UNIT 2 - Урок 2 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Английский язык - Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием и ключами 6 класс

UNIT 2 - Урок 2 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника, включая Progress check - Приложения

Section 1

Ex. 1, p. 46

The Wilsons and their guests are going to Stonehenge on Saturday and to the London Zoo on Sunday.

Ex. 3, p. 46

1. Friday is my favourite day of the week because the weekend is starting. Our guests from the Explorers’ Club are staying with us this weekend and we want them to enjoy their time here. We have decided to go to Stonehenge on Saturday and to visit the London Zoo on Sunday.

2. This afternoon, we went to the cinema to see a new American comedy. It was an amazing film and we laughed till we cried.

3. After the film, we walked a little in Regent’s Park. But it started raining and we had to return home.

4. After dinner, we decided to have a game night and played one of our favourite board games. Olivia and Nikita were happy to join us. Dad is good at Scrabble but Jim prefers Cluedo. He thinks it’s fun to find out who the killer is. But this evening we chose Monopoly because Olivia and Nikita could play this game too. So Jim joined us.

5. We enjoyed the game and played till 11.00 p.m. Nikita was the winner. He was lucky to win everybody’s money. I wasn’t as lucky as Nikita.

6. After that, we had to look for Tom, my cat. After half an hour, Jim found the naughty cat in the washing machine. Tom was sleeping there. We were very tired and fell asleep at once because we had to get up early in the morning.

Ex. 4, p. 47

1c, 2e, 3b, 4f, 5d, 6a

Ex. 8, p. 48

Alice had to make Jim’s bed, put his clothes in the wardrobe and take the rubbish out instead of Jim yesterday.

Ex. 9, p. 48

Alice has to set the table, go shopping, help Mum to clean the house and water the flowers in the garden.

Jim has to take out the rubbish, put the dirty plates in the dishwasher and help Mum in the garden.

Ex. 10, p. 49

1. Mum doesn’t have to go shopping. Dad has already bought fruit and vegetables.

2. The boy doesn’t have to get up early in the mornings. His lessons begin at 2 p.m.

3. The children don’t have to do the homework for tomorrow. They are going to the museum.

4. The student doesn’t have to take any exams this year. He’ll have them next year.

5. You don’t have to make a cake. I have bought a tasty apple pie.

6. Dad doesn’t have to water the plants. My brother watered them in the morning.

Ex. 14, p. 50

Number 1. You have to pay six pounds to go in.

Number 2. You have to stop and wait.

Number 3. You have to stop and wait.

Number 4. You have to cross the street here.

Number 5. You have to keep left.

Number 6. You have to keep right.

Number 7. You have to push the door.

Number 8. You have to pull the door.

Ex. 17, p. 50

1. A: Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday. But I haven’t bought a present for her yet.

B: Well, what about a big box of chocolates? Jane has a sweet tooth. I think she’d be really happy to get a present like that.

2. Mum: Why are you still in bed, Steven? You had to get up half an hour ago. You’ll be late for school.

Steven: Oh, Mum, I don’t feel very well. I have a sore throat and a headache. Mum: That’s terrible! You have to stay in bed. Try to go to asleep. I’ll send for the doctor.

3. Kate: Mum, when are we going to have dinner? I’m very hungry. I was very busy and haven’t had lunch today.

Mum: In twenty minutes. But first you have to wash your hands and set the table.

4. Jessica: Do you have any special rules at school?

Alice: Nothing special. We have to respect others, wear a school uniform, do our homework and not be late for school.

5. Jane: Mum, I don’t have any homework for Thursday. Could I go to the cinema with Kate and Julia?

Mum: OK. Have a good time. But you have to come back at 8.

Jane: All right.

Ex. 18, p. 51

1c, 2e, 3a, 4f, 5b, 6d

Ex. 19, p. 51

1. False. Stonehenge is a stone circle, the oldest part of which is 5,000 years old.

2. True.

3. True.

4. False. The historians think that the stone circle was not only a calendar but also a place for religious ceremonies.

5. False. Thousands of tourists come to Stonehenge every year.

Section 2

Ex. 21, p. 52

Alice and Jim took their guests to the zoo.

Ex. 23, p. 52

1. The London Zoo was opened on 27th April, 1828.

The Moscow Zoo was founded and opened in 1864.

2. The London Zoo is situated in London, in Regent’s Park.

The Moscow Zoo is situated in the centre of Moscow.

3. There are over 750 different kinds of animals in the London Zoo.

There are more than 6,000 animals in the Moscow Zoo.

4. In the London Zoo people can also take part in fun activities, see performances and visit interesting exhibitions.

In the Moscow Zoo people can also walk, go on rides and take part in various activities and festivals.

5. The London Zoo is open all the year round except 25th December.

The Moscow Zoo is open every day except Mondays.

Ex. 24, p. 53

greatest — largest, in

the centre of — in the heart of,

to be situated — to be located,

a lot of — plenty of,

very — extremely,

to look at — to watch / to see,

nature — wildlife,

beautiful — lovely,

exotic — various

Ex. 25, p. 53

1. The London Zoo, which is the world’s oldest zoo, was opened on 27th April, 1828.

2. Londoners and tourists who go to Regent’s Park can also visit the London Zoo.

3. Tourists can visit the London Zoo which is divided up into many different areas.

4. The Moscow Zoo, which is one of the largest zoos in the world, was opened more than 150 years ago.

5. The Moscow Zoo, which is free for children, has various fun activities for their young visitors.

Ex. 34, p. 56

1. We can see Alice, Olivia, Nikita and Jim in the picture. They are in the zoo.

2. Alice is wearing a white coat, a sweater and a skirt. Olivia has a green raincoat and brown trousers on. Jim is wearing a grey pullover and blue jeans. Nikita has a red coat and blue jeans on.

3. Jim is riding a horse. Alice is taking a photo of Jim. Olivia is sitting on the bench, she is eating an ice cream. Nikita is reading some information about giraffes.

4. Yes, I would like to join the children and spend a day in the London Zoo. / No, I wouldn’t.

Section 3

Ex. 37, p. 57

a) 5, b) 13, c) 3, d) 2, e) 9, f) 10, g) 1, h) 4, i) 7, j) 8, k) 6, l) 11, m) 12

Ex. 41, p. 58

Mrs Wilson: I’m going to make some Yorkshire puddings. Will you help me?

Alice: Yes, of course. I like this pudding. What do we need for it?

Mrs Wilson: Just some oil, flour, eggs and milk. Alice: How much flour do we need?

Mrs Wilson: A cup of flour. Get some eggs and milk from the fridge.

Alice: Oh! How many eggs shall I get out? There’s a little milk and a few eggs in the fridge.

Mrs Wilson: We need 3 eggs and a cup of milk for the pudding.

Alice: Here you are. Anything else? Sugar? Salt?

Mrs Wilson: Some salt, please. There isn’t any sugar in Yorkshire pudding.

Alice: How much salt shall I get?

Mrs Wilson: Just a little. Hm. The batter is ready. Now let’s cook them.

Ex. 43, p. 58

Text A

The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30 and 8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have toast with butter and jam (often strawberry, apricot or other jam), marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) and a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Others prefer a bowl of cornflakes with milk, or porridge.

A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs (scrambled or fried), sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried potato or fried mushrooms.

Lunch is the meal which people have in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich. Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup ajid bread. It is also traditional for people to go to a pub with some friends for lunch.

Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have more than 185 million cups per day. They may drink Indian or China tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches with it.

Dinner is the most common name for the meal which people eat in the evening.

It is very popular for British people to get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have Indian or Chinese restaurants. Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve hamburgers or fried chicken.

1. What may real English breakfast consist of? / What does real English breakfast consist of?

2. Where do British people often go for lunch?

3. How many cups of tea do British people have per day?

4. What restaurants do most cities and towns have?

Text В

The first meal in the morning, which the British usually have between about 6:30 and 8:00, is called breakfast. Nowadays, lots of British people have toast with butter and jam (often strawberry, apricot or other jam), marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) and a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Others prefer a bowl of cornflakes with milk, or porridge.

A real English breakfast or a traditional English breakfast may consist of eggs (scrambled or fried), sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried potato or fried mushrooms.

Lunch is the meal which people have iw the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich. Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. It is also traditional for people to go to a pub with some friends for lunch.

Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have more than 185 million cups per day. They may drink Indian or China tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches with it.

Dinner is the most common name for the meal eaen in the evening.

It is very popular for British people get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. Most cities and towns have Indian or Chinese restaurants. Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve hamburgers or fried chicken.

1. What do British people have for breakfast nowadays?

2. When do British people have lunch?

3. What tea do British people drink?

4. What dishes do fast food restaurants serve?

Ex. 46, p. 60


Speaker 1 / Marco

Speaker 2 / Jessica

Speaker 3 / Nikita

Speaker 4 /Emilie


3 (chocolate ice cream with nuts)

5 (apple pie)

4 (meat dumplings)

1 (pizza)

Ex. 47, p. 60

a) Jessica, b) Marco, c) Emilie, d) Nikita, e) Marco, f) Nikita, g) Jessica

Ex. 49, p. 60

1d, 2f, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6e

Ex. 51, p. 61

Mrs Wilson: Alice, let’s make a shopping list for Dad and Jim. Have we got any milk?

Alice: No, there isn’t any milk in the fridge. But there is some butter and a little cheese.

Mrs Wilson: OK. Have we got any bread?

Alice: Yes. But we haven’t got any biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade.

Mrs Wilson: What about pasta? How much have we got?

Alice: There is some. But I think we have to buy pasta. There isn’t enough.

Mrs Wilson: How many eggs are there in the fridge?

Alice: Only three eggs. Mum, can I have some apple juice?

Mrs Wilson: Of course.

Section 4

Ex. 53, p. 62



When does the school year start and finish in Britain?

The school year in Britain starts in September and finishes in July.

When do British students have holidays?

British students have summer holidays, holidays at Christmas and at Easter and a half term break in the middle of each term.

How long do the summer holidays last?

The summer holidays last for about 6 weeks.

Does Alice wear a school uniform? What is it like?

Yes, she does. Alice wear a black skirt, a white shirt, a blue jumper with the school logo on and black shoes.

What foreign language does Alice study?


Ex. 58, p. 63

Nikita: When does your school day begin?

Olivia: Do you study in the same classroom the whole day?

Nikita: How many lessons do you have at school?

Olivia: How do you address teachers at school?

Nikita: Do you have lunch at school?

Olivia: Do you have any clubs at school?

Nikita: What play did you put on last year?

Olivia: What sports facilities do you have at school?

Nikita: What school events have you got during the school year? What events do you like most of all?

Ex. 60, p. 64

1. A: Sorry, may I come in?

B: Come in and sit down. Open your textbook on page 20.

2. A: I have left my ruler at home. Can I borrow your ruler?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

3. A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I need a present for my grandpa. Can you recommend anything?

4. A: Mum, may I go to the cinema with Jim?

B: Yes, of course. But you have to be back at 8 p.m.

5. A: Could I have a little more cake, please?

B: You are welcome. Help yourself.

1 — B, 2 — E, 3 — A, 4 — C, 5 — D

Ex. 64, p. 65

1. You have to / must listen to your teacher and carry out your teacher’s orders.

2. You can’t / mustn’t walk or run in the classroom.

3. If you want to ask something, raise your hand and ask: “May I go out, please?” or “Could you give me a book, Ms Smith?”

4. You can’t use your mobile phones in the lessons but you can / may phone your parents during the break.

5. There are lots of interesting books in the classroom and you may read them during the breaks and after the lessons.

6. You needn’t bring your textbooks to school, we have extra copies in the classroom.

7. You can / may leave the classroom after the bell and with my permission.

8. Don’t forget that you must / have to wear your school uniform at school.

Ex. 67, p. 66

1c, 2b, 3a, 4b

Ex. 74, p. 68

1. False. The schoolchildren got their jobs in the first week of term.

2. True.

3. True.

4. False. The best job was to look after the class hamster.

5. True.

6. False. Carol was sad and unhappy. Her father was angry with the teacher. He encouraged Carol to pay no attention to this strange plant.

7. True.

8. False. Doctor Roger was responsible for the competition. In summer the class will accompany him on the journey to a tropical rainforest.

Ex. 75, p. 69


Picture 1. In the first week of term, the teacher gave jobs to her students. It was one of the most exciting days for all the children in the class.

Picture 2. She got a big box. There was a flowerpot with an ugly little plant inside it. She had to take care of this plant. Although the teacher said that this plant was a very rare tropical plant, Carol was sad and ready to cry.

Picture 3. She took care of her little plant for the whole school year and in the spring, the plant became nice and strong. Beautiful big red flowers appeared on it.

Picture 4. One day in spring, when the students were in the classroom, the door opened and a man who looked very important came in. The teacher said, “This is Doctor Rogers. He has got a wonderful piece of news for you.” “Yes,” said the doctor. “Today, they have published the results of a competition which you have taken part in. Your class has been chosen to accompany me, this summer, on a journey to a tropical rainforest. ...Congratulations! You will be wonderful assistants!”


Ex. 1, p. 69

1. has to, 2. have to, 3. have to, 4. has to, 5. have to, 6. have to, 7. have to

Ex. 2, p. 70

1. had to, 2. has to, 3. had to, 4. has to, 5. had to, 6. have to, 7. have to

Ex. 3, p. 70

1. I’m tired. Let’s stop and have a rest.

2. “Have you been to Spain?” — “No, I haven’t. But I’ll have to / have to go there in spring to take part in the competition.”

3. The tourists mustn’t / can’t come close to the huge stones of Stonehenge.

4. Goodbye! Have a nice journey!

5. “When did you have to go to the country?” — “Yesterday evening. But I fell ill.”

Ex. 4, p. 70

Dear boys and girls!

Welcome to the Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England’s parks. Our Zoo was founded in 1923. We have more than a hundred kinds of wild animals from all over the world. About 70 endangered animals live at the Zoo now. We take care of the living things and give them the future they deserve.

You can join our Volunteer Team who works all around the Zoo. They save our zoological park.

Welcome to the Panington Zoo! It’s worth visiting. Your visit will be full of fun.

Ex. 5, p. 70

Have you ever been to the zoo at feeding time? I was there last Sunday. It was interesting to watch the animals. As usual, the monkeys were full of fun. Two dolphins jumped out of the water to catch their fish. The lion cubs had a fight over their meat. The elephant looked hungry and I shared my orange with it.

Ex. 7, p. 70

• a delicious pudding

• many / a lot of mushrooms and berries

• much / a lot of milk

• some (a little) strawberry jam

• several (a few) cakes

1. “Your apricot pie is very tasty. How many apricots have you put in the pie?” — “Eight.”

2. I’m not hungry, I have already had my lunch.

3. British people drink a lot of tea during a day.

4. “How much cheese do you need for this dish?” — “Just a little.”

5. “What do you need to make a pizza?” — “Some flour and a few eggs for the batter. Some bacon, a few tomatoes and some cheese.”

Ex. 8, p. 71

Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, thank you, I’d like some tomato juice, please.

Shop assistant: Sorry. But we haven’t got any tomato juice. There is apple and orange juice.

Customer: Then 2 bottles of apple juice, please. What about milk? Have you got any?

Shop assistant: Sorry, I sold the last two bottles five minutes ago.

Customer: I see. Is there any coffee? I also need some strawberry and apricot jam.

Shop assistant: Here is your coffee. How many jars of jam do you want?

Customer: Ten, please. Let me see my shopping list. ...Apricots! Have you got any apricots?

Shop assistant: No, there aren’t any. Sorry, I don’t sell fruit and vegetables.

Ex. 9, p. 71

1. You mustn’t make noise after 11 p.m.

2. I needn’t do my homework today. I haven’t got any.

3. She needn’t wear a school uniform. Wearing a uniform isn’t necessary at her school.

4. We mustn’t bring pets to school.

5. I needn’t get up early tomorrow. I don’t go to school on Saturdays.

6. We mustn’t use mobile phones in the lessons.

Ex. 10, p. 71

1. The new student couldn’t answer the simplest question, could he?

2. Now the Maths lessons were interesting and exciting, weren’t they?

3. The students laughed at the new student, didn’t they?

4. The new student had to listen to his classmates, didn’t he?

5. The Maths teacher was happy to see his “bad” student in the park, wasn’t he?

6. The “stupid” student was very good at Maths, wasn’t he?

Ex. 11, p. 71

Alice: Jim, I’m going on a school trip for three days. Can you help me with my pets? Can you take care of them when I’m away?

Jim: No problem.

Alice: You must / have to feed the animals twice a day. You needn’t clean the parrot’s cage, I have already done it. But you will have to speak with Jimmy for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon. Don’t teach him silly words! Now about the cat. You won’t have much trouble with Tom but you will have to find him in the evening to be sure he is at home. You needn’t wash Tom, I’ve already done it. You mustn’t give it meat or fish, only special dry food. Don’t forget to give carrots and apples to the rabbit. But don’t take the rabbit to the garden.

Jim: OK. Don’t worry! Have a nice trip.


Part I


Задание 1

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4





Задание 2. 1) — А, 2) — В, 3) — А, 4) — В


Задание 3. В

Задание 4. 1 — В, 2 — D, 3 — А

Задание 5. А — False, В — True, С — False, D — True