UNIT 1 - Урок 2 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Английский язык - Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием и ключами 6 класс

UNIT 1 - Урок 2 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Section 1

Ex. 1, p. 8

1C, 2A, 3B

Ex. 2, p. 8-9


— Good morning! I’m pleased to see you. Welcome to our Explorers’ Club! I’m Emma. What’s your name?

— Morning, Emma! My name’s Nikita Smirnov.

— Let me see. Nikita Smirnov, Nikita Smirnov. You’re from Russia, aren’t you?

— Yes, I’m from Russia.

— Good! Here’s your badge. Take a seat in the hall, please. The meeting will start in five minutes.

— Thanks.


— Hello! I’m Jessica Gram. I’m from Canada. Where are you from?

— Hi! Nice to meet you, Jessica. I’m Marco. I’m from Italy. Have you been to England before?

— No, it’s my first visit to Europe. And you? Have you ever been to the UK before?

— Yes, I have. It was great to get the invitation to take part in the Explorers’ Club. Oh, the meeting is beginning. Let’s go into the hall.


— Hello! What a nice teddy bear — it looks very funny. My name is Daniel. What is your name?

— Hi! I’m Olivia. It isn’t a teddy bear. It’s a toy koala. I’ve brought it to the Explorers’ Club because I’m going to speak about this unusual animal. Besides, koalas only live in my country.

— Oh, so you’re from Australia, aren’t you?

— Yes. Oh, let’s hurry up and take our seats.

Ex. 5, p. 9

• Nikita Smirnov is from Russia (the Russian Federation).

Jessica Gram is from Canada.

Marco is from Italy.

Olivia is from Australia.

• Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

Washington is the capital of the USA.

London is the capital of Great Britain.

Dublin is the capital of Ireland.

Rome is the capital of Italy.

Madrid is the capital of Spain.

Helsinki is the capital of Finland.

Moscow is the capital of Russia (the Russian Federation).

New Delhi is the capital of India.

Beijing is the capital of China.

Melbourne is the capital of Australia.

Ex. 6, p. 10

1. Finland

2. Australia

3. Russia

4. China

Ex. 8, p. 10

1b, 2a

Ex. 9, p. 11

I think Indira is from India. India is in Asia.

I think Sue is from China. China is in Asia.

I think Marco is from Italy. Italy is in Europe.

I think Jessica is from Canada. Canada is in North America.

I think Nikita is from Russia. Russia is in Europe and Asia.

I think Emily is from Great Britain. Great Britain is in Europe.

I think Andrew is from Ireland. Ireland is in Europe.

Ex. 11, p. 12

Dear Ann,

Our Explorers’ Club has begun its work. Young explorers from different countries have come to the club. I have already made friends with some kids. I am attaching their photos.

You can see David in the first photo. He is speaking on his mobile phone. He often phones home to learn about his puppy’s latest adventures.

There are two girls in the second photo. Sue and Indira are sitting in a cafe and having coffee. Sue is telling a funny story and Indira is smiling. They are nice and friendly. In the evening, they cook different dishes from their countries. Yesterday, I tasted an Indian one. It was spicy, but delicious!

Look at Marco! He is playing football. He plays very well. He is really good at football.

Emily, from Great Britain, wants to become a journalist, in the photo, she is writing an article about our Explorers’ Club.

Now just look at the photos! Jessica is reading an English magazine for explorers and Andrew is feeding a squirrel in the park.

Sorry, but I have to finish my e-mail. Our English lesson will begin in 5 minutes.

Best wishes,


Ex. 12, p. 12

1. David is speaking on his mobile phone. He often phones home to learn about his puppy’s latest adventures.

2. No, they are not. They are sitting in a cafe. In the evening, they usually cook different dishes from their countries.

3. Yes, he is. Marco is a good football player.

4. Emily is writing an article about Explorers’ Club. Emily wants to be a journalist.

5. Jessica is reading an English magazine for explorers.

6. Andrew is feeding a squirrel. He is from Ireland.

7. Yes, he does.

Ex. 14, p. 12

Name: Christian

Surname: Harris

Age: 12

Country: Great Britain

Languages: Spanish and French

Hobbies: travelling, playing football

Ex. 17, p. 13

Who do you talk on your mobile with?

How do you spell your surname?

What time do you get up on Sundays?

Where do you spend your summer holidays?

How many friends do you have?

What do you do at weekends?

When do you do your homework?

Ex. 19, p. 13

1. Daniel is older than Jessica.

2. Jessica lives in North America.

3. Both Daniel and Jessica speak English.

4. Both Daniel and Jessica like visiting places of interests because travelling is their hobby.

5. Jessica would like to visit France and Italy.

6. I think Daniel likes playing sports because one of his hobbies is football. I think Jessica likes reading books because one of her hobbies is Literature.

Section 2

Ex. 21, p. 14

Andrew and his family travel around Ireland by bikes.

Ex. 22, p. 14

1. True.

2. True.

3. False. Andrew’s family travels with their relatives.

4. False. During their trips they stay in small hotels for the night.

5. True.

6. False. Next year, they are going to cross France and Spain on bikes.

Ex. 23, p. 14

1. b), 2. a), 3. e), 4. d), 5. c)

Ex. 27, p. 15

a) the second conversation;

b) David is going to take part in the friendly football match.

Indira is going to take photos of the football match.

Ex. 30, p. 16

Nikita Smirnov is a member of the Explorers’ Club. He is only twelve years old, but he has already taken part in several expeditions. He started travelling with his parents when he was only two years old. Last summer, Nikita went to an international eco-camp in the Altai Region. Together with teenagers from different countries, he enjoyed the beauty of nature. They went hiking in the mountains, swam in lakes with crystal clear water, made fires in the evening and spoke English. They also planted trees and cleaned the area.

Nikita has visited some other countries. He has been to Finland recently, but he has not been to Australia yet. He hopes to go there one day. What country would you like to visit?

Ex. 31, p. 17

1. Nikita is twelve years old.

2. Yes, it is. Nikita has already taken part in several expeditions.

3. He started travelling with his parents when he was only two years old.

4. Last summer Nikita went to an international eco-camp in the Altai Region.

5. The teenagers went hiking in the mountains, swam in lakes, made fires in the evening and spoke English.

6. They planted trees and cleaned the area.

7. Nikita has been to Finland recently.

8. Nikita wants to visit Australia one day.

Ex. 36, p. 18

b, c, e, h

Ex. 37, p, 18

1e, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5d

Ex. 38, p. 18



to teach

a teacher

to travel

a traveller

to write

a writer

to explore

an explorer

to dance

a dancer

to sing

a singer

Section 3

Ex. 40, p. 19

1 — D (The White Cliffs of Dover);

2 — С (Niagara Falls);

3 — A (The Great Barrier Reef);

4 — В (The Curonian Spit)

Ex. 42, p. 19

1,— 2, 2.— 4, 3.— 1, 4.—3

Ex. 44, p. 20

1B, 2E, 3А, 4D

Ex. 45, p. 20

1. the wonders of nature

on the border between

it’s hard to believe

a great quantity of water

2. to separate

moving sand dunes

to reach a height of

to belong

3. to be made of

on the cliffs

a great number of insects

4. to be of different shapes and bright colours

to protect from the enemies

unique plants and animals

Ex. 46, p. 21

1. The native people called the waterfalls “Niagara” because “Niagara” means “Great Thunderer of Waters”.

2. The great quantity of water makes Niagara attractive and exciting.

3. The fantastic combination of forests, beach and desert makes this place unique.

4. The Curonian Spit is famous for its highest moving sand dunes in Europe.

5. The Cliffs of Dover are white because they are made of chalk.

6. The White Cliffs of Dover have become a symbol of Great Britain because the white line of cliffs is the first sight that travellers can see crossing the English Channel from France.

7. The Great Barrier Reef looks like an underwater garden.

8. The tourists want to dive down and see corals of different shapes and colours.

Ex. 48, p. 21

1. Niagara Falls are powerful waterfalls in North America. Niagara Falls is situated on the border between Canada and the USA.

2. The Coronian Spit is made from moving sand dunes. The Coronian Spit belongs to both the Russian Federation and Lithuania.

3. The White Cliffs of Dover are made of chalk. They are home to a great number of different insects. The White Cliffs of Dover are situated in Great Britain.

4. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest collection of coral reefs in the world. It is situated in Australia.

Ex. 49, p. 21

The wonder of nature

Where it is situated

What it is like

What it is famous for

The Curonian Split

the Russian Federation, Lithuania

a thin sand-dune split; a combination of forests, beach and desert

the home of the highest moving sand dunes in Europe; the place where millions of birds stop during their migrations

Niagara Falls

on the border between Canada and the USA

powerful waterfalls

the most powerful waterfalls in North America and the second most powerful in the world

The White Cliffs of Dover


cliffs up to 107 metres high; they are made of chalk

one of the symbols of England; the home to a great number of insects; the first sight of England that travellers can see when they cross the English Channel from France

The Great Barrier Reef


the largest collection of coral reefs in the world

full of unique plants and animals; there are corals of different shapes, sizes and colours

Ex. 52, p. 22

1. The teenagers like to listen to music.

2. The school hall was full of noise.

3. Could I have a glass of water?

4. It’s fine weather today.

5. I don’t like cheese.

6. Would you like an apple? — No, thanks.

7. I have bought an interesting book about African nature.

Section 4

Ex. 54, p. 23

Mrs Wilson should meet Olivia Revell from Australia and Nikita Smirnov from Russia at the club’s hall. Olivia is in picture 2, Nikita is in picture 4.

Ex. 57, p. 24

1. True.

2. False. The Wilsons are not going to visit Australia.

3. True.

4. False. Olivia wears glasses. Jim doesn’t wear glasses.

5. False. Alice is as tall as Olivia’s cousin Jane.

6. False. Jimmy is the name of Alice’s parrot.

7. False. Jim is handsome and sociable. He isn’t as serious as his older sister Alice.

8. True.

Ex. 59, p. 24

1. Norway is not as large as the Russian Federation.

2. The city is not as quiet and green as the countryside.

3. Trafalgar Square is as famous as Red Square.

4. Cycling trips are not as comfortable as car trips.

5. The Curonian Split is not as popular with tourists as Niagara Falls.

6. Alice is not as sociable as her brother Jim.

7. Alice and Jim are as hospitable as their parents.

Ex. 61, p. 25

1d, 2g, 3b, 4a, 5h, 6c, 7f, 8e

Ex. 63, p. 25

Females: mother, grandmother, daughter, niece, aunt, sister, cousin

Male: father, grandfather, son, nephew, uncle, brother, cousin

Ex. 71, p. 27

1. It was Grandma’s birthday and the relatives went to her house to celebrate with her.

2. Clara’s present was the best.

3. There were photos of all the members of the family. They were smiling in the photos.

4. Grandma was happy to see her relatives smiling in the photos.

5. Clara wanted to make her grandma happy. She said to her grandma, “Every time we smile, we send happiness to the world. In this box, there is lots of happiness. I’m sure now you’ll always be happy, too.”

6. Clara took a family photo, where everyone was happy and smiling.

Ex. 72, p. 27

First, Alice made breakfast and fed her niece. Next, Alice played hide-and-seek with Kitty. Then she read fairy tales to Kitty. After that, they watered flowers in the garden. Finally, Alice took a photo of her niece.

Section 5

Ex. 76, p. 28

1b, 2a, 3e, 4d, 5f, 6c, 7g

Ex. 79, p. 29

1. Diana lives in the quiet countryside among lakes, pine trees and green fields.

2. Yes, she does.

3. In the country people have enough place for all kinds of domestic animals and farm animals.

4. Diana thinks that country people are peaceful, hardworking and helpful.

5. Diana prefers living in the country because she loves nature.

6. The city is rich in cinemas, theatres, museums, coffee shops and restaurants.

7. In the city David can get to know many interesting people. Besides, he can visit theatres, museums and art galleries in the city. He can also join a society for his hobby there.

8. No, he doesn’t. David prefers the countryside for holidays.

Ex. 81, p. 30

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2


Dialogue 4





Ex. 82, p. 30


— Hello!

— Hello! Can I have an apple juice, please?

— Here you are. Anything else?

— No thanks.

— A pound, please.

— Thanks.

— Thank you.


— Good morning. Can I help you?

— Good morning. Have you got something for a sore throat?

— Have you got a temperature?

— No, I haven’t, only a sore throat.

— I see. Here you are. Anything else?

— No, thanks.


— Good morning. Can I help you?

— Good morning. Can I have a novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?

— Just a minute. Here you are.

— Hmm. This book is quite thick and there aren’t any pictures in it.

— Yes, but it’s very interesting. The novel is really worth reading.

— OK. Thank you.

— You should bring the book back in 10 days. Enjoy the book.

— Thanks.


— Hello. Can I help you?

— Hello. Can I change American dollars for English pounds here?

— Yes, of course. How much would you like to change?

— 100 dollars.

— Here you are.

— Thanks. Bye.

— Bye.

Ex. 84, p. 31

a post office, an English teacher, an Englishman, a bookshop, a sunset, an opera singer, a bus driver, a travel agent, a newsagent, vegetable soup, vegetable salad, a school uniform, milk chocolate, a village house, countryside, a town park, a farmhouse etc

Ex. 85, p. 31

1. a block of flats

2. a terraced house

3. a semi-detached house

4. a detached house

Ex. 86, p. 32

David: Emily, you live in London, don’t you?

Emily: Yes, I do.

David: What part of London do you live in?

Emily: At the moment I live in the north of London not far from Regent’s Park.

David: Could you show me Regent’s Park on the map?

Emily: Let me see. Here it is. It’s a nice green area. As it is very close to the centre, the area is popular with tourists. So there are many hotels and some restaurants and souvenir shops.

David: I see. Do you live in a block of flats?

Emily: No, I live in a semi-detached house. There are three bedrooms and a sitting room where my family watch TV in the evening.

David: Do you have a garden?

Emily: Yes, there is a garden at the back and a very small garden with flowers at the front. My father spends a lot of time in the garden, so we have beautiful roses and a green lawn in front of the house.

Ex. 88, p. 32

Speaker 1 (a boy)

Speaker 2 (a girl)

Speaker 3 (a boy)

Where does she / he live?

in a small town in the south of England

in Canberra, the capital of Australia

in an old Russian city Nizniy Novgorod

Does she / he live in a flat or in a house?

in a nice detached house which is not far from the town centre

in an old house

in a new flat

Who does she / he live with?

with his parents and a younger brother

with her parents

with his parents and a brother

Has she / he got a room of his / her own?

has a nice room of his own

has a large and comfortable room of her own

shares the room with his brother who is 6

What is there around the place she / he lives in?

a nice back garden

a nice garden with lovely flowers

a sports centre

Ex. 90, p. 33

1. I spend my summer holidays in a small village which is situated next to a big lake.

2. Here’s the magazine which is very popular among my classmates.

3. I often meet this strange old man who lives next to my house.

4. I know the pharmacy which has the necessary medicine.

5. Here are the books which are from the library.

6. I know the girl who works at the post office.

Ex. 93, p. 33

1. Is your house light or dark?

2. Colchester is my home town.

3. Last year, I stayed in Britain too long and I really missed home.

4. Where is your house? — It’s in Park Street.

5. There is no place like home.

Section 6

Ex. 95, p. 34

1E, 2D, 3А, 4C, 5B

Ex. 97, p. 34


When we celebrate

How we celebrate

New Year

on the 31st of December

buy / give presents, send special cards, decorate the room, cook special dishes, set off fireworks, sing songs (karaoke), dance, take photos, watch TV, have a good time


on the 25th of December in Europe and America; on the 7th of January in Russia

buy / give presents, decorate the room, cook special dishes, send special cards, invite relatives and friends, play games, take photos, chat with each other, watch TV, have a good time

Motherland Defender’s Day

on the 23rd of February

buy / give presents, watch TV, go out, salute

Women’s Day

on the 8th of March

buy / give presents, go out, dance, chat with each other, have a good time


in spring

cook special dishes, decorate the room, invite relatives and friends, chat with each other

Victory Day

on the 9th of May

have a military parade, take photos, salute, watch TV

Independence Day

on the 12th of June

watch TV, salute, have a good time

Day of Knowledge

on the 1st of September

meet classmates, take photos, have a good time

Ex. 98, p. 35



16th October

Dear Mag,

I was very pleased to get your letter. I liked your story about the summer club and your new friends and adventures. You asked me about the most popular holidays in my family so I’ll try to answer your question.

I think that the most popular holidays are New Year and Easter. But there is a special holiday in our family, which I want to tell you about. It’s Victory Day. My great-grandfather/ought for his country in the Great Patriotic War. He was a doctor. He was at the victory in Berlin in 1945. He didn’t like to speak about the war, but he often remembered his friends and his hospital.

On 9th May, we watch the military parade on TV and then go to the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre or to the Park of Victory to meet the veterans. There are a lot of flowers, smiles and tears.

My great-grandpa died last summer. But, next Victory Day, I will go to the Park of Victory and put flowers to the monument of the heroes. In the evening, I will watch the salute in honour of my grandpa and his friends. I’m proud of my grandpa and I want to be a doctor, too.

Well, I think I have answered your question. Victory Day is not only a great holiday for all Russian people, but also for my family.

And what are the most popular holidays in your family? Which holiday do you like most of all? How do you spend it?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


• Victory Day is a special holiday for Sergei because his great-grandpa fought for his country in the Great Patriotic War.

Ex. 100, p. 36

1. The most popular holiday in Sergei’s family is not only New Year but also Victory Day.

2. Sergei’s great-grandpa told him not only about his hospital but also about his friends.

3. On 9th May, they went not only to the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre but also to the Park of Victory.

4. There are not only a lot of smiles on Victory Day but also tears.

5. Sergei told Mag not only about the most popular holidays but also about a special family holiday.

Ex. 103, p. 36

1. British children get their Christmas presents on the morning of December 25th.

2. The people of Norway give the city of London a big Christmas tree.

3. British people have Boxing Day on the 26th of December.

4. People get cards without signatures only on St Valentine’s Day.

5. Children dress up as ghosts and witches on Halloween, on the 31st of October.

6. A pumpkin can become a lantern.

7. The other British holidays are Pancake Day and April Fool’s Day in spring, Queen’s official birthday in summer, Harvest Festivals and Guy Fawkes’ Day in autumn.

Ex. 105, p. 37

1. British people celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Day on the 5th of November.

2. They build fires and set off fireworks.

3. One can also try bonfire food, namely sausages and jacket potatoes.

4. Despite its sad history, now Guy Fawkes’ Day is a holiday.

Ex. 106, p. 37

1. When do we celebrate Mother’s Day in Russia?

2. Why do British people celebrate “Bonfire Night” on the 5th of November?

3. What do people in Russia do on New Year Eve?

4. Who do we congratulate on the 8th of March?

5. How long does your winter holiday last?

6. What holiday is there in June?


Ex. 1, p. 38

I am from Canada. My country is situated in North America. It’s a large country. Canada stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.

We have long, cold winters and short hot summers. My country is famous for its beautiful nature and large lakes. Ice hockey is very popular in my country, but I prefer skating. Do you like to skate?

Ex. 2, p. 38

The young explorer has short red hair and dark eyes. The explorer is tall and slim. The explorer is wearing a green T-shirt and brown jeans.

The young explorer is from Ireland. Ireland is an island which is situated not far from Great Britain. The capital of Ireland is Dublin.

Ex. 3, p. 38

1. When do your summer holidays begin?

2. Where did you spend your last summer holidays?

3. Why do you like summer holidays?

4. What do you do during your summer holidays?

5. What time do you get up in the summer?

6. Who do you go hiking with?

7. How many friends do you have?

Ex. 4, p. 38

1. Look! The children are playing football in the sports ground. In the afternoon he usually plays tennis in the park. I think you’ll find him there.

2. He is working hard because he’s got a Maths test tomorrow. My mother is a teacher. She works in a primary school.

3. Jane, let’s go to the cinema. — I’m afraid, I can’t. I am writing an essay. And it’ll take a lot of time to do it. She doesn’t use a computer or the Internet, she writes letters to her sons every Friday.

4. I don’t eat porridge in the morning because I don’t like it. Where is the kitten? — In the kitchen. It is eating fish.

5. Where is Ann? — She is upstairs. She is doing her homework. I always do the washing up after dinner on Saturdays.

6. What is Granny doing? — She’s in the living room. She is reading the Sunday newspaper. He is going to be a writer. That’s why he reads a lot.

Ex. 5, p. 39

1. — Have you ever been to Italy?

— Yes, I have. It’s a wonderful country.

— When did you go there?

— Last summer.

2. — You are smiling, aren’t you? What has happened to you?

— I have repaired my bike.

— Really? When did you repair it? Who helped you?

— I did it myself yesterday. Now I can take part in the cycling trip.

3. — I went to the new sports centre last Saturday.

— That’s great. I haven’t been there yet. Is it worth going?

— Yes, definitely.

Ex. 6, p. 39

1. Do you like to travel? — Yes, I’m an experienced traveller. I’ve already been to 10 countries.

2. He is only 14, but he writes exciting stories for a magazine. I think he is going to become a famous writer.

3. Have you ever heard of Krusenstem? — Certainly. He was the first Russian explorer who sailed round the world in the beginning of the 18th century.

4. He was a famous ballet dancer. Now he teaches little children to dance.

5. Mr Anderson teaches English at school. He is one of best teachers. You should speak to him.

Ex. 7, p. 39

• a powerful waterfall

• a beautiful valley

• a famous desert

• high rocks

• a wonderful nature

1. There is some new information about the famous waterfall in this book.

2. There is no water in the desert.

3. Have you heard the news about the explorer?

— No, I haven’t yet.

4. He wanted to make a film about the wonderful nature of the Curonian Spit.

Ex. 8, p. 39

The Simpson Desert is situated in the centre of Australia. There are orange-red dunes everywhere: some dunes are very high and some are 200 kilometres long. It’s hard to get up one of the sand dune and go down the other side. There is almost no water in the Simpson Desert. Sometimes, there is no rain in the desert for years. It is very hot in summer and cold in winter. But many animals, birds, insects and plants live there. The desert is severe but it is beautiful. Today, people like to visit the desert and explore its unique nature.

1. Where is the Simpson Desert situated?

2. Is it warm in winter in the Simpson Desert?

3. Why do tourists like to visit the Simpson Desert?

Ex. 10, p. 40

1. Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson are Alice’s parents. They’ve got a son and two daughters.

2. Their oldest daughter is married. She has got a husband. They have got two children.

3. Jim is 10. But he is already an uncle. The children of his oldest sister are his niece and his nephew.

4. Alice likes to visit her grandparents. Her grandma and grandpa live in the south of England.

Ex. 11, p. 40

First, Alice made breakfast and fed her niece.

Next, Alice played hide-and-seek with Kitty.

Then she read fairy tales to Kitty. After that, they watered flowers in the garden. Finally, Alice took a photo of her niece in the park.

Ex. 12, p. 40

1. The buildings in this part of the city are more modem than in its centre.

2. Life in the country is more expensive than city life.

3. The town is famous for its library, one of the oldest in the country.

4. I think that this park is the best in the city.

5. His restaurant is one of the most popular in the town.

6. This newsagent is the nearest to Alice’s house, isn’t it?

Ex. 13, p. 40

1. What are you doing? — I am making some vegetable soup for dinner. I’ve got a new recipe.

2. Reading is a good hobby, isn’t it? Let’s go to the book shop and buy an interesting book about famous travellers.

3. I’m tired. Let’s have a cup coffee in this lovely coffee shop.

4. Little kids like milk chocolate, don’t they?

5. His aunt and uncle are painters. They live in the countryside and rarely come to the city.

6. What is his cousin? — He is a bus driver.

Ex. 14, p. 40

1. I live in a nice town which is situated not far from London.

2. There are lots of nice little cafes which are in the centre of the town.

3. The book was written by Mr Lanteen who was a famous scientist.

4. We live in a semi-detached house which stands not far from the town centre.

5. They live in a small village which is situated in the north of Scotland.

6. I know the doctor who is experienced and helpful.

7. However, I like to spend my time in the back garden which is bigger than the front garden.

Ex. 15, p. 41

a) to celebrate a holiday

to chat with each other

to play board games

a traditional present

to invite guests

in honour of victory

b) 1. Have you sent a greeting card to your granny? — Yes, I have. I sent it (the card) yesterday.

2. What are you going to do on the 1st of May? — We are going for a picnic. The weather will be warm and sunny. Would you like to join us? (Join us!) —Thank you. With pleasure.

3. On the 9th of May we remember people who fought for our Motherland.

4. Jim’s birthday will be tomorrow. He has invited lots of guests. That’s why a birthday party will be in the garden behind the house. I’m sure that everyone will like it.

Ex. 16, p. 41

Bonfire Night was a family holiday. Each year, we gathered at my Grandma’s house and had our evening meal, a hot cup of coffee for the adults and a cup of juice for the children. Then we put warm jackets and gloves on and went into the garden. Then, the adults gave a packet of sparklers to each child. Grandma lit the ends of the sticks and we began dancing around the garden making bright coloured shapes in the air. I loved to write my name in the air. After the sparkler had burnt out, we put them carefully into the basin of water, and started the process all over again until all the packets were empty. It was such a magical holiday.


Part I


Задание 1

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4





Задание 2



Задание 3. В

Задание 4. 1) — С, 2) — А, 3) — С

Задание 5. А — True, В — False, С — False, D — True

* Ключи не даются на задания, предполагающие творческие ответы.