Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год


Visual aids - наглядные средства, средства визуальной поддержки (доклада) ['vizjuəl]


In which country is sending a red Christmas card considered bad manners because usually funeral notices are printed in red?

a) Japan.

Exercises 1 & 2. Tongue twisters to be remembered:

Предложите студентам прослушать два раза запись скороговорок, затем дважды произнесите их вместе с диктором и, наконец, произнесите их самостоятельно хором.

(1) Seth (имя) at Sainsbury's ("Сейнзбериз" - название фирменных гастрономов и продовольственных магазинов самообслуживания одноимённой компании) sells thick socks.

(2) There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves (воры) go through. Тысячи мыслителей думали, как три вора проникли внутрь.

(3) The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. - Тридцать три вора считали, что они колебали трон целый четверг [3].

Exercise 3. Give appropriate translation to the sayings. Remember four of them:

1. A nation's treasure is its scholars. - Ученые - это сокровище нации.

2. Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson after. - Опыт - суровый учитель: сначала он испытывает, а затем преподает урок.

3. A book gives knowledge, but it is life that gives understanding. - Книга дает знание, но именно жизнь дает понимание.

4. Science is a cemetery of dead ideas (Miguel de Unamuno). - Наука - это кладбище мертвых идей.

5. Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing (Wernher Von Braun). - Исследование - это то, чем я занимаюсь, когда не знаю, что делаю.

Exercise 5. Listen to the numbers and quantities. Then read them in pairs.

Задания в этом упражнении рекомендуется выполнять в обратном порядке. Организуйте студентов в пары и предложите прочитать приведенные в упражнении цифровую информацию. Затем дайте студентам прослушать запись и обсудите сделанные ими в процессе самостоятельного чтении цифровой информации ошибки. При необходимости попросите студентов хором прочитать цифры еще раз.


Exercise 6. Discuss the following questions.

Возможные варианты ответов:

1. Why do presenters use visual aids?-to make a report easier to be understood; to give additional information to the audience

2. What types of visuals can you name? What visuals have you used? - Slide-shows, pictures, models of real objects, handouts, etc.

3. What computer programmes will help you to create visuals? - Power Point, Prezi, Adobe, etc.

Exercise 7. Look at the visuals. What are they called in English? Match the pictures with the definitions.

1) C.

2) F.

3) A.

4) D.

5) E.

6) B.

Exercise 8.Match the English clichės with their Russian equivalents. Divide them into three categories listed below.

1. h

2. j

3. f

4. e

5. g

6. l

7. i

8. b

9. a

10. k

11. c

12. d




4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

1, 3, 5, 6

2, 10

Exercise 9.Study the graph. Read the description and fill in the gaps.



Let’s now look at the next slide



The graph shows



The blue, red and green lines on the graph indicate



I'd like you to focus your attention on the significance of these figures here.



As you can see,



If you look at the lines more closely, you'll notice that



From a slower average annual growth rate ...



to a moderately faster average annual growth rate.



an average annual growth



The current slowdown

Exercise 10. Listen to the report about the use of plastics and complete the chart.








packaging industry




building and construction sector




electrical and electronics industry




furniture and housewear sector




transport sector








medical sector




mechanical engineering sector




toys sector




sports sector

Exercise 11. Listen again. Which clichės does the speaker use to explain the pie-chart?

I’d like to show you a pie chart which represents

If we take a look, we can see that

You will notice at hat

As you can see,

Take a look at

the same figure applies to

At the opposite end of the scale

Дополнительное задание. Попросите студентов описать диаграмму, опираясь на свои записи и клише, которые они запомнили.

Exercise 12. Read the interview given below and answer the questions:

1. What numbers are mentioned by the speaker? - 30 percent; 1.4 billion; 1.5 million; 88 percent; one in ten; 40 million; 40 %; 79 times; 50 %; $6,200

2. What visual aid does the speaker use to illustrate his findings? - a table

3. What clichės does he use while speaking?

1) Take a look at this table.

2) Here you can see

3) The first line shows

4) The next two lines give us

5) As you can see

6) And the last line explains that

7) I'd like you to focus your attention to the fact that

8) I think the conclusion to be drawn from this table is clear to us.

9) Please look at this chart. It represents

10) I’d like to point out some interesting details.

11) And finally

12) Take a look at this slide.

13) This picture gives us some information about

14) Also,

15) Another promising alternative is

16) I'm sure the results of my presentation are obvious.

Exercise 13. Read the interview again and draw the table illustrating the interviewer’s findings. Describe it to your partner.

Организуйте студентов в мини-группы по 3-4 человека. Попросите их нарисовать таблицу, иллюстрирующую результаты исследования, описываемые в интервью. Сравните результаты работы.

Exercise 14. Think about your project. What visuals can you use to support your ideas? Write a short description for one of them. Useful expressions in Appendix 7 may help.

Это упражнение можно вынести на самостоятельную работу в рамках подготовки защиты междисциплинарного проекта. Предварительно мотивируйте студентов изучить информацию, представленную в Приложении 7.

Transcript Part III. Unit 2

I’d like to show you a pie chart which represents the use of plastics by sector. If we take a look, we can see that the largest sector which uses plastics is the packaging industry. You will notice that over a third of all plastics are used here.

As you can see, the building and construction sector is the second biggest, using 23 per cent. You will notice that together with packaging, more than half of all plastics consumption is in these two sectors.

Take a look at the electrical and electronics industry, which consumes eight per cent, and you will see that the same figure applies to the furniture and housewear sector, as well as the transport sector. Agriculture accounts for slightly less plastics consumption, seven per cent.

At the opposite end of the scale from packaging, you can see that the smallest sector is the footwear sector, using only one per cent. Both the medical and mechanical engineering sectors use slightly more plastic that footwear - two per cent, while the toys and sports sector accounts for one per cent more than this.

Дополнительное задание см. в Приложении 8.