he get; 12. doesn’t come; 13. will be working; 14. Was this novel written; 15. has been writing; 16. What novel is she writing; 17. What were you doing; 18. will have been repaired; 19. had not written; 20. Has your bag been found

Test 46.1. belong; 2. are troubled; 3. exists; 4. is known; 5. wants; 6. are suited; 7. has averaged; 8. was; 9. has doubled; 10. supported; 11. are designed; 12. does not reward; 13. encourages; 14. are concerned; 15. has not been solved

Test 47.1. films; 2. has been exploring; 3. has been bitten; 4. have attacked; 5. enjoys; 6. didn’t/don’t have; 7. would/will be; 8. worked; 9. was filming; 10. had not known; 11. eat; 12. don’t eat; 13. is preparing; 14. is studying; 15. has already read

Conditional Sentences/Subjunctive Mood

Test 1.1. runs; 2. didn’t go; 3. would feel; 4. stops; 5. would take; 6. refused; 7. don’t go; 8. wouldn’t get; 9. will arrest; 10. wouldn’t have; 11. see; 12. didn’t come; 13. likes; 14. would be; 15. don’t come; 16. doesn’t open; 17. would understand; 18. would you do; 19. told; 20. will you repay

Test 2.1. rains, won’t be able; 2. see her, I’ll give; 3. had, would go; 4. were/was, could; 5. don’t start, will go; 6. have, I’ll help; 7. could, would open; 8. is, we’ll leave; 9. Will he have, works; 10. wouldn’t buy, were/was; 11. weren’t, wouldn’t be; 12. were/was, would have; 13. phones, am; 14. would taste, weren’t/wasn’t; 15. is, won’t/shan’t stay; 16. didn’t go, wouldn’t be; 17. were/was, would apologize; 18. had, would know; 19. feel, won’t/shan’t go; 20. would be, had

Test 3. 1. weren’t; 2. had had; 3. would buy; 4. had been; 5. hadn’t taken; 6. would take; 7. had run; 8. didn’t have; 9. would you do; 10. hadn’t felt; 11. would have said; 12. hadn’t taken; 13. wouldn’t come; 14. gave; 15. wouldn’t have missed; 16. had asked; 17. knew; 18. would have helped; 19. were/was invited; 20. had passed

Test 4.1. had, would go; 2. had known, would have gone; 3. had missed, would have been; 4. knew, would help; 5. would have forgotten, had not reminded; 6. had had, would have sent; 7. knew, would phone; 8. would have enjoyed, had been; 9. would have been, had walked; 10. were/ was tired, would go; 11. had been, would have eaten; 12. would have got, hadn’t had; 13. would have lost, had sold; 14. were, could fly; 15. had asked, would certainly have told; 16. had been ill, wouldn’t have played; 17. were/was, wouldn’t have; 18. hadn’t contacted, wouldn’t have caught; 19. wouldn’t feel, didn’t smoke; 20. had called, would have told

Test 5.1. passes; 2. will happen; 3. didn’t rain; 4. wouldn’t have; 5. were/was; 6. won’t/shan’t be; 7. hadn’t been; 8. wouldn’t break; 9. hadn’t helped; 10. doesn’t bring; 11. isn’t; 12. wouldn’t have done; 13. would be; 14. had had; 15. comes; 16. don’t hurry; 17. weren’t/wasn’t; 18. didn’t love, wouldn’t have married; 19. would you do, would run; 20. am not

Test 6.1. hadn’t borrowed; 2. hadn’t caught; 3. wouldn’t have used; 4. would have won; 5. don’t put up; 6. changed; 7. would tell; 8. will wake up; 9. had asked; 10. feel; 11. hadn’t threatened; 12. wouldn’t trust; 13. will be able; 14. will punish; 15. had intended; 16. overhears; 17. were/was; 18. hadn’t been; 19. is; 20. spent

Test 7.1. had; 2. had been; 3. were/was; 4. would stop; 5. hadn’t gone; 6. would come; 7. were/was; 8. had had; 9. would go/could go; 10. had kept; 11. weren’t/wasn’t; 12. hadn’t lost; 13. would improve; 14. hadn’t eaten; 15. would stop; 16. hadn’t said; 17. weren’t; 18. had taken; 19. were/was; 20. would answer

Test 8.1. would have already brought; 2. gets; 3. knew; 4. were/was; 5. is; 6. had known; 7. were/was; 8. had gone; 9. won’t/shan’t put; 10. would have done; 11. hadn’t missed; 12. didn’t have; 13. snows; 14. were/ was, would be; 15. would meet; 16. would not know; 17. had been, would have played; 18. doesn’t go; 19. had; 20. had been

Test 9.1. had seen; 2. lived; 3. will/shall go, doesn’t change; 4. would have taken; 5. would meet; 6. would read; 7. were/was; 8. rains; 9. were/ was not; 10. won’t be; 11. had not missed; 12. had met, would have told; 13. hadn’t given; 14. were/was; 15. had worked; 16. is; 17. were/was not; 18. lived; 19. rings; 20. would not have missed

Test 10.1. would have been; 2. had gone; 3. would have happened; 4. had walked; 5. wouldn’t have been; 6. had not been; 7. would not be; 8. would probably live; 9. Would I ever have found; 10. hadn’t met; 11. had decided; 12. would/could not have done; 13. had not met; 14. were not; 15. would not be

Test 11.1. would do; 2. told; 3. had; 4. would spend; 5. being; 6. to do; 7. will tell; 8. don’t/won’t just carry; 9. have/will have; 10. were; 11. goes; 12. will have; 13. to relax; 14. would do; 15. is

Complex Object

Test 1.1. —; 2. to; 3. —; 4. to; 5. —, —; 6. —; 7. to; 8. to; 9. —; 10. —; 11. to; 12. to; 13. —, —; 14. —; 15. to; 16. to; 17. to; 18 —; 19. to; 20. —

Test 2.1. go; 2. singing; 3. touch; 4. come; 5. reading; 6. happen; 7. crying; 8. cycling; 9. digging; 10. call; 11. burning; 12. lying; 13. run, open, climb; 14. explode; 15. crawling; 16. slam; 17. walking; 18. walk, take; 19. sleeping; 20. raining

Test 3.1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. a; 9. a; 10. a; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. b; 15. b; 16. a; 17. a; 18 c; 19. c; 20. a

Test 4.1. screeching; 2. shouting; 3. standing; 4. approach; 5. kneel; 6. to phone; 7. using; 8. running; 9. pushing; 10. to be; 11. screaming; 12. stop; 13. get out; 14. run; 15. run

Test 5.1. I want you to read this book. 2. I saw Nick come. 3. I saw George walking along the street. 4. Would you like me to tell you this story? 5. The dog made the cat climb up the tree. 6. We didn’t expect you to do so much. 7. He doesn’t like children to laugh. 8. Did you notice him put the letter on the table? 9. Mother wants me to be a teacher. 10. Dad, let Tom join us. 11. He knew her to be a famous singer. 12. Have you ever heard her sing/singing? 13. Do you want me to give you my dictionary? 14. I wouldn’t like you to wait for me. 15. We watched the students dancing. 16. I hate you to ask silly questions. 17. The teacher made her rewrite the exercise. 18. She didn’t hear me come into the room. 19. Granny doesn’t like the children to play with the dog. 20. I felt someone watching me.


Test 1.1. stealing; 2. smoking; 3. to go; 4. making; 5. buying; 6. to answer; 7. speaking; 8. putting; 9. meeting, to see; 10. to pay; 11. to steal; 12. working, going; 13. to join; 14. to see; 15. writing, waiting; 16. asking, telling, to buy; 17. to see; 18. to help; 19. going; 20. to drive

Test 2.1. meeting; 2. to meet; 3. to close; 4. closing; 5. to lock, going; 6. to bring; 7. going; 8. to forget, worrying; 9. knocking; 10. to put; 11. asking; 12. to concentrate; 13. to go; 14. cleaning; 15. to ask, to leave; 16. cutting, to do; 17. to buy; 18. asking; 19. eating; 20. to get

Test 3.1. decorating; 2. working; 3. to arrive; 4. seeing; 5. to finish; 6. using; 7. starting; 8. to move; 9. being; 10. to answer; 11. raining; 12. to help; 13. to save; 14. to stay up; 15. driving; 16. to post; 17. taking; 18. talking, asking; 19. doing; 20. to water

Test 4.1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. a; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. a, b; 10. c; 11. a; 12. b; 13. b/d; 14. a; 15. c; 16. b; 17. a; 18 d; 19. b; 20. b

Test 5.1. coming; 2. seeing; 3. examining; 4. visiting; 5. having stolen; 6. to explain, to listen; 7. to iron, ironing; 8. raining; 9. to book, to keep; 10. being helped/having been helped; 11. to say; 12. discussing; 13. having forgotten; 14. working; 15. to do; 16. seeing; 17. to be, laughing; 18. to see; 19. being spoken; 20 shutting

Test 6.1. going; 2. to have found/to find; 3. to reach; 4. being invited; 5. to paint, painting; 6. arguing, working; 7. to lock; 8. doing, doing; 9. to shut; 10. having robbed; 11. putting; 12. writing; 13. to do; 14. smiling; 15. not to buy; 16. being examined; 17. going; 18. breaking; 19. paying; 20. saying

Test 7.1. to find; 2. looking after; 3. to pay; 4. overdrawing; 5. redecorating; 6. to buy; 7. to save; 8. earning; 9. to visit; 10. going; 11. working; 12. to stay; 13. being able to; 14. leaving; 15. to miss

Test 8.1. exciting; 2. disappointed; 3. annoyed; 4. fascinating; 5. tiring; 6. disappointing; 7. annoying; 8. depressed; 9. relaxing; 10. excited; 11. boring; 12. surprising; 13. shocked; 14. amused; 15. exciting; 16. bored; 17. astonishing; 18. amusing; 19. shocking; 20. terrifying, worried

Test 9.1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. b; 13. b; 14. c; 15. b; 16. a; 17. b; 18 b; 19. c; 20. b.

Test 10.1. walking, destroyed; 2. exciting, excited; 3. sitting/having sat; 4. having found; 5. frightened, frightening; 6. being; 7. burnt; 8. looking out; 9. surrounded; 10. surrounding; 11. translated; 12. selling; 13. having sold; 14. entering; 15. having arrived; 16. playing; 17. lost; 18. not wishing; 19. spoken; 20. speaking

Test 11.1. excited, watching; 2. worried, worrying; 3. looking; 4. having had; 5. frightening, frightened; 6. feeling; 7. invited; 8. hearing; 9. washing; 10. washed; 11. approved; 12. doing; 13. having done; 14. coming; 15. having seen; 16. crossing; 17. written; 18. not knowing; 19. taken; 20. taking

Test 12.1. haunted; 2. made; 3. built; 4. broken; 5. staring; 6. followed; 7. looking; 8. prepared; 9. begun; 10. having; 11. talking; 12. knowing; 13. making; 14. hiding; 15. waiting; 16. coming; 17. carrying; 18. getting; 19. wearing; 20. holding

Test 13.1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. a; 7. b; 8. b; 9. c; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. a; 15. b; 16. c; 17. b; 18. b; 19. c; 20. c

Test 14.1. a; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. a; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. c; 14. a; 15. b; 16. b; 17. c; 18. c; 19. c; 20. a

Test 15.1. stand for; 2. eating; 3. to cheer; 4. to satisfy; 5. complaining/to complain; 6. to realise; 7. to honour; 8. lighting; 9. giving; 10. saving; 11. exchanging; 12. to eat; 13. to have spent; 14. having; 15. overeating

Test 16.1. to give up; 2. sell; 3. to do; 4. working; 5. to retire; 6. waste; 7. digging; 8. gossiping; 9. live; 10. to enjoy; 11. buying/to buy; 12. touring/tour; 13. to buy; 14. sailing; 15. walking

Modal Verbs

Test 1.1. should/ought to; 2. must; 3. may/can/could; 4. needn’t; 5. mustn’t/can’t; 6. mustn’t/shouldn’t; 7. can’t; 8. has; 9. mustn’t/can’t; 10. needn’t; 11. may; 12. may; 13. may; 14. shall; 15. should; 16. may; 17. should; 18. shall; 19. mustn’t/shouldn’t; 20. may

Test 2.1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. c; 13. a; 14. c; 15. a; 16. c; 17. b; 18. a; 19. b; 20. c

Test 3.1. should; 2. should; 3. Do you have to; 4. should; 5. had to; 6. should; 7. have to; 8. has to; 9. should; 10. have to; 11. has to; 12. had to; 13. should; 14. don’t have to; 15. should; 16. should; 17. doesn’t have to; 18. had to; 19. have to; 20. should

Test 4.1. mustn’t; 2. can; 3. had to; 4. don’t have to; 5. should; 6. must; 7. needn’t; 8. could; 9. had to; 10. couldn’t; 11. must; 12. might; 13. May; 14. doesn’t have to; 15. can’t; 16. ought to; 17. were able to; 18. couldn’t; 19. must; 20. could

Test 5.1. can; 2. should; 3. can; 4. should; 5. can; 6. ought; 7. should; 8. have; 9. should; 10. need

Test 6(The following are possible answers. Other variants are often possible.) 1. He must have already been learning this poem for an hour. 2. You should have forgotten about it long ago. 3. The bus was to arrive 5 minutes ago. 4. He can’t be busy now. 5. He may/might be able to help you. 6. You needn’t come tomorrow./You don’t have to come tomorrow. 7. He must have had to do it. 8. Could you repeat your question, please? 9. I may/ might have to work on Sunday. 10. He must be still doing his homework. 11. You should finish this work. 12. I will be able to speak English very well in a year. 13. What did you have to do yesterday? 14. May I go out? 15. He was to come an hour ago. 16. Can he have forgotten about my birthday? 17. The teacher said we might go home. 18. You mustn’t read this book. 19. Last year I couldn’t swim but now I can. 20. He may be still waiting for me.


Test 1.1. in; 2. on; 3. at; 4. at; 5. —; 6. in; 7. in; 8. in; 9. at; 10. on; 11. at, in; 12. by; 13. on; 14. at; 15. from, till, at; 16. at;.17. in; 18. at, on; 19. —, in; 20. on

Test 2.1. from, till; 2. in; 3. —, in; 4. at; 5. on, at; 6. in; 7. on; 8. at; 9. for, – ; 10. on; 11. —; 12. at; 13. by; 14. in; 15. at, for; 16. on; 17. in; 18. since; 19. at; 20. in

Test 3.1. in, at; 2. at; 3. in; 4. at, at; 5. at; 6. on; 7. on; 8. on; 9. in; 10. on; 11. on, in; 12. at; 13. on; 14. on; 15. at, at, in; 16. in, on; 17. at; 18. on/at; 19. at; 20. at

Test 4.1. in; 2. on; 3. in; 4. at, in, at; 5. in, in/at, on; 6. at, in; 7. on/ at; 8. at; 9. at; 10. in, at/in; 11. at; 12. in; 13. at, at; 14. on/at; 15. on; 16. on; 17. on; 18. in; 19. on; 20. on, in

Test 5.1. in, at; 2. on, at; 3. at; 4. in; 5. at; 6. on; 7. on; 8. on, on; 9. at, in; 10. On, at/on; 11. at; 12. at; 13. in; 14. on; 15. at, at, in; 16. on; 17. at; 18. in; 19. at, in; 20. in

Test 6.1. above/over/behind; 2. out of; 3. along/down/up; 4. out of/ through; 5. into/along/up/down; 6. over; 7. to; 8. on; 9. round; 10. along/ up/down; 11. past; 12. into; 13. beside/by/at; 14. in; 15. off; 16. over; 17. across; 18. towards; 19. to; 20. through; 21. on; 22. by/beside; 23. against; 24. by/past; 25. over

Test 7.1. to, about; 2. from; 3. to, about; 4. to; 5. in; 6. to, for; 7. to; 8. on; 9. with; 10. on; 11. for; 12. for; 13. about, to, about; 14. to, about, about; 15. to, about; 16. into; 17. at; 18. at; 19. at; 20. with

Test 8.1. into; 2. with, for; 3. for; 4. for; 5. for; 6. to; 7. to; 8. on; 9. with; 10. in; 11. from; 12. about; 13. on; 14. on; 15. to; 16. to; 17. with; 18. to; 19. to; 20. to

Test 9.1. of; 2. of; 3. of; 4. of; 5. of; 6. for; 7. about; 8. about; 9. to; 10. at; 11. from; 12. with; 13. to; 14. with; 15. to; 16. at; 17. in; 18. to; 19. to; 20. for

Test 10.1. of; 2. of; 3. to; 4. of; 5. of; 6. of; 7. of; 8. to; 9. to; 10. with; 11. with; 12. by; 13. at; 14. for; 15. for; 16. of; 17. to; 18. about; 19. with; 20. to

Test 11.1. to; 2. at; 3. of; 4. at; 5. from; 6. for; 7. with; 8. to; 9. to; 10. about; 11. with; 12. of; 13. to; 14. to; 15. of; 16. about; 17. with; 18. for; 19. about; 20. of

Test 12.1. as; 2. for; 3. at; 4. in; 5. in; 6. off; 7. to; 8. to; 9. to; 10. on

Test 13.1. in; 2. for; 3. in; 4. of; 5. for; 6. in; 7. in; 8. for; 9. in; 10. with; 11. in; 12. in; 13. from; 14. of; 15. to

Test 14.1. on; 2. To; 3. in; 4. in; 5. on; 6. of; 7. At; 8. at; 9. In; 10. at; 11. by; 12. in; 13. to; 14. on; 15. for

Test 15. 1. with; 2. on; 3. to; 4. of; 5. in; 6. with; 7. down; 8. behind; 9. at; 10. in; 11. off; 12. through; 13. behind; 14. with; 15. through


Test 1.1. much; 2. few; 3. many; 4. little; 5. much/little; 6. much; 7. much; 8. many; 9. few; 10. much; 11. many, much; 12. many; 13. much/little; 14. much/little; 15. many; 16. little; 17. much/a little; 18. much; 19. a few/many, a little/much; 20. many

Test 2.1. few; 2. little; 3. many; 4. much; 5. many; 6. few; 7. little; 8. a few; 9. a little; 10. little; 11. many/a few; 12. few; 13. a little; 14. a few; 15. few; 16. many; 17. much; 18. little; 19. a little; 20. many

Test 3.1. such a; 2. such a; 3. such a, so; 4. so; 5. so; 6. so; 7. such; 8. so; 9. so; 10. so; 11. such a; 12. so; 13. so; 14. so; 15. so; 16. so, such a; 17. so; 18. such a; 19. so; 20. such.

Test 4.1. so; 2. such; 3. such a; 4. so; 5. so; 6. so; 7. such; 8. such a; 9. such a; 10. so; 11. such a; 12. so, such; 13. such a; 14. so; 15. such a; 16. so; 17. such; 18. such; 19. so; 20. such a.

Test 5.1. do; 2. make/made; 3. do; 4. making; 5. do; 6. made; 7. make; 8. make; 9. do; 10. done; 11. made; 12. do; 13. make; 14. do; 15. make; 16. done; 17. making/made; 18. do; 19. make; 20. make, do

Test 6.1. made/have to make/’ll make; 2. had done, had made; 3. do; 4. have made; 5. did/have done; 6. made/has made; 7. making; 8. does/did/has done; 9. made; 10. do; 11. is doing/does/did; 12. made; 13. to do; 14. is doing; 15. make, make; 16. do; 17. make; 18. makes; 19. make; 20. do

Test 7.1. do; 2. making; 3. make; 4. do; 5. doing; 6. made; 7. do; 8. made; 9. up; 10. damage/harm; 11. did; 12. do; 13. effort; 14. sure; 15. do

Test 8.1. told; 2. said; 3. said; 4. told; 5. tell; 6. Say; 7. told; 8. told; 9. Tell; 10. said; 11. told; 12. said; 13. told; 14. said; 15. tell, said; 16. tell, say; 17. tell; 18. told; 19. tell; 20. said

Test 9.1. said/says; 2. said; 3. told; 4. say; 5. told; 6. tell; 7. say; 8. says; 9. says; 10. say; 11. tell; 12. tell; 13. say; 14. say; 15. told; 16. told; 17. told; 18. told; 19. talk; 20. talked; 21. speak; 22. say, tell; 23. says; 24. told/tells; 25. said/says; 26. say; 27. tell; 28. says; 29. telling; 30. said/says

Test 10.1. say; 2. talked; 3. given; 4. said; 5. turned down/refused; 6. persuade/tell; 7. discuss; 8. told; 9. talk; 10. convinced; 11. denied; 12. give; 13. refuse; 14. telling; 15. give; 16. told

Test 11.1. to/round; 2. round; 3. out; 4. up; 5. out; 6. up to/over to; 7. into; 8. down; 9. along/on; 10. off; 11. across/upon; 12. round; 13. back; 14. for; 15. along; 16. on; 17. down; 18. off; 19. into; 20. out

Test 12.1. ahead/on; 2. for; 3. on; 4. over; 5. off; 6.out; 7. in for; 8. down; 9. round 10. through; 11. back on; 12. through with; 13. down/off; 14. back; 15. over/through; 16. off; 17. off/away; 18. in for; 19. up; 20. without

Test 13.1. away; 2. up; 3. back; 4. up; 5. away; 6. in; 7. up; 8. out; 9. up; 10. out; 11. away; 12. for; 13. out; 14. up; 15. back; 16. in; 17. away; 18. off; 19. back; 20. in

Test 14.1. back; 2. off; 3. off; 4. off; 5. down; 6. out; 7. away; 8. on; 9. down to; 10. on; 11. up with; 12. up; 13. up; 14. down; 15. forward; 16. down; 17. up with; 18. up; 19. on; 20. in

Test 15.1. in; 2. aback; 3. up; 4. after; 5. back; 6. to; 7. up; 8. off; 9. to; 10. over; 11. for; 12. for; 13. out; 14. on; 15. in; 16. down; 17. on/over; 18. in; 19. along/out; 20. aside

Test 16.1. were going to; 2. nice; 3. invented; 4. receipt; 5. remind; 6. fetching; 7. else; 8. conducted; 9. grand; 10. match; 11. classic; 12. economical; 13. eventually; 14. efficient; 15. historic; 16. illegible; 17. consistent; 18. effect; 19. humanely; 20. an opportunity

Test 17.1. Technical; 2. specially; 3. disinterested; 4. nil; 5. possibility; 6. disused; 7. counsellor; 8. room; 9. shade; 10. possibly; 11. umpire; 12. policy; 13. steps; 14. barrister; 15. write-up; 16. financial; 17. morale; 18. convenient; 19. amenities; 20. affect

Word Formation

Test 1.1. disappointed; 2. misunderstood; 3. disliked; 4. replace; 5. returned; 6. mistook; 7. overcooked; 8. mistaken; 9. misread; 10. overcharging

Test 2.1. independent; 2. impolite; 3. illogical; 4. prehistoric; 5. transatlantic; 6. immoral; 7. international; 8. irrelevant; 9. irregular; 10. indirect

Test 3.1. semi-final; 2. ex-partner; 3. substandard; 4. multinational; 5. subsection; 6. multi-ethnic; 7. subzero; 8. deregulate; 9. ex-wife; 10. decode

Test 4.1. photographer; 2. friendship; 3. childhood; 4. excitement; 5. happiness; 6. writer; 7. division; 8. activity; 9. greatness; 10. importance

Test 5.1. communication; 2. pollution; 3. destruction; 4. starvation; 5. extinction; 6. exhaustion; 7. foundations; 8. protection; 9. competition; 10. creation

Test 6.1. dangerous; 2. foggy; 3. attractive; 4. comfortable; 5. famous; 6. industrial; 7. musical; 8. economical; 9. central; 10. knowledgeable

Test 7.1. unpopular; 2. displeasing; 3. unhealthy; 4. undeniable; 5. irresistible; 6. impossible; 7. ineffective; 8. illegal; 9. unable; 10. unbearable

Test 8.1. beautifully; 2. successfully; 3. better; 4. correctly; 5. fluently; 6. frequently; 7. occasionally; 8. carefully; 9. accurately; 10. strongly

Test 9.1. civilizations; 2. decorated; 3. dead; 4. proclamation; 5. joint; 6. observed; 7. proclamation; 8. citizens; 9. peace; 10. limited; 11. national; 12. organizations; 13. participants; 14. traditionally; 15. beginning

Test 10.1. neighbourhood; 2. architects;; 4. wonderfully; 5. own; 6. running; 7. conveniences; 8. massive; 9. different; 10. living

Test 11.1. fun; 2. free; 3. teenage; 4. difficult; 5. harder; 6. less; 7. passing; 8. better; 9. less; 10. more; 11. British; 12. best; 13. twenties; 14. life; 15. reading

Test 12.1. independence; 2. important; 3. spoilt; 4. greedy; 5. mannered; 6. polite; 7. behaviour; 8. them; 9. children; 10. pride; 11. conceited; 12. tolerant; 13. different; 14. importance; 15. imitation

Test 13.1. education; 2. noise; 3. power; 4. different; 5. cooking; 6. conformists; 7. assure; 8. bullying

Test 14.1. system; 2. useful; 3. classification; 4. criminals; 5. greatly; 6. strengthen; 7. revolution; 8. search; 9. selection; 10. identification

Test 15.1. proud; 2. Researchers; 3. conclusion; 4. development; 5. illnesses; 6. endangered; 7. solution; 8. carefully; 9. differently; 10. encouraged

Test 16.1. pollution; 2. disastrous; 3. extinction; 4. harmful; 5. damaging; 6. population; 7. survival; 8. responsibility; 9. poverty; 10. starvation

Exam Practice

Test 1.1.1. was chosen; 2. their; 3. strongest; 4. has almost disappeared; 5. were; 6. decreasing; 7. don’t hatch; 8. are trying; 9. is slowly increasing; 10. has survived

Test 1.2.1. arrival; 2. beautiful; 3. population; 4. inhabitants; 5. nationalities; 6. tourists; 7. especially; 8. Visitors; 9. wonderful; 10. enthusiastic

Test 1.3.1. d; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. d; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. d; 12. a; 13. c; 14. c; 15. d

Test 2.1.1. was described; 2. was repeated; 3. came; 4. more hilarious; 5. grown; 6. were picking; 7. commented/was commenting; 8. were; 9. did not get; 10. could

Test 2.2.1. pride; 2. institutions; 3. freedom; 4. patriotic; 5. Education; 6. lawyers; 7. confident; 8. religious; 9. talker; 10. powerful

Test 2.3.1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. a; 6. d; 7. d; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. c; 12. b; 13. d; 14. a; 15. d

Test 3.1.1. enjoyed; 2. activities; 3. has become; 4. most rewarding; 5. are; 6. are designed; 7. will cause; 8. are asked; 9. closing/to close; 10. don’t forget

Test 3.2.1. laid; 2. visitor; 3. belief; 4. unconnected; 5. impossible; 6. selection; 7. attractions; 8. sandy; 9. pointless; 10. difficulty

Test 3.3.1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a; 9. d; 10. b; 11. c; 12. b; 13. d; 14. d; 15. b

Test 4.1.1. biggest; 2. has always been; 3. lives; 4. has worked; 5. have forgotten; 6. are now being asked; 7. has been lost; 8. left; 9. to forget; 10. reminding

Test 4.2.1. advertisement; 2. requirements; 3. qualifications; 4. acceptance; 5. accountant; 6. development; 7. business; 8. distance; 9. attendance; 10. absence

Test 4.3.1. a; 2. c; 3. d; 4. c; 5. c; 6. a; 7. d; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. d; 12. a; 13. b; 14. d; 15. b

Test 5.1.1. looking; 2. had been forgotten; 3. were written; 4. could not say; 5. said; 6. larger; 7. teeth; 8. carries; 9. will know; 10. ringing

Test 5.2.1. comparisons; 2. children; 3. generation; 4. education; 5. harder; 6. disagree; 7. revising; 8. examinations; 9. exaggeration; 10. misbehave

Test 5.3.1. d; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. d; 11. d; 12. d; 13. b; 14. b; 15. a

Test 6.1.1. staying; 2. rang; 3. had been kidnapped; 4. didn’t pay; 5. first; 6. happier; 7. laughing; 8. had decided; 9. had worked; 10. didn’t enjoy

Test 6.2.1. guidance; 2. tendency; 3. efficient; 4. revision; 5. frequency; 6. fluency; 7. psychological; 8. performance; 9. acquisition; 10. reluctant

Test 6.3.1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. a; 8. d; 9. b; 10. c; 11. d; 12. a; 13. c; 14. a; 15. c

Test 7.1.1. have become; 2. have been produced/are produced; 3. prepared; 4. dialling; 5. more difficult; 6. first; 7. could not; 8. believed; 9. speeds; 10. enables

Test 7.2.1. reduction; 2. unemployment; 3. social; 4. equality; 5. politicians; 6. professions; 7. Employers; 8. qualifications; 9. achievements; 10. failure(s)

Test 7.3.1. d; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a; 7. a; 8. d; 9. c; 10. a; 11. c; 12. c; 13. b; 14. c; 15. b

Test 8.1.1. has; 2. to have; 3. are thought; 4. covered; 5. were; 6. don’t follow; 7. celebrities; 8. are not created; 9. their; 10. best

Test 8.2.1. exhibition; 2. introduction; 3. paintings; 4. artists; 5. explanation(s); 6. description; 7. meant; 8. pleasure; 9. Personally; 10. revelation

Test 8.3.1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. a; 13. d; 14. b; 15. c

Test 9.1.1. didn’t take; 2. moving; 3. could; 4. were having; 5. parties; 6. won’t disturb; 7. forgot; 8. shouting; 9. thieves; 10. had taken

Test 9.2.1. successful; 2. exciting; 3. unusual; 4. famous; 5. interesting; 6. musical; 7. wealthy; 8. boring; 9. expensive; 10. invitations

Test 9.3.1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d; 9. b; 10. c; 11. a; 12. d; 13. a; 14. c; 15. b

Test 10.1.1. is organized; 2. are; 3. biggest; 4. are becoming; 5. difficulties; 6. needing; 7. has grown; 8. less; 9. are paid; 10. doesn’t depend

Test 10.2.1. introduction; 2. musicians; 3. survival; 4. solution; 5. argument; 6. childhood; 7. uninterested; 8. performance; 9. explanation; 10. successful

Test 10.3.1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. d; 8. b; 9. d; 10. a; 11. b; 12. b; 13. d; 14. a; 15. c

Test 11.1.1. easiest; 2. is paid; 3. has worked; 4. known; 5. are entitled; 6. have paid; 7. lives; 8. are earning; 9. is not; 10. were introduced

Test 11.2.1. fitness; 2. designed; 3. development; 4. activities; 5. knowledge; 6. gently; 7. intensity; 8. impression; 9. painful; 10. unwise

Test 11.3.1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; 5. d; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. d; 11. d; 12. b; 13. a; 14. c; 15. c

Test 12.1.1. countries; 2. third; 3. was suggested; 4. was widowed; 5. children; 6. became; 7. had shown; 8. declaring; 9. has become; 10. is celebrated

Test 12.2.1. laughter; 2. traditional; 3. treatment; 4. entertainment; 5. successful; 6. reduction; 7. tension; 8. impossible; 9. unlikely; 10. illness

Test 12.3.1. b; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. d; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. c; 11. a; 12. d; 13. c; 14. a; 15. a

Test 13.1.1. better; 2. works; 3. be reproduced; 4. is not; 5. engaged; 6. giving; 7. queries; 8. was read; 9. had; 10. had not retired

Test 13.2.1. recently; 2. invention; 3. interesting; 4. transformed; 5. disagree; 6. disadvantages; 7. noisy; 8. pollution; 9. entertainment; 10. relaxing

Test 13.3.1. d; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. d; 7. c; 8. d; 9. a; 10. a; 11. c; 12. d; 13. b; 14. a; 15. c

Test 14.1.1. are backed; 2. men; 3. fourth; 4. are concentrated; 5. guarantees; 6. was created; 7. has acted/has been acting; 8. is generated; 9. largest; 10. most populous

Test 14.2.1. global; 2. information; 3. situation; 4. pollution; 5. dangerous; 6. international; 7. possibility; 8. recycle; 9. natural; 10. obligation Test

14.3.1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. d; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. d; 10. a; 11. a; 12. c; 13. a; 14. b; 15. d

Test 15.1.1. lived; 2. first; 3. second; 4. didn’t like; 5. went; 6. were burnt; 7. rebuilt; 8. was painted; 9. has been known; 10. attracts

Test 15.2.1. survival; 2. hunters; 3. illegal; 4. dumping; 5. Investigations; 6. responsible; 7. punishment; 8. behaviour; 9. threatens; 10. solution

Test 15.3.1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. d; 11. a; 12. c; 13. b; 14. c; 15. c