Глагол to have - иметь, обладать - Verb. Глагол

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Глагол to have - иметь, обладать - Verb. Глагол

Утвердительная форма глагола to have

Настоящее время

I have (got) / I've got

You have (got) / You've got

He has (got) / He's got

She has (got) / She's got

It has (got) / It's got

We have (got) / We've got

You have (got) / You've got

They have (got) / They've got

I had

You had

He had

Прошедшее время

She had

It had

We had

You had

They had

Будущее время

I shall (will) have / I'll have

You will have / You'll have

He will have / He'll have

She will have / She'll have

It will have / It'll have

We shall (will) have / We'll have

You will have / You'll have

They will have / They'll have

Отрицательная форма глагола to have

Настоящее время

I have not (got) / I haven't (got) = I don't have

You have not (got) / I haven't (got) = You don't have

He has not (got) / He hasn't (got) = He doesn't have

She has not (got) / She hasn't (got) = She doesn't have

It has not (got) / It hasn't (got) = It doesn't have

We have not (got) / We haven't (got) = We don't have

You have not (got) / You haven't (got) = You don't have

They have not (got) / They haven't (got) = They don't have

Прошедшее время

I didn't have

You didn't have

He didn't have

She didn't have

It didn't have

We didn't have

You didn't have

They didn't have

Будущее время

I shall (will) not have / I shan't (won't) have

You will not have / You won't have

He will not have / He won't have

She will not have / She won't have

It will not have / It won't have

We shall (will) not have / We shan't (won't) have

You will not have / You won't have

They will not have / They won't have

Вопросительная форма глагола to have

Настоящее время

Have I (got)? = Do I have?

Have you (got)? = Do you have?

Has he (got)? = Does he have?

Has she (got)? = Does she have?

Has it (got)? = Does it have?

Have we (got)? = Do we have?

Have you (got)? = Do you have?

Have they (got)? = Do they have?

Прошедшее время

Did I have?

Did you have?

Did he have?

Did she have?

Did it have?

Did we have?

Did you have?

Did they have?

Будущее время

Shall (Will) I have?

Will you have?

Will he have?

Will she have?

Will it have?

Shall (Will) we have?

Will you have?

Will they have?


В 3-ем лице единственного числа глагол to have приобретает форму has!



WE Do Not Eat Soup DAY!


В настоящем времени сочетания have got и has got употребляются чаще, чем have и has.

I've got a pencil. — У меня есть карандаш.

В то же время, в остальных случаях употребления глагола to have (в прошедшем и будущем времени, в роли модального и вспомогательного для времен Perfect глагола, в устойчивых сочетаниях) используются только формы have и has.

Jane had a book. — У Джейн была книга.

You have to do it later. — Ты должен сделать это потом.

He has seen me today. — Он видел меня сегодня.


I have got a bath in my house. — В моём доме есть ванна.

I have a bath every evening. — Я принимаю ванну каждый вечер.


to have a point — иметь смысл

to have a look — посмотреть, взглянуть

to have an effect — воздействовать, оказывать влияние

to have a shower — принять душ

to have a walk — прогуляться

to have a meal — есть

to have breakfast — завтракать

to have lunch — обедать

to have dinner — ужинать