Дополнительные задания Part II. Unit 1

Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год

Дополнительные задания Part II. Unit 1

I. a) Read the text “6 Things I Learned My First Semester of College” attentively.

b) Find the synonyms from the box to the words / word combinations in italics.

a. very great in amount

b. a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study

c. to frequent the company

d. a clever or particular way of doing something

e. an act of questioning someone

f. making you feel frightened or nervous

g. helpful hints

h. causing great enthusiasm and eagerness

i. to carry out or accomplish, finish:

j. a thing that is regarded as more important than another

c) Put the correct heading to each paragraph.

The Socializing Part of College Life.

Study Halls Are Amazing.

Stay Organized.

Find Your Study Trick.

Get A Planner.

Talk To The Professor.

d) Ask 6 questions to the text.

6 Things I Learned My First Semester of College

It’s that time again for another semester to start. For some out in the world, it’s your first semester. Everything is new and exciting, as it should be. You have worked hard to get here, and I would like to congratulate you on getting to this next step in life! However, like all good things, it can be a little overwhelming. Where do you start? What to do? Below I listed 6 things I learned the hard way that helped me a lot that next semester.


This is something that should be with you at all times and be updated constantly. A planner is great to list the assignments you need to get done, and how long you have to get it done. You also can learn which days you’re off from class work and can hang out with friends easier with these!


This goes back to having a planner. You need to stay on top of things. Honestly, each day I woke up I had a new priority list. I would space out how much time I had to do for each assignment, and work my way through them. If I had homework due the next day (or in a few hours), that would be my top priority. Next usually came the long-term assignments, and so on and so forth. By staying organized, I was able to not be as stressed that entire semester.


Each type of class seems to use a different “study trick.” However, you can find ones that work with a lot of your classes. If you’re a note card person, use it.

For me, the best trick I learned was reading through the material from lecture 3 times before doing actual homework. Each lecture, I would read it 3 times, then go through my old lecture notes 3 times. Any questions I had I would look up in the book or on the internet.

Also, study groups are great for a couple of days before the test. By verbally quizzing each other on the material, you learn what you know and what you need to brush up on.


It can be intimidating talking to professors. They know so much, why would they work with you? Because it’s their job. They have been in your position before. They understand what it’s like having to study for a class like theirs. So if they are nice they will show you the tricks to make studying easier for the class.


Whether it’s the library, or an actual study hall, these places are perfect for your studies. It sounds a little obvious, right? A study hall is perfect for studying? Who would have guessed? Seriously though, these places are sometimes the only place you can find peace and quiet. Especially if your campus observes Thirsty Thursday (A.K.A.* Let’s Get Drunk And Forget We Have Classes Tomorrow Thursday).

6.________ -

This is the one part of college life that I had the hardest time with. It’s hard to balance socializing and studying. Finding that right balance for you will be tough. But! If you stay organized with your class work, you’ll have an easier time. Why? You will now if you have completed all the homework you need to get done so that if you hang with friends, it won’t hurt your grades.

Hopefully this list of tips will help you get through your first semester easier than I did. There are more tips and tricks to learn as you get through the semester though. Like, how many hours of sleep do I really need? How much coffee will it take to keep me awake in class?


*AKA = also known as

II. a) Discuss the questions in small groups:

1. What advice do you think is the most useful?

2. What other things could you suggest?

Коммуникативная игра “Вопросы и ответы”

Цель игры: распознавать вопросы, находить ответы.

Дополнительная цель: задавать вопросы.

Время: 30-35 мин.

1. Раздайте студентам по одной копии листа с заданием. Попросите студентов прочитать ответы и проверьте понимание слов.

2. Разделите студентов по парам и попросите найти и записать все вопросы к предложенным ответам.

3. Работая в парах студенты должны задавать друг другу вопросы и записать ответы партнера в соответствующую ячейку. Можно попросить студентов задавать дополнительные вопросы, например, 'What's your favourite city?' 'Madrid. And yours?' 'London.' 'Why London?'

4. Спросите студентов, какую новую информацию они узнали о своем партнере.

5. Попросите определить, какие типы вопросов им встретились в этом задании.

Find seventeen questions and then write them next to their answers.








Your partner’s answers



A goldfish called Jimi.



On a beach.



The violin.



If I could come back.



Probably Mongolia.



Everyday, usually.



Frank Sinatra.



I’m writing at the moment.



A little bit.



Eleven or so.






Yes, a couple of years ago.



Not yet.



No, only four.



A little tired, actually.



My mother, I think.


