Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год



When did the modern Olympic Games start?

a) 1896

Exercises 1 & 2. Tongue twisters to be remembered:

В данной скороговорке отрабатывается звук [s]:

(1) Say this sharply (резко), say this sweetly(любезно),

Say this shortly, say this softly(тихим голосом, тихо).

Say this sixteen times in succession(подряд).

В данной скороговорке отрабатывается звук [∫]:

(2) She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

В данной скороговорке отрабатываются звуки [w] и [∫]:

(3) Wish to wish: I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

Exercise 3. Give appropriate translation to the proverbs and remember them:

1. As you sow, so shall you reap. - Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

2. Nothing seek, nothing find. - Под лежачий камень вода не течет.

3. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory.-День практики стоит года теории.

4. Never say die. - Не падайте духом, не отчаивайтесь.

5. No bees, no honey, no work, no money. - Кто не работает, тот не ест.

Exercise 4. Write down the numbers you hear.

5/11/98; 24/12/85; 16/3/01; 30/9/05; 28/1/74; 15/8/00; 12/5/99; 20/4/88; 22/6/03; 31/1/04; 23/2/02; 24/7/63


Exercise 5. Practice the conversations with your partner on the situations given:

Данное упражнение предполагает составление диалогов по предлагаемым ситуациям. Для его выполнения организуйте студентов в пары. Каждая пара студентов получает свою диалоговую карточку (Card 1, Card 2, Card 3 или Card 4).

Попросите студентов определиться с ролями (А или В) и внимательно прочитать текст своих ролей на доставшихся карточках, а затем на русском языке объяснить, какую ситуацию им придется представить.

Например, в соответствии с карточкой 1, студент А разыгрывает роль Сэма Кука (Sam Cook). Он собирается позвонить в туристическое агентство “Australia Travel”. Сэм заказал два билета на самолет до Сиднея три недели назад и хочет знать, готов ли заказ. Человека, с которым он говорил в последний раз, звали Алекс Марш (Alex Marsh). Поскольку Сэм уезжает в следующий понедельник, билеты ему нужны как можно скорее.

Студент В - Алекс Марш (Alex Marsh), который работает в туристическом агентстве “Australia Travel”. Три недели назад он продал два авиабилета до Сиднея человеку, по имени Сэм Кук (SamCook). Билеты буду готовы в пятницу на этой неделе. Клиент может забрать билеты, если желает. Адрес агентства - 224, King Street.

Exercise 6. Read, memorize the conversation and practice it with a partner (column A).

Have similar conversations with some of the professions from column B. Add your future profession if necessary.

Это упражнение также выполняется студентами в парах. Попросите студентов внимательно прочитать диалог, данный в таблице (колонка А), и составить аналогичный диалог, но о своей будущей профессии. Список некоторых профессий дан в колонке В.

Exercise 7. Which personality traits are necessary for career development in the sphere of engineering / economics / management / logistics? Add your future profession if necessary.

Это упражнение можно выполнять, разделив студентов на мини-группы по 3 человека. Попросите студентов в каждой группе обсудить следующий вопрос: “Какие личностные качества необходимы для карьеры в сфере инженерного дела, экономики, менеджмента и логистики?”. Если в списке профессий нет той, которой обучаются студенты, добавьте ее.

По окончании обсуждения (5-7 минут), попросите представителей мини-групп озвучить результаты работы.

Exercise 8. Discuss in groups the pros and cons of your future specialty.

Это упражнение можно выполнять, разделив студентов на мини-группы по 3 человека. Попросите студентов в каждой группе составить список плюсов и минусов выбранной профессии. Обсудите результаты работы.

Exercise 9. Discuss the following questions:

1. What does CV stand for? - Curriculum Vitae (commonly abbreviated to CV) is the Latin expression for ‘the course of one’s life‘; but this can seem a bit misleading since no employer is interested in knowing every single detail of your life so far. It’s not an autobiography, after all. The Oxford Dictionary defines Curriculum Vitae as ‘a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous occupations, typically sent with a job application.’ Curriculum Vitae (профессиональная биография)

2. What is the main purpose of a CV?-The key purpose of your CV is purely to convince a prospective employer of your employability and to arrange an interview or a meeting with you; it is primarily a gateway to an interview. Martin Yate, a best-selling careers author, states in his book The Ultimate CV Book. “Your CV must speak loudly and clearly of your value as a potential employee. And the value must be spoken in a few brief seconds, because, in the business world, that’s all the attention a CV will get. The CV takes you only the first few paces toward that new job. It gets your foot in the door, and because you can’t be there to answer questions, it has to stand on its own. ”

3. What are the key qualities of a successful CV? - There is no single "correct" way to write and present a CV but the following general rules apply: (1) It is targeted on the specific job or career area for which you are applying and brings out the relevant skills you have to offer. (2) It is carefully and clearly laid out: logically ordered, easy to read and not cramped. (3) It is informative but concise. (4) It is accurate in content, spelling and grammar. If you mention attention to detail as a skill, make sure your spelling and grammar is perfect!

4. How many sections are there in a typical CV? What are they? - Your CV usually contains - in brief- the following information about you: (1) Personal details (name, address, telephone number and email address).(2) Education and Training. (3) Work experience. (4) Skills (or Achievements). (5) Hobbies and Interests. (6) References.

5. What is the best way to structure the contents of your CV? - There are no absolute rules but, in general, a new graduate's CV should cover no more than two sides of A4 paper. Write in a table of 2 or 3 columns. Divide it into parts according to its sections.

6. What are the two most popular ways of structuring a CV? - Chronological CV & Skill-based (or functional) CV.

Exercise 10. Compare the two CVs (A in exercise 11 and В in exercise 12). Decide which CV is chronological or skill-based?

1. Chronological CV

2. Skill-based CV

Exercise 11. Complete CV ‘A’ using a past form of the verbs:

A Chronological CV

1. worked

2. developed

3. persuaded

4. represented

5. completed

6. organized (coordinated)

7. held

8. researched

9. achived

10. coordinated (organized)

Exercise 12.

A Skill-based CV

1. Communication and teamwork

2. Energy and motivation

3. Adaptability and resourcefulness (находчивость, изобретательность)

4. Research and computer skills

Exercise 13. Answer the questions:

1. Why are skills-based CVs particularly popular with career changers and recent graduates? - These are highly-focused CVs which relate your skills and abilities to a specific job or career area by highlighting these skills and your major achievements. The factual, chronological details of your education and work history are subordinate. This work well for mature graduates and for anybody whose degree subject and work experience is not directly relevant to their application. Skills-based CVs should be closely targeted to a specific job.

2. Which approach is more common in the country you are applying for work in? - A Chronological CV. This is the "conventional" approach and the easiest to prepare. It is detailed, comprehensive and biographical and usually works well for "traditional" students with a good all-round mixture of education and work experience. Mature students, however, may not benefit from this approach, which does emphasise your age, any career breaks and work experience which has little surface relevance to the posts you are applying for now.

Exercise 14. The correct spelling is very important. Look at the following extracts from CVs. Identify and correct the spelling mistakes (the number of mistakes is given in brackets). Use a dictionary to help you.

1. previous, responsible, dealing, correspondence, messages, arranging, appointments (количество ошибок указано в скобках - 7)

2. from, benefits, experience, of, studying, abroad, practice, foreign, develop, strengths (10)

3. assistant, department, achievement, which , improving, strategic, business, planning (8)

Appendix 5

Mind Map


1. skills; 2. achievements; 3. languages; 4. experience; 5. personal characteristics; 6. knowledge.

Mind Map (prepositions)


a) at; b) to; c) at; d) to e) in; f) in; g) in; h) at; i) to; j) at.

Key words

Перед тестированием студентов с использованием Progress Test 1 рекомендуется провести опрос по следующим ключевым словам:

1 age


2 ambitious (adj.)

амбициозный (прил.)

3 aunt


4 brother-in-law

шурин, деверь

5 careful (adj.)

заботливый (прил.)

6 cheeks


7 cheerful (adj.)

весёлый, радостный (прил.)

8 chin


9 confident (adj.)

уверенный (прил.)

10 cousin

двоюродный брат / сестра

11 cruel (adj.)

жестокий (прил.)

12 daughter-in-law

невестка, сноха

13 employable (adj.)

работоспособный, трудоспособный (прил.)

14 employee


15 employer


16 even-tempered (adj.)

невозмутимый, спокойный (прил.)

17 eyelashes


18 eyes


19 eyesbrows


20 face


21 father-in-law

свекор, тесть

22 forehead


23 generous (adj.)


24 granddaughter


25 grandparents

дедушка с бабушкой

26 grandson


27 greedy (adj.)

жадный, скупой (прил.)

28 hair


29 handsome (adj.)

красивый (о мужчине) (прил.)

30 hard-working (adj.)

трудолюбивый (прил.)

31 husband


32 ill-mannered (adj.)

плохо воспитанный (прил.)

3 3 intelligent (adj.)

умный, знающий (прил.)

34 job applicant

претендент на рабочее место

35 knowledge


36 lazy (adj.)

ленивый (прил.)

37 limitation


38 lips


39 moody (adj.)

человек настроения

40 mother-in-law

свекровь, теща

41 nephew


42 niece


43 nose


44 obstinate (adj.)

упрямый; настойчивый (прил.)

45 open-handed (adj.)

великодушный, щедрый (прил.)

46 optimistic (adj.)

оптимистический (прил.)

47 original (adj.)

оригинальный, творческий (прил.)

48 parents


49 patient (adj.)

терпеливый (прил.)

50 pretty (adj.)

хорошенькая (о женщине) (прил.)

51 quick-tempered(adj.)

вспыльчивый (прил.)

52 reserved (adj.)

скрытный, сдержанный (прил.)

53 responsible/ irresponsible (adj.)

ответственный/безответственный (прил.)

54 rude (adj.)

грубый (прил.)

55 seek feedback

добиваться ответной реакции

56 self-possessed (adj.)

имеющий самообладание, хладнокровный (прил.)

57 sensitive (adj.)

чувствительный (прил.)

58 shrewd (adj.)

сообразительный (прил.)

59 shy (adj.)

застенчивый, робкий (прил.)

60 silly (adj.)

глупый (прил.)

61 sincere (adj.)

искренний (прил.)

62 sister-in-law

золовка, невестка, свояченица

63 skill


64 sly (adj.)

лукавый (прил.)

65 sociable / unsociable (adj.)

общительный / необщительный (прил.)

66 son-in-law


67 stepdaughter


68 stepfather


69 stepmother


70 stepsister/brother

сводная сестра / брат

71 stepson


72 strength

достоинство, сильная сторона

73 sympathetic (adj.)

сочувственный (прил.)

74 teeth


75 thrifty (adj.)

бережливый (прил.)

76 to achieve shared goals

достигать общих целей

77 to be brought up


78 to be good at data analysis

уметь хорошо анализировать данные

79 to come up with alternative ways

создавать новые способы / пути (решения проблемы)

80 to convince

уверять (в чём-л.)

81 to formulate new ideas

формулировать новую идею, мысль

82 to gain support

получать поддержку

83 to make decision

принимать решение

84 tolerant (adj.)

выносливый, толерантный (прил.)

85 to overcome obstacles

преодолевать препятствия

86 to persuade


87 to provide advice

давать совет, предоставлять консультацию

88 to solve problems

решать проблемы

89 to strive forward the targets

добиваться целей

90 twins


91 uncle


92 untidy (adj.)

неопрятный, неаккуратный (прил.)

93 weakness

слабое место, недостаток

94 well-bred or well-mannered

(благо)воспитанный (прил.)

95 wife


Дополнительные задания см. в Приложении 3.

Ответы к дополнительным заданиям Part I. Unit 3.

I. a) Read the text “Career Ladder” attentively. The paragraphs have been mixed put them in the chronological order.

1 E; 2 B; 3 D; 4 C; 5 A

b) Find the synonyms from the box to the words / word combinations in italics.

applied for = wrote an official request for

trainee = a very junior person in a company

earn much = didn’t get much money / she had a low salary

in-house training = the company gave her help and advice to become better

prospects = future possibilities in the job

pay rise = more money every week/month

was promoted = was given a higher position with more money and responsibility

in charge of = the boss of

employees = workers

fresh challenge = new exciting situation

career change = to work in different kind of job

abroad = work in another country

resigned = officially told the company she was leaving her job

involved = included

dismissed = told her to leave

unemployed = without a job

part-time job = working only part of the day or week

took over = took control of

retired = stopped working completely

c) Title each paragraph.

Возможный ответ

E - Getting a Job; B - Moving Up; D - Hard Times; C - Leaving the Company; A - Happier Times

d) Ask 5 questions to the text. - Свободный ответ.

II. a) Discuss the questions:

1. What general skills and knowledge do most employers look for in job applicants? - Свободный ответ.

2. Apart from specific qualifications and technical expertise, what skills and knowledge have you got that make you employable? - Свободный ответ.

b) Match the transferable skills (1-8) to the examples of professional behavior (a-h):

1 f; 2 d; 3 a; 4 g; 5 e; 6 h; 7 c; 8 b.

c) Read the personal statement from the skills-based CV and find words and phrases which demonstrate the following points: education; character; knowledge; experience; success. Answer the questions on it.

Well-organised, highly motivated communications strategy adviser. Geography graduate with recent professional experience developing communication strategy for positive change. Currently completing Master’s in developing Studies with specific focus on sustainability. Fluent spoken and written English. Self-motivated, resourceful and able to motivate others, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

education - Geography graduate; currently completing Master’s in developing Studies with specific focus on sustainability;

character - well-organised, highly motivated; self-motivated, resourceful and able to motivate others, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills;

knowledge - communications strategy adviser;

experience - with recent professional experience developing communication strategy for positive change;

success - Geography graduate with recent professional experience developing communication strategy for positive change.

a) What sort of person am I? - Self-motivated, resourceful and able to motivate others, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

b) What is my area of professional expertise? - Well-organised, highly motivated communications strategy adviser.

c) What is my most important qualification? - Geography graduate with recent professional experience developing communication strategy for positive change.

d) What is my most relevant skill for the job? - Fluent spoken and written English.

e) What am I doing at the moment? - Currently completing Master’s in developing Studies with specific focus on sustainability.


Audio script to Progress Test 1 (elementary & intermediate levels)

- Hi, Daniel! Have you got five minutes?

- Yes, sure!

- I want to look at the shape of your fingers.

- Why?

- I want to tell you about your personality!

- Oh, great, I love doing this kind of thing!

- Ok. There are three main things to look at.

- What are they?

- First, the length of your fingers. People with long slim fingers are quite sensitive. People with shorter, thicker fingers like yours are more open. They talk about their feelings more.

- I really enjoy talking about my feelings and I’m a very open person and this is great! What else?

- Well, secondly there is the shape of your fingers. Are your fingers straight?

- They seem to be fairly straight.

- That means you’re organized and reliable. Is that true?

- Yes, I really think that’s true about me.

- Finally, the thumb is very important. Let’s see if your thumb bends back easily.

- Well, like this?

- Yes. Yours bends quite a lot, which means you like talking, chatting.

- I love talking!

- Yes, I know! If it doesn’t bend back, it means you’re more reserved. You avoid telling people about your problems or feelings.

- Well. That’s not me.

- And a long thumb means you’re ambitious. You’ve got quite a long thumb? So you’re quite ambitious!

- That’s absolutely right!

- Oh! Come on! Let me look at your fingers...



Task 1. 1- shape; 2 - personality; 3 - sensitive; 4 - open; 5 - feelings; 6 - straight; 7 - organized; 8 - talking; 9 - reserved; 10 - ambitious. - Score 10


Task 2. 1 - Are you good at sports?; 2 - Has he got any brothers or sisters? 3- How old are they?; 4 - Do you like studying German?; 5 - Have you been to America?; 6 - Have you seen your boss today?; 7 - Did you go to the shops yesterday? - Score 7


Task 3. I 1-скромный; 2-оптимистичный; 3-надежный; 4-амбициозный; 5-ленивый; 6-пессимистичный; 7-щедрый; 8-опрятный; 9-человек настроения (капризный); 10-чувствительный. - Score10

Task 4. II 1 - nephew; 2 - stepmother; 3 - father-in-law; 4 - twin; 5 - husband; 6 - brother-in-law; 7 - wife; 8 - stepsister; 9 - age; 10 - granddaughter. - Score 10


Task 5. i - b; ii - a; iii - a; iv - a; v - b. - Score 5

Task 6. 1 претендент на рабочее место; 2. достоинство, сильная сторона; 3. решать проблемы; 4. добиваться ответной реакции; 5. работодатель.

Написание простых предложений. - Свободный ответ - Score 10



Task 1. - 1, 2, 4 - Score - 3

Task 2. - 2, 3, 6, 8. - Score - 4


Task 3. 1 - isn’t raining; 2 - correct(go); 3 - goes; 4 - is boiling; 5 - is getting; 6- correct (is talking); 7 - are you using; 8 - we’re staying; 9 - is trying; 10 - correct (are doing; am not working) - Score - 10


Task 4. 1-physical appearance; 2-personality; 3-to look like someone; 4-to put on weight; 5-to go on a diet; 6-to get stressed - Score - 6

Task 5. 1-physical appearance; 2-look like; 3-get stressed; 4-put on weight; 5-on a diet; 6-personality - Score - 6

Task 6. 1-shyness; 2-optimism; 3-reliability; 4-ambition; 5-laziness; 6-pessimism; 7-generosity; 8-tidiness; 9-moodiness; 10-sensitivity. - Score - 10

Task 7. 1-moody; 2-shyness; 3-reliable; 4-ambition; 5-optimistic; 6-generosity; 7-tidiness; 8-laziness.- Score - 8


Task 8. b) - Score - 1

Task 9. i - b; ii - b; iii - a; iv - a; v - a; vi - b; vii - b; viii - a. - Score - 8

Task 10 a) to be good at data analysis; b) to come up with alternative ways; c) weakness; d) knowledge; e) employable.

Написание сложных предложений. - Свободный ответ - Score 10