Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год



Elementary Level


Task 1. Listen to two friends, Helen and Daniel, talking about the connection between your hands and your personality. Put the words in the certain gaps in the dialogue. One word is extra one:

personality; ambitious; open; organized; reserved; shape; straight; reliable; talking; feelings; sensitive.

- Hi, Daniel! Have you got five minutes?

- Yes, sure!

- I want to look at the 1) ... of your fingers.

- Why?

- I want to tell you about your 2) ...!

- Oh, great, I love doing this kind of thing!

- Ok. There are three main things to look at.

- What are they?

- First, the length of your fingers. People with long slim fingers are quite 3) ... . People with shorter, thicker fingers like yours are more 4) ... . They talk about their feelings more.

- I really enjoy talking about my 5) ... and I’m a very open person and this is great! What else?

- Well, secondly there is the shape of your fingers. Are your fingers 6) ...?

- They seem to be fairly straight.

- That means you’re 7) ... and reliable. Is that true?

- Yes, I really think that’s true about me.

- Finally, the thumb is very important. Let’s see if your thumb bends back easily.

- Well, like this?

- Yes. Yours bends quite a lot, which means you like 8) ..., chatting.

- I love talking!

- Yes, I know! If it doesn’t bend back, it means you’re more 9) .... You avoid telling people about your problems or feelings.

- Well. That’s not me.

- And a long thumb means you’re 10) ... . You’ve got quite a long thumb? So you’re quite ambitious!

- That’s absolutely right!

- Oh! Come on! Let me look at your fingers...


Task 2. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. are sports at good you?

2. brothers any got or has sisters he?

3. are how they old?

4. you German do like studying?

5. America been have you to?

6. today you seen have boss your?

7. you shops did go yesterday the to?


Task 3. Translate the character adjectives into Russian:

1) shy

6) pessimistic

2) optimistic

7) generous

3) reliable

8) tidy

4) ambitious

9) moody

5) lazy

10) sensitive

Task 4. Translate the family-related nouns into English:

1) племянник

6) шурин

2) мачеха

7) жена

3) свекор

8) сводная сестра

4) близнец

9) возраст

5) муж

10) внучка


Task 5. Read the text and do the assignment that follow:

Email friends can help you enjoy your day at work, but don’t expect too much from them as many email friends prefer to stay online only.

One woman I spoke to recently, Patricia, met a new colleague, Howard, at a conference. They got on really well and on Monday morning when Patricia got to work there was an email from Howard in her inbox.

She replied and they started an email relationship. They found that they had a lot in common. They shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more than twelve emails a day, only stopping if one of them had a meeting. Patricia looked forward to receiving Horward’s emails when she arrived at work.

After a few weeks, however, Patricia asked Howard if he wanted to meet up after work, but he always found an excuse not to. Then she received a really strange email from him explaining how he didn’t want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop emailing her, that was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again.

You see, an email relationship takes a lot less energy and organizing than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of people who don’t really want the responsibility of a relationship will try email friends instead, it’s easier and if you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!

i. Patricia and Howard

a) were old friends;

b) met at a conference.

ii. They talked about

a) their colleagues;

b) their problems;

iii. They usually wrote

a) lots of email every day;

b) one or two emails a day.

iv. Patricia asked Howard to

a) meet her after work;

b) stop emailing her

v. Email relationships use

a) more energy than face-to-face relationships;

b) less energy than face-to-face relationships.

Task 6. Translate into Russian the career related words / word combinations and write simple sentences with them:

1. job applicant;

2. strength;

3. to solve problems;

4. seek feedback;

5. employer.


Intermediate level


Task 1. Listen to two friends, Helen and Daniel, talking about the connection between your hands and your personality. Which topics do they mention?

1. The length of fingers;

2. The length of thumb;

3. The softness of skin;

4. The shape of fingers.

Task 2. Listen again, choose the sentences Daniel thinks are true for him.

1. People with long slim fingers are easily upset.

2. People with short fingers are happy to talk about feelings.

3. People with straight fingers make lots of lists and plans.

4. People with long index finger work hard.

5. People with a long ring finger don’t do what they say they will do.

6. People with a thumb that bends back are easy to talk to and talk a lot.

7. People with a thumb that doesn’t bend back don’t talk about feelings or problems.

8. People with a long thumb really want to be successful.

9. People with slim hands are not easily annoyed or worried by things.

10. People with soft hands don’t like work or physical activity.


Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Task 3. Some of the underlined verbs are in the wrong tense. Put them into the correct tense.

1. Let’s go out. It doesn’t rain now.

2. I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

3. The earth is going around the sun.

4. Can you turn the kettle off? The water boils.

5. We should leave soon. It gets late.

6. I can’t hear him very well. What is he talking about?

7. Do you use the computer now? I’d like to check my email.

8. We stay with some friends at the moment.

9. Can you see that woman? She tries to steal that car!

10. A) What job are you doing?

B) I’m a journalist, but I’m not working at the moment.


Task 4. Match the phrases from the box with the definitions (1-6).

personality; physical appearance; to get stressed; to go on a diet; to look like someone; to put on weight

1.___ : the way someone looks;

2.___ : the kind of person you are, especially in relation to other people;

3.___ : to have a similar appearance to someone else;

4.___ : to become heavier;

5.___ : to eat limited food to lose weight;

6.___ : to get so worried and tired that you cannot relax.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases from exercise I.

1. Most men don’t spend enough time on their ______ (hair, clothes, etc.)

2. Most women ______ their mothers.

3. People can ______ by small, everyday things.

4. It’s normal to ______ as you get older.

5. Everyone goes ______ at some time in their lives.

6. You can learn about someone’s ______ by studying his/her face.

Task 6. Make nouns from the character adjectives using the suffixes in the box:

-n; -ism; -ness; -ity

1) shy

6) pessimistic

2) optimistic

7) generous

3) reliable

8) tidy

4) ambitious

9) moody

5) lazy

10) sensitive

Task 7. Complete the sentences using adjectives or nouns obtained from the previous assignment:

1. Karen’s really ______ these days. You never know if she’s going to be cheerful or bad-tempered.

2. My best friend suffered from terrible ______ at school. She went red every time somebody spoke to her.

3. I’m surprised she was late for the meeting. She’s normally so ______.

4. He doesn’t show much ______. I think he’s more interested in having a good time than getting a better job.

5. I tried to apologize to Anna after the argument, but I’m not ______ that we’ll ever be best friends again.

6. Look at the fabulous present Hiro gave me. I can’t believe his ______!

7. Are you sure you want to share a flat with Nicole? You’re so messy, but she’s famous for her ______.

8. Get up off that sofa and help me with the preparations for your party! Your ______ is really beginning to annoy me.


Read the text and do the assignments that follow:

Email friends can help you enjoy your day at work, but don’t expect too much from them as many email friends prefer to stay online only.

One woman I spoke to recently, Patricia, met a new colleague, Howard, at a conference. They got on really well and on Monday morning when Patricia got to work there was an email from Howard in her inbox.

She replied and they started an email relationship. They found that they had a lot in common. They shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more than twelve emails a day, only stopping if one of them had a meeting. Patricia looked forward to receiving Horward’s emails when she arrived at work.

After a few weeks, however, Patricia asked Howard if he wanted to meet up after work, but he always found an excuse not to. Then she received a really strange email from him explaining how he didn’t want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop emailing her, that was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again.

You see, an email relationship takes a lot less energy and organizing than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of people who don’t really want the responsibility of a relationship will try email friends instead, it’s easier and if you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!

Task 8. What is the text about?

a) girlfriends and boyfriends;

b) email relationships;

c) pen friends:

d) work relationships.

Task 9. Choose the correct answer:

i. Email friends are good for

a) going out with after work;

b) spending time while you are at work.

ii. Patricia and Howard

a) were old friends;

b) met at a conference.

iii. They talked about

c) their colleagues;

d) their problems;

iv. They usually wrote

a) lots of email every day;

b) one or two emails a day.

v. Patricia asked Howard to

a) meet her after work;

b) stop emailing her

vi. Howard

a) wanted to go to the cinema with Patricia.

b) didn’t want to meet her in person.

vii. Email relationships use

a) more energy than face-to-face relationships;

b) less energy than face-to-face relationships.

viii. The advantage of an email relationship is that if you have an argument, you can

a) switch off your computer;

b) meet for a coffee.

Task 10. Translate into English and write composite sentences with them.

a) уметь хорошо анализировать данные;

b) создавать новые способы/пути (решения проблемы);

c) слабое место, недостаток;

d) знание;

e) работоспособный, трудоспособный.


Elementary Level


Task 1. Listen to 2 students talking about studying in the United Kingdom and choose the correct answer:

1. Lin is from ______

a) Poland

b) China

2. Lin’s just finished her ______

a) MA degree

b) BA degree

3. Studying in the UK has been ______

a) a negative experience

b) a positive experience

4. Syed came from ______

a) China

b) India

5. Syed

a) enjoyed the way the course was taught

b) didn’t enjoy the way the course was taught

6. The only problem for Syed was ______

a) the student accomodation

b) the social life


Task 2. Match the words with their translations.




compulsory subjects




entrance requirements




to earn credits


Образовательный опыт


higher-educational institution


обязательные предметы


lectures reinforced by tutorials


получать зачеты




вступительные требования




лекции, сопровождаемые семинарами


educational experience


документ, сочинение

Task 3. Match the definition with the term.

1. a person who takes an examination in order to enter a University

a) a Bachelor

2. a person who studies at a higher educational Institution for the 1st degree

b) a postgraduate

3. a university qualification

c) a major

4. a student in his final year of studies

d) a credit

5. a student who combines work with study

e) a degree

6. a graduate who continues his studies

f) a graduate

7. a student (graduate) who has been given his first degree

g) an applicant

8. official recognition that a student has satisfactorily completed a course of study

h) a part-time student

9. a student's principal subject or course

i) an undergraduate


Task 4. Use prompts to make past sentences as in example

Example: John / come / to the party - John came to the party

1. They / see / a film / last night

2. I / do / my homework

3. We / give him / an answer

4. Sue / walk / to school / yesterday

5. The teacher/ be / late

Task 5.Use the prompts to write past simple questions as in example.

Example: you / go /to the swimming pool / yesterday - Did you go to the swimming pool yesterday?

1. Play / they / tennis

2. Your teacher / you / a test / give

3. They / win / the game

4. You / study / for the exam

5. He / read / this book


Task 6. Fill in the gaps in the text with the given words. There are some extra words!

a) fail; b) holidays; c) education; d) pass; e) dormitory; f) institutions; g) tests; h) course.

University 1) ______ is not enough for Japanese company managers. Today many companies like Nissan, Toyota and Sanyo send their managers on a 13-day 2) ______ where they do not sit at desks studying but are subjected to a strict military discipline which includes forced marches of up to 40 kilometers.

On a typical day managers have to get up at 4.30 a.m. to do physical exercises in their 3) ______. Then they have writing and dictation 4) ______ until 7 a.m., when they are allowed to have breakfast. Work starts again at 8, after 15 minutes to clean the dormitory. Among other things, they have to learn to sing in public, to memorize up to 600 meaningless words and repeat them without mistake, and to stand to attention every time an instructor enters the room. On the marches, some of which take place at night, they are only allowed to take a torch, water and rice.

The courses are designed to make the managers stronger both mentally and physically. At the end of the course, companies receive a report on strong and weak points of the people sent there, and any managers who 5) ______ will never get promoted - they may even lose their jobs!

Task 7. Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1) During these training courses managers just sit at desks studying.

2) Managers are subjected to a military discipline, get up early, do physical exercises and forced marches, remember and repeat words.

3) On the marches managers are permitted to take all necessary things.

4) The courses are designed to make managers stronger only mentally.

5) Weak, unsuccessful managers may even lose their jobs.


Intermediate Level


Task 1. Listen to 2 students talking about studying in the United Kingdom and decide if the following statements are True or False.

1. Lin already had Chinese friends in Bristol.

2. Lin has visited other parts of Europe.

3. Lin found it difficult when she had to speak in class.

4. Syed came from Manchester.

5. Syed liked the way of teaching on the course.

6. Syed didn’t like the student accommodation.


Task 2. Match the words with their translations




compulsory subjects




entrance requirements




to earn credits


Образовательный опыт


higher-educational institution


обязательные предметы


lectures reinforced by tutorials


получать зачеты




вступительные требования




лекции, сопровождаемые семинарами


educational experience


документ, сочинение

Task 3. Match the definition with the term

1. a person who takes an examination in order to enter a University

a) a Bachelor

2. a person who studies at a higher educational Institution for the 1st degree

b) a postgraduate

3. a university qualification

c) a major

4. a student in his final year of studies

d) a credit

5. a student who combines work with study

f) a degree

6. a graduate who continues his studies

g) a graduate

7. a student (graduate) who has been given his first degree

h) an applicant

8. official recognition that a student has satisfactorily completed a course of study

i) a part-time student

9. a student's principal subject or course

j) an undergraduate

Task 4. Choose antonyms to the given expressions (5 points):

1. optional

a) to graduate

2. to enter

b) tutorials

3. admit

c) compulsory

4. lectures

d) dismiss


Task 5. Choose the correct tense (the present perfect or the past simple).

Dear Robbie,

I'm sorry I 1) haven’t written /didn’t write you but I 2) was / have been busy. As you know, last month I 3) applied / have applied to several universities. Well, Southborough University, the university that I 4) have always wanted / always wanted to attend, 5) accepted / has accepted my application! Isn’t that great? I 6) thought / have thought about living on campus and I 7) decided / have decidednot to do it. I have been looking through the ads for a flat and my mother and I are going to Southborough tomorrow. We 8) made / have made appointments to see three flats. I am excited but also a little nervous as I 9) have never lived / never lived on my own before.

I hope all is well.

Take care,



A teacher who made a mark

The first PE lesson I had with Philip was a cross-country run. At my school PE used to be quite a noisy class, but as soon as he walked in, he made it clear he wouldn't put up with any bad be haviour.

Before I met him, I wasn't very interested in running. I was a typical 11-year-old tomboy. I liked sport - tennis, football, table tennis and snooker - and used to play with my two older brothers, Kevin, now 36 and Martin, 39. But Philip saw my potential and suggested I also do a bit of training at the local club. Later I won a couple of races and it all started from there. He put me in touch with a coach, Harry Bennett, who helped develop my talent. Philip was a constant source of inspiration. He encouraged me to follow my dreams and aim for the top. Before a race he always knew exactly what to say to get me motivated, and whenever I won, he congratulated me, but at the same time let me know that I had to do better next time. And when things got hard, it was his belief in me that kept me going. If it hadn't been for him, I would never have taken up running and I would never have won an Olympic medal. I'm eternally grateful to him.

Task 6. Read the text and choose the best answer.

1. When Liz met Philip, she could immediately see that

a) he was quite strict.

b) he would motivate her to be a runner.

c) he would make the class noisier.

2. Before she met him

a) she wasn't very interested in sport.

b) she preferred indoor sports.

c) she liked other sports more than running.

3. When Philip realized she was good, he

a) told her to do more training at school.

b) told her to train somewhere else as well.

c) told her to take part in races.

4. Philip was the person who

a) developed her talent.

b) coached her.

c) motivated her.

5. When she won a race, Phil used to say:

a) Congratulations. You know you can do it.

b) Congratulations. You're the best.

c) Congratulations. But you must do better in the future.

Task 7. Read the text again and find a word or expression which means:

1. allow, tolerate

2. a girl who likes playing boys' games

3. helped me to contact

4. try to become the best

5. I'll always thank him


Elementary Level


Task 1. Listen to a coach and complete the passage with the proper clichės.


As you can see


Take a look at


you will see that


I’d like to show you a pie chart which represents


You will notice that


If we take a look, we can see that

(1) _______________ the use of plastics by sector. (2) _______________ the largest sector which uses plastics is the packaging industry. You will notice that over a third of all plastics are used here. (3) _______________, the building and construction sector is the second biggest, using 23 per cent. (4) _______________ together with packaging, more than half of all plastics consumption is in these two sectors. (5) _______________ the electrical and electronics industry, which consumes eight per cent, and (6) _______________ the same figure applies to the furniture and house wear sector, as well as the transport sector. Agriculture accounts for slightly less plastics consumption, seven per cent.


Task 2. Choose the correct translation for the following words or phrases.






house style


аудитория, слушатели


level off


тезисы доклада


to carry out research




abstract for communication


требования к оформлению доклада








научные доклады, труды




проводить исследования

Task 3. Match the picture with the correct type of a visual.






bar chart



pie chart



technical drawing





Task 4. Rearrange the following words to make a question.

1. while debating / a speaker / What / less nervous / makes?

2. it /the issue / Why / you spoke about / important / to discuss / is?

3. system / How / does / work / this?

4. a positive / it / phenomenon / or negative /Is/?


Task 5. Read the following passages. Which one is a piece of conference speech (report)?

1. The project has 3 parts. The first is the development of high-speed transport in Europe. The second is the development of high-speed transport in America. The third is the America's railways and railways of Europe. The report will take about 7 minutes. If you have any questions, we will be glad to answer any questions at the end of our presentation. So, let we start with the development of high speed transport in Europe. High-speed rail lines become more and more popular and efficient type of transport in Europe. The first European high-speed lines were built in 1980s and 1990s. Now have a look at this slide. Here you can see the density of high-speed rails in European countries.

2. Nowadays, there is an active introduction of high-speed freight and passenger traffic in the world. It is obvious that high speed train movement plays an important role in the economic development of different countries. The most evident benefit is that high-speed transport permits to transport passengers or cargo over large distances in the shortest possible time. However, in spite of all the advantages of high-speed traffic, there are some problems. The results of our study indicate that in France, mail has been carried between Paris and Lyon by the TGV Postal high-speed trains since 1984. A total of 7 half-sets are available to the service. Two half-sets coupled together make up a full train consisting of 2 motor units and 8 freight cars. Each train can carry a load of 75 tons. [1]


Task 6. Which clichės are used for question and answer session?

1. Can I have your attention, please?

2. The graph represents ....

3. If you look at it more closely, you'll notice ...

4. Are there any questions you’d like to ask?

5. I think the conclusions to be drawn from this graph are clear to all of us.

6. Have a look at this chart.

7. The report will take about 5minutes.


Intermediate Level


Task 1. Listen to a coach. Choose the clichės you hear.

1. over a third of all plastics are used

2. As you can see

3. you will see that

4. You will notice that

5. Take a look at

6. Agriculture accounts for slightly less plastics consumption

7. I’d like to show you a pie chart which represents

8. If we take a look, we can see that

9. At the opposite end of the scale

10. the second biggest, using 23 per cent


Task 2. Choose the correct translation for the following words or phrases.




уклонение от ответа




(научный) руководитель, консультант






avoiding giving an answer




clarifying a question















Task 3. Match the picture with the correct name of a trend.






bottom out









Remain steady


Task 4. Rearrange the following words to make a question.

1. any foreign analogues Can / you / this technology / of /name /?

2. to / led / this / What / up?

3. the experimental / conducted / Who / work?

4. about / you / feel / How / do / this?


Task 5. Read the following passages. Which one is a piece of abstract for communication?

1. The project has 3 parts. The first is the development of high-speed transport in Europe. The second is the development of high-speed transport in America. The third is the America's railways and railways of Europe. The report will take about 7 minutes. If you have any questions, we will be glad to answer any questions at the end of our presentation. So, let we start with the development of high speed transport in Europe. High-speed rail lines become more and more popular and efficient type of transport in Europe. The first European high-speed lines were built in 1980s and 1990s. Now have a look at this slide. Here you can see the density of high-speed rails in European countries.

2. Nowadays, there is an active introduction of high-speed freight and passenger traffic in the world. It is obvious that high speed train movement plays an important role in the economic development of different countries. The most evident benefit is that high-speed transport permits to transport passengers or cargo over large distances in the shortest possible time. However, in spite of all the advantages of high-speed traffic, there are some problems. The results of our study indicate that in France, mail has been carried between Paris and Lyon by the TGV Postal high-speed trains since 1984. A total of 7 half-sets are available to the service. Two half-sets coupled together make up a full train consisting of 2 motor units and 8 freight cars. Each train can carry a load of 75 tons. [1]

3. Let’s start with two blocks. The one on the left should be labeled “households”, and the one on the right “firms”. On the top of the inner loop - circle - put “goods and services” with an arrow running from the firms block to the households block. At the bottom of the inner loop put “services of productive factors” with an arrow running from households to firms On the outer loop at the top, put “spending on goods and services”, with an arrow running from households to firms. And finally, at the bottom of the outer loop, put “factor incomes” with an arrow running from firms to households.

Task 6. Which clichės are linking phrases?

1. Can I have your attention, please?

2. This brings me to the next point which is...

3. The graph represents ....

4. If you look at it more closely, you'll notice ...

5. Let's now move on to ...

6. Are there any questions you’d like to ask?

7. I think the conclusions to be drawn from this graph are clear to all of us.

8. Have a look at this chart.

9. The report will take about 5minutes.

10. What is more.