Глагол to be - быть - Verb. Глагол

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Глагол to be - быть - Verb. Глагол

Утвердительная форма глагола to be

Настоящее время

I am / I'm

You are / You're

He is / He's

She is / She's

It is / It's

We are / We're

You are / You're

They are / They're

Прошедшее время

I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

Будущее время

I shall (will) be / I'll be

You will be / You'll be

He will be / He'll be

She will be / She'll be

It will be / It'll be

We shall (will) be / We'll be

You will be / You'll be

They will be / They'll be

Отрицательная форма глагола to be

Настоящее время

I am not / I'm not

You are not / You aren't

He is not / He isn't

She is not / She isn't

It is not / It isn't

We are not / We aren't

You are not / You aren't

They are not / They aren't

Прошедшее время

I was not / I wasn't

You were not / You weren't

He was not / He wasn't

She was not / She wasn't

It was not / It wasn't

We were not / We weren't

You were not / You weren't

They were not / They weren't

Будущее время

I shall (will) not be / I shan't (won't) be

You will not be / You won't be

He will not be / He won't be

She will not be / She won't be

It will not be / It won't be

We shall (will) not be / We shan't (won't) be

You will not be / You won't be

They will not be / They won't be

Вопросительная форма глагола to be

Настоящее время

Am I?

Are you?

Is he?

Is she?

Is it?

Are we?

Are you?

Are they?

Прошедшее время

Was I?

Were you?

Was he?

Was she?

Was it?

Were we?

Were you?

Were they?

Будущее время

Shall (Will) I be?

Will you be?

Will he be?

Will she be?

Will it be?

Shall (Will) we be?

Will you be?

Will they be?