Базовый курс английского языка - 2016 год


Exercise 1. Put the comparative (сравнительную) or superlative (превосходную) form of the adjectives in brackets.

Svetlana: Alex, look through! I've found it in the book you bought me. What do you think?

One day a group of animals was sitting together. They were discussing the popularity of the elephant. They all agreed that the elephant was 1. _____________ (popular) animal in the forest, but none of them could give a satisfactory explanation of this fact. Yet they all had certain comments to offer.

The giraffe said: "If the elephant had a long neck like mine, then it would be easy to understand his popularity. He would be 2. _____________ (tall) animal in the forest."

The peacock said: "If he possessed my beautiful tail, it would be easy to understand. He would be 3. _____________    (beautiful) creature in the forest."

The rabbit said: "If he could run as fast as I do, it would be easy to understand. He would be 4. _____________ (fast) animal in the forest."

The bear said: "If he were as strong as I do, it would be easy to understand. He would be 5. _____________ (strong) animal in the forest."

Suddenly the elephant himself appeared. He was 6. _____________ (large) and 7. _____________ (strong) than any of the other animals, and he was also superior in many other ways. But he was always quiet and modest about his many accomplishments. And he never got jealous of other animals. After all, this was the real explanation for his popularity.


1. in the forest — в лесу

2. satisfactory explanation — удовлетворительное объяснение

3. none of them — никто из них

4. neck — шея

5. peacock — павлин

6. tail — хвост

7. to possess = to have — иметь, обладать

8. creature — создание

Слово образовано от правильного глагола to create — создавать. По значению близко к слову being (human being — человеческое существо, человек)

9. rabbit — кролик

10. bear — медведь

11. to be superior to somebody/something — превосходить, быть выше кого-либо/чего-либо

12. in many other ways — по-разному, по-всякому (букв.: многими разными способами)

13. quiet — тихий, спокойный

14. modest — скромный

Запомните конструкцию: to be + прилагательное, обозначающее свойство характера, темперамента, эмоциональное состояние и т. п. + about: to be quiet about something — помалкивать (не кричать, не шуметь) о чем-либо; to be modest about something — быть скромным (не требовательным, не хвастливым) в вопросе о чем-либо; to be easy about something — легко относиться к чему-либо; to be difficult about something — сопротивляться чему-либо, не соглашаться

15. accomplishments — достоинства, достижения, совершенства

16. to get jealous = to become jealous — позавидовать

to be/get jealous of somebody/something — завидовать кому- либо/чему-либо

17. after all = in the end — в конце концов

Exercise 2. Find in the text...

• examples of Past Simple: ________________­______________­__________________

• examples of Past Continuous: ________________­______________­__________________

• examples of Conditionals: ________________­______________­__________________

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Так же быстро, как и я.

2. У всех были некоторые комментарии.

3. Это было бы легко понять.

4. Неожиданно появился сам слон.

5. Он помалкивает об этой проблеме.

6. Она превосходит других своими многочисленными достоинствами.

7. Они никогда не завидуют его успеху.

8. Объяснение его популярности.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with Conditionals.

Another story from Svetlana's book...

A farmer once had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple trees which he grew. One day this friend gave the farmer a fine young tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home he did not know where to plant it. If he 1. ______________ (plant) it near the road, strangers 2. ______________ (steal) the fruit. If he 3. ______________ (plant) it in one of his fields, his neighbours 4. ______________ (come) at night and 5. ______________ (rob) him. If he 6. ______________ (plant) it near his house, his own children 7. ______________ (steal) the apples. Finally he planted the tree deep in his woods where no one could see it. But naturally the tree could not grow without sunlight and proper soil. In time, it withered and died. Later his friend was criticizing him for planting the tree in such a poor place. "What's the difference?" the farmer said, rather bitterly. "If I 8. ______________ (plant) it near the road, strangers 9. ______________ (steal) the fruit. If I 10. ______________ (plant) it in one of my fields, my neighbours 11. ______________ (come) at night and 12. ______________ (rob) me. If I 13. ______________ (plant) it near my house, my own children 14. ______________ (steal) the apples."

"Indeed, but at least someone 15. ______________ (enjoy) the fruit," said the friend. "Now by your greediness you have robbed everyone of the apples, and you have also destroyed a fine tree."

1. to plant — сажать .

2. to rob — грабить .

3. to steal — воровать

4. to wither — вянуть

5. soil — земля, почва .

6. bitterly — горько, резко

Обратите внимание!

В уроках вы часто встречали наречия, отвечающие на вопрос как?, образованные от прилагательных, поэтому вы уже сами можете вывести формулу образования наречия:

прилагательное + ly = наречие (careful — carefully, bad — badly, quick — quickly).

Но если слово оканчивается на -e, то при образовании наречия эта буква исчезает (true — truly), если прилагательное заканчивается на -y, то она заменяется на i (happy — happily); если на -le, то -le превращается в -ly (sensible (благоразумный) — sensibly); если на -ll, то прибавляйте только -y (full (полный) — fully (полностью)); если на -ic, то прибавляйте -ally (dramatic — dramatically)

НО! hard (тяжелый, сложный), fast (быстрый), late (поздний), early (ранний), enough (достаточный) могут быть и прилагательными, и наречиями, т.е. суффикс -ly не прибавляем. Помните, что слово hardly означает едва и употребляется со словами на any, т.к. имеет отрицательное значение.

Также запомните и не путайте, что от прилагательного good наречие — well.

Некоторые устойчивые слова с well: well-dressed — хорошо одетый, well-paid — хорошо оплачиваемый, well-known — хорошо известный, well-educated — хорошо образованный, well done! — хорошо сделано! (употребляется в значении молодец!)

7. greediness — жадность

Это существительное образовано от слова greedy (жадный) с помощью суффикса -ness (также вспомните happy — happiness)

Exercise 5. Fill in good/well/well-dressed/well-known/well-paid.

1. Your Spanish is very__________ You speak Spanish really

2. Her clothes are always smart. She is always __________.

3. Did you have a ____________ weekend? Was the weather __________?

4. How are your children? Are they __________?

5. It was a___________ game. Our team played __________.

6. I have a lot of responsibility in my job but I'm not very __________.

7. The party was very __________. We enjoyed it very much.

8. I'm surprised you don't know her films. She is a very __________ producer.

Exercise 6. Form adverbs from the following adjectives. Use some of them in the sentences.

slow —

due (должный) —

right —

whole —

clever —

beautiful —

careful —

easy —

cheap —

absolute —

hopeful —

dry —

clear —

noble —

dangerous —

able —

sudden —

tragic —

perfect —

ironic —

hungry —

angry —

brilliant (блестящий, ослепительный) —

phonetic —

quick —

heavy —

1. Where is Ian? — He was here but he left __________.

2. Can you speak_________ , please?

3. Why are you laughing________ ?

4. I need your help. Come __________!

5. You are very good at chess. You always win __________.

6. She was very rude. She shouted at me __________.

7. I can't understand. Could you explain it more __________?

8. Thank you! Now I understand you __________.

9. Think__________ before you answer the question.

10. It's raining_________ .

11. I was frightened. He was driving __________.

12. She smiled_________ .

Exercise 7. Fill in with the Present Tenses forms.

Before going to the job interview (Unit 17) James looked through some advices for the candidates. Here is one of them:

The most important thing when you go for a job interview is to make a good impression. Interviewers always 1. __________ (ask) many questions about your skills. They also often 2. __________ (like) to ask questions about your work experience and success. The successful candidate 3. __________ (be) not the person who has the best education and recommendations but the person who 4. __________ (show) that he or she 5. __________ (make) the most impressive progress in life. No employers 6. __________ (want) employees who 7. __________ (be) unable to think independently and take responsibilities. The possibility of promotion 8. __________ (depend) on the zeal of the candidate.

Не путайте слова employee — работник и employer — работодатель

skills - навыки

zeal [zi:l] - рвение, усердие

Exercise 8. What suggestions can you give to an employee?

An employee should ________________­______________­________________

An employee may ________________­______________­__________________

An employee must ________________­______________­_________________

An employee shouldn't ________________­____________________________

An employee can ________________­______________­__________________

A piece of English humour

Employer: You are recommended for this job. I’m glad to say you have got it.

Employee: Oh! Great! What about my salary?

Employer: Well... You will be paid 3000 pounds for some time and 5000 pounds after a year.

Employee: In that case I’ll come in a year!

Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs (infinitive, gerund, tenses forms, passive forms).

James: You know I 1. ___________ (get) the job in Russia.

Ian: Lucky you! My congratulations!

James: Thank you.

Ian: 2._______________ (Go) to work abroad can be quite a valuable experience. Learning how to adjust to foreign cultures is character 3. ___________ (build) and 4. ___________ (strengthen).

James: Do you mean I 5. ___________ (have) difficulties in 6. ___________ (get) used to 7. ___________ (live) in Russia?

Ian: Yes. No doubt your life 8. ____________________ (be) more adventurous. You should think out carefully the idea of leaving your home. Problems such as finding accommodation and immigration formalities should be 9. ___________ (consider) well in advance.

James: As for accommodation, the company 10. ___________ (provide) me with a flat.

Ian: Don't you think you may 11. ___________ (feel) terribly lonely and homesick?

James: I 12. ___________ (not be) lonely, Alexey and Svetlana are my good friends, they 13. ___________ (already invite) me to their place. Moreover, they 14. ___________ (make up) a great plan for the weekends and New Year holidays. Besides, I 15. ___________ (work) in Moscow for a couple of weeks and I have some acquaintances. And... you know... Olga... I won't be lonely.

Ian: I see. What about communication problems? They may also 16. ___________ (lead) to lack of understanding with the Russians. It is good 17. ___________ (familiarize) yourself with both the language of the country and its customs before you 18. ___________ (go).

James: I agree. Anyway I have some time 19. ___________ (get) prepared. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


1. Lucky you! — Счастливчик!

2. My congratulations! — Мои поздравления!

3. valuable — ценный

4. to adjust = to get used to — привыкать, приспосабливаться

5. to strengthen — усиливать, укреплять

6. to think out — продумать до конца

7. accommodation — жилье

8. in advance — заранее

9. to feel homesick — испытывать ностальгию

10. to their place — к себе домой

11. besides — кстати, кроме того

12. acquaintances — знакомые (люди)

13. misunderstanding - непонимание

14. to familiarize — знакомить (familiar — знакомый)

15. customs — обычаи

16. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. — Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского (to venture — рисковать, осмеливаться; to gain — выигрывать, добиваться)

Exercise 10. Rewrite the sentences in Passive.

1. Someone wrote this book many centuries ago.

2. James invited us to keep him company in his trip to Edinburgh.

3. Somebody built this castle many centuries ago.

4. They left the children at home in bed.

5. Someone will tell her which bus to catch.

6. Someone has eaten all the apples.

7. Alexey and Olga asked James to speak about Wales and the Welsh people. .

Exercise 11. Fill in with the Past Simple forms.

be • feel (зд.: щупать, шарить) • ride • not know • see • read climb (взбираться) • find • come • light (зажигать)

Ian: When I was young I used to spend my holidays in the village with my grandparents. A lot of funny things happened to me... Once it 1. ______________ a dark night. I 2. ______________ a bicycle with no lamp. I 3. ______________ to a cross-roads and 4. ______________ ____ which way to go. Then I 5. ______________ pole with a strip of white paper at the top of it. I 6. ______________ in my pocket and 7. ______________ a match. I 8. ______________ up to the top of the pole, 9. ______________ the match and 10. ______________: "fresh paint". But... it was too late!

lamp — фонарь

pole with a strip — столб с полоской

"fresh paint" — Осторожно: окрашено! (букв.: свежая краска)

Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

Ian: I have a variety of funny stories. When I just started to work I went 1. ______________ a trip that was an absolute disaster. I was going to Spain 2. ______________ business. 3. ______________ accident I got 4. ______________ the wrong train. I was 5. ______________ the way to Norway when I realized my mistake. When I got to Oslo I had more problems because I left all my money and telephone 6. ______________ home. Fortunately, I found a helpful policeman 7. ______________ chance. He got 8. ______________ touch 9. ______________ the phone. They transmitted me some money. I spent a night 11. ______________ a shabby hotel. 12. ______________ the end I got to Madrid a day later. Everyone thought my trip was a big joke. And... I was fired 13. ______________ my inaccuracy 14. ______________ work! It's not a joke! I'm serious!

disaster — бедствие

to transmit money — переводить деньги

shabby — захудалый, третьесортный

to fire — увольнять

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the right forms (active or passive).

Alexey: Once I witnessed a very amusing episode. I 1. ______________ (travel) in the South of Russia. I 2. ______________ (have) lunch at a small country inn. There 3. ______________ (be) a Frenchman at one of the nearby tables. He 4. ______________ (can speak) Russian quite well but not perfectly. His vocabulary was not large. He 5. ______________ (want) to order some eggs. But he 6. ______________ (not know) the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window he 7. ______________ (see) a cock (петух) walking in the yard (двор). He immediately asked the waiter what the bird 8. ______________ (call) in Russian. The waiter 9. ______________ (tell) him that it 10. ______________ (call) a cock. The Frenchman then 11. ______________ (ask) what the cock's wife 12. ______________ (call). The waiter told him that it 13. ______________ (call) a hen (курица). The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children 14. ______________ (call). The waiter told him that they 15. ______________ (call) chickens. The Frenchman then asked what they 16. ______________ (call) before they 17. ______________ (be born). The waiter told him they 18. ______________ (call) eggs. "Fine!" 19. ______________ (say) the Frenchman. "Please, bring me two — plus a cup of coffee and some toast"

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with used to and the verbs below. Translate the sentences:

know • go • meet • wear • live • be • visit

1. We___________ to London every day.

2. When we were young, we_______ to the seaside for our holidays.

3. I___________ him well.

4. We___________ her every week.

5. They__________ next door to us.

6. You__________ a very nice boy.

7. She__________ smart clothes.

8. We___________ her in town.

9. I___________ swimming.

10. Men_________ brightly-coloured clothes.

Exercise 15. Fill in the blanks with as ... as, not so... as.

1. She works______ hard_______ we do.

2. They go to London regularly, but___ often_______ we do.

3. This book is______ interesting_______ that one.

4. They haven't lived here____ long_______ we have.

5. Mary is______ big________ Peter.

6. We have finished ______ quickly ________ we did yesterday.

7. I will speak to him_____ soon_______ he comes.

8. He ran_______ quickly_______ he could.

9. We have lived here____ long_______ you have.