Английский язык - Новый полный справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ - 2018


Типы сложного дополнения

Тип сложного дополнения

Употребляется после глаголов

Сложное дополнение


want, wish, would like, like, desire, expect, believe, know, consider, get


to + V

Пример: I would like you to come tomorrow.


let, make



Пример: The teacher made me rewrite the exercise.


see, hear, feel, notice, watch


V (завершенное действие)

Ving (длительное действие)

Пример: I saw him speaking to Tom yesterday. I felt somebody touch my hand.


После глаголов hear, see, notice, make в пассивном залоге употребляется to + V.

10.1. Сложное дополнение. Вставьте to там, где необходимо.

1. I saw him ___________ drop his bag.

2. We expected Tom ___________ be late.

3. The officer made Ann ___________ open her suitcase.

4. Ann was made ___________ open her case.

5. Suddenly they heard the front door ___________ open and then ___________ close softly.

6. Let me ___________ carry your bag for you.

7. Do you want me ___________ come with you?

8. I noticed Henry ___________ come up to the stranger.

9. Would you like me ___________ go shopping now?

10. I know Winston Churchill ___________ be a great politician.

10.2. Сложное дополнение. Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Everybody knows her (write) beautiful poetry.

2. He doesn’t like me (tell) jokes.

3. We saw him (cross) the street and (disappear).

4. Tom expects me (help) him.

5. We watched the boys (play) tennis.

6. I noticed the robber (take) out the gun.

7. The teacher made us (learn) the rule.

8. Would you like us (stay) with you?

9. Do they want us (take) part in the conference?

10. She heard some people (talk) in the next room.

Конструкция have/get something done

Эта конструкция употребляется, когда действие за вас производит кто-то другой. Предложение “Я хочу починить велосипед” можно перевести на английский язык двумя способами:

1. I want to repair my bike.

2. I want to have my bike repaired.

В первом случае вы будете чинить велосипед сами, а во втором — вы отдадите его в мастерскую, и его будет чинить мастер. Это помогает нам понять употребление конструкции have/get something done.

Если вы захотите употребить конструкцию have/get something done, то глагол have/get надо поставить в нужное время:

1. Я вчера починил велосипед. — I had my bike repaired yesterday.

2. Я завтра починю велосипед. — I will have my bike repaired tomorrow.

10.3. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполнитепропуски полученными словами.

The Happiest Day of My Life

Yesterday was the happiest day of my life and I would like it (1) ___________ (stay) in my memory forever. To begin with, when I woke up, I heard my Mum (2) ___________ (sing) merrily in the kitchen. Then I heard the door of my room (3) ___________ (open), and my little sister came in and said, ‘Good morning, dear!’. To my surprise, I didn’t find my clothes where I expected them (4) ___________ (be). Instead, I saw a gorgeous white dress (5) ___________ (wait) for me on the chair. However, Mum didn’t let me (6) ___________ (put) it on. After breakfast she made me (7) ___________ (get) into my old clothes and (8) ___________ (go) to the hairdresser’s to have my hair (9) ___________ (do).

When I returned home, everything was ready. My friends had already had a big bunch of amazing flowers (10) ___________ (deliver) to our flat, and I noticed a beautifully decorated car (11) ___________ (wait) in front of our house. We expected my future husband Tom (12) ___________ (arrive) in five minutes. Yet I was a bit nervous. Although I knew him (13) ___________ (be) very punctual, I was afraid that something unexpected could ruin our plans. Besides, I hate people (14) ___________ (be) late. Luckily, Tom was on time. I was the happiest person in the world because I was going to get married. And I was going to have my life (15) ___________ (change) forever.