Базовый курс английского языка - 2016 год


Listen to the audio. Read and translate the dialogue.

James: I visited Russia in September. The weather was hot and almost boiling sometimes. But it got humid and windy when I was to depart. What about the famous Russian winter? Is it really mortally cold?

Svetlana: It’s freezing but the things aren’t so dramatic. It can be quite foggy and chilly. It’s usually snowy and icy with a gale.

Ian: Oh! I’d like to come sometime and visit you there to experience real snowfalls.

Svetlana: You are welcome any time you like! The weather in England is also notorious. You have endless mists and humidity.

James: In fact, it’s often rainy and cloudy. It’s rarely pouring with rain as you think. As for me, the climate in England is always mild and comfortable. Summer in London is gorgeous. I like its sun and heat.

Ian: Are you serious? I can’t stand the heat in the city. I like when there is a breeze.


1. О погоде всегда говорится с помощью It's +

snowy — снежно, идет снег

pouring with rain — льет как из ведра; it's showery — проливной


icy — скользко

warm — тепло

rainy — идет дождь

cold — холодно

hot — жарко

boiling — (букв.: “кипящий” зной)

foggy — туманно

misty — туманно, неясно

cloudy — облачно

windy — ветрено

strong wind — сильный ветер

hurricane — ураган

humid — влажно

freezing — морозно

chilly — прохладно, зябко

breezing — дует легкий ветерок

2. gale — буря (snowstorm — метель; snowfall — снегопад)

3. notorious — пользующийся дурной славой, пресловутый

4. mild — мягкий

5. gorgeous — великолепный

6. heat — жара

7. Вам также могут пригодиться слова: thunder — гром, thunderstorm — гроза, lightning — молния, spell — жаркая погода перед грозой, зной.

Exercise 1. Расположите слова, описывающие погоду, по убыванию (начиная с самой жаркой и заканчивая морозом).

Exercise 2. Расположите слова, описывающие дождь, по возрастанию, начиная с breeze

Exercise 3. Describe the climate of any country you visited...

in winter

in summer

in spring

in autumn

Let's have fun!

Умение говорить о погоде — очень важный и необходимый навык для ведения small talk.

In England if you don’t repeat the phrase Lovely day, isn’t it? at least two hundred times a day, you are considered a bit dull. If you can use the phrases: Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it gorgeous? It’s so nice and hot... Wonderful, isn’t it? Nasty day, isn’t it? It’s rainy today. I don’t like it at all, etc. and you don’t say anything else for the rest of the conversation, you will be appreciated as an utterly witty man of sharp intellect, keen observation and extremely good manners.

dull — глупый, скучный

utterly — весьма, крайне

sharp intellect — острый, тонкий ум

keen observation — тонкое наблюдение, восприятие

manners — манеры

Exercise 4. Let's describe some people. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks with the necessary words. Translate the text.

Ian: Here is a picture of my family. All of them are most photogenic. This 1. ____________ woman is my granny. She is quite plump with a 2. ____________ face. She's got 3 hair and 4. ____________ dark eyes. Her lips are 5. ____________ and she's wearing 6. ____________ and quite a lot of gold jewellery.

And this man near her is her husband. He has 7. ____________ and white beard and 8. ____________. He has a lot of wrinkles and deep blue eyes. He has such an 9. ____________ face.

And these two ladies are my sister Mary and Carol — her young daughter. Carol with her big 10. ____________ looks like her mother. She has 11. ____________ face and 12. ____________. Mary is very 13. ____________ and tall as you can see. She has long 14. ____________ hair and a long neck. I like her high 15. ____________ face. It's beautiful, I think.

You can use this vocabulary:

appearance — внешность

beautiful — красивая

handsome — красивый (о мужчине)

pretty — привлекательная

good-looking — симпатичный/ая

ugly — уродливый

plain — некрасивый

young — молодой

elderly — пожилой

special features — особые черты

beard — борода

moustache — усы

long/crooked nose — длинный/крючковатый нос

short neck — короткая шея

bushy white eyebrows — густые седые брови

oval/friendly face — овальное/дружелюбное лицо

dark complexion — смуглая кожа

high cheekbones — высокие скулы

wrinkles — морщины

wide smile — широкая улыбка

blue/tired/hazel eyes — голубые/усталые/карие глаза

pale skin — бледная кожа

make-up — макияж

hair — волосы

curly — кудрявые

wavy — волнистые

grey — седые

straight — прямые

fair — белокурые

blond — светлые

light brown — каштановые

dark brown — темно-коричневые

black — темные

red — рыжие

plaits — косички

ponytail — хвостик

bold — лысый

build — строение

slim — стройный

short — низкий

fat — толстый (невежливо)

medium height — среднего роста

muscular — мускулистый

thin — худой

skinny — тощий

plump — пухлый

stout — тучный

overweight — с избыточным весом

broad shoulders — широкие плечи

well-built — хорошо сложенный

character — характер

generous — щедрый

mean — скупой

easy-going — общительный, легко сходится с людьми

tense — напряженный, недоброжелательный

cheerful — веселый

kind — добрый

lazy — ленивый

clever = bright — умный

ambitious — амбициозный

shy — застенчивый

flexible — гибкий, легко приспосабливающийся

helpful — услужливый, предупредительный

selfish — эгоистичный

stubborn — упрямый

hard-working — трудолюбивый, усердный

bore — зануда

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. How would you describe the build of James?

2. Does Alexey have any specific features? (You can imagine some)

3. Do you like beards and moustache?

4. What does Olga look like? (imagine some details)

5. Can you describe your hair?

6. How tall is Ian?

7. Is there one quality you don't have but would like to have? (you can also use Unit 7)

8. What is Svetlana's character?

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the words below.

attractive • few • journey • made • life-size • larger sizes • clothes • possible • shops • magazines • that's so • true production

Svetlana: Today is our last day in London. We have had a great 1. _____________ I would like to buy some presents for my mum. She has problems in finding smart 2. _____________. In many 3. _____________ there are few fashionable clothes available in 4. _____________ size. My mother is a bit overweight and she often complains that the nicest, most interesting and 5. _____________ clothes are usually only 6. _____________ in the smaller sizes.

Olga: 7. _____________! People are obsessed with beauty nowadays, and we want to look as glamorous as 8. _____________. As a result, there's a lot of money made from beauty 9. _____________. 10. _____________ are full of adverts showing beautiful people and they never show average men and women. In the real world there are 11. _____________ women with Barbie-doll figures!

Svetlana: In fact, no real woman looks like the famous Barbie. If Barbie were 12. _____________, her measures would be 97-57-82, and her neck would be twice longer than the average woman's neck!

be obsessed — постоянно думать, зацикливаться на чем-л.

advert — реклама

average — средний, среднестатический, нормальный

measures — мерки, размеры

twice longer — вдвое длиннее

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with much, many, little, few, some.

1. There are_________ fine shops in London.

2. There are still________ flowers in the garden.

3. We have _________ time before the end of the holiday.

4. She asked for________ more bread and butter.

5. This tea is too sweet; you've put too _________ sugar in it.

6. There is very________ bread on the table.

7. There are only a_______ people in the restaurant.

8. How_________ money have you got in your pocket?

9. Ian stayed a __________ days with his friend in London.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with can, must, may or should.

1. Anyone _____________ learn English if he tries hard enough.

2. We _______ go to the races (скачки) this afternoon. It's very interesting.

3. You_____________ try this jacket on before buying.

4. It____________ rain tomorrow, but I hope it won't.

5. Passengers__________ show their passports on landing.

6. James_________ know Edinburgh very well.

7. You_________ always look before you cross the road.

8. Do you know where I_______ find a policeman?

9. You_________ try this dish.

Exercise 9. Open the brackets using Past and Future Simple, Present and Past Perfect.

1. We _____________ (arrive) to the airport by 7 o'clock yesterday.

2. ______________ you ______________ (go) to the Buckingham Palace tomorrow?

3. ______________ you ________________ (be) to London?

4. Tomorrow we___________ (not go) to the cinema because we ___________ (go) to the cinema yesterday.

5. Olga_____________ (tell) me that she_________ (buy) those shoes in a shop at the corner of the Piccadilly Street.

6. I suppose we___________ (come back) to the hotel by 6 o'clock.

7. She_____________ (call) us in the evening.

8. When____________ you_______________ (come to see) me? — Let's ___________ (meet) tomorrow in a small café at the corner of the street for five o'clock tea!

9. We______________ (already see) all the nearest places of interest.

10. When I__________ (come) to the railway station yesterday, I ___________ (learn) that my train ___________ (leave).

Exercise 10. Вы изучили много правил, рассмотрели, как они работают, путешествовали и общались вместе с нашими героями. Теперь представьте себе продолжение истории знакомства и дружбы Джеймса, Яна, Алексея, Светланы и Ольги. Мы даем вам некоторые намеки, чтобы вы смогли составить рассказ в Future Tenses (помните, что фразы могут быть и в отрицательной форме). Может быть, у вас есть другие предложения? Тогда можно было бы начать фразу с I would like him/her/them to... — Я бы хотел, чтобы он, она, они...

to get married — пожениться

to become business partners — стать бизнес-партнерами

to have got children — обзавестись детьми

to stay friends — остаться друзьями

to get in touch — общаться, выходить на связь

to cross to London — переехать в Лондон

to go on a world tour — отправиться в кругосветное путешествие

to forget each other — забыть друг друга

to go into common business — организовать общий бизнес

to get along well — хорошо ладить

to break up — расстаться

to get pregnant — забеременеть

to fall in love — влюбиться

to retire — уйти на пенсию

to take up rock climbing — заняться скалолазанием to resign — уволиться

to go to Oxford as a foreign student — отправиться в Оксфорд в качестве иностранного студента

to cross to Moscow — переехать в Москву

to work up — преуспеть на работе

to become good friends — стать добрыми друзьями

to change citizenship — сменить гражданство