Все тайны английских предлогов - 2016



Упражнение 1

1) How about ordering a pizza and spending the night in?

2) There's something weird about her, I can't quite catch what.

3) My job is all about calling the customers and imposing our services on them.

4) Can you tell me what this film is about?

5) They decided to tidy up the pantry too, while they were about it.

6) You have nothing to worry about!

7) There was no jewelry about the victim.

Упражнение 2

1c, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5g, 6f, 7e


Упражнение 1

1) The high hills above the village were covered with snow.

2) The temperature in winter here is 10 degrees above zero.

3) The above-mentioned actor wins Oscar for the third time.

4) They were not above begging before.

5) Let's discuss our agreement above board.

6) How Sherlock found it — is above me!

7) They say Japanese always work above and beyond their duty.

8) The hills above the lake turned yellow and red.

9) That bridge over the Thames was built in the Middle Ages.

10) To see the fishes you should keep your head under water.


Упражнение 1

1) No matter how severe the winter is the spring always comes after (or there always comes spring after).

2) First think hard, and speak after.

3) Have you seen this film? Do you know what will happen after?

4) This cat is running after our dog all the time.

Упражнение 2

Should one pay after he ordered a meal or before it?

They told him after that she was late for her own marriage.

Why didn't you call me after you saw my message?

Упражнение 3

1) Они ушли и оставили ужасный беспорядок. — I'm not going to tidy up after them!

2) Не знаю, за что учительница поставила мне двойку, у меня же ни одной ошибки! — Perhaps she's getting after you...

3) Как ты думаешь, зачем он купил металлоискатель? — He's after hidden treasures, that's why.

4) Интересно, что будет во второй серии — пока что ему удалось похитить деньги мафии. — He'll be very sorry about it after.

5) Какое редкое у мальчика имя — Себастьян... — We called him after composer Bach.

6) Ну и характер! Он всегда такой упрямый? — Yes, unfortunately he takes after his granny.

7) Ой, кажется, наш последний посетитель забыл сдачу. — Why don't you run after him?

8) Ты уезжаешь? А как же твой попугай? — Our neighbors will look after him.


Упражнение 1

1) Slap across the face — ударить по лицу (дать оплеуху)

2) From across the dining-room — из столовой (зала)

3) Across the front page — по всей первой странице

4) Come across this picture — обнаружить картину

5) Test across wide range of questions — тест по широкому кругу вопросов

6) Stumble across in the street — случайно встретить на улице

7) Getting her topic across — донося (объясняя) ее тему

8) Cut across the forest — срезать путь через лес

9) Affects the economy across the piece — влияет на экономику во всех странах

Упражнение 2

1) By the beginning of the second time we were 3 points ahead of them. 2) Can I hand in the test ahead of time? 3) Before rushing ahead, one should think everything over carefully. 4) Turn left at the crossing, and then go straight ahead. 5) The years of hard work were ahead of her. 6) Even when at school, he was well ahead in his class 7) If they don't push ahead with their project, they won't be success. 8) When the police came, he was ahead of the game.

Упражнение 3

1) Move along, citizens, don't be stuck.

2) The snowstorm is blowing along the street.

3) Honey, take me along with you!

4) Once, when the night was well along...

5) I'll go to the field along with my horse.

6) The dead ones with scythes were standing along the road...

7) Wait in the reception-room, Arkady Savelych will be right along.

8) Along the instructions, the fire extinguisher must be available.


Упражнение 1

1) Student on duty, please, hand around the results of the tests.

2) Swamps were straight ahead of us, so we had to go long way round.

3) Stop kidding around! — You're getting at me clock round today.

4) Taking it all round, we can't make the decision right away.

5) Well, kiddies, your old Grandpa has got, and has been around.

6) Inspector, ask around, while I'm going to look the place of crime around.

7) Has she come round yet? — No, she is in such a state all day round.

8) The management of the plant is skirting around the direct confrontation with the people.

9) And don't you try to get me around!

10) We were going round and round this topic, argued round and round, but haven't come to the consensus of opinion.


Упражнение 1

1) I'm not so (good, bad) at mathematics.

2) He didn't answer her, when she called, at (once, first).

3) What are you (getting, playing) at?

4) When she is at her (uncle’s, college), she doesn't feel at (fault, ease).

5) Our family ghost always comes at (12, night).

6) Where is that doctor at (large, last)?

7) Why are they (looking, coming) at him?

8) Let’s meet at (5:30, Guido’s)!


Упражнение 1

1) Ваша честь, я никогда раньше не видел этого человека! 2) Стреляйте только по моей команде, не раньше! 3) Мы — всего лишь трава перед лицом Создателя. 4) Выучите наизусть это стихотворение и то, что перед ним. 5) Раньше перед ее домом росли высокие деревья. 6) В этой игре шестерка старше девятки. 7) Бесконечные волны катились перед ними. 8) Рыцари часто предпочитали смерть бесчестью. 9) Сынок, всегда говори “спасибо”, прежде чем что-то брать у людей.

Упражнение 2

1) Here I'm solemnly giving an oath before my comrades...

2) Such a thing has never happened to me before.

3) He was put into prison five years before it.

4) Short before their meeting she changed her hairdo and her make-up.

5) He was heading for his car, and the guards were hurrying before and after him.

6) How was your rest? — Like never before!

7) You 'll have to go through a lot before the first rooster sings.

8) Money before chairs!

9) As an actress she always put her job before her family.

10) He would bite off his tongue before calling for help.


Упражнение 1

1c, 2e, 3b, 4a, 5d

Упражнение 2

1) Don't (leave, put) your experience behind you!

2) She always (falls, drops) behind when we're in a hurry.

3) By how many points did you (get, lag) behind?

4) The political leaders talked about the situation behind closed doors.

5) His teaching methods seemed to be behind the times to everybody.

6) Where did they learn these unique skills? — Behind bars.


Упражнение 1

1) In two years after their marriage they were in a great hurry to divorce — obviously, no love was lost between them.

2) You shouldn't tell about our plan to anybody, it's strictly between you and me.

3) How much money did they get between themselves?

4) His copy looks very similar to the original, with only a fine line between them.

5) From the early age he was treated as extremely stupid, kids kept saying that he had nothing between his ears.

6) At night the robber turned of the security system and threaded his way in the dark hall between numerous sculptures.

7) She didn't want to meet her former colleagues and tried to put some distance between her and them. Could you give me a tip, what the whole story is about, I can't read between the lines!

8) At the end of long and hard discussion they managed to strike a balance between opponents.

9) She wants all or nothing, and can't be satisfied with a between variant.

10) He agreed to act between in their deal for the share of 10%.


Упражнение 1

1) It's beyond me, how he managed to pass his exams.

2) We didn't rent that flat, it was beyond description.

3) He's looking very good now, beyond doubt. They say plastic surgery has changed him beyond recognition.

4) Their car was put in order, everything done beyond reproach. Imagine, they were sure it was beyond repair.

5) Doctor Watson is beyond suspicion in spite of the fact that all evidence is against him.

6) He's now far away, beyond the border, and beyond the reach of the state authorities.

7) You mustn't go beyond the speed limit on this part of the road, do you see the sign? — These signs are beyond number here!

8) She lives in the back of beyond, no transport goes there. — Beyond doubt, we will have to hire a guide to reach her.


Упражнение 1

1) Шесть разделить на два

2) Полет на вертолете

3) К концу года

4) Расти у дома

5) Написано Байроном

6) По любым стандартам

7) Почтальон по профессии

8) Считать в фунтах

9) Владеть по праву

Упражнение 2

1) Ты готов постоять за меня? — А можно просто посидеть рядом?

2) Она едва могла выжить на 2 фунта в неделю.

3) Почему же она не отложила денег заранее?

4) Заходите к нам без колебаний, когда в следующий раз будете в городе.

Упражнение 3

1) Where has he come by such tools?

They are by far higher quality then ours. Now he'll be able to get by on this work for a couple of months longer.

2) They never played by the rule, and if they couldn't win, they took money by force. Soon they were known by sight in every casino.

3) He was recognized as an inspector by mistake. Day by day he was tricking everyone, and then his cheating came out by chance. By his own words, he escaped the arrest by a finger's breadth.

4) We flew to Egypt by Istanbul. he arrival was expected by 12 o'clock. Our neighbor, a doctor by profession, said that he was able to lay money for the trip by in half a year. In Istanbul he was going to call by his colleague, a Turkish doctor.


Упражнение 1

1) What do you need new shoes for? — My old ones are completely worn down.

2) What's the matter with your TV set? — It has broken down.

3) Why don't you trust your partner? — He has let me down.

4) Shall I recite you Dan’s new poem? — Sure, and write it down, will you?

5) What happened with their old country house? — It burnt down.

6) Why did you give her those pills? — To calm her down.

7) When are we to add onions to the dish? — When the broth boils down.

Упражнение 2

1) Down with capitalism and exploitation!

2) I wonder why he is looking down upon us, great deal that he has come from down under!

3) That down at the heels girl can't attract our prince’s attention.

4) The boss of mafia ordered to run the police commissar down.

5) I'm down for 100 francs and have to go to the bank at once.

6) His father learned that he smoked, and was down on him, and besides, left him down without pocket money.

7) OK, enough discussing, let's get down to our project.

8) Why are you so down today? — My pet canary is down with something...


Упражнение 1

1) She worked in the library during most of the months.

2) During the show, the TV presenter joked a lot about his guests.

3) The fight was going on for a quarter of an hour already.

4) The accident took place during their singing contest in karaoke.

5) In childhood, we played outdoors during the whole summer.


Упражнение 1

1) How long are you going to stay there? — For a week or so.

2) What platform does the train for Paris leave? — For Paris? Platform 2.

3) Why are you calling him names? — Just for fun!

4) The weather is great today. — Let's go for a walk!

5) What about the rest of the farmers' products? — As for the rest? We'll place it for sale.

Упражнение 2

1g, 2f, 3d, 4c, 5e, 6a, 7b

Упражнение 3

1) Лиса увидела сыр и устремилась за ним. (rushed for it)

2) Я знаю точно — растает лед. (for sure)

3) Не бейте меня! — Ты сам напросился! (were asking for it)

4) Давай забудем о наших разногласиях — раз и навсегда. (once and for all)

5) Зачем вам такая большая зарплата? — Вы же не учитываете, что у меня шестеро детей! (don't allow for)

6) Вечеринка прошла удачно, если бы не одна досадная неприятность. (but for/if not for)

7) Он славится своей щедростью, в ресторане, например, всегда платит за всех своих друзей. (pays for all)

8) Я ищу ключи от машины. Если муж узнает, что я их потеряла, он меня убьет. (be done for)

9) Ваши шуточки абсолютно некстати. — Простите, я надеялся на ваше понимание. (not asked for; accounted for)

10) Она ждет, что я сделаю ей предложение, а мне не хватает решительности. — Ну так иди, давай! (go for it)


Упражнение 1

1) He didn't know what to do with that present from his relatives.

2) Now, kids, I'll dictate, and you're going to write from my dictation.

3) That piece of ice fell from the roof at his feet.

4) Such a mobile can cost from 200 to 500 dollars.

5) He knew from his experience that one couldn't find it anywhere.

Упражнение 2

1c, 2f, 3h, 4g, 5b, 6d, 7 a, 8i, 9e

Упражнение 3

1) a present — for, from

2) borrow — from, at

3) depart — by, from

4) lend — from, to

5) profit — from, of

Упражнение 4

1) Where is he from? — I think, Italy.

2) Can I borrow a mobile from him? — No, he doesn't have a mobile.

3) What's that sticking out from your shoe? — Well, that's just my toe.

4) Are you working from home now? — Yes, this job is very convenient.

5) Can you keep from talking? — Can't promise you this, I'm a regular chatter-box!

6) Did he turn away from her? — As if he saw a monster, just imagine!

7) Do you know the poem from memory? — Yes, and I can repeat it right now.


Упражнение 1

1) When are you going abroad? — In a month.

2) Put on your warm clothes, it's cold outside.

3) They are not young any more, in their late forties.

4) Italians don't have much of a breakfast in the morning.

5) In the picture you can see a scene from the battle that took place in 1812.

Упражнение 2

1) Explain this picture in detail.

2) He had to look for it in the dark!

3) She was in rags for a long time.

4) His parents were in a rage for his missing the lessons.

5) She told them the truth in tears.

6) Are the kids in bed already?

7) The flat is in terrible condition, we can't rent it.

8) Suddenly they saw a pirate ship in the distance.

9) Don't say unfair things about him in secret!

10) When he was in power, he behaved differently.

Упражнение 3

  1. You should keep your things in order, then nothing will be lost. 2. Where is my book in informatics? Our teacher in English gives us too difficult tasks. 3. Show me on the map the countries rich in gas. 4. Load oranges in barrels. 5. In the museum they keep her portrait in oil.

Упражнение 4

1) Эти два слова звучат одинаково, но различаются по значению.

2) Протестуя, ребенок упал на землю, и замолотил ногами в воздухе.

3) Готовясь к вечеринке, они разбили какую-то посуду.

4) Очень странное поведение для человека в годах (для пожилого человека)!

5) Могу я заплатить наличными или кредитной картой?

6) В общем, он кажется довольно приятным человеком.

7) Недавнее повышение цен произошло из-за инфляции.

8) Зря он ждал от нее ответа, а его письмо привело только к тому, что она исчезла.

9) Давайте назовем эту площадь в его честь! — Лучше назовем ее в память героев войны.

10) Один из десяти подростков верит в Санта-Клауса.


Упражнение 1

1) the inside decoration of the room — внутреннее убранство комнаты

2) the inside work — тайная деятельность

3) to have inside knowledge — иметь конфиденциальную информацию

4) our inside man there — наш человек на чужой территории

5) to share inside information — делиться секретной информацией

Упражнение 2

1) Everyone knew that with all that rum inside he wouldn't move a bit. 2) Now, with all the inside information, she had an advantage over other candidates. 3) It was an inside joke, and the newcomer didn't understand it. 4) The police turned all the house inside out, looking for treasures. 5) I know him inside out, he can't be a traitor.


Упражнение 1

1) The windows are dark — it looks like everyone went to bed. 2) Is our room like the one we stayed in last time? 3) Look, what a magic sunset! — Yes, like a dream. 4) What is this dress made of? Feels like velvet. — No, velvet feels softer. 5) I feel like a cup of coffee just now. 6) The aerials are like weeds on the roofs. 7) I have never tried frogs... — Rubbish, they taste just like chicken! 8) It's just like him — to go away, leaving all this mess about!


Упражнение 1

1) It’s quite near, you can’t miss it! — Это совсем рядом, не пропустите (не пройдете мимо)!

2) He moved near to the side of the car. — Он подошел поближе к боку машины.

3) She can tell what awaits us in the near future. — Она может сказать, что нас ожидает в ближайшем будущем.

4) What she told you was as near the truth, as she could say. — То, что она сказала тебе, было так близко к правде, как только она могла сказать.

5) We have already made a profit of near 10 per cent. — Наша прибыль уже составила почти 10 процентов.

6) Come near, dear Little Red Riding Hood, and I’ll tell you everything. — Подойди поближе, милая Красная Шапочка, и я расскажу тебе все.

7) She is not near so beautiful as in the pictures. — Она вовсе не так красива, как на фотографиях.

Упражнение 2

1) Imagine, he did it for the first time, and near the mark!

2) The vacation is near at hand, but I haven't bought the tickets yet!

3) This new scientific approach was definitely very near to his heart.

4) He saw a near enough replica of the manuscript in the museum.

Упражнение 3

1) Since he was robbed, he hasn't gone near strange drinking companies.

2) When the dentist grabbed his instruments, I damn near cried out.

3) These pictures of hers are not anything near the art.

4) They can't witness, they were nowhere near there.

Упражнение 4

1) Your idea will probably come true in the near in future.

2) His second place in competitions — so near and as yet so far!

3) When her relatives learned about her success, they came from the near and far.

Упражнение 5

  1. a)приближаться
  2. b)наш
  3. b)к огню
  4. c)около пяти
  5. b)платье из искусственного шелка.


Упражнение 1

1) Imagine, he gave her a book of poems!

2) Pour a cup of lemon juice into the flour.

3) The majority of teenagers would like to choose their presents themselves.

4) The dwellers of this village still believe in ghosts.

5) What are your toys made of?

6) Meet Professor Higgins, the colleague of my mum's.

Упражнение 2

1) He was the most popular composer of his epoch.

2) Only a man of great courage could come to the enemy's camp unarmed.

3) Because of the leak in the tank everything smelled of gasoline.

4) Everyone knew that she started begging of pure need.

5) After some months of peace the battles between them began again.

Упражнение 3

1) She was so afraid (ashamed) of him that she couldn’t talk. Она так боялась (стыдилась) его, что не могла разговаривать.

2) Your grin certainly speaks (tells) of your fault. — Твоя ухмылка ясно говорит о твоей вине.

3) He should get rid (take care) of that sick puppy. — Ему надо избавиться от этого больного щенка (позаботиться о).

4) Don’t relieve (deprive) him of his duty! — Не избавляйте (лишайте) его (от его) обязанностей!

5) Do yetis live here about? — Not that I know of. (I’ve never heard of it.) — Я об этом ничего не знаю. (Я об этом никогда не слышал.)

Упражнение 4

1) Everyone is waiting for the positive effect of his visit. He's a politician of note on the international arena.

2) Because of that escapade of hers the film star had, so to say, loss of face. In the world tabloids it's the news of the hour.

3) The results of the talks came out much later. Small conflicts on the border seemed to be of no importance.

Упражнение 5

1) In the box he found some documents that looked like manuscripts of old. — В шкатулке он обнаружил какие-то документы, которые были похожи на старинные манускрипты.

2) It used to be news number 1 in gossip columns, but they haven’t written anything about it of late. — Раньше это было первоочередной новостью в светской хронике, но в последнее время об этом ничего не пишут.

3) We explored the old house, its inhabitants seemed to be late of it. — Мы обследовали старый дом, его жильцы, кажется, его давно покинули.


Упражнение 1

1) Why do you always show (back) off before the girls? 2) You should get off at the next stop if you're looking for the theatre. 3) I'm afraid the milk has gone (been) off. 4) For a moment he was off his point (guard). 5) I'll take (drop) you off at the station, if you like. 6) It was her off day — first she was late for work, then she spilled her coffee, and in the end lost her keys! 7) Sorry, guys, I can't help you, I'm off duty today.


Упражнение 1

1) He was planning to secretly penetrate the country, but they caught him on the border.

2) On the day of her performance the musicians felt especially nervous.

3) The tiger jumped, and he fired twice on the instant.

4) She was on the point of phoning him again, when he knocked on the door.

5) We decided to have a party on Friday night, please, come on time!

Упражнение 2

1) He was arrested and charged on robbery. Besides, the empty house after his visit happened to be on fire. It's left unanswered, on what purpose he has penetrated the house. he night watchman who was arrested on suspicion of arson, is left on trial. On evidence of witnesses, that night he said he was going on holiday.

2) We 're organizing a party on occasion of our company's 10th anniversary. You are on the list of the invited ones. his event can't be missed on any account. We start celebrating on the boss's returning from business trip. He's going to make a speech on our company's achievements.

Упражнение 3

1) What did he have on? — I didn't notice... Some kind of dark suit.

2) Why didn’t you tell on him? — I didn’t want to be a telltale!

3) Can’t you switch it on? — No, I think it's out of order completely.

4) Where did they head on? — Nowhere, they just went out for a bit of fresh air.

5) Will you go on with your task? — OK, there are only few sentences left.

6) Why do you pride yourself on it? — Because it was the first experiment of such kind.

7) Where can I try it on? — The dressing rooms are over there, on the left.

8) Are you still working on it? — No, we've already finished this project.

9) He wants to know where the Historical Museum is. — Tell him where he should get off.

10) What should I put on? — Well, choose something, you've got plenty of clothes.

11) Why do you have your warm cap on? — Doctor, I've got these strange sounds in my right ear.

12) I hope you like roses, don’t you? — Thanks a lot! hank you for the beautiful flowers!

13) Can you hang on for a bit? — Sorry, I can't wait by the phone any longer.

Упражнение 4

1) They talked on and on, and finally she got tired.

2) The police were on to them for their currency speculations.

3) What film is on at the cinema?

4) What did he have on when you saw him?

5) Don't pay attention to him, go on working.

6) I'm afraid you're mistaken, the hotel is farther on the street.

7) Professor is telling about his book on insects.

8) He prides himself on making this decision.

9) Why don't you try these shoes on?

10) From now on you're going to do as ordered!

11) Will you hang on while the others come?


Упражнение 1

1) Он успел запрыгнуть в автобус в последний момент.

2) Айсберг с белыми медведями подплывал к берегу.

3) Мы все почувствовали раздражение, когда она перешла к своей любимой теме — покупкам.

4) Как бы сильно он ни старался, полиция вскоре обнаружила его.

5) Вы знаете, что как раз перед нашим домом находится сад, и весной здесь так красиво.

6) За их домом в деревне протекает река, и детям никогда не надоедает рыбачить.

7) Чего она так цепляется за этого старого и грязного плюшевого мишку?

8) Через несколько недель он свел молоденькую старлетку (начинающую актрису) с известным кинорежиссером.

9) Получив необходимые доказательства, он решил, что победа в кармане.

10) Как только он вышел на сцену, так сразу поскользнулся на чем-то и упал.

11) На борт самолета запрещено проносить жидкости, наркотики и оружие.


Упражнение 1

cry out — выкрикнуть, give out — выдать, stand out — выделяться, write out — выписать, jump out — выскочить, sit out — досидеть (до конца), hear out — выслушать, put out — вывернуть, drawout — вытащить, turn out — оказаться.

1) Why don't you want to hear me out?

2) She has never sat out any play.

3) The padishah's palace stood out on the background of the poor huts of his subjects.

4) I'm going to rock your tooth a little, and it'll jump out easily.

5) He turned out to be not a frog, but a bewitched prince.

6) Write all the sayings and proverbs out of this text.

Упражнение 2

He understood that she was out for his money only. And when they ran out of money, she was in a hurry to fall out with him. He didn't even try to have it out with her.

Упражнение 3

1g, 2f, 3h, 4c, 5i, 6e, 7b, 8a, 9d


Упражнение 1

1) Having heard the voices coming from outside, he hid quickly.

2) I'll have to ride on the outside track, so I won't be able to catch up with the leader!

3) The salary isn't big, but it's an outside job, and with people.

4) An outside observer wouldn't notice anything unusual in their behavior.

5) We can only have corporative events outside the working hours.

6) Nobody outside his family knew about his hobby.


Упражнение 1

1) over, for breakfast

2) cry over, during smth

3) crawl under, over the table

4) over, in 2 days

5) read in, from the book

Упражнение 2

1) Eventually the storm blew over, and the seamen could triumph over nature once again.

2) Stop fussing over the child, you'll spoil him completely!

3) If you stay calm and think your problem over, you sure will get over all the difficulties.

4) She stumbled and nearly fell over the edge of the carpet, and split the wine all over her dress.

5) Your knowledge of English is certainly a great advantage over your colleagues.

6) When he went over his pockets looking for money, he found a hole in one of them.

7) They went to Paris on holiday, and while they were absent, their house was done over.

8) Hurry up, the game will be over in 10 minutes!

9) She's so happy over her graduation.

Упражнение 3

1) Лодка перевернулась, и он потерял контроль над ситуацией. — The boat turned over, and he lost control over the situation.

2) Она прибыла из Мексики, и вначале все смеялись над ее произношением. — She came over from Mexico, and at first everyone laughed over her pronunciation.

3) Не беспокойтесь вы так об этом зубе, операция по удалению закончится через 5 минут! — Don’t be so worried over that tooth, the extraction operation will be over in 5 minutes!

4) После того как комната была полностью переделана, ей оставалось только протереть пол. — After the room was done over completely, she had only to go over the floor.


Упражнение 1

1d, 2h, 3c, 4i, 5b, 6f, 7e, 8a, 9g


Упражнение 1

1) Dresden was ruined during the war, but the center of the city has long been reconstructed since then.

2) Since when is it forbidden to fetch in some snack?

3) They have been living here since the time immemorial, and aren't going to move.

4) He nearly drowned in childhood, and since then is horrified to travel by sea.

5) This phenomenon was discovered in 1932, and since that time numerous attempts have been made to use it for the people's good.

6) She hasn't smoked since she gave it up.


Упражнение 1

1) Она действительно рассталась с этим своим чокнутым дружком?

2) Передайте мне свою контрольную, пожалуйста, вы должны были уже ее закончить.

3) Мы были ошеломлены, когда он головой пробил лед (его голова появилось из-подо льда).

4) Я надеюсь, вы преодолели все препятствия в этой работе.

5) Вскоре он растратил все наследство и остался без копейки.

6) Только терпение помогло ему пережить все ее нервные срывы.

7) Вашему мальчику удалось сдать экзамен?

Упражнение 2

1) Ее настойчивость помогла ей пробиться к вершинам карьеры (carried her through to; got her through).

2) Нет смысла давать ей много денег, она тратит их моментально (burns through, goes through).

3) До меня дошли известия о вашем приезде (came through, got through).

4) Соедините меня с мистером Брауном (get through, put through).

Упражнение 3

Yesterday my boyfriend put me through a real test — he made me sit through a very boring film. The theme of one detective's genius was running through 100 times there. He actually saw everyone through. He saw every his case through, and got through every lie they told him. By the end of the film I already wanted to run something sharp through him!


Упражнение 1

1) Let’s listen to him till after the end of his speech. — Давайте дослушаем до конца его речи. 2) She used to read fiction till all hours. — Она раньше допоздна читала книги (художественную литературу). 3) The neighbors were making a noise till down. — Соседи шумели до рассвета. 4) She didn’t stop crying till the end of the film. — Она не перестала плакать до самого конца фильма. 5) I have never seen her till now. — Я ее никогда не видел до настоящего момента. 6) They sold out all the tickets till Friday. — Они распродали все билеты до пятницы.

Упражнение 2

1) Sorry, we are closed till 10 a. m.

2) He worked for this company till the end of 2000.

3) They hardly communicated till that scientific conference

4) Nobody has attacked them till now.


Упражнение 1

Прийти на свадьбу — come to the wedding; равняется нулю — equals to nil; случилось с ними вчера — happened to them yesterday; заняться своими делами — set to one's own business; объяснить гостям — explain to the guests; давать еду бездомным — give food to the homeless; превратилась в тыкву — turned to a pumpkin; петь под музыку — sing to music; превосходить все — superior to everything; извиниться перед родителями — apologize to parents; предпочитать шоколад мороженому — prefer chocolate to ice-cream; вырасти в прекрасного лебедя — grow to abeautiful swan; слушать концерт — listen to the concert; играть перед полным залом — perform to a full house; раскрыть секрет другу — reveal a secret to a friend.

Упражнение 2

1) Это мой долг перед страной.

2) Что с вами случилось?

3) Они будут сражаться до последней капли крови.

4) Его приговорили к пяти годам тюремного заключения.

5) По сравнению с другими она довольно умна.

6) Что он на это ответил?

7) Давайте потанцуем под эту музыку!

8) Вы когда-нибудь были в Вологде?

9) За ваше здоровье!

10) Это серебро, вот эта оправа к драгоценному камню?


Упражнение 1

1) She hasn't chosen her future profession yet, but she is inclined towards sports. 2) They get on quite well, it's a step towards true friendship. 3) It was towards the end of the week when they first met. 4) Your results will be certainly counted towards the final test. 5) That's not fair, the committee is partial towards our rivals! 6) This sum goes towards the fund for the building of the dogs' shelter. 7) She made for the exit in the darkness of the hall.


Упражнение 1

1) Your proposal is under consideration right now.

2) He can’t speak now, he’s under drugs.

3) This case is under the control of the government.

4) Under the heavy burden of troubles anyone will get older before time.

5) She’s under the oath of silence, it’s no use keeping her under watch.

Упражнение 2

1) Under who was Great Britain at that time? — Queen Victoria ruled at that time.

2) Were you greatly surprised under such circumstances? — Yes, I was really shocked.

3) Under what name do we know Samuel Clemens? — We know him as Mark Twain.

4) Under what conditions did they finally agree to sell it? — They only agreed to sell if we pay in advance.

5) Is he under investigation now? — Yes, they suspect him of robbery.

6) Were they sailing under Union Jack? — No, they had a flag of Somali.

7) Did you study under Professor Smith? — Yes, he was the best teacher ever!

Упражнение 3

1) Don't let our company go under because of sanctions.

2) I don’t like such things to be done under board illusion.

3) In that country you could easily buy any arms under the counter.

4) After that accident with the police officer she came under suspicion.

5) Has your house been under offer since the end of the 90s?

Упражнение 4

1) приехал из Австралии — came from down under; 2) имея запятнанную репутацию — being under a cloud; 3) ошибочно полагали — labored under illusion; 4) никогда не ходил под парусом — has never been under a sail; 5) поставили “под ружье” was put under arms; 6) очень тихо что-то говорит — he is speaking under his breath; 7) подвергаются нападкам в прессе — are under siege in media; 8) утонул задолго до того — had gone under long before that; 9) подпадает под юрисдикцию — comes under the jurisdiction.


Упражнение 1

do up — a car, a house

go up — the stream, the road

blow up — a balloon, a shot

eat up — the distance, a salary

dry up — a towel, fruit

get up — in the morning, as a knight

fix up — an iron, a meeting

let up — a scandal, on the servant

cook up — charges, excuse

add up — to a story, to a sum

fed up — with your plans, over traffic jams


Упражнение 1

1) With all that mess that you've made, we can't gather our things.

2) Red with embarrassment, she gave the note to the teacher.

3) They wrote with sharp sticks on special tablets.

4) Covered with a cloak, he slipped past the guards.

5) Look, the baby is shivering with cold!

6) With hard trainings you'll reach excellent results.

7) What does his last novel finish with?

8) This emperor ruled with iron hand, and didn't stay long on the throne.

9) Everyone was late for the lecture, with her coming the last.

10) With all their terrible appearance, the aborigines were very kind.

Упражнение 2

1) Не спорь со мной, я лучше знаю, что делать. (don’t argue with me)

2) Он всегда с легкостью сходился с самыми разными людьми. (mixed with)

3) Я очень разочарован вашим решением. (disappointed with your decision)

4) Мы раньше не были с вами знакомы? (acquainted with you)

5) Он делил комнату с тремя другими студентами. (shared with)

6) Всю ответственность за это несет наш мэр. (the responsibility lies with)

7) Они сговорились покончить с императором. (do away with)

8) А мебель прилагается при сдаче квартиры? (go with the flat)

9) Мастерство приходит только в результате многочасовых тренировок. (comes with)

10) Мы не поддерживаем санкции по отношению к этой компании. (disagree with)

11) Я видел это собственными глазами — обезьяна взяла колу и заплатила деньги! (with my own eyes; paid with money)

Упражнение 3

1) He always leads his speeches beginning with some old joke. 2) She decided for she would deal with that problem herself. 3) As if he was cold, we thought he could do with a glass of strong drink. 4) Everyone should know that hats sometimes never go with glasses. 5) He was really hit with the fact of that he was going to become a father. 6) All these numerous interviews in the media have nothing to do connected with her personal life. 7) he best way to do away with cold is it to stay in bed and drink a lot.


Упражнение 1

1) Can you complete the report within two hours? — I'm afraid it's too little time for such complex work.

2) Can I buy this souvenir within the hotel? — Sorry, you can't buy it there.

3) Is it known only within the family? — Yes, and please, keep it secret.

4) Is the cathedral within the walking distance from here? — No, you'd better catch a bus.

5) Why didn't you keep within the speed limit? — But I was driving at 60 kilometers per hour!

6) Why haven't you finished within an hour? — Because we had a lot of things to pack.

7) With such a salary he can't live within his means. — Why, he has other ways to earn money.

Упражнение 2

1) в пределах досягаемости от центра — within the reach from the center

2) в зоне его ответственности — within his responsibility

3) удержался в рамках бюджета — kept within budget

4) нигде в пределах видимости — nowhere within sight

5) из управления банком — from within the bank management

6) живет по средствам — he lives within his means


Упражнение 1

1) Не задумываясь, он кинулся на грабителя.

2) Вы обязательно должны огласить свое решение завтра.

3) Сначала они явились к нам в дом без приглашения, а потом еще и бесцеремонно съели весь наш ужин!

4) Все дети в этой группе очень одаренные, без исключения.

5) С ее музыкальным слухом она, без сомнения, нуждается в специальном образовании.

6) Отец приказал идти спать, и дети подчинились без возражения.

7) В этой пещере было бесчисленное количество драгоценных камней.